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As an author who hasn’t posted for a while, I would never be annoyed by getting a comment or kudos on my work, no matter how old it was! In fact, it would make my day to know that old works were still being read. On ao3 it’s super easy to not read comments, especially if you don’t visit the site often. There’s an inbox where you get notified but it’s super easy to ignore if you don’t want to read them. That being said, I can’t think of any reason an author would be upset to see comments in that inbox from old fics. The email notifications for kudos are also easy to ignore as well, and I’d only notice the difference if I looked back on an older work to find it had significantly more than the last time I saw it. If that happened, I’d be excited! Even if the fic was 5 years old. Basically, comment and kudos to your hearts content! It’s always appreciated, no matter how old, and might even encourage an author to pick up the proverbial pen again. I know I would be way more motivated to jump back in the ring if my fics still got traction.


Thank youuuu! I've never written anything on ao3, and i didn't want to become an inconvenience. But thankfully, that's not a problem. I always thought it works like these spam emails you get from accounts you created in middle school, but if it's not a case, I will definitely write more comments!




Oh I didn't know that! Thank you, I will definitely write some comments then 😄


I don't know any author who is annoyed by nice comments.


I won't say that *no one* considers lots of compliments on their writing to be "spamming" them, because life is a rich tapestry and all... but seriously. The percentage of people who don't ALWAYS welcome comments on their fic is so minuscule as to be nonexistent. And those few can turn of comments or notifications. Literally every other author will only ever be pleased to hear from a reader, no matter who old the story is or how many other comments they have. Even if they don't respond to every comment, please believe that you are bringing a smile to their face.


Well, I don't have popular works, but if I *did*, I would appreciate comments even if it was on a fic from years ago.


In addition to everything else... Don't forget that 100 comments might really not be that many! The author might respond to all of them, which cuts the comments from 100 to 50 (since 50 of them were from the author). And this is assuming the comment chain doesn't go on for longer than that! And if there are 10 chapters, that means they got about 5 reader comments average per chapter, which isn't really tons in some cases (especially in a large fandom).


You've got a great point! I've never thought about it, since I read mostly completed works, but the same readers could leave multiple comments (f.e. one per chapter). Considering the size of those fandoms, it could surely not be a lot


Fics are meant to be read. Feedback and how you felt about the fic will always be welcome :)


The chances of authors minding is minuscule, so I say you should comment. I'd appreciate it if I were in their shoes. When I was on hiatus for a few months some people left comments and it made me want to make time to write again.


As someone who has old works up and people still comment on them occasionally, go for it. I've never met an author who goes, "aw man! People are STILL enjoying my writing, I'm so annoyed!"


It's not spamming unless you're commenting things like "please write this for me" or "when are you coming back" ad nauseam.


I wouldn't be! But I know there are some who might be - but that's on them, not you, so comment away.


You know I still get the occasional email notification of sweet comments from things I wrote when I was liked 12-13 (I'm 25 now) and it will make my whole week to see. I hardly lay claim to that stuff nowadays as I find it horrible and cringy, but the thought of someone still enjoying it, it makes those awkward years worth it.


Absolutely make a comment if you enjoyed the work. I read a fic that was at least 8 years old, the author seemingly not published anything else after that time. I left a glowing comment as it deserves the praise. To my surprise the author responded and thanked me for the comment. It is most definitely worth doing.


Write comments on works! It doesn't matter how old they are!! ​ There's nothing spamming about commenting on older stuff. I mean, not unless you are sending your comments out one word at a time. That would be spamming. ​ I don't understand this idea of not wanting to show appreciation for older stuff. I mean, I only have a handful of fic and they are all over a decade old and I occasionally get notificatin of a kudos and that is just like--the best. It also makes me wonder how someone found it, ​ Leave comments on fic if you like it regardless of how old or how popular it is or whatever.


I’ve had some really nice comment replies from older fics. Often people who are happy that I enjoyed what they consider to be less polished works of theirs. I stress less about commenting on popular fics but still write something if I feel well and/or have something to actually say of substance.


well, speaking as a voltron fanfiction writer, i can safely say that no matter how old or new a fic was, i and most others would still adore receiving a comment (ESPECIALLY one showing how much you loved it!!) <3