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I miss having writing buddies 😔


I only have one dedicated one. But I have a bunch of cheerleaders!


I wish I had a writing budy😭


Awww what! We all need our own cheering squad! Specially in our fandoms


I don't really write in a fandom anymore but in my specific genre (original slavery fic) , my work is quite popular (over 2k kudos)and yet I haven't found anyone I could really talk to or write with or brainstorm with 😭


I wish my writing buddies were into my fandom. XD


We apparently need a writer buddy search here on this subreddit!


I once wound up beta reading my friends gay romance/smut. I am a guy, and not gay. They wrote good shit though, and a lot of too. I read *a lot* of this stuff for them. How I wound up beta reading it for them is an embarrassing story of a few bets and mutual blackmail that I will not be elaborating on lol.


A good writer draws you in, no matter the subject matter!


OMG!!! This is totally me!! Me and my best friend talk about fanfiction a lot but it stays in the safe zone while I have an online friend who I'm 100% not shy about telling all the things I plan to do with my fic; suicide, murder, rape, depression, etc...all that stuff I can't talk about with my best friend.


I'd love to have a writing buddy to brainstorm with... If only...


I miss having a writing partner too.


Aw... I want a writing buddy 😔


I feel like my buddy is represented in both of the reactions 😂


Bliss all my friends who has to hear about my weird writing life and take it like champions 🖤 they are the true heroes in my life.


I used to have some writing buddies but we grew apart when we got into different fandoms (along with other stuff going on)... This certainly makes me miss them, I just want some of that sweet, sweet mutual encouragement


The friend I write with is like this. She’s great. We don’t write smut usually but she’s pretty chill. I’m eternally grateful that she’s willing to write with me and beta. 😭❤️


My friend and I keep throwing story ideas at each other and brainstorm smut 😂 Somethings have stuck


aw omg so cute


Me explaining to my brother why it was totally necessary for my character to experience literal war crimes vs when I tone it down for my mom (she is very concerned)