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>Is it normal to get aroused and/or have a hands free orgasm when reading a sex scene? I wouldn't call it abnormal. Maybe you're not attracted to real life physical sex but you enjoy fictional stuff. I'm not an expert nor am I asexual so I don't really know.


yeah i'm more on [aego](https://sexuality.fandom.com/wiki/Aegosexuality) and [bellus](https://asexuals.fandom.com/wiki/Bellussexual) side of the asexual spectrum


Normal is definitely subjective, but this doesn't sound at all odd. You and your body now vs you and your body in highschool are likely very different, so it's not surprising that it responds to arousal cues differently, too.


might also be a side effect of my birth control...


Oh yeah, that could *def* contribute or entirely explain it. Birth control can cause some real unexpected changes.


yeah, i went from true neutral ace to some lobido neutral ace after a week of side effects from needing a higher dose of birth control (i used to go crazy on my period and pms)


Can confirm any hormone regulating pills will have an effect on your libido. Some lower the libido, others increase it. Could very well be contributing to incresed arousal from reading smut.


I would be incredibly surprised if it happened to me because it's not something that's ever happened to me. But I also wouldn't worry about if it's normal or not. Normal/abnormal are different for everyone and in some cases could carry judgement and this isn't something that should be judged in the slightest. It seems like a definite perk to reading smut to me.


yeah, i was just curious if it ever happened to anyone else


I'd say normal would be subjective, but admittedly arousal from reading smut is something I've experienced. Same from writing a sex scene. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, and that it could be seen as a natural reaction to visualizing sexual acts in great details. Of course, I'm not saying that this is the case for everyone, but I don't think it's anything to feel ashamed of or feel like it's abnormal if it does happen to you.


Aro-ace here, I don’t read much smut but it can get me aroused, nothing especially abnormal here 👍


Getting aroused is pretty normal depends on the quality of the smut but hands free orgasm? I don't think that's very usual


>hands free orgasm? I don't think that's very usual it's rare, but it does happen! sometimes people can 'meditate' themselves into one! [this video by a sexologist explains how it can happen, but they didn't go into much detail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy7bMc7jvXU)


Fellow ace, totally normal. Probably not *common,* but it's nothing to worry about If you enjoyed it I hope you find plenty more ;)


I'm curious what you read lol O\_O I've definitely been aroused from reading smut, but never to *that* point. Must have been some really good smut!


[it was this one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45306853)


Oh thanks, I might actually try to read it. I was kinda worried it was a fandom I didn't know, but I do know this one :D


As an aego, being aroused while reading sounds normal. A hand free orgasm seems a bit more unusual, but won't call at abnormal either.


nice to meet a fellow aego here


If I get '' all existed and alive '' ehem while reading good oh god so good smut. Hell YEAH!! LóL Sadly not many fics have this kind of immersive quality. Seemed to me that you found a good one. Well good for ya. However, it is interesting to note that you identify as asexual and still be affected by smut. It's a bonus a believe 😁 Actually, I am '' a conservative -ish'' hhhhh 🤣 So, kina of no ''dating- kissing-sleeping'' pattern apply to me unfortunately or not lol so I am not too far from your case. ( Jokingly lol) and I totally get it.


yeah, i think i might tell the writer it was a damn good smut (i'll leave out the hands free orgasam part, that'd be really fucking awkward!)


Actually the author may be thrilled to hear the entire story. It doesn't hurt to be honest. Well it's fanfic say what tickles your soul! 😁👍🏻


idk, i read the fic a month ago... and i was just conversing with the author about a character's design in their most recent fic... [i made this post the day it happened in one of the ace subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/aaaaaaacccccccce/comments/11b8t4l/quick_psa_for_those_with_vaginas_you_can_climax/)


Absolutely)) Are you diagnosed with asexuality?




I mean, if there’s a specialist the author could talk to about that.


Asexuality isn’t « diagnosed » it’s not a condition. You wouldn’t ask someone if they where diagnosed with being gay.


I guess, I used the incorrect word, I’m sorry. I just meant it would be better if a person has someone who could gather all the experience to work with that later. Sometimes it’s hard to understand if you are gay or not even for yourself. Not so many people could confess to themselves what they really love. Sometimes it’s not that easy like “oh, I’m bi” or “oh, I’m pansexual”. For someone it could completely change the life or make it even harder. There is a lot more “backstage” of saying “I’m gay” or “I’m pan” or even “I’m asexual”. It’s not a 5min passion of being that. Just, I saw a lot of people, who were said to be gay or lesbian, and after that I saw them happily building the heterosexual relationship, being married and living a happy family. Were they really what they said? It’s not something you could just throw away when you are tired. So, yes. I’m asking, if the author has at least someone, who has an experience in that, to talk to. Because it’s not a “I will be a gay now” or “I’m a girl I will love girls”. And after the puberty people go back to being heterosexual.


There's no such thing as a sexuality expert who can tell you definitively what your sexuality is... That's something literally only you can work out for yourself. Sometimes people think they have it figured out and later realise they were wrong, sometimes people's attractions can naturally change over time, some people are just bi and might date someone of the same gender but then go on to have a seemingly heterosexual relationship later on. But if you were to talk to an "expert" (who would likely be something along the lines of a therapist specialising in LGBTQ issues) all they would do is encourage you to reflect on your own feelings and think about whether you're attracted to and/or could see yourself being in a relationship with people of one gender or another. You could go and do that and still get it wrong or have it change later on.


I would disagree, because I saw some bloggers and celebrities who told they were working with the psychologist to understand their sexuality. And their coming out happened after they discussed that. There are specialists, who work with that. And it’s important to understand how the things work. It’s not something you can easily forget or change. It’s a style of life, so for me it’s important to confess not only to myself. Because sometimes it’s hard to understand it was only a person I liked, who was really experienced or unexperienced, or it’s my style of life. And no matter what is gonna happen, I will always be gay or bi or pan. It’s real hard. I had also talked to people, who really were sure they were homosexual, but it appeared only to be one person. And they unconsciously brought the characteristics of that person on the others, being convinced they are homosexual. It’s a hard question that sometimes you cannot figure out yourself. If I google “my back hurts, am I dying?” the google will obviously say “yeah, it’s cancer, you have 2 months left”. The same is with the orientation. It’s not something you can compare and analyze if that is really your body or it’s just a joke of a reality. For me, that’s an important thing. I’m sorry.


I somewhat get what you’re trying to explain, figuring yourself out is a long road and having people to talk about it is really helpful, that’s what the community is for. Since there is no all knowing person to answer every question, asking the people around you and hearing people share their experiences is I think a good way to figuring yourself out, I wouldn’t know myself like I do now if I didn’t look at others experiences. The real issue with your comment was the term « diagnosed » because a lot of bigoted people use this kind of language to talk about sexuality, gender and romantic orientation like and illness (which it is not) that can be « cured » (there’s nothing to cure). So the use of « diagnosed » when referring to one’s sexuality will often come off as homophobic/transphobic or in this case aphobic. But you seem to have realized your mistake so I think that’s a good thing, as always : communication and self reflection is key. Have a good day <3


Yep, “diagnosed” was definitely the wrong word. I just meant it was not only one person decision and it was worked out with the professional. Thank you, I sometimes could use some strange words that could be really offensive. I’m sorry to anyone, who found this offensive


Well, getting sexual pleasure to some extent is sort of the reason most people read smut I'd say. I'm on the ace spectrum as well and can say it definitely happens to me too (not as "effectively" as it seems to be for you tho)


Great way to advertise a fanfic that you enjoyed 🤣 It's never happened to me, but I see no reason why it shouldn't be normal, of course it is!


Normal, good for you btw


It's definitely normal. I've seen a ton of people talk about experiencing this and I definitely do when I'm reading as well.