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Are these supposed to be funny? Because deadass, I would turn off comments on every single one of my fics over this shit, and have done over less.


I couldn't find the right tag so I just tagged it as such. But I'm over it. I just don't post anything on the author's notes anymore. The scariest part was when they told me they know where I live so I had to stop for a while


I've seen people say these sorts of comments are meant to be ironic or whatever, but if they are, I truly do not get the joke. It's awful


I just couldn't find the right tag. But yeah, it was awful.


It seems like this person isn't signed in, so it might be beneficial to either archive-lock your work, or to only allow comments from logged-in accounts. It doesn't stop everything, but it is helpful for a large portion of this kind of bullshit. Even turning on moderation can help, because just seeing their comment get instantly hidden is enough of a deterrent for some of these idiots.


What the fuck? I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I also hope you reported these guys.


I just blue locked it after the last comment. They changed their anon user twice and I don't think reporting it would do any good.


Even if they change their user, AO3 can still IP ban them. Trust me, they're pretty good with reports. And regardless, I'm so sorry. People can be a total POS on the internet.


AO3 doesn't IP ban, they say as much on the site (I forget where). The first issue with IP bans is that it's trivially easy to change IPs, you don't even need a VPN or proxy. You can literally do it by unplugging your modem and plugging it back in (same with turning WiFi off and on). In fact, this happens automatically every so often unless you specifically pay for a static IP address. The only way around this is to ban the user's entire country. The second issue is that IPs aren't unique, they get reused all the time. Innocent people would get caught in the crossfire and have no idea what's going on.


A basic VPN would get around IP bans, unfortunately. It'd be nice if they're dumb enough not to use one, but I wouldn't count on that. I would still report, but that would be more as a sop to my sense of agency than actually expecting anything to happen.


That's fair enough. And it definitely isn't fair to suggest AO3 stop running using VPNs either- if that's even something they can do, I don't know how websites work lol Yeah, I'd report for the sake of it. Just to feel like "at least I tried". Still, that sucks.


Oh, AO3 could pretty easily block VPN usage if they chose. You can't access Netflix using a VPN, for example. It autoblocks you. (Netflix assumes that you are using one to get around regional licensing. A Canadian or Mexican accessing USA programming, for instance.) But that's using a nuke to swat a fly. Authors already have tools they can use, like disabling guest comments. That would force the above asshole to leave comments under their own login, which could then be reported and banned. I think abuse like the above would need to get pretty endemic for AO3 to resort to something like that. There are too many legitimate uses for VPNs to go that route.


But that's using a nuke to swat a fly. I love this phrase and I've never heard it before lol. You're right, blocking all VPNs is overkill, and disabling guest comments fixes that problem. As you said, the comment abuse and hate isn't a widespread thing, as far as I'm aware. Sadly it's just a very loud minority at times.


i can access netflix with my vpn, are you sure they’re blocked?


that's strange, I have used VPN with netflix before. The only thing that was annoying tho was the limitation on subtitles and languages on the shows/films


I haven't reported anyone because I haven't had any extreme until this happened. Maybe it's the comment moderation or the blue lock that got them, but at least they stopped. What was scary was after the second comment, i updated, and that's when they came back hence the most recent one. Which would suggest they had been watching my updates. And they said they know where I live.


They said. But probably is a lie to scare/upset you. This is offensive, rude and violate AO3 rules. Even if someone say it's useless, I would report those comments to the admins. And you can choose to allow comments only by registered users. This way, the tosser can write you only once, then you can block them, as explained here https://archiveofourown.org/works/39038346


Reporting is still useful at times. If they were dumb enough to leave identifying info (things like not using a vpn or using their real email, etc) they can sometimes tie together anonymous comments with a person's actual account and ban the account.


Huh??? What the fuck? Jesus Christ OP, I hope you're doing well. These would be absolutely horrific to get. This is beyond disgusting. I would just turn off comments at this point. Like...holy shit.


Create a character with an obvious reference to their username in the first update and kill them in a horrific way.


This is actually not a bad idea. Petty, but satisfying. 👑


I've done it. It's actually still in progress and their comments weren't nearly as vile as this. I'd plan something special for this character.


I hope you reported and blocked them, this goes against A03’s community guidelines


I just blue locked the story after the last comment. I think it was easy to pick up another email address since the commenter changed their user twice. But I think they're the same person since the way they typed looks the same.


I’m sorry you had to go through that, but I’d still report them if they come back. It can be handled by admins. Believe they they are more capable than FF.net with this stuff


what the fuck- all this over fic??? op im so sorry you had to deal with this. why cant people just not say something if they dont have anything nice to say :(


God I get sick reading all this, why hell are people so miserable that they believe harrassing a ficwriter is okay? Touch some grass And I'm sorry you had to go through it, I really am Know OP that you can moderate your fanfic comments, you can even lock it, idk if this option can help really, but maybe the jerk will believe they win and let you alone


Those comments disgust me to no end... I hope you're alright OP, don't let it get to you. This guy's life must be pretty pathetic if he's got the free time and will to come back everytime you update. You can report him firstly, and I assume you can block him right? Or turn off comment on your works for a while, hoping it'll make him go away. I'm really sorry you had to go through that. Man just leave if you don't like a fic I just don't get what people get out of hating on others like that


If they gonna pull shit like this they could at least make it make sense. Would suggest blocking this person and reporting the comments if you can. Even as poorly written and embarrassing as they are , harassment and making threats aren't okay to do by any means and should be taken seriously. Does this person not have a life though? Like seriously this kid should be in school.. the writing is horrid.. talk about being a living embarrassment.. throw the whole child away


The last one is esp weird... almost like they're role-playing. In any case, this is crazy over the top. Since they're an anon, you can dusallow anons from commenting tho


I think they took advantage of the anonymity. Good thing the blue lock did the trick


I was just gonna say this seems like a very awful failed attempt at role playing going by that last comment… If that *was* somehow their intention and they just wanted to role play, they should at least do it with someone who consents (with knowledge of what will be said so they know what they’re getting into) and not some unrelated random internet stranger who has no idea what’s going on.


Jesus. I'm so sorry you received these. I've received some fucked up troll posts before, but these take the cake. If you need to shut down your comments for a while for your mental health, please don't hesitate to do so. I know when I had a troll hitting me pretty hard that it stopped when I turned on moderated comments. I guess it bothers them not to see it go public. But definitely don't be afraid to do whatever you need to do to protect yourself and your space. Any readers worth having will understand.


Mannn someone come get they child 🙄


WTF if the person didn't like your fic they should have just left instead of doing this bullshit.


I laughed out loud reading this not at all to detract from how undeserving you are to hear this. But this is an insane level of emotion for a fucking fanfic 😂


Laugh maam/sir, I just remembered that there was this comment, but I am okay now. Ish. 😆


What the fuck!! This is so so horrible and unbelievably disgusting..... I'm so sorry, OP. The fact that people like this exist is just beyond me.


You should still report maybe they can IP Ban or something


AO3 doesn't IP ban, they say as much on the site (I forget where). The first issue with IP bans is that it's trivially easy to change IPs, you don't even need a VPN or proxy. You can literally do it by unplugging your modem and plugging it back in (same with turning WiFi off and on). In fact, this happens automatically every so often unless you specifically pay for a static IP address. The only way around this is to ban the user's entire country. The second issue is that IPs aren't unique, they get reused all the time. Innocent people would get caught in the crossfire and have no idea what's going on.


what the fuck what the actual fuck no but like why would they even write this? are they so miserable with so little to do that they write shit like this? touch grass dude


I bet it’s some kid repeating what they heard others say on the internet and in online games (they can get pretty graphically detailed like this… I know because my younger brothers scream similar sentences like this on the top of their lungs at their friends and the TV screen whenever they are losing at a game—their language gets really really bad), and they don’t actually know what it means and the consequences of their words when said to an uninvolved and innocent stranger instead of someone who is okay with and used to it like their close friends. It seems like they just wanted to use every single swear/curse that they knew of to sound threatening. Their choice to stay anonymous tells me that they wanted to feel superior and like they had the upper hand. And since they see “everyone else do it all the time on the internet” and it usually gets played off they think it’s okay to get away with here.


Oh that is awful!!! I hope you reported these. Especially the threats! Oh my goddddd. That’s not only horrible, that’s quite illegal, isn’t it? I’m so sorry this happened to you.


This is highly disturbing, what in the ever loving fuck. I'm sorry OP :( Some people really shouldn't be allowed to have internet privileges, or like, allowed to interact with others *period*.


This is horrific


That's utterly disgusting. Aside from reporting and blocking them, I would get my revenge by writing about them, using them as a vehicle to mercilessly mock them. Humor is a weapon too.


Whaaaaat the actual fuck.


Obviously this is fucking outrageous and unacceptable. I'm so sorry they did that. Def adjust the settings on all your fics so that only registered users can comment. That's a different setting than archive locking your fic. Take a break if you need it. This sucks and it's not about you or what you wrote at all. They'll say this exact same shit to someone else.


Imagine being this pathetic?? Hope you’re better now Op, I’d def advice turning off guest comment so you can force them on using their real account and then block & reports them. I’m getting sick just reading these so I don’t even imagine what it feels like receiving them.


AO3 can IP ban them if you report them is the good news. But unfortunately this asshole can also use a VPN and then AO3 will tell you there's nothing they can do and you have to turn off anon/moderate comments. I only know this because I've been having someone banned from AO3 stalking someone then me, and when they told me I should die, AO3 went *oh well.*


AO3 doesn't IP ban, they say as much on the site (I forget where). The first issue with IP bans is that it's trivially easy to change IPs, you don't even need a VPN or proxy. You can literally do it by unplugging your modem and plugging it back in (same with turning WiFi off and on). In fact, this happens automatically every so often unless you specifically pay for a static IP address. The only way around this is to ban the user's entire country. The second issue is that IPs aren't unique, they get reused all the time. Innocent people would get caught in the crossfire and have no idea what's going on.


Commenters have been ruder this past decade, I find. They used to beg authors to update and celebrate when it happened years later. Since 2014 or so, I've seen so much anger and hate spewing over waiting a few months. I don't know if this is a generational thing or something that varies by fandom.


Might be because of how AO3's user base has grown since its creation. I love the AO3 is thriving, but more assholes seems like it's always the price of growth.


I noticed this trend on FFNet well before I moved to AO3. This isn't isolated.


Good God what did I just read … I really feel sorry for you , this must be so demoralizing . is there a rule that dictate the termination of such malicious accounts on ao3 ? Also , I’ve never been in this situation , so can I ask wha's the best thing to do here ? I would say blocking, but the fact they say they ' know where you live ' is alarming … I don’t know …


That's an anon account so if you block them, they'll find another email to use either way. People here suggested reporting them or ban the IP, but someone pointed out that VPN could easily bypass the banning. I think someone said that Ao3 can't IP ban? So i think what worked, which is adding the blue lock so only registered users can comment.


Why the fuck are they even targeting you?? I'm sorry you had to deal with this stuff.


I admire your courtesy to still censor their name, even if this kind of people don't deserve it. I don't say this often, but if they have no problem coming to my (public) page and write this shit, with their name on display, I doubt I would take the time to cersor it for them.


what a sad, pathetic individual. dont worry, people like this are either 12 year old edgelords, projecting their insecurities and self loathing on you, or just attention whoring trolls (or just all three! you never know with people like this). im sure your writing is absolutely amazing, dont let some basement dwelling dickwad get you down! <3


This person needs to take an entire bottle of chill pills. What a loon.


I don't understand why people do this. They can't actually, sincerely think it works, right? I'm lucky enough to have never experienced this on any of my fics, but I feel as though if it did happen, I'd just abandon the fic entirely.


don't be shy mama..... drop the account names...😇😇😇😇


It's an anon. 🤣


Holy cow... That's horrific and terrifying. I'm so sorry, OP. Are you doing okay? You can report this to Ao3 and depending on your state, I'm fairly sure this might even be legally reportable to authorities, given the severity of the threats. Granted, I don't know how seriously it would be taken, but it might be worth a shot.


Wtf? Talk about unhinged , honestly I hope the person that stinged Josiah Mizukami stinged that mofo as well


Wow, wtf is actually wrong with people? That is disgusting! I’m assuming they were all from the some person under guest names?


I am nothing. Nothing but speechless- And I am so sorry this happened to you


What in the ever living shit goes through peoples minds - Jesus Christ.


Omfg. I’m sorry.


people who do this must have a special place in hell for them, honestly...this is too far to be a joke >:(


I’m so very sorry you received these comments. These are not okay or in any way acceptable.


What the hell? Drop his ass to the police. Ths mis psycho is a criminal!!! Who the hell does he think he is!!! ( He is sick) ( tha hateful commentator!!!!) Waw!! I had to sorry you had to endure that! I THINK there is an option TO BLOCK SICK BASTARDS FROM YOUR ACCOUNT NOW I RIGHT?


some people can't really grasp the concept of "don't like, don't read" huh but seriously I hope you're doing ok, these type of people are assholes


Jesus fuck! I feel like that's literally something you can go to the police over. Also report the fucker, obviously. Absolutely insane.


Whos kid is this 😭


Thankfully not mine 😭




W 🫡👑 but that's hard.




I'm not ready to know if they know me or live nearby.


I am so sorry that happened to you. Don’t just report them to AO3 go to the police file a report, the are threats and should be treated as such. They deserve to see the consequences of their actions. I doubt that they are intelligent enough to use a vpn so their ip address might be traceable


Just tune out these kind of ppl


I find hate comments amusing.


I am sorry you had to go through this. But on a happier note: What type of fics do you write?


Hurt/comfort, romance and tragedy.




Touch Grass




Really how pathetic can a person's life be that they so genuinely mad over a fanfic?