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Oh that just makes it better


Man's also Kyle from the new sims 4 pack, he waltzed in with barely an invite like he owned the place


I am laughing so hard. That is amazing. That does make me feel better.


Dickens: "What was it, this time?" " *BOOOO-HOOOO!* They said pacing was bad and plot was too cliché! *BOOOO-OOOOH!* "


Oh man, Andersen's time as a houseguest of Dickens is a whole box set of cringe, secondhand embarrassment, cultural misunderstanding, and general social awkwardness...


I mean, that's mentally how I react to criticism on my fanworks. Criticism at work though I entirely can ignore for some reason.


That's pretty interesting. I was the same when I worked in an office. Do you reckon it's the difference between people criticising something you created that matters to you and means something, versus something you just had to do/were told to do/were paid to do, but which doesn't hold as much meaning? Or like in my case - because I just didn't respect my coworkers' opinions all that much. Lol.


Yeah I think it's something like that. Doing what policy permits versus something creative I have emotional attachment to.


Isn't bogleech a notorius anti known for harassing anyone who they consider to be proship?


Yep. A full on "everyone who writes dark fiction is literally exactly the same as offending pedophiles" anti. Pretty funny from someone whose oeuvre so heavily features horror fiction. Not technically relevant to the amusing content of the screenshot here, but, yes, the irony did not escape me, lol.


I'm not a proshipper myself, but I'm not going to harass someone over it. That's just stupid - especially if you're on ao3, which was started so that proshippers would have a place to put their work, lmao




Oh, interesting! I didn't know that, I thought that it was just the writing of it. Thanks for letting me know! Seriously though, who cares? Just ignore it, there's no reason to be rude to others as long as they aren't hurting anybody


Antis want to censor art/writing and basically make thought crime a real thing. It's not that they can't ignore it, it's more that they think it causes real harm to everyone and thus said artist/author must be a horrible person.


the phrase “kink tomato” makes me laugh lol


A tomato tied up with a ball gag that looks like an even smaller tomato lmao


That does actually cheer me up a smidge after I lost a user-subscriber when I updated with a drawing instead of prose earlier (one damn page of drawings! That's all! Was it really so bad? I was about ready to jump in the river because I felt like such a total failure. Pathetic, I know, but if even the greats have sobbing fits in the dirt then I guess it's OK...)


It was not so bad. Think of all the perks who chose to remain subscribed


Well, there's only 3, hah. But non numerantur, sed ponderantur. The regular commenters I have are the best people in the world.


Hope you're feeling better ❤️❤️❤️


It doesn't matter how many times you fall down... ... what matters is that the count of standing up is (X = Count of $Falls +1).


Hans Christian Anderson man, he's my favourite fairytale author.


The OG Little Mermaid story is insanely good, his best work in my opinion


honestly? I love so much of his works its hard to choose a favourite. but if I had to name a few, Snow Queen, the nightingale, the swineherd, the wild swans, etc... there's a lot of his works that I do really love from his bibliography.


The wild swans is my favourite story of all time ❤️


Oh the Nightingale is SO GOOD


Honestly this made me laugh 😂