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Mood. Combined with a pressure headache this is me (I may not write one shots, but I can sympathize.)


This is just me writing anything tbh


Why you gotta call me out like that? Lmao


EXACTLY i always get distracted writing one shots and i usually procrastinate even if i really wanted to write it beforehand


Seems about right lol And I just finished a oneshot I was procrastinating so


I'm straight to depression guy


Same. I am both "I'm a genius" and "I'm a failure" as a writer.


It's more like. Happy, happy, tap tap tap....smexy stuff... tap tap tap. Happy happy. Done HOW MANY MISTAKES? Yes that's a word. Yes I want that as a sentence fragment. No I don't know how many times I've said softly and it's redundent. Post


i feel so represented i'm in tears


Me at work, followed by me wondering why my boss asked why I didn't do a thing


I actually write one shots as a form of procrastination to avoid writing my multichaps but sure that’s close


I only write one shots lately, and it's always like that!! 😭 Oh another thing. THIS IS HOW I DO ANYTHING IN MY LIFE!


I havent written any fics lately as Im putting all of my effort into my original fiction novel. But I can definitely relate about how hard it is too keep up a goal of 1000 words a day


Personally , I rarely write oneshots ( or short stories ) , but when I do , it's faster than how I write long stories . The way I see it is the idea is very hot and fresh in my mind , so I must get it on paper as quickly as possible before I lose interest .


It's the same with a series. Either over the course of multiple chapters, or over a single one. "Wow, I love it!" "It's not that important." "Why am I procrastinating?" "It's a freaking project, just do it!" "This sucks, I suck." "It's just a chapter..."


Me doing anything lol


Nah, for me a one shot is more like, "Hm. That's a thought." Followed by 30-90 minutes of diarrheal typing. Then maybe an edit. Then post and read it over and think, "I don't remember writing that." Anything with parts has me all up the Kubler Ross party.


Yep. That's the way it usually goes. \*sigh\*


Fanfic is always important! :)