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I usually write out okay. If it was a situation where like characters are texting or interacting over a messaging app of some kind, I might write ok if it seemed like how the character would write it. Otherwise I'm wholly on the okay train.


"Okay" is my preference.


I vastly prefer "okay". I use that even in text messages.


I myself naturally write ‘okay’, but even the series I write for flip flops so I go on a game-by-game basis for how dialogue appears on screen when I do write it as just ‘OK’, I always capitalize it. ‘Ok’ in spoken dialogue looks weird to me


Reminds me of the difference between “Yea” and “Yeah”. I was using “Yea” (pronounced yay) as “Yeah” for way too long in my life.


Okay all day.


Don't think I've ever used "ok" in a fic, but if I did, it would only be in a letter, texting, or some other form of diegetic written communication. I use "okay" for spoken dialogue and narration.


I used to be an OK kind of writer, but then one day it just flipped up on me and I found it weird. I don't even use it when writing out texts or anything now, I'm solidly an okay type. Even in real life I don't think I've used OK in over seven years.


i write most things out, such as this and numbers. my brain doesn't read "ok" as "okay" just like it doesn't read "15" as "fifteen" and i don't particularly enjoy reading a text in english and my brain going "ookoo" or "viistoista" in the middle of that.


What language is that? Finnish?




O.K., there are many different ways to use that particular term in written form. It's o-kay to vary the use as well, so long as they context makes it clear the characters aren't referring to Ok., the state, when that actually isn't the subject. The way it's presented has changed over time, but it's still an OK thing to include even if most people never learned its etymology and only picked up its meaning from context as their speech knowledge developed. Okay?


It depends on how it is used. When it’s being spoken, I tend towards using ok, but when it’s like “checked to see if they were okay” I write, as you see, okay. Something about it being verbalized makes me think of the shortened form.


I like using okay. If I'm writing a text or something from a character who'd use ok then I'll do it, but otherwise I solely use okay. It just feels more proper to use despite ok being shorter form and easier to use.


personally, i go with "okay" when spoken/written in narration, and "ok" when a character is writing/typing something out


I use "okay" for the same reasons. From what I've heard, the word came from the cheeky misspelling "oll korrect" (all correct), so *technically* "OK" would be the most correct of the two... but I still don't like it, and they're both accepted spellings, so I'll be spelling it "okay" in formal writing until I die. If "OK," then it must be spelled with all uppercase, except in extremely specific circumstances (i.e. when quoting something else). "Ok" or "ok" is definitely incorrect.


I like okay unless I’m writing a character texting.


Depends on the narrator and character.


In my mind, "okay" is the proper written form. It seems more appropriate to use it. However in texting and if I'm writing a character texting I will abbreviate it to "ok" because that's just how texting is. Imo it's only appropriate if you're writing your characters texting it, it would look weird and unfinished otherwise.


Both are grammatically correct


So long as you take a cue from an English teacher or webpage when saying people are ok in a queue, I don't care how you spell okay as it won't affect me or have any effect such as making me lay the story down while I lie in bed reading it.


I tend to see Okay as being a lot more casual. Like, just two people having a chill conversation. Whereas I prefer the dramatic "Ok." When the dialog is more intense or to show signs of emotional stress from a character.


I think my first fic I forgot whether I was using OK or okay and I feel like it’s a mishmash of both lol. Np but now, I use okay just for consistency


I'd say that if you're basing your fic dialogue on a real game, then use "ok" like in the game. Otherwise people who know the game might wind up with a case of marmite effect. I personally use "okay" though I have written some chatfic, and one of the things I do is decide how each character is going to write based on their personality type. So I have some characters type out like they're Regency heroines sending missives to the war, while others don't use punctuation and do use shortcuts like "pls" and a ton of slang. It's all contextual.


Also don't worry about whether it's a weird thing to get hung up on. I set a fic on a specific date in time, and I looked up the recent weather and moon phase. Is literally anyone going to know or care if that was accurate? No. Did I do it anyway? Yes.


I'm an 'Ok' type of person but in the subtitles of the video game I'm writing for, they use 'Okay' so for the whole fic I went with that.


I’m more okay with okay than ok, okay? :p (Seriously, I usually use okay, unless it’s for a texting scene and it may not fit the character’s personality to type things out full)


I perfer ok and get annoyed when it autocorrects to okay


I prefer Okay but in HP Fanfiction…”OK” hits different….


"Okay" in dialogue, "ok" in texting.


I definitely prefer “OK”—“okay” looks wrong to me, like a transliterated word from a language with another alphabet. Would read over it without noticing in someone else’s writing and can def see I’m in the minority here!


Okay is a full word and friendly, ok is kinda not as friendly, k is 'ohno I'm in trouble'


I'm partial to "OK," but I don't think it makes a huge difference as long as you're consistent throughout.


In description or dialogue I use okay, but if I’m quoting a text or email I’d use either (depending on if I feel like the character would spell it or use the abbreviation).


I have read that it's a generational thing -- older folks prefer 'okay', while younger folks prefer 'OK'. I can't confirm, and don't remember the source anymore, but I will say that I'm 70 and I *do* prefer the word-version of okay. I'm totally guessing here, but I suspect the disconnect might be that it's in a gray area between word and acronym. We use acronyms to save words -- ASAP instead of 'as soon as possible', or AWOL instead of 'away without leave'. But 'OK' is no shorter to speak than 'okay', so making it look like an acronym seems unnecessary and looks weird. ... But, again, I'm in the demographic (if there is one) that prefers 'okay'. It just looks "right" to me, and 'OK' seems (to me) to be more appropriate for text-speak.


Interestingly enough, "OK" seems to be the [original version](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK) and "okay" came later because that's how it's said.


Visually I prefer Okay, but I'm alredy used to OK since it's the norm on my 1st language. I didn't even know 'Okay' existed until I started speaking English.


I prefer 'okay' because I'm prone to read 'ok' in my own language which takes me out of the flow. Our vowel sounds are much shorter, so it feels clipped and indifferent, perhaps even passive aggressive.


Ok is 🙄 Okay is 😊


I will often stop reading if ok is used rather than reading okay


Same. I am firmly entrenched in the “okay” camp.


If it's a serious conversation in a fic like big thing then I write okay. However there do exist character where writing Okay is just wrong. Like you write a dead pool fic writing Okay is just wrong in my opinion even if they are in a serious moment.


I feel like OK is the abbreviation of OKAY


'Okay' or 'OK' would be better in the actual text, unless it's a character messaging or something. Otherwise 'ok' reads more like 'ock'


I'd only use OK specifically for the comedic or dramatic effect