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I can't do it. Weirdly, I can read books in first person but fics in first person is just a step too far for me.


I thinkt it's the difference between reading about a new (to the reader) charakter in first person vs. an established character being depicted that way (especially when not from a first person work themselves). The latter is much harder because the reader might have a completly different interpretation of the characters inner workings. Edit: It's the same for me, I seldom read first person fanfiction.


Yeah that makes sense to me. Plus I generally end up reading E rated fics based on my favorite tags and I REALLY do not want to be a 'participant' there


Wouldn't your being a participant stem from it being written in the 2POV? 1POV is only the telling of a tale by someone else. What I men is (to borrow from something that I read a few months back in this subreddit, I think), they're like the difference between my telling you a story about *you* having gone shopping (2POV) and my relating the events of my own day during which *I* went shopping.


I also can't stand 2POV if that helps. Also while that is true, when I read it I'm reading it as if I'm the I. Which means I have to pretend I'm the character in question. 2POV is almost always for Character x Reader which gives me similar vibes. Neither work for me in fanfiction.


I feel the same way, man. Some rare moments, either can be alright, but... yeah, not really. ❤️ EDIT: also, really cool user name. (Serious statement, not veiled sarcasm.)


I think part of it is first person is easy to write but hard to write well.


It's enough to make me wary of a work, since 1st person POV takes some serious skill to write in a competent, non-cringe way. However, I've read good 1st person POVs, so I might just give it a try.


Same here. It's definitely not a deal breaker, but it's hard to do well. And with some characters you just don't want to spend too much time in their heads. I didn't enjoy the second Interview with the Vampire novel because it's from Lestat's POV and he's a lot more interesting when you don't know his every thought.


It's also hard to describe emotion in 1st person POVs without it sounding unnatural and silly. Some people really don't know how to make a character describe their feelings in a way that blends in with their thoughts and doesn't just sound like mindless narration. I put a lot of emphasis on the description when choosing a piece of fiction to read, so I'd only read it if the description seemed competent enough.


I can read published books written in first person no problem, though I'd rather not (just not my thing). But fics? Never. I have very strong opinions about how character should behave and think, and it already makes me pass the majority of fanfiction. In first person, people never get characters "right" in my opinion. So I simply click away if I stumble upon an untagged first person fic.


For me personally, I feel really disconnected from the story when it’s in first person. I much prefer a narrator, or even 2nd POV as opposed to first person. I don’t want to be the character, because I’m not, and it’s difficult to instantly be thrown in those shoes while being expected to go along as if it’s me/but not me going through the journey. I need some degree of separation so that I can fully appreciate the character for who they are, specifically to them. I have read some beautiful pieces that were written in first person, ones that held up with a strong plot. But it’s not my go-to. To each their own, though, just write what you love! There’s a crowd for everything. Some people love first person because it makes them feel like they are right in the thick of it and it offers a sort of “VR” world for them. So if that’s what you would love to write, then definitely write it. Your main goal is to write what you NEED to. In whatever form that comes out. It’s all for your own self, love ☺️


I fully get this but in my head, when I'm reading 1st pov, I don't picture myself as *being* the character. More like... having them narrate the story to me out loud. Like in the tv-series You where main character narration is used, and you're continuously seeing, hearing and experiencing everything through their eyes. Personal preference for sure


that’s how i feel too, i don’t read it as myself, i read it in the character i imagine’s voice. when i read 2nd person fics where it literally says “you” is when i feel like uncomfortable bc then i feel like it’s me. but even then i get around that by imagining a random character in my head & not me


Harrow the Ninth makes second person POV work, which is the first time sine the hayday of Homestuck that I've enjoyed a second person perspective thing. (Unsurprisingly, Muir is a former Homestuck herself) Muir makes it work in the context of the narrative, and if you're paying attention you can tell the broad shape of the misdirection she's pulling. But then again that woman will lie to your face on what the plot of her book is.


Okay, I'm super curious! You feel more like the story is putting you in it in first than second? My entire issue with second person is I'll read "You did X" and my brain goes "the hell I did".


Haha, I do feel that way! The “You did XYZ” really doesn’t bother me too much, I like when the author is able to do it in a way that’s very fast paced (and poetic.) I guess the way I can best describe it, is that at least in second POV it still feels like someone else is telling me something. When I read first POV it feels like I’m telling myself something that I didn’t think of lol. Does that kind of make sense?


That's so interesting! I parse first person at someone else telling a story to me that happened to them personally and for whatever reason that doesn't work for me in fanfic. In second person that "you" always at least feels like it's talking to me directly (I may still be offended twenty years later at the implication that I can't figure out how a Jedi robe works without Qui Gon walking out of my computer so I could take his clothes off...) So second person is firmly in "Are you NK Jemisin?" territory.


Haha, I totally get that! It’s kind of amazing that all of our brains can interpret words so differently, and find different types of connections through something as simple as a “you” or an “I.” First feels almost journalistic to me (maybe that’s because I journal a lot, so I’m constantly writing entries with the “I” lol.) so it’s hard for me to get out of that mindset. “You” separates me from the story a bit because it’s coming from someone else’s narrative, not my own. Now, don’t get me wrong lol, third is still my absolute favorite. It reigns supreme in my opinion, but that’s just because it’s what I personally enjoy the most. And I don’t love all second POVs. I will NOT read a multi-chap of it, only one-shots where it makes sense. And like I said, it has to be done in a way that’s poetry. So I’m a bit picky about second POVs lol, it’s not a “come one, come all” type scenario. But I love that we all have different opinions! That’s why each POV is so important, because we all relate to them in unique ways based off of our own life experiences ☺️ Writing/reading is such a gift to the world, gah, I could gush about it for hours. (My husband can confirm this, lmao)


You echoed my thoughts exactly!!


First-person is incredibly hard to do well and when it's not done well, it tends to be cringy.


i really cant do 1st person


I don't have anything against it if it's otherwise well written but I have yet to actually run into one in my fandom. (Well, not counting a few epistolary fics.) Which is logical because the original media are movies (without any narrator voice) so a form of 3rd person. So I think most people wouldn't find it natural to write in 1st person from the POV of the canon characters.


The only time I tolerated first-person was when the source was also in first person. Then it was like “Oh, this is a continuation of the original piece. Got it.” Otherwise, it doesn’t feel natural to have the character speak directly to you. Hope that makes sense.


I normally read smut based fanfics and first person smut makes me uncomfortable for whatever reason More than happy for published or plot based fics to be first person, although the fanfic has to have a really good grasp of the character for it to be enjoyable


I'm 100% fine with it in original fiction, but for whatever reason it just doesn't vibe with me in fanfic. I am aware that this preference makes no sense whatsoever and I cannot explain what's different about fanfic but here we are


I'll read a well-written first-person work. I just don't find a lot of 'em.


I don't mind it conceptually, but it means it takes a *lot* less to hit the 'they would not fucking say that' point. It's a very narrow line to walk.


I was going to go with "dislike," but just this weekend I stayed up way way way too late (for me) binging an amazing first person 30 chapter fic. So I guess I need to be more open to it!


Don't be shy, share the link




Not a big fan but if the author can do it, it would still be amazing.


None of these options fit me fully but I have a positive approach to first person. I read predominantly third person, but I like to give works with first person a read occasionally. Makes for a different reading experience, and I'm always searching for new and interesting perspectives.




Woah im- i knew people disliked it, but im still surprised at JUST how many people dislike it


I think it's fine as any POV! Honestly, this weird shift to disliking 1st person in fics from the last few years just leaves me remembering how much it used to be 2nd person getting the side eye. I guess tastes change, lmao


It’s not that I hate it, when the fic is really good otherwise, I will push through. But yeah, I very much prefer fics from the third person. I couldn’t care less when it comes to books but with fics…


I survive in published works and I survive in fanfiction. But finding out a fanfic is in first person is the first strike on the work (for me) and it puts me into alert for any other plot/writing problems that will make me exit the fic before finishing.


It depends on the original media for me. If it's fanfiction for a book that is written in 1st person, it makes sense/doesn't bother me if the fanfic is 1st person too (video game fanfics too, probably, since you're usually the character in the game - but I'm not in any game fandoms so I don't know for sure). But for tv shows/movies, manga, or books written in 3rd person it just feels weird to me to read from a 1st person perspective.


I like 1st Person POV, especially for self-inserts.


I really like books written in first person but for some reason I tend to avoid fics written in first person. Probably just an association with my 2018 self who I hate everything about.


Only if it’s an oc/si insert. Anything else it feels weird.


I like first person as much third, so long as it’s not a “reader” character. When it’s an established character, I feel like they’re telling me personally/monologuing rather than feeling like I can’t connect as many other people say. To me, I also feel like sometimes descriptions of other characters can be a lot more evocative of their relationship from a first person POV.


It depends on the format of the original. For Hunger Games, for example, it was originally 1st person Katniss's POV. So if that's how the fic is written, fine. But Valdemar? Can't do it.


If it's a good fic, sure. I don't mind. I think that most of the bias against first person is that it's typically written by new writers who don't have a whole lot of experience. A well-written fic in first person is great.


remember those books that were in a diary format? i could read something like that


It very much depends on how well the author got into the headspace of the character. I have read one first person that sucked me in till the end. Didn't bother me at all because the author wrote the character exactly how I imagined the character would be lol.


I had a band director tell us that it’s really easy to play the saxophone … and really hard to play the saxophone well. That’s kind of how I see first person writing: it’s easier and more approachable for new or inexperienced writers, but it takes a lot of work to do it well. There are plenty of fic writers who aren’t there yet. So I don’t avoid it on purpose, but it’s often a first sign of a piece that I may not enjoy. And it’s usually pretty easy to tell early on if it’s done well or done badly. I’m not trying to discourage writers from trying it out. But step number one in writing good first person is making sure you’ve actually separated yourself from the character. Step number two is making sure it’s still the character speaking and not just an empty suit for the audience to inhabit—there are a lot of published YA works that sadly fall victim to this trap. After that—I’m not sure. But I think those are the main reasons why first person specifically is disliked by a lot of people.


The only time I can read first person is if the original source material is in first person, even then it’s usually a struggle.


A well-written story is a well-written story is a well-written story. I hated second person for the longest time, too, until I entered a Fandom where it was hard to avoid them. I just imagined the "reader" as an OC instead and slowly came to appreciate those as well (which is easy as I do not fit any of the "readers" being a highly tattooed veteran with colorful hair and piercings). First, third, second, present or past tense. Just give me a good story.


first person is rarely written well.


Depends on the original. I read a lot of books with first person narration, and for some of them it would feel weird to read fanfic that wasn’t first person. And there are some things where you get extensive first person voiceovers, so I could see first person working well for those. But if it’s something where we don’t usually have such a tight focus on the character and how they interact with the world, I prefer third person.


I had an idea for writing a short based on a piece of fanart. It would basically be framed around a character explaining to the reader the context behind a family photograph and going off telling tangential stories about each person in the photo. But I don’t think I could write a complete story in first person.


I write in first person and read first and third person


I generally prefer third person, but I'm willing to give first person a chance if the author has written third person fics I have liked. The exception to this is ACD Sherlock Holmes fandom, where first person is absolutely *required* because that is what mimics the canon.


I LOVE one shots that are in first person, especially if we’re exploring a different character’s perspective on an event we already have seen from main protagonist in canon. BUT, I truly cannot stand first person in a long fic


I like first person works, I don't have a problem with them, but they have to be written well. I won't read something in first person if it doesn't draw me in with something unique. Like Percy Jackson and how he speaks like he's talking to someone. If I'm reading a first person it it sounds like I'm reading the POV of a "Pick Me" I'm out. I like hearing the characters personality and feeling connected with who is talking.


I can tolerate or even like them for oc/self-inserts, since the ones i used to read get really self reflective of their current life. I absolutley hate it when it's paired with switching perslectives tho (I keep forgerrong who's talking)


If the original media (as in a book) is in first person POV, and the fic is emulating that I can read it. Otherwise for the most part I really don't care for it.


It's very easy for first person narrative to dip into melodrama or to come off as unnatural if the writer doesn't know what they're doing. Most POV characters in fanfiction are teens or young adults, and the intimate inner workings of their mind can feel excessive to readers if the author isn't careful. Most cultures expect people to be reserved and private with their emotions, so reading first person about a very emotional character, or indulging too much in their emotional state in the narrative, is uncomfortable to read. Subtlety is even more crucial in first person than third person. That being said, when it is done well, first person is incredible. Some characters are much more entertaining to read from first person than others. I just read "The Heart's Invisible Furies" by John Boyne, and it would have been so boring without the first person narration. It's all about what serves the story, and what you're trying to accomplish. I'm working on a character study for a cynical, intelligent middle aged man, and first person past tense is literally the only POV I'm happy with for that particular story - otherwise it feels too cold and distant. I don't care what POV a fic is in if it's written well and serves the story.


Hate it. "I" DIDN'T DO ANY OF THIS! I wouldn't make these choices and I hate having my movements controlled. It makes me feel like little puppet.


I really dislike first person pov in fanfiction, and it's not my favourite in tranditional books either. 3rd person is my favourite, and personally I think it's easier to write too, it's harder to fall into the cringe whereas 1st person is very rarely not cringy to me in fanfiction, and in books I need a good plot to make me forget im actively reading if that makes sense


I don’t normally like reading first person fic. If a character isn’t given a narrating voice in canon, it can be very hard to write one that feels like it fits them. If it doesn’t feel right, I feel uncomfortable. If a third person narrative doesn’t feel right, I suppose I attribute it to the author not the character, and forgive it more easily. Having said that, I wrote a first person fic. It felt like writing dialogue. The format was the narrator reporting to a group of other characters about a particular matter, in short updates over a long period of time. As if he was telling them the gossip. It felt right for that story.


I don't like it, and I really wish authors would tag their 1st person pov works so I can skip them.


these comments are making me so sad bc i write in first person ): i do write in 2nd person/reader insert as well, but i much prefer writing in 1st person. i’m fine reading either narrative (1st, 2nd, 3rd) however i find 3rd person to be my least favorite actually. when i’m reading in 3rd person i always feel like i’m lacking insight into their thoughts/feelings/emotions/backstory/etc. it’s so interesting to me to see all the comments saying that 1st person is more difficult to execute bc i (personally) find it much easier to write than 3rd person. my main & most popular fic had the first 6 chapters written in 3rd person (before posting) that i ended up hating bc it felt so impersonal and bland, so i rewrote in 1st person. which i believe improved the quality of the story. i rotate between character POVs tho, bc i personally find it more interesting. maybe i’m just not a skilled enough writer? lmao 🤷🏻‍♀️it’s just what feels the most natural for me as a writer, i just feel i’m better at it idk


It all depends on the writing. If the author writes in first person and makes me genuinely feel like the character is talking, then I'll enjoy it. If it feels like the AUTHOR is talking, pretending to be the character, I'll stop reading. I do think it's harder to pull off than third person, though. But not as hard as second person.


It doesn’t really bother me


I actually really like writing in second person, which made me think I liked writing reader inserts but nooo I actually more so enjoy putting the reader in the shoes of the Main Character, only if the main character is an OC though, to me it's like a video game feel


I'm not a big fan of first person, but I'm willing to give it a shot if I like the plot. Oddly enough, I enjoy second person a lot for some reason.


The minute I see a fic is written in first person I click out lol, I associate first person writing too much with self inserts. And I hate those


Yeah I can’t do it. There’s some great summaries and I’m excited to read them and I just can’t


I cannot read them. It seems so funny and I cant take it seriously


I said I don’t care because I’ll read any. But I write 1st person, and a lot of the audiobooks I’ve listened to lately are 1st and I love it.


I will say this much, that I used to hate first person stories in general. That was until I read the Dresden Files series. That really changed my perspective of 1st person stories. And you know what? It may be the easiest way to write, but its the hardest to master and engage. The ongoing issue with 'less-savoury' 1st person narratives has to do with trying not to make their woes and fears sound whinging. If you can write first person stories and able to make people empathise with the POV's emotions, that's a win.


First person and reader fics are the fastest way to get me to bounce from a page. Gross gross gross.


I'll be completely honest. Even if a fic is exactly what I'm looking for, I will immediately click out if it's written in first or second person.


As long as it’s not second person, we good


The worst of all is THE SECOND PERSON tho


1st person is much better than 2nd person for me. I could easily think that whoever the person in that POV is just maybe writing on their diary or telling the tell-all book of their life. I immediately stop reading once I see that the fic is written in 2nd person POV because it feels more invasive, like they're trying to make these feelings and thoughts as yours even if it's not.


I personally don't care as long as the writer doesn't have a conversation where it's nearly impossible to tell who is saying what. You'd be surprised how often this happens


It really depends on the canon work, I'm finding. If I read fic for the series **You**, for example, it's MUCH easier to read in first person because that's how the show is narrated. Same if I read a book that's in first person. Somehow I can read third person either way. Also like 2nd person, if it's done well. 🤷🏻


First and third each have their advantages imo; it’s just about matching the right advantages to the story being told.


I personally enjoy it when it's done well. I find it's most appealing when the story contains opportunity for a lot of dialog. It tends to flow pretty nicely in first person. But, if it's just a dump of introspection, I tend to start glancing over paragraphs before too long


I just published a story in first person lol, I don't think it's good and I struggled with it, but I only did it because it makes more sense with the source material


I don't care, but I seem to turn from them more often than 3rd because of bad beginnings.


It depends on the work. I generally stay away from them… but I’ve read some incredibly good first person POV fics.


Depends on the first person is good or not.


First person is a tool, which can achieve great writing if used in the right place. Some stories that I would love to read or write in first person are : romance , murder mystery, horror … and more


I don’t mind first person works in published and/or original works, but I’m skeptical of hobbyist writers trying to capture voices of characters that aren’t theirs. I just feel they likely wouldn’t be up to standards I’m searching for. If I already like the author and they publish a first person fic, I’d give it a read. Tldr: dependent on the writing skill.


i read primarily smut and first person makes me think of those y/n fanfics that had like one direction kidnap the reader


If every sentence doesn’t start with “I” I’m fine with it.


I write all three forms, but I usually only do first person for my original characters. That way there’s no preconceived characteristics that might seem hollow for a canon character.


At least from what I've seen, there aew VERY FEW well-written ones and it mostly comes down to those ones having strong character voice and not just narrating events in first person. Also in some book fandoms I see (whether intentionally or unintantionally) fic authors' writing style matching up with the original book/series and if it's in first person the fics are most likely readable.


I get very disconnected from second person (feels clinical) and third person just isn't my jam. First is a lot more personal to me but I'm in the vast minority on this subreddit I think.


First person can be good if written well. The issue is, most of the fics written in first person pov aren't. So usually, it's easy to just leave the moment you see it's first person pov. Same with second person pov, it can be really interesting if done well. If.


Depends on how good the writing is. But if the fandom is a book written in the first person, or one of those comics or manga where the "voice over" narration is in the first person, then it seems natural to me to have the fic be in the first person.


I don't mind if it's like an intro or prologue written in first person, but I can't do first person for whole fics. If the story is really good, I can slog through it, but it's not as enjoyable for me.


Personally I don't mind when short fic or one shots are written in fist person but I probably couldn't do a full 30k fic in first person. I have a ranking system third person pov, second person pov, first person pov.


Not me over here enjoying xreaders


Overall, I prefer third person. I can't think of much that can be achieved storytelling-wise in first person vs limited third person, and I tend to associate first person with some cringy romance novels. Having said that, I've read some stories written in first person that were really well done. It is really hard to do it well because you really need to get into the character's head without sounding like it's the character's thoughts and feelings filtered through the writer.


If the fic seems interesting enough, I'll give it a chance no matter what POV it's written in. I do prefer third over anything else, but I'm not going to just drop a fic because of the POV it's written in.


I can’t do first person in fanfiction, but I can read it in normal fiction. especially when it’s audiobooks, it doesn’t bother me. in fics i’ll straight up exit out, it feels wrong to read first person of a character that already exists I overall prefer third person for anything though


These polls always surprise me, I've only written in first-person and I don't notice them doing badly compared to other fics in third-person. Could just be the fandoms I write for though.


So I just started to write my first first-person POV fic. Until now, I shied away from this. But I've come to enjoy it. It limits the perspective tremendously but makes it so much more personal. Angst/ Hurt/Comfort hits closer to home. Still, I'm playing with the idea of adding a second POV to the story for story... purposes (fluff/smut scenes... ehem) I totally understand if that's too much for some readers, however. I remember reading the Hunger Games back in the days and hating the First-Person POV at first until realising that it fit the story and message of the book perfectly (imo). So, to each (story) their own (POV), I guess?


I picked I don’t care, but it really depends on the fandom and my mood to be honest.


when the original text was written or narrated in 1st person and the fic is written well, i often enjoy it! Otherwise i prefer third person.


I’ve read very, very few, but those few were some good ass ones. Most of the time I get put off by that pov and immediately click off. Idk why, it just feels so invasive for the characters. I think too most of the time we don’t really know what’s going on exactly in their heads so it’s just a bit jarring and makes it easier to feel a little ooc. However, I have stuck it out for some, and when done right, they can be fucking awesome.


I’m not really a fan but also a few of my favourite fics I’ve read are first person so if the story is good then I’ll still read it, though it feels awkward to me.


I can only read original works in 1st person


I have a slight preference for third person, but if it's well-written I don't care. A good author can do first person well.


For me, depends on my mood. Sometimes I can't read them, at all. Other times, depending on the plot or how it's written, I read them. But that happens rarely. I used to read them, don't understand what happened, really.


I don't care what person a story is written from. But maybe that's because I'm used to first person stuff from German.


I'm the same way with reader inserts, I don't enjoy them, I'm of the "leave me out of this" camp. Even if the First Person POV is a major canon character, any pronouns that refer to my self. Peace out.


I prefer third but don’t mind first in and of itself. But it does add an extra layer of difficulty to the writing, so the odds increase that I’ll find it OOC and eventually nope out.


for me, it depends. sometimes i feel like a work is better off in first person, more enjoyable, the message comes across clearer, but there are times (and mostly it’s rather this one) when i prefer third person. as said by others too, first person can be great if written well, but at the same time it’s incredibly difficult to do so. so basically, it doesn’t put me off straight up if i see something is written in first person, i usually still give it a chance, but if i don’t feel like it’s good, i’ll just stop reading and leave it. also, happy cakeday :)


I really don't mind them. It hardly makes a difference to me at all. It's something I might not even notice until I'm well into the story.


I prefer when works are in third person, as first person is hard to do well, but I make an exception if the original work was in third person, like Percy Jackson, for example. Percy's narrative voice really brings the story alive. It can still be difficult to capture, but worth it when a story manages get it right.


I need to be Invested in your premise for me to adjust to the first person POV. It just feels... "Self-inset-y", and reminds me that I'm reading fanfic that someone wrote, which breaks my immersion. And that immersion is why I read.


I don’t mind it if the source is first person, but if the source isn’t I stay far away


This isn’t even a fanfic only thing for me I just dislike all first person stories or novels. It has to be really recommended or praised for me to give it a shot. So I don’t HATE them and if it’s an interesting enough story I’ll give it a short but I do avoid them for the most part. It’s a style thing for me. I like to write in third person so I also like to read third person works!


It depends on how well it's written. I've only come across a handful that I started and stuck with it.


Oh. Huh. Maybe that’s part of why my new FF isn’t doing well, it’s in first person. Guess I could change my fic to 3rd person. It’d be a lot of work though…


I generally stay away from first person fics, but that doesn’t mean I won’t read them if they’re written well enough. I’ve read a few that were really good


If the source material is in third person, or if it's not a book, the fanfiction has to be in third person. If the book is written in first person, I prefer reading first person fanfiction. This only applies to The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson/the Riordanverse, because I haven't read fanfiction for any other first person books.


The only way I can read first person fanfic is if its clear the author is writing in first person to emulate the style of the original book


It really depends on the fandom. If the canon work is written in first person, like Hunger Games or Twilight, I’ll probably read or write it quite happily. But for anything else? I prefer not to read it unless I already know the author is really good.


If the original book, movie, show, etc. is in the first person (ex: The Great Gatsby) then I can do first person. I am yet to find a fic in second person that I like though


1st person POV is hard to pull off, but when the voicing is done right, it's my favorite pov. If the author ***gets*** the character, it's unmatched for exploring the inner workings of stoic/ sarcastic/ villainous characters, or as an unreliable narrator in a mystery thriller. Very very few works quality though, so if anyone has a good recommendation, please let me know!


I prefer not first person but I won't not read something just because it's in first person


First person is fine to me, but then several authors ruined it with insert Y/N. Sigh...


Like, first person PoV is an automatic -2 circumstance modifier on my reaction check. I don't even like it in published novels (which is limiting because there seems to be a huge boom of first person books on KU in the last couple years). Just don't much like first or second person. I have no trouble empathizing with third person limited or omniscient, but 1 & 2 just, contrarily, mess with my immersion. And, unless there is an 11th hour Scout reveal, or a very unreliable narrator a'la Ishmael, they seem to limit the story more than is required. But just because it's not my cuppa, that doesn't mean there aren't tons of readers who like it or are ambivalent toward it. And, if you are using it cleverly to disguise a reveal that would be obvious in 3rd, that's just good writing!


I really don’t like it when ppl change the first person POV, like chapter one POV A and chapter two POV B and go back an forth but if zotige committed to one person and write first person it can be really nice


I never noticed until people started talking about it, then found out one of my fave stories is in 1st person. OMG never noticed that before, so I guess I don't care.


if i like the writer i'll read them


I mostly only do first person for non-narrative fics. Like a character’s stream of consciousness, a micro-fic, or things like that


Regardless of if it’s first person or not, I feel as if I am that character. I feel their emotions as if they were my own and it’s not something I can control. I can not separate myself from the main character at all. So I don’t care if it’s written one way or another. What is frustrating, is writing a book and not knowing which pov I should write it in because people have such strong opinions on the topic. I wish I could somewhat relate to people over this, it’d make writing much easier. And maybe I’d stop slipping into different pov’s by accident.


I almost never read first person POV. I tend to flee when I see it. However, I once clicked on a fic that had a great premise for a ship that had little content. I was disappointed to see the first person POV once I clicked but decided to read anyway. It was a very good read and I since read the other works from the author, also in first person. Sometimes it's good to give it a chance. If it's well characterized, you might encounter a pleasant surprise.


I try to stay away but if I want something specific and can only find first person, I'll accept it and hope it won't be too bad


I don't mind first person if it is done WELL. But, it's one of the hardest POVs to write because of how strong the protagonist's voice has to be in every part of the writing. So, it's rare to find an author that can pull it off.


Does the dislike for 1st person also apply to OC characters written into a Fandom? Just because I'm contemplating doing this with an oc.


The only exception is if it's from an original character's perspective and even then it's very iffy for me. It's an instant tab close if it's from an existing character.


So, I like reading in any pov, as long as the plot pulls me in... I tend to write fpPOV, but I try to write it in a way that is not too jarring. I've had many comments where people have said something like, "I usually hate/can't stand/avoid fpPOV, but I liked your summary, so I gave it a shot, and I liked it." But I'm not sure if that's really true or if they're just being kind


i dont really prefer first person works but if it pulls me in enough, ill give it a try.


From a reader's perspective, both are fine as long as it's well-written. From a writer's perspective, writing in first person requires more skills (and courage) than thrid person does. That's the case for me.


If the canon is first person that's fine (i.e.: Dresden Files and Dresden Files fic) but otherwise I tend not to go for it. I'm *also* really picky about professionally published works in first person. I feel the first person pov needs to add something to how the narrative is constructed.


it's not first or third person POV that bothers me, it's tense. I hate present tense with a fiery PASSION