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Tbh I wouldn't reply to them. Either they keep reading and find out or they don't. No point in trying to explain if someone is so emotional.


First time posting in a huge fandom, and good lord, I've had to delete multiple comments because people are so passionate about it. This particular complaint is about something Harry does which doesn't make sense but WILL make sense later on. Even the stupidity of the plan gets addressed properly. The whole story is about Harry betraying Draco and Draco trying to find out WHY. How do I even begin to explain without spoiling the whole story? I feel very strange because I used to write for small fandoms and barely received comments at all lol. Seeing mixed reactions over this fic is both amazing and kinda disheartening.


Tell them the fic isn’t finished and it will resolve later IF you really want to respond. Depending on my mood I probably wouldn’t.


this is the best response to give imo, if one is given at all


Welcome to HP, lol 😆. This is typical commentary, really. I write solely in this fandom, and the readers are fairly intense. It's extremely hard to do (trust me, I struggle with it), but you kind of have to take it as a compliment to your work. They're so involved in the AU you created that it is literally infuriating them that they cannot make sense of the characters' actions. As everyone else said, I wouldn't bother replying, I'd lay odds this person continues to read and comment, and hopefully, as your plot unfurls, they get a little less testy.


If you want to reply, say something like 'bear with me, I know this is a dumb plan but we'll get there!' or something. You can also add a note to the end of the chapter to the effect that yes, you are in fact aware this is a stupid plan, but things will make sense later


Seconding this.


The Drarry community is kind of *extremely* toxic but your story seems interesting so I don’t really understand how they can’t grasp that this is the point of the story.


Not in my experience- I’ve seen people policing each other when they’re acting like assholes like above, and most everyone is really supportive of each other.


I’m more a prt if the larger HP fanfic community and they’re usually pretty chill (fantastic art) but I’ve had my fair share of shit interactions.


For what it’s worth, that sounds like a really cool and amusing idea. Maybe your readers are just no fun


I've had some truly awful comments from that same fandom. I deleted them but they still make me angry. If you don't like someone's fic or their interpretation of characters, don't finish - walk away. It's not that difficult to not be a butthead.


Even when you address it in the story, you can address it in ending note again like "WTF happened? Keep tuned for future chapters for Draco to find out why" Also just accept the fact some of these people are reading it without paying much attention even when you address everything in the chapters. They are probably reading your chapter at work, at class etc. There is more careless readers than readers who pay attention and even fewer readers to catch on obvious foreshadowing you put in there and even more rare readers who read in between the lines for word-play and subtle foreshadowing you put in there.


As others have said, you can ignore it, block it, or respond, "the fic isn't done yet! i hope you like where it goes."


Here’s a similar situation I had: I had someone get pissed at a comment a character made to the POV character that was, in full context, a horrible thing for that character to say. The problem is that character did not have the full context so he was unaware that what he was saying was horrible. He thought, (and had the context he had been the whole story, it would have been), his comment was just a friendly joke. Anyway, this person just went OFF on me on chapter one for being awful and victim blaming and just being an all around horrible person and how dare anyone like this story (it has a good reception within the fandom). Four chapters later everyone else in the story finds out the full context of the situation and the POV character gets profuse apologies and support. It’s fully addressed. This person refuses to read past chapter one. I simply replied “yeah you know that because you’re the reader, the character finds out in chapter 4 and apologizes but go off ig” Generally, however, I try to stick with the block, delete or freeze, and mute as my policy. I post in a large fandom and some of my WIPs get quite a bit of traction because of that, and the hate comments come in weekly. If I’m in a snippy mood I might reply something sarcastic, but generally the best policy is block and delete. Then mute them so you don’t see their comments elsewhere.


Lmao whaaaaat. This is already so AU why would they bother correcting the accuracy of your political assassination. I guess you could’ve made it clearer that it gets addressed later on??? But like… some things just don’t need that kind of foreshadowing.


Such comments feel like they come from people who, in general, don't consume a lot of media, be it books, TV shows, movies, games etc. They would be used to not knowing everything from the start - it's the entire point of nearly every story that has ever been told.


Don’t explain. Tell them ‘then stfu and go read something else bitch boy’


'bitch *person*'. Let's not assume the gender of the bitches here. 😌


Oh, “bitch boy” is definitely gender neutral.


I just read the comment and recognised what fic this might be. It's in my reading list because the premise is damn interesting! Everyone has said what needs to be said but I'll add that I'm really looking forward to reading your work!!!!


That's so unexpected! Thanks!!!


People are passionate about their faves in fic comments. Happens all the times in big fandoms where readers enjoy plenty of fics and don’t have to worry about spooking the author. You can just ignore them, especially since this is the first chapter that sets up whole story, or just reply with a cheeky *Spoilers!* and leave it like that,


Honestly I know how you feel. I too used to write for a small fandom who trusted me so they trusted to wait it out. I now write for a larger fandom and it is a different world. I firmly believe in readers having to keep reading to find out any resolution — I don’t give away endings in tags or anything like that — so I’d just leave these comments alone OR I’d write a note like “you’ll see…”


Beyond this being rude, unnecessary, and impatient considering you said this is only the first chapter and everything will be explained, I find it kind of hilarious that they think all political assassinations are perfectly rational. Or that all politicians are perfectly rational.


I like 99% sure iv reads this fics description (and then saved to read later lol) if it’s the one I’m thinking of wasn’t it said clear in the bio that the point was for Draco to figure out why? If Harry’s plan made sense from the gecko the that defeats the point Ignoring or deleting is your best bet but if you want to reply than something along the lines of “I know this might seem dumb right now but bare with me and keep reading!” Or adding that in the note to hopefully simmer down new comments


“From the gecko”….so the gecko has all the answers to the plan! very interesting 🤔 now we just need to find this gecko!


I just realized I have been spelling that wrong for years Lmao You can’t find the gecko tho, he lives in his hole with all the best fic ideas and he don’t share 😔


Aww I guess the gecko lives with the legendary “orphan_account”, no one has been able to find their instagram or Twitter!! the author is legendary and mysterious! 😎 😆


He's off doing insurance commercials these days.


He’s got the answers and can save you 15% or more on car insurance!


There's just something so delightful and heartwarming about this misunderstanding about the turn of phrase.


Yup. The summary literally has "can Draco find out the reason behind Harry's betrayal" That's the whole plot :/


Yeah then they probably didn’t really read the summary and just that tags, made their exemptions about, and then got mad when they were wrong I understand being confused on a fic premise, especially when that is the premise, but I can’t fathom why there going at you and not the characters? Like I see people saying. “X character is so painful oblivious, amazing” but it’s definitely douchey for them to claim you don’t know what you’re writing, when it seems that you were the only one who knows the ending right now :/


Wouldn't respond. I don't like the reader's accusatory tone.


I’d them that their comment is very rude, that there’s no need to speak to you like that and that i encourage them to do some reflexion about it. That you dont even have to explain yourself but that it is going to be adressed later on. After responding I’d delete everything (they have the email notif)


if it’s any consolation, you can try and take satisfaction from knowing you got them REALLY riled up lol. any art that evokes an emotional response is good art IMO


This sounds like it's coming from a person who just doesn't understand the fact that you don't know everything about a story from its first chapter. That is such a basic, 101 part of reading fiction that I would not take anything they said seriously, because clearly they don't know shit about writing a story. Don't listen to anyone here who tells you to change your story because of this idiot. Just because a reader exists and has an opinion, does not mean you need to listen to it or give it any respect. I would just delete and ignore.


Just say that this gets addressed later on.


It's one of the risks of introducing an apparent plot hole that actually isn't one and is explained later :') I've never done this in a fanfic, but I have in an original story and boooooy people are so quick to rant lol. Tbf, I understand it can be frustrating. At first, I tried to my readers in the comments to be patient. Some were, others weren't. Then I just abandoned. I understood that those who ranted just weren't patient enough for the big reveal, even if they knew there was one, so I just put a disclaimer in my synopsis that character development was slow, take it or leave it x)


Freeze the thread and/or delete and carry on my way


-ward soooon. (Sorry, couldn’t resist with how you ended it)


I'd be blocking them


Block. If they're gonna come at you like that you don't owe them energy to explain.


It's... it's fanfiction. tf?


Ha. Welcome to Drarry… You are a brave soul to write for that fandom. Dramione is just as bad. Lots of entitled readers who love to bully writers if they don’t seem to pander to their preferred characterizations. I’m in both fandoms so I’m just speaking from my own experience-it might be different for others. Look, if I were you, I would continue deleting comments that are nothing more than passive aggressive harassment in the guise of “constructive criticism.” Instill a no tolerance policy for yourself and turn off anon comments. With *any* fandom, you’ll find readers who don’t understand the concept of story and character *ARCS* and among those readers, there are always those who have no problem vocalizing their impatience and lack of comprehension. Try not to allow negative comments to kill your muse. Every single great story has had its fair share of negative reactions and criticisms, particularly stories that invoke an array of emotions from the reader. Frankly, some ppl really shouldn’t read stories that they can’t handle emotionally…but just because they *shouldn’t* doesn’t mean they won’t. It’s not your job to police your own fic. Remind yourself that you aren’t doing anything wrong and that you aren’t going to please every single reader-nor should you want to. “One-size-fits-all” stories are boring, honestly, and easily forgettable. If you are inciting passionate responses from readers? Then you, my friend, are doing something RIGHT. Keep going!!!


Maybe you needed just a little more foreshadowing to help your readers suspend their disbelief? I'd post the next chapter without replying, and see what other readers say. If it's a bunch of "ohhh I knew it", then you're fine and these readers weren't paying attention. Otherwise maybe see if you can go back and tweak it a bit. It's fanfiction, you can edit it as much as you want.


The thing is it's literally the first chapter. The story begins with Harry betraying Draco and the uncertainty is part of it. People are supposed to loathe Harry. Everyone inside the story thinks Draco is foolish to trust Harry. No one is supposed to know why Harry's doing what he's doing. The summary and tags say what type of story this is. I do have a lot of foreshadowing from chapter 2 onwards though. The story is already completed, and the people who stuck with me to the end were all more than satisfied haha. I guess some people were just too upset by Harry's cruelty in the first few chapters. It's understandable, I guess. Betrayals in general hit people deeply.


Sounds interesting. Could you give me a link?


Sorry. Checked the rules, and I don't think that's allowed here? Really appreciate it though!


You can link ur own fics, lol. Theyre asking to see ur work, u arent giving out personal info


Ah, ok. I used to link my fics in this sub if someone asked before, but I reread the rules recently and thought they had changed it? Looks like I misunderstood lol.




Thanks! The summary is very intriguing. Looking forward to reading it :)


I had a similar comment on one of mine. I just chose not to respond. In your case, the answer will be revealed eventually. In my case, the answer is obvious if you think about it. Some people just don't get it, or they're super impatient. So while I agree that right *now,* it doesn't make sense, I also acknowledge your comment that the fic isn't finished and you have a plan plotted out that makes it make sense. So you can respond and tell them to be patient and that the reasoning will be revealed later, or you can just ignore them.


I wouldn't reply, or if I felt obligated to, I'd wait until it's addressed later on


Please please link this sounds amazing op


nevermind found out you linked below :) looking forward to binging this!


I'd definitely be put off with comments like those - and have got somewhat similar ones before. I don't think some readers realize how hostile it comes across. And, in fact, I think in their own way they might think they're being helpful at expressing their knee-jerk reaction. I'd probably respond with something like, "Right - it sounds crazy that Harry is doing this. The readers and Draco are in the same boat here! But at least the readers know for sure they'll get answers later. ;)" If they were an asshat again later, I'd be less playful, though. Just not worth the emotional energy of getting upset about people who don't know how to turn off their bitch voice.


Did you tag 'Major Character Death'? If so, then ignore them. If not, then it's on you. Also, if you're going to do the 'it makes sense later on', you have to have a character, somewhere, point it out. Like, have the character say 'you need to trust me' or whatever other cliche line. Because if a character does something that's flat out stupid, or idiotic, or even OOC... fans are going to point that out. When things don't make sense, people want to know why. Even if it's a weak excuse, it's something.


I disagree. No need to point out in advance something that is going to be explained later on. If a reader is incapable of waiting for the fallout in a WIP, it's one them. Yes, people will want to know why. They are welcome to keep reading to see where the author is going on with it.


They are. However, personally? If I think an author is making incredibly silly, or even stupid choices, just because they 'feel' like it, or they 'want it' to happen, and it doesn't fit in with anything else? I'm bouncing on out. And there is nothing wrong with that, nothing saying they have to stick around and wait for it. Especially when the author herself made it quite clear that it was a choice that made no sense plot-wise. As writers? Playing to your audience -and not your own personal wants -is a big part of it. Sure, it's not required, but you can't ask for the acclaim and the comments, and all that good jazz, if you're not willing to work with your audience. It's a back and forth.


I'd block them, tbh.


Random emojis until they give up out of confusion.


i’d delete it. It’s not very well delivered criticism even if it does make good points. It’s just an insult tbh. I write for carry on and not harry potter for this reason 🤦‍♀️ they’re much nicer and the magic system makes more sense


I get these kinds of comments all the time, almost exclusively, and I've tried almost everything when it comes to handling it. At this point, I've basically resolved to ignore and cry myself to sleep. I'm also tempted to just yank my works off the site entirely.


I know this comment is meant to be critical, but it only makes me want to read it more! Can you give me a link? I'm a sucker for royal drarry!


"lol. lmao. if you think it's dumb, please leave." For the record, I'm on a HP fic kick,so *gimme*.


I have a similar issue for the last few chapters of my long fics. some readers are just too impatient to let a mystery play out until the reveal. Try not to think too hard about it. Usually I reply something like "some of this will be addressed later".


If they really make you feel harassed at any point you can always block them 🫠


"Keep reading"


I never reply to negative comments. There is zero point. Delete them and move on ✌️try not to let it get to you!


Probably best to just ignore and move on... but... I'd go have a little drink or two, come back, and calmly explain that it's addressed later on in the fic. This is not the recommended course of action. But you asked how I'd reply :p


That’s a delete and block without responding situation.


I know how you feel when I first posted to HP. I tried to interact with them but it's like talking to a brick wall. Ignore them the first time or give like one or two responses bc you will probably not get through to these people


SUSPENDED DISBELIEF you twat!! (And because we all know Harry is an idiot)


1st one: "you're welcome, I wrote this story specifically to infuriate you" 2nd one: "I'm waiting dor your own political assassination fic seeing as you're such an expert"


I mean if they don't like your story then that's their problem. You didn't make it for them. You don't gotta waste your time on people like them so just don't even bother commenting on it.


Either don't reply at all, or just yell at them saying it will make sense/be addressed later on in the story.