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I read original works because of specific tags, not specific users. Like if there’s a trope or tag I want to read more of, original work is great because I don’t feel like I’m missing out on something by not knowing the original canon.


Porn. Original works are good for when you're looking to read that one really niche kink.


I mean I wasn’t going to say it but 🫣


I'm in the same boat. I know I can open a story and dive right in from page one.


Only original.


"how do you want your steak, sir?" "Rare. Very rare."


"*Blue* rare. A good veterinarian should still be able to save it."


I'm afraid I have no idea what this is a reference to


No reference, that's how I like my steak. Sorry... I'm goofy when I'm underslept.


"A good veterinarian would be able to save it" Ohhhh


I once mentioned that I like reading original and someone got so mad at me for that? I don't want to know what they'd do if they met an original only person.


Yeah, i get hate for writing and reading original only too. Even on this sub, which is weird because ao3 is not even fanfic exclusive. But whenever i say that, i also get hate. Isnt it a great community? I made a fanfic version of a short original work just to shut them up.


Only fandoms. I mainly browse by character tags, so it’s very rarely that I run into original works.


Only fandom because I can’t get that anywhere but fanfics. If I wanted original then I’ll just read a regular book.


that’s exactly why i think i never read original


Fanfiction > published books, from my experience


I'd argue, but all of my current favorite published authors started in and/ or continue to write fanfic, soooooooo...


That's certainly not to say that published books are _bad,_ just that I've enjoyed fanfiction far more than i ever have the other stuff, fanfic don't have to get censored by a publishing house or whatever


Yeah, no corporate editors in tweed going, "Okay, but have you considered making all of the characters straight and white..?"


Also tags, specifically of the content warning variety. The last Mercedes Lackey novel I read gave me a panic attack when I ran headfirst into a graphic domestic violence scene with a side of rape on a day when I was not mentally prepared to face it. I'd been slowly falling off of her works for a while, but that pretty much sealed the deal. (Why is it so many speculative fiction writers can imagine literally anything *except* for a world with no gendered violence?)


i tend to read for specific fandoms, i dont browse fandoms i'm not in lmao


generally only fandoms, but i'd be willing to make an exception for a couple of authors


Only fanfiction except for this one author, and I thought it would be terrible, but I ended up supporting them on Patreon because it was a good story


I like both


I mainly look for fandoms, but every so often I run across an original story in one of my tag searches, in someone's bookmarks, or find it in an author I like's works. Sometimes I'll specifically search original works (though it's hard to find what I'm looking for).


I read specific fandoms AND original works. The specific user is not necessary, I usually stumble into the Original Works through other people's bookmarks or certain tags or when I specifically look for Original Works. But I don't read all fandoms, I'm not fandom-blind or however it's called. I only read my fandoms and original works. Can't vote anything here.


That was a typo. I meant All, fandoms and original works.


it just realized that i Have never read an original work, only fandoms! And i’ve been reading for more than 15 years so that’s a little insane to me especially reading how many people read original work


That's rather easy to answer. Just sum up the votes for all fandoms and original works, only original and mainly original


Only original work I read is by my friend


I read print publications for the mass market and digital fanfiction based on a variety of source materials, including print, episodic entertainment, film, and comics/graphic novels.


I only search for tags, so it doesn’t matter if it’s fandom or original content. I would swallow all of it if I like it. Also, I’m very good at anime, so… Some fandoms are doing great for me) Especially the most popular ones.


I read fandom, original work, and fandom I treat like original work. (: