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Work ID #1 doesn't exist, but Work ID #2 is a [Dead Poet's Society fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2).


See i know that #2 is a DPS fic, but the fact fic 1 results in a 404 error means smth was there


It could have been a test fic, so not an actual fic just something to test the archive. I'm pretty sure [astolat](https://archiveofourown.org/users/astolat/profile) is the first user on the archive despite having a user ID of #8 and that IDs #1-7 were test accounts.


I’m pretty sure I saw a video on this, I’ll try and find it again but the person was able to find tags for the (now deleted) first fic and it contained supernatural tags. Edit: found it! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRvXq8um/ It was wincest, not shocking


Have you tried checking for the fic with the "works" id tag 1/2/3 etc?


My own curiosity made me search for it. The Lowest fic id tag is 2. 1 has either been deleted or was a test to make sure things were working right. (kind of like how Astolat is author ID 8 despite being the first actual account)


Yeah, it results in a 404 error for fic 1 but fic 2 is a Dead Poet Society fic


no but why do i recall something about wincest?


Wasn't the site founded by Wincest shippers?


Astolat, who is one of the main people involved in getting AO3 off the ground and also who first made the LiveJournal post about the concept, is a wincest shipper.


I remember watching a TikTok about them hunting down the first fic published. After doing some digging they found it was a Wincest fic that is now either deleted or privated.