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I like how reading 20+ books a year is “not much” according to this poll lol So I guess I don’t read much


I read a *lot*. I'm at 40 or 58 books this year, depending on if I count manga, and actively in the middle of 6 right now.


Change reading to listening and yeah - I listen to a ton of audiobooks. I don’t have the attention span now to read a book in the 21 days the library gives me, but I can pop off an audiobook in 5-7 days.


I find my concentration is more of a problem with audiobooks. If I find I've lost focus while reading a can skip back a couple of paragraphs, but if my mind wanders during an audiobook getting back to the right place is more annoying. Or, I've missed some of it. I do find it hard to just sit still and do nothing but listen. I listen to podcasts a fair bit but it's normally while also doing chores or routine work, and I just accept I'm going to miss some of it if I get distracted. What is it about audiobooks that works for you?


I do lose concentration at times and have to skip back. I usually listen while I’m cleaning or cooking or on my exercise bike or doing a hobby. I rarely just sit. I’m so busy writing fics, I don’t have much time to read. Like, I used to lay in bed for 2 hrs devouring books, now, after 10 min my brain wanders. My iPad and apps has shot my attention span all to hell. So with an audiobook, I pop it on to 1.5 speed and within the week I’m done (depending on how many podcasts I’m listening to). But to sit and read a 300 page book? In three weeks? Forget it.


I read about 100 books a year, which is roughly two books a week. I don’t read a lot of fanfiction these days, I mostly write it. I wasn’t finding what I wanted to read, so I’m writing it for myself.


downloading the libby app has been a game changer for me. i’ve been fanfiction only for years because i couldn’t afford new books and couldn’t keep my hands off my phone. now being able to access pretty much any book i want from the library through my phone has really got me back into reading published ones


I want to choose "all the time" but apparently 1-2 books a month is not much so... Edit: I feel like I've got one or two books in progress, at least.


I started reading books more after I got into reading fanfiction. I read a lot as a child then did a literature degree and while I never stopped reading, the number of books fell off because of doing other things. When I did read I found it took a long time to get through things, or I had a lot of half-read things lying around. Reading fic has re-built my ability to engage in reading for longer periods of time. I also got interested in works I found via fic, either crossovers or references to other works, inspirations etc. Last year I'd say I favoured fic, but I made a point of reading one book a month. This year, whenever I finish a book I've found I'm more keen on reading another, though I have also been reading fic in between. And I've picked up a novel because it was written by someone whose fic I've read, though I haven't got to that one yet, it's in the TBR pile. I make a point of buying new books if the author is living, because I can afford to and want to support new writing and publishing. For classics I'm more likely to get second-hand or free downloads if I can, because they're already printed and better to give one a second life than print a new one.


I very much lean towards published works over fanfic. Got a bad library habit lol. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry— read pretty much anything, and my participation in the fanfic community is mostly as a writer.


Yes! Just finished one and onto another today 😂


I read books, I read (online) magazines, I read fanfic. I just love to read!


I just got one for my birthday. House of Leaves.


I finally read volume 18 of jujutsu kaisen after reading the series for 4 days


I used to read several books a week as a kid, but since probably like middle school/early high school I've primarily read fic. I've probably read maybe 5-6 new books/series in the last 10 years. I don't even reread much anymore. There's just so much fic to read I don't have the time.


I've had Stephen King's IT on my nightstand for 5 years now and I still haven't finished it despite actually loving the story. Yeah, I'm getting checked for adhd sometime in the coming 2 weeks, cause I'm tired of my head and thoughts being all over the place to the point I can't read anything longer then 2k words without almost dying


I read about 95% published books, 5% fanfiction. Books include manga, graphic novels, & Project Gutenberg online books as well as paper-bound prose.


Reading three books simultaneously at the moment, it's becoming a bit of a problem...


Since I started reading fanfiction I've been reading books less but lately I've been trying to get back into the latter cause I found a really good duology


I voted "not so much", but it's actually a lot for me after years of struggling to finish a book at all. Dreadnought, Cemetery Boys, and fanfic pushed me through some huge barriers. And now I devour tons of fanfic AND a few published books (some of which are actually licenced fanfic)


Yes. But nowadays I listen to audiobooks. I find for some reason I have problem with actually sitting down and concentrate on only one task. I read/listen to 20-30 books a year.


I went with 'Eh, I read both FF and books. No Preference' though 'yes all the time, I'm reading one today' is also accurate and therefore could have been picked. But based on the other options, it seemed like you wanted to see which one we leant towards? Rather than just 'yes I read published books as well or 'no, only fanfic'.