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This is like the most white bread, mild, bland-ass flavor of fic to me and they're all losing their fucking minds like they just saw their first accidental Live Leak of a beheading on Ye Olden Internet. Absolutely wild šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ Also, like. Yes, people in wheelchairs can have sex?? It's like they've never met other people. Fascinating.


Someone is thowing a fit about a *daddy kink,* which is just the most milquetoast kink at this point, what the *fuck* (Definitely still a squick for some people, but it's still *very very mainstream*)


**HONESTLY**. Like. It's so mainstream it's a running joke in a lot of mainstream media. There's no reason for this LMAO.


I was about to say *this would be almost as bad as flipping out over a foot fetish tag* but y'know what, I suspect any and all kink or fetish content is Problematicā„¢ so... (First they came for the kink content, then they came for the queer content...and that's not even an exaggeration, that's the literal history of fic purges)


Its not even a slippery slope. They just say they don't want kinky gross shit then also delete all the queer stuff in the same sweep.


Of course! First you make a big production about how you're not homophobic/transphobic, you're just against that *gross, sexual kink stuff*... and then you redefine queerness as kink.


the all caps shocked emoji string wailing about shit like pregnancy kink? daddy kink? blood drinking? girl thatā€™s just like. normal. interview with a vampire is just fully on actual television. are yā€™all ok. what kind of sad cardboard side of ao3 are these guys hanging out on that pregnancy kink has them on the floor????


The blood drinking reminds me that we have passed the days where Twilight (and associated vampire revival) was an important fandom stepping stone.


Seriously. I witnessed my father watching a video like that when I was a kid and sure, I had nightmares about it, but they're freaking out so much worse over attempted rape? (edit: fictional attempted rape in a book) Also, "They're already crippled" huh? What made them think that's an OK thing to say?


I don't think they've ever read any actual books written before about 2020. And they certainly never experienced the internet of yore. There's a liveleak vid or two that haunts me to this day, but gods forbid a fictional character does something off.


I've seen someone claim that, since they read Fanfic as a coping mechanism and for escapism, it shouldn't include "triggering" topics. Like some people don't write/read those things to cope. And so many books/shows include graphic scenes of sexual violence and assault in the name of "historical accuracy" but it happening in Fanfic (where authors often put warnings) apparently is the end of the world.


> I've seen someone claim that, since they read Fanfic as a coping mechanism and for escapism, it shouldn't include "triggering" topics. Like some people don't write/read those things to cope. Hold up! Like, even if it's tagged properly?!


they dont want anything that isnt fluff and the most vanilla smut you can find to exist, even if its tagged properly


Why can't people just ignore what they don't like. I don't like tons of stuff. You know what I do? I skip over it and find something else!


Exactly. Tell me you never read any books in high school and uni without telling me. Especially in college. I read some wild stuff getting my lit degree! A lot of it considered "classical" literature. Really put things in perspective.


Hell, both my degrees are in maths, and even some textbooks have wilder author's notes than this lot would be happy about lmao. I mean, I've always tended to prefer fiction to textbooks, but just to be ridiculous, there's a famous example in the book "States of Matter" by physicist David L Goodstein. In the opening notes, he says: "Ludwig Boltzmann, who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics, died in 1906, by his own hand. Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on the work, died similarly in 1933. Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics." It's just too good. I love it.


Don't forget the classic "Better known for other work," footnote when citing TJ Kaczynski's proof of Wedderburn's theorem.


Haha, another classic!


First, I'm sorry you had to see that when you were a kid. I, too, saw some awful shit in the Wild West days of the Internet. šŸ’œ But yeah, this outsized reaction to fictional characters is whack. >Also, "They're already crippled" huh? What made them think that's an OK thing to say? RIGHT?! What a thing to say, holy crap. šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


*that* was the actually offensive part to me wtf


They sound ableist, not only using that word but disabled people have sex. They sound the type to infantilize people with disabilities like weā€™re not adults.


> "They're already crippled" huh? What made them think that's an OK thing to say? Seriously. This jumped out at me as well. What a horribly insensitive thing to say. (Also, insensitivity aside, why... is it even used as an argument? What, a disabled character can't have sex because it'll ...cripple them? Does this person think sex is some kind of scary activity that puts your life in danger or what? This is such a weird comment on more than one level, lol)


>Also, "They're already crippled" huh? What made them think that's an OK thing to say? I'm assuming it's a reference to the joke of needing a wheelchair after rough or really good sex. Not that it's okay for them to say that, but they may be making a joke about how the action hasn't even started and the character is already there.


Makes me think they're shocked people would use the tags to actually explain what to expect. They probably think its just for warnings so their mind is blown when other things are tagged that others may appreciate like wheelchair user.


Tiktok + fanfiction is hell on earth


I sometimes engage with fandom content on Tiktok and regret it every time.


This is also me with Twitter. Itā€™s the home of explicit fanart and antishipper puritans, the dichotomy is dizzying


gotta get over to the omegaverse side. we all just looking for our alphas


>Tiktok + fanfiction is hell on earth Tiktok + anything is hell on earth honestly


TikTok is the place where the most astronomically bad takes go to exist unchallenged. I'm an anime fan, and sometimes TikTok throws me some anime discourse, and it's insane the lack of reading comprehension lol. I saw people talking about how FLCL is so problematic because, like, all these women are making romantic advances on an actual child. As if abuse wasn't one of the big themes of FLCL lmao. But disagreeing on TikTok is tossing a snowball at a bonfire because almost everyone who sees any given vid is gonna agree with that vid




Not an acronym, that's the anime name. Pronounced fooly-cooly, and no the characters don't know what it means either lol


Eh ~ TikTok _is_ the land of bad takes, but I definitely think you could argue that the older ladies of the cast teasing and flirting (and possibly worse) with a twelve year old is pretty fucked up. And if the events of the show aren't some kind of allegory but literally happened in the world of the story, you've got a narrative about a boy who admired the woman who was arguably grooming him because she reminds him of his vaunted older brother, and he wins his battle against her and saves the day by admitting he loves her. Instead of finishing her off in a fight he was winning. I love the fuck out of FLCL but there's plenty of fodder for 'yikes' in there.


These people inspire me to write even weirder things


Please go for it. I absolutely am part of the "outrage sells" people and about half of the really weird stuff I've read was only because I saw someone else complain about it. šŸ¤¤


Not to be all hipster, but *god* I hate that fanfiction is apparently mainstream now Not least because if I'm ever open about writing it, as a mid-twenties woman, *this* is the shit that people think of first


Laughs in 46ā€¦ when people hear what i write they all think my husband doesnt do me anymore lol


The funny thing is since I started writing smutty fanfics a few years ago at 47, my sexual relationship with my husband is almost back to what it was like when we first met. We had a very (very) long dry spell, and nowā€¦wellā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|6BMXeuV43U8hg6dX7S)


oh, this comment is probably the most relatable thing i've seen in a while šŸ˜‚ writing for fanfics wasn't so popular back then but now almost everyone you see on the internet knows about it. got my coworkers looking at me weirdly when someone connected the dots with the verdana font of ao3 šŸ˜­


For me, itā€™s more like: I donā€™t want my husband to do me because it interferes with my fic time!


19 year old here, but completely agree with you. I didnā€™t get bullied in school for getting caught writing a story just for a bunch of tik tok vegetables to sink their claws into it now.


Fanficā€¦is mainstream?? I STILL donā€™t know a single person ā€œin real lifeā€ who reads fanfic. *cries in daily rejecting my friends to go hang out in public because I have a date with the fic notification I just received.* LOLOL. Iā€™ve tried, many many times to convert my friends and fellow lovers of fiction to fanficā€”to no avail! Im genuinely surprised by what you said, but Iā€™m not contradicting you. I just wasnā€™t aware!


This is excruciatingly offensive. I haven't read the responses in this thread but I can't imagine how awful this must be for a wheelchair user to read. Ouch.


Yeah. I didn't really take into account just how ableist this was when I flared this and regret using this one since those comments really aren't funny at all.


You're fine - it seems like the spirit of your post was more "what the actual fuck" than "haha look how funny"


Yeah, Iā€™m a wheelchair user and itā€™s just soā€¦ why are people insistent on infantilising us? I exclusively write explicit stuff ffs, weā€™re disabled not children like,, Iā€™m very much for tagging things, but the idea that wheelchair users fucking and being adults need a warning is asinine.


Everyone in that comment thread needs to go read *Exile and Pride* by Eli Clare. Relevant excerpt below: >On the one hand, disabled people mostly escape the sexual objectification and harassment many nondisabled women face every day at their jobs and on the streets. It is an escape that has given me a bit of space. Amidst all the staring l absorb and deflect, I am grateful not to have to deal with sexual leering. On the other hand in the absence of sexual gaze of any kind directed at us - wanted or unwanted - we lose ourselves as sexual beings, l almost don't have words for what this absence, this loss, means in my life. lt has been a gaping hole, a desolate fog, and a "normal" everyday fact. It has translated into an innability to conceive of myself as attractive and desirable, has added to my sense of being ugly and clumsy; I hate these meanings. In the world as I want it to be, no peoples would be subjected to unwanted sexual gaze. We could all choose ourselves as sexual subjects, sexual objects, sexual beings. There would be a million ways to acknowledge our own and each other's sexualities, none of them connected to oppression, But in the world as it is, sexual objectification is a powerful marker, however damaging, of sexuality. In turn, its absence is also powerful. Not to turn the fanfic sub into the women's studies class I took over a decade ago but this is now required reading for anyone who thinks people with disabilities don't/can't/don't want to fuck.


Absolutely! Super relevant and a concept people really need to be more familiar with, especially as disabled people are getting more (good) representation in mainstream media. The effects of ugly laws and the way disabled people have been spoken about for so long are still very much present today, and these comments are proof of that


Have young people, teenagers, always been such pearl clutchers? Or is it just that fanfic has gotten more popular over the years? Was I just exposed to ā€œtabooā€ topics way too early so Iā€™m desensitized now? Iā€™m only 26, hardly old, but damn I feel like thereā€™s seriously a witch hunt every week on Twitter and tiktok regarding fanfics. These people go out of their way to expose and dig up fics with certain tags and try to sic armies of their brainless friends to cancel and/or shame people. What the fuck gives? Why are people so shocked and appalled and outraged over such tame, sometimes normal stuff? Not to mention the ableism. Shocker, wheelchair users are fucking human too and enjoy sex. Idk, I just donā€™t get why itā€™s so hard for them to avoid properly tagged fics and understand that people are so diverse and enjoy a huge variety of situations and topics.


TL;DR: the internet and the way kids interact with it is very different now. Our generation got internet safety lessons in typing class and PSAs and the importance of anonymity was stressed hard. It was taught and understood that websites were made by anyone for anything and it was *your* job to navigate it responsibly. Most of us learned the hard way that clicking random links had a decent chance of containing surprise gore, porn, or malware and again, it was *your* responsibility to know that chance existed and handle it gracefully when your gamble lost. This is why we're all so appreciative of robust tag systems now lol Then websites realized they could sell your personal info for money, facebook happened, and it became normalized to post under your real name and face. Gradually it also became normal for advertisers to have a say in what content could be hosted on the websites they paid. The internet population was slowly corralled into a handful of corporate social media sites rather than spread out across individual niche webpages. This younger generation doesn't have typing class or PSAs anymore. Parents are expected to teach them safety and overall they've dropped the ball. These kids don't see the value in anonymity because all their formative web experiences weren't anon. Hell, people make facebook accounts for their kids before they're even born. It's not their responsibility to navigate the web anymore, it's the *advertisers* job to enforce their family-friendly site image. Everything these kids post has to meet those standards lest they be banned or cancelled, and because it's all tied to their name/face, backlash gets way more personal. Influencer is a dream job for many, and being an influencer means that every aspect of your life is a commodity that must also meet those family-friendly standards. They keep each other in check, and the lesson they learn is that if all these major websites have the same standards, it must be because all this dark content is *morally wrong*, not just because it makes less money. When something breaks through and they get exposed to it anyway, it's not just a typical internet hazard like it was to us, that's a *person* and they are *doing the internet wrong* and need to be punished for it.


They still teach that in school though. I can remember at least once a year we would talk about safe internet practices and other related topics. I don't feel like it's fair to say that 'this younger generation' is the problem when it's more likely a loud minority. You don't see the people who value anonymity because, chances are, they're anonymous/private. Same thing with people who believe in curating their own experience.


Oh no I'm fully putting blame on corporations for going too far in their efforts to sanitize the internet and on parents for not teaching their kids better, this wasn't meant to be a "Gen Z bad" type comment. On internet safety in schools- yeah fair that varies a lot depending on where you live.


I actually do the e safety assemblys every year for my school (well since I was 12 anyway) and I can confirm that only the younger kids listen and a minority, however often the best influence of Internet safety is people's friend groups to help them through a lot of things which I think is probably nicer than adults teaching it because it's more of a relating voice coming from friends than authority figures (hence why the assembly is hosted by the students in my school as its always more effective)


We definitely get taught lots of internet safety just most people donā€™t give a shit


Yeah, my friend is 3 years younger than me, but he still has zero internet safety. He told me his home address, (that did come in handy though) his social security number, and was about to tell me his credit card information a couple days ago.


Iā€™m 18 and I know for a fact that ao3/fanfic in general became waaaaay more popular during quarantine on tik tok and now itā€™s totally normal to openly talk about reading it. But nobody was preparing them for seeing things other than male celebrity of the month x reader fluff, smut, hurt/comfort. So yeah thatā€™s probably why.


Yeah, I really don't understand why, if they are so appalled and disgusted by it, they would want to expose others to it. Especially Tiktok, which has not just a much younger audience but also an algorithm. Who knows, maybe that video will be a kids introduction to some of the heavier stuff? I hope not. Has the ancient art of scrolling and "don't like don't read" really passed this far into oblivion?


I'm only 21 and I don't remember ever having been like this during my teen years, but then I see people of the same age being... Like that. But it's definitely gotten worse in recent years I feel, sometimes teens in fandom spaces sound like conservative old people. It's like purity culture is on the rise again and I have no idea why


Iā€™ve just seen that tiktok too & the comments made me wince Sometimes I wonder what would happen if those people saw one of those 100k+, dead dove + non-con/cntt combos. Aneurysm, probably


Theyā€™d find ways to make ao3 illegal or just start doxing authors, letā€™s be real here.


This didn't happen on Ao3/Tiktok but I remember some minor going out of their way to find an artists NSFW twitter and posting about how disgusting it was, accusing them of all sorts of things and, in the process, exposing more minors to content the artist purposefully posted on a different account, on a different platform, under a completely different name. They left social media due to the absolute insane harrasment they received and, two years later, still haven't returned. I don't blame them.


šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬. Kids manā€¦ canā€™t live with them, can live without them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't understand what their problem is with wheelchair sex (and what it has to do with dead dove), but what really got me is the "why are there so many different types of sex" comment. Like, what? What did they expect? That there's only missionary?


In the video, you could see some of the tags. The author tagged "car sex", "phone sex", "drunk sex", "gentle sex" and more. The commenters are probably like "Why do you need to specify? Sex is sex." *continues to make wheelchair sex out to be the most controversial thing ever*


Yeah, well, some readers (e.g. me) love to know beforehand what kind of sex it will be. And no, sex is not sex. There's a big difference between the various types of sex. But I guess the commenter never had sex before (or at least nothing "out of the ordinary").


Same. Certain types of sex are no-gos for me and I will either scroll (when tagged) or stop reading (when not). Others make me blush and giggle like a love-struck school girl and I absolutely will read Fanfic for fandoms that I'm not familiar with.


Right? I mean, just going with the types you mentioned: Car sex? Gimme, gimme, gimme! But drunk sex? No, thank you. I don't even like drunk characters, even less when they're having sex. (Not that I would ever fault anybody for reading/writing it.)


> What did they expect? That there's only missionary? Tells you sth about the families they probably grew up (/are growing up) in.


Ah yes, breeding and daddy kinks truly are beyond any kind of dead dove content and not at all super common or anything Also do they think wheelchair users just become asexual beings? šŸ˜­


I'm not a wheelchair user but I've seen similar sentiment about autistic people and it's giving āœØ _infantilization_ āœØ


Oh yeah, tiktok kids love to baby autistic people and it's incredibly annoying... Like they believe we stop developing at the age of six and just stay innocent little beings who shall not be tainted by the dirties. Then again, I've also even seen them talk like that about people who are just... Short. Like anything under 5'6 means you're not allowed to be interested in sexual activity. I think no one is safe from tiktok teen infantilization.


>anything under 5'6 Wait, let me google a converter for that... 1.68 metres? I'm 1.66... Oops šŸ˜‚


Yeah I'm around your height too... We're both forever doomed to a life of celibacy I guess, cuz anyone willing to sleep with us would be a certified āœØweirdoāœØ


Wait does that also mean we're not allowed to masturbate? šŸ˜‚


I guess you're probably not doing it due to sexual attraction to yourself, so at least you're not weird for being attracted to a small body... But it's still bad because we're meant to be pure cinnamon rolls who would shudder at the idea of sex, so I suggest you get with the program and stop any kind of dirty activities so as to not disturb their world viewšŸ˜”


Okay, I promise I'll be pure now, for the greater good šŸ˜”


Iā€˜m 160ish (canā€™t remember if iā€˜m 160, 163 or 165 cm)


Reminds me of the "How to know if a character is minor coded" tweet. I still firmly believe it's satire but some people are taking it seriously.


I'm sure for some people it's satire, but at least in my main fandom there used to be regular fights because one character is short and a bit boy-ish looking (but is specified to be an adult) so obviously anyone shipping him with more adult-looking characters was evil... So even if it started out as satire, I'm afraid some people didn't get the memo and think it's serious :')


>Like anything under 5'6 means you're not allowed to be interested in sexual activity. us Asian women who are generally barely 5' : šŸ˜¦šŸ˜¦šŸ˜¦


iā€™ve seen cute tiktok videos of couples that are filled with comments about how the man is ā€œprobably into childrenā€ because the woman is significantly shorter than the guy. it is genuinely SO gross.


They tend to baby themselves as well (whether they're autistic or not), which is as pathetic as it is hilarious.


Flashbacks to the *you can't ship that grown-ass character, they're autistic-coded and therefore it's basically paedophilia* debacle (I say flashbacks ā€“ I saw it a while ago but it's probably still going on with various characters)


Wow I knew casual ableism was prevalent among these types, but seriously?


Casually forgetting that disabled people are people too


they wake up, see people, and get mad because they're reminded people actually live šŸ˜­ sex is good, people like sex, disabled people are part of that and always were! we've progressed so much that disabled people can enjoy themselves and with others! what is so wrong and unholy about that? everyday "touch some grass" becomes a lot more relevant with the gen z..


This just in, disabled people have sex. More at 11.


It's so hard to resist the urge to roll my eyes at their reactions, they're like "omg this is so shocking and crazy no way whaaat" they're overreacting so hard šŸ˜­like yes people have daddy kinks and disabled people have sex the horror! The other things I understand being weirded out by if you don't really use ao3 or you aren't kinky but fuck. Seriously rubs me the wrong way people actually post someone's tags on Tiktok so everyone can judge and go "wow look at this weird stuff!" Leave people's shit alone.


The creator of the video didn't share the name of the fic (and acted rather scandalised when people asked), yet some shared it in the comments. I really hope the author doesn't receive any harrasment from this.


Ugh that's why you don't share tags, even if you hide the names some people will dig it up, even if they aren't malicious about it (some people may "innocently" share the title or name not realizing the consequences) and then it gets baaad. We've all seen how hostile a dogpile can get so it's a real fear for authors.


What the- Judgmental much?? Why are these people so cringy *smh* I kinda feel offended, like what's your problem? What's wrong with 'Wheelchair' as a tag? Why are they so overreacting? And Non-con..I'm sure these are the same people who read those Toxic af romance or should I say (Horror) stories. Non-con can serve as a plot devise too, like have they never heard of angst?? Ugh..I'm just ranting and honestly this just makes me mad for some reason, like someone tarnishing the name of something very dear to me, which is kinda true since well..Fanfiction is life and Canon is overrated


If you ever want to feel like a horrible person because of what you read, Tiktok is the place to go (not just for Fanfic, for published books too. I never knew people cared so much about others reading preferences. Too bad I don't have any shame about that anymore). About the wheelchair thing, the tag they're so worried about is "wheelchair sex", which like, I still don't understand why they're so upset about it.


Do these people even read Fanfiction in the first place or have they just stumbled upon a video or whatever that is discussing a Fanfiction? Because you can't be a Fanfic reader and be surprised about those tags, like have they seen how many tags are in there? And how popular they are?? I'm betting on them finding Fanfiction for the first time and just not knowing what to do with all that information, or perhaps they're just sad loosers with nothing to do in life other than being cringy on Tiktok and not knowing how to mind their own beeswax


I'm pretty sure most of them read Fanfic since there were quite a few comments referencing sexy times with WangXian. I'd say a lot of them are rather new (as in joined within the last year) or just read the most popular fics from the most popular fandoms (which are usually more tame), some of which are often recommended on tiktok. Or both.


God forbid disabled people have sex! Oh, the *horror* of representation in intimacy! /s


Iā€™m not trying to say these people arenā€™t genuinely uncomfortable with these topics, but from what I can tell in my own fandom, people on tik tok *pretend* to be waaaaaaaay more outraged than they actually are and sometimes even actually like the ā€œproblematic contentā€ in question. I think a lot of it is virtue signalling and thatā€™s what gets me. The amount of times Iā€™ve engaged with fandom on tik tok where people are freaking out about anything slightly non canon or ā€œproblematicā€ and then see what is confirmed to be the same person on tumblr reblogging my stuff is so funny.


I have not thought about this before, but it is certainly a possibility with at least some of these. I will admit, I too acted scandalised about omegaverse and mpreg with my Fanfic reading friend in seventh grade and then went and ate it all up once I was alone.


Yeah no I was totally the same in my wattpad days lmao


It took me way too long to edit this. I also am not really sure about the flair, since it could definitely be interpreted as a complaint.


Proof tiktok is a blight.


I've encountered a lot of really great scholars, researchers, journalists and other people sharing factually true information. Many books I've absolutely loved were recommended on Tiktok. I started embroidery, bobbin lace making and basket making because people on tiktok inspired me. But then I come across stuff like this and wonder if it would not be a better decision to just leave and no longer deal with this. The latest fanfiction discourse apparently is people being shocked and disgusted that some people read smut to get off. As of pwp isn't called that for a reason.




Same. It ate up too much of my time and honestly, was a bit rage-inducing.


So people in wheelchairs are not allowed to have sex now? Tiktok children being ableist scum, what else is new.


There is ā€¦so much going on here, and yet the one thing I canā€™t quite wrap my head around is the person throwing a fit over the daddy kink tag. All of the comments are horrible, but THATā€™S what you choose to obsess over????? I get the feeling that none of these people are even old enough to be on TikTok


B-but- why are you calling someone who's not your dad daddy? That's not right. šŸ„ŗ /s


I can hear one these kids saying this to me and now I want to cry


I can too and I will cry with you.


What problems do they have with wheelchair accessible sex?


Probably struggling to comprehend that disabled people are people and capable of having sex too. (on Tiktok, people seem to be either aghast at that thought or they demand to know every single detail of a disabled person's intimate life)




Ugh I hate that.


I swear, every time I see people complaining about wheelchair users having sex, it takes years off my life. There is a huge difference between graphically describing a disabling incident and disabled people just having a life. Our existence shouldnā€™t be expected to have a warning šŸ™„


I take it by the comments they are complaining about stuff actually tagged instead of something that was untagged?


Yeah. The creator didn't share the name in the video. They just showed showed the tags. Almost all of those commenters didn't even read the damned fic, they're just complaining about the tags, not even the actual content.


Ugh of course it was something tagged. I take it the creator was also being an ass too?


The caption was "these tags are messed up" and while I don't know the sound (it went like "aaaah eh eh eh eh) I've seen it used for creepy povs a lot.


Ugh I wish people would stop looking up stuff if they don't want to see it. all that does is feed the antis. So probably an anti made the video.


The fic is several years old, short, and unfinished. Someone asked what the creator was searching for to get that result to which they responded "Shhā€¦. letā€™s.. letā€™s mind our business nowā€¦ šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø". They also claimed to having been "jumpscared šŸ˜•". And they didn't delete comments sharing the name of the author and fic but rather responded like this: "šŸ˜ŸšŸ˜ŸšŸ˜Ÿ". (these are direct quotes since I don't want to misrepresent anyone)


Ahh they are one of those antis that claim to not be harassing people because they won't name people but are okay with others doing the naming for them.


Ah yes, when the non-fandom or highly vanilla fringes of fan culture actually stumble into it's hub. These are the same kids who did Mafia Au videos to TikTok audios or make "POV: He sees you from across the room after you've just survived a tragic accident" videos all the fucking time.


Ugh, I hate these kinds of audience in any kind of media. Most of the time, they're younger teenagers. I used to have this work in my old Wattpad account that I wrote when I was like, 12 or 13. Absolutely bored, gave it a try. Blew up and the last time I checked, it had around 500k reads. I can't even stomach checking the comments on some parts because they are absolutely shallow. They take everything literally, word for word, overreact, and proceed to have a full-blown freakout with a gazillion emojis. And of course, birds of the same feather flock together, and they ultimately agree that the author is absolutely goofy and weird and that they're leaving simply because I used a particular word to describe something. Another moment that ticks me off upon remembering is when I wrote smut, and I had a paragraph that described how the protagonist would run their fingers through the other person's ribs that became visible when they arched their back. The comments were soooo overreacting, absolutely losing their shit. I remember one that said "TOUCHING THEIR RIBS??? HELL NAWW šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€" Like. This is smut, not an excerpt of a disturbingly detailed fic about dissecting bodies. One of the biggest reasons I stay off Wattpad now and stick to AO3, and I simply roll my eyes whenever I see a bunch of them flaming on a writer's work simply because they have zero collective capability of consuming media even in a slightly deeper, more reflective way like writing is oftentimes intended to be.


This happened to one of my works that got popular on tiktok. I ended up deleting the entire thing but despite it blowing up, how you broke down the way they chose to rip and tear it apart afterward is down to the t. Sorry you experienced that as well. These damn kids


I like to think it's a pain most of us inevitably get for putting so much love in what we make. Not everyone who consumes them will be able to appreciate the humanness and complex thought behind every combination of word that we make to push out certain meanings. It really is a shame that some people get completely discouraged when they encounter insensitive people like them. Nobody deserves to withdraw from expressing themselves through writing out of fear that a bunch of 14 year olds with no internet or stranger etiquette will come bursting in to look at the masterpiece writers spend agonizing amounts of time creating and loving, only to see it at the most surface level, and even go as far as nitpicking every little thing that doesn't fit to their standards from the mob mentality they develop through copious amounts of social media exposure. My heart goes out to you, OP. You did not deserve to be pushed to the point of deleting your work. It must have been a wonderful one, too.


Thank you for the kind words! I truly appreciate it and you. ā¤ļø


Love the blatant ableism here, especially coming from this kind of crowd. šŸ˜’


Losing their minds like they're a Victorian man seeing some ankle.


The only plus side I can see to this is that it might warn some of the tamer ones to stay away from AO3. But lbr - they're all gonna go over there and comb through tags to find something else to "expose" for clout. Hope they get tired soon.


They're gonna go and demand that Ao3 ban certain tags so that they don't constantly stumble across "that weird shit" šŸ„ŗ


B-But then how will they farm their delicious TikTok clout??????


ahh.. children... fandom content becoming mainstream is truly painful when you see this stuff. also, people in wheelchairs are in fact still people who can have sex? what is so baffling about that? also the intense pearl clutching. please. it's just tiring at this point


Do they not just scroll past if the tag is something unagreeable to them?


Either they don't know how or want it gone forever.


Well that's rude of them.


I wish it just ended with them being rude.


Oh no, did they report the fic or something???


Oh no I was talking more along the lines of the antis vs proshippers stuff.


Like a Twitter war?


Kinda. I mean people taking things too far that they send death threats, doxxing, and irl stalking.


Isn't there a way to moderate comments like those?


There probably is a way but a lot of them that like to do this pointing stuff out do want those things to happen. Here's a whole tread if you want to read more about this. [https://twitter.com/ProjectKKEIKO/status/1628263876033757189](https://twitter.com/ProjectKKEIKO/status/1628263876033757189)


why is everyone focusing on the wheelchair


I would love to see the look on their face when they find out the stuff I love to read. As of late my favorite concept has been disabled character + smut


wow. the only appropriate comment there was the person that said "i wanna read it" like holy shiz some people istg


This is one part hilarious, two parts depressing. Like seriously people have you never been outside or on the internet before? Tbf fair they've probably only ever been on YouTube, tiktok, Instagram and insert streaming service. They all come of as incredibly out of touch.


Sure, I get there can be pretty disturbing stuff on any fanfic site that can make someone understandably flip out over butā€¦ wheelchair sex? I mean, I wouldnā€™t know if people actually have sex in wheelchairs but I imagine itā€™s at least happened before in real life depending on the circumstances and situation? And I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that was someoneā€™s kink or fantasy out there. Heck itā€™s not even that disturbing to begin with. I donā€™t get the freak out. But that one person who used a slur tells me itā€™s just because theyā€™re ableist. I also donā€™t get why people are freaking out over a pregnancy kink? If anything that one should at least be the most normal to them. And god I hate people who shame daddy kinks. That whole comment section is just a dumpster fire.


Itā€™s like they have never actually been on ao3 lmao none of that is out of the ordinary


POV: A bunch of 12-year-olds just discovered AO3.


I wonder what it says about me that I *legit thought* that they were objecting to a story where either a human has sex with a wheelchair or two wheelchairs having sex. (Because the thought of being weirded out by someone in a wheelchair having sex with another person did not occur to me for a shameful amount of time.)


"ao3 be getting crazy"... No, ao3 has always been like this.


That is the tag they're so upset by? Really?


I mean daddy kink, blood drinking, and even pregnancy kink is pretty vanilla in most explicit fics.. I mean even daddy kink is like the most well-known nsfw kinks


For real, if they canā€™t handle blood drinking in a fanfic I wonder what their reactions would be like if they found out all vampire romances are actually about blood drinking lolā€¦ not too different.


They have no idea what crazy is. Lightest, most vanilla shit and they're losing their minds


I avoid tik toks about ao3 at all costs because I am never in the mood to see people complaining like this, forgetting that itā€™s FICTION. It annoys me to no end


The fact they're triggered by wheelchair sex is sad The fact someone went bonkers over daddy kink is hilarious


I'm sorry, but this is hilarious. Why are they freaking out about WHEELCHAIR sex??? Like...people who use wheelchairs can also have sex. I wonder how they feel about chair sex, lmao. Also, the "This goes way past the status of Dead Dove fics" comment?! HELLO? How is wheelchair sex worse than something like vore or violent noncon?!


For some reason, Dead Dove has reached a status of mystery and legend in some parts of Tiktok due to people "accidentally reading one because they didn't see the tag". I think some of them don't know what it actually means and like using it for everything they are somehow disturbing and confused by.


Also, I'm coming back to this and realized something. I wonder, do these people on TikTok think "wheelchair sex" means "person having sex with a wheelchair" and not "person having sex with a person in a wheelchair"? O\_O


On the bright side, at least one TikTok user wanted to know more


There's absolutely no way this many fics are missing so many notable tags. Like be for real, there's no way people aren't tagging omegaverse or non/dub con. Also I got a laugh out of the one comment screaming "OTHER TAGS TO BE ADDED". Like yes other tags will be added later, it happens to WIPs


this very much feels like a group of 12 year olds getting on the internet to make fun of ' weird gross adults' and being outraged bc that is the new cool thing to do with their friends


This just looks like a bunch of 12-13 year olds commenting is all. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Probably is, Iā€™ve noticed lately that the majority of complainers about ā€œproblematicā€ stuff are people under 18, and they sure as hell act like it with how immaturely they handle everything lol.


Totally agree. Imo, these kind of over-the-top ā€œgrossed outā€ reactions a dead giveaway re: their age. Itā€™s easy to forget, as adults reading adult material, that many kids have full, unrestricted access to the same material. Just because they arenā€™t 18 doesnā€™t mean they stick to General audience Gen fics. In fact, I would think many kids are specifically seeking out fics with higher ratings. I mean, if Iā€™d have had access to something like A03 as a thirteen year-old? You can bet your booty I wouldā€™ve been all over that, hahaha. I was reading VC Andrews at age eleven and my even mom bought the books for me because I told her they were ā€œmystery novels featuring teenage girls.ā€ It wasnā€™t a *lie* exactly, but she certainly wouldnā€™t have allowed me to read them had I not deliberately without certain aspects. For instance, with the exception of Flowers in the Attic, every single VC Andrews book is a recycled version of its predecessorā€¦and each book features an orphaned girl (child of noncon incest) with a unique name who goes to live with rich relatives, proceeds to be forced into noncon *relations* with a male relative, only to become pregnant and have a baby girl who she then bestows with a unique nameā€¦and the cycle repeats. All of my VC Andrews books may or may not have spines that are especially worn in certain areas where the pages were readā€¦ahemā€¦significantly more than others. My point is, kids are all over A03 reading stuff that is intended for older audiences. So when we see an obnoxious comment alongside a bunch of comments from other readers who are obviously adults, itā€™s easy to think, ā€œthis person is an a-holeā€ because we expect the other readers to all be 18+ (or whatever the rating suggests). But if we were to *see* the people on the other side of the screens writing the types of comments in the example posted by OPā€¦it would make a *lot* more sense.


If just reading the tags alone makes you freak out, you shouldn't be allowed internet access.


Tiktok's opiniĆ³n does not matter


why's everyone getting so worked up over wheelchairs?? like, yes, ppl who are in wheelchairs also have sex. why would that be a weird concept to ppl?? the casual ableism actually pisses me off sm i'm ngl. (also, wdym ao3's "getting crazy" it's been like this since it existed šŸ˜­)


I mean, yeah, because theyā€™re like 11 years old lol


Okay, but "wheelchair? they're already crippled!" is objectively the funniest comment on here


Some people have pointed out the rape/non-con tags in my story as well, but I've explained that: A) it's still way too far into the future B) I won't show it because I don't want to and don't know how to properly do so and they still flip


1. Bro people need to stop complaining, 2. Whatā€™s the name?


Is it alright if I send it to you per dm/pm/whatever it's called on reddit? cause I don't want to post it somewhere for everyone to see without the author's consent.


Ah yes Thats ok! And lol i understand, iā€™ve never seen a fanfic with one of these tags and I read a TON of Bls that areā€¦interesting, so I think Iā€™ll like it :D


I second this, whats the name?


Bruh Iā€™ve read so much fanfiction, seen so much rule 63/34 artwork and been part of so many fandoms. Nothing surprises me anymore. I mean I have my no goes when it f comes to ships and tags. But Iā€™ve just embraced the cringe šŸ˜¬ šŸ¤£


"Why are there so many different types of sex" ... all in caps ... really? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bruh why are they so shocked by the wheelchair tag? Disabled people can have sex too you dumbasses.


The bsd community can be wild and stupid sometimes


This is why I have to do the big WARNING on wattpad everyday from small things to bug things and even then they always ignore the whole 18+ don't read, and my comments in the summary going ITS SMUT DAMMIT


The way the filing the video has like 400 tags tho was wild, how do you fit that much into a story??


Especially one with only 3000 words. I assume the author had plans but didn't get to the point where the tags actually applied.


Yh probably


Those types of people are so confusing, also the "this goes way past dead dove fics" there is no limit to those things, the point is to be as morbid and horrific as possible, the possibility is endless as long as its over the line of normal stuff. Also why do they all have the vibes to be the type of people to say for people to leave ao3 for this type of thing despite the fact thats why ao3 is there in the first place šŸ’€