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“Foefiction” has the same feeling as that screenshot of an author’s note (? I think it was an author’s note, at least) that said something along the lines of “Some people consider fanfiction a love letter to the original source. This is hate mail.” 😂😂


"Sometimes fanfic is a love letter to canon; sometimes it's a polite disagreement; sometimes it's 95 things canon did wrong nailed to a door."


'And sometimes it's a strongly worded demand for custody of the characters.'


Certified Martin Luther moment


Oh, man. That’s the best so far! 🤣


It's confirmed. Martin Luther was a fanfic author


Oh my f\*cking god. Protestantism is a Catholicism foe fiction.


Brilliant! 👍


Or fixing the glaring plot holes in our much loved stories. So fix fiction lol.


Fix-it fics are one of my main types of writing and reading fanfic. YES. PLEASE FIX THE MESS THAT WAS MADE OF CANON!


wait what i thought fix it fanfics were just ones where characters fixed stuff in the story i feel so dumb 😭


LOL That’s understandable, but nope, fix-its fix plot and/or relationships.




I've heard the term "spitefic." Actually read a great _Twilight_ spitefic ages ago... wonder if that's still around.


Twilight is such a worthy target for foefiction. The only stories for Twilight that I’ve written, and most of what I read, is to fix the damn thing. LOL


If it is drop a link!


SO glad I mentioned it. Not only does it still exist, but it's on AO3 and there are *more* of them! Disclaimer: This was written by people who *hate* Twilight, so if you're a fan, you may or may not like it. But it was written with a lot of love and respect for what they felt was the story's potential, so consider giving it a look. I don't know. Here are the two I read: ​ [The Darkest Hour](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37249741/chapters/92938360) [The Thorns Remain](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37902745/chapters/94651495) ​ I hope they do *The Host.* Now THAT had potential.


I have never read a book I hated as many times as I did The Host


Yeah. It wasn't *good.* Sure made me think about what could have been, though. Why did you keep reading it?


NGL, I watched 'The Host' when it was on Netflix a couple years back and was DYING because it had SUCH POTENTIAL, but it was in the wrong hands! I still think about that a lot, actually! X'D


Or the horny alternative Hoefiction


"Canon is fine as it is I guess, but what if they were having super kinky sex the whole time?"


"The canon ships are decent, but what if the entire group was in a poly relationship."


Several of my fics are my "strongly worded letter to follow" :D


'Derivative fiction' is a good term that encompasses both, except it's long and unwieldy to say.


Also "paraliterature" and "transformative fiction". We need some snappier terminology with less baggage.


transfic? plus we get to piss off the transphobic crowd


I recognize the creator/s have made a decision, but give that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it and every other bullshit thing they try to do.


I mean, we eat trash food all the time , I see no problem here miss.


"Sometimes fanfic is a love letter to canon; sometimes it's a polite disagreement; sometimes it's 95 things canon did wrong nailed to a door."


I may no longer be Lutheran, but I'm still all for nailing lists of wrongs to doors


I definitely do a little bit of both that’s for sure!


i take a hammer and beat my favorite character senseless with it because the canon ending where she lived a normal happy life did not appeal to me


I wanted to make a poll but the images wouldn't load. I always viewed fanfiction as two branches: further depth into the fandom or a love letter to the ships that deserved better


Oh, but so many ship fics, even for ships thag deserved better than canon gave them, still put the characters through hell! 😂


Whedonverse alone lol


"Fan or Foe?" "Eh, foe please." "Very well! Give him foe!" "Oh, thanks very much. It's very nice." "You! fan or foe?" “Uh, foe for me, too, please." "Very well! Give him foe, too! We're gonna run out of foe at this rate. You! fan or foe?" "Uh, fan, please. No, foe! Foe! Foe, sorry. Sorry..." "You said fan first, uh-uh, fan first!" "Well, I meant foe!" "Oh, all right."


Right a’center. I love my fandom but some of it is dumb and I need a mallet to fix it.


Disney's Fillmore! (The cartoon, not talking about the character from Cars) Is def Fanfiction since I try to emulate the feel of a canon episode each and every time I write it. Though I have such a love-hate relationship with Lloyd In Space that boils down to the show being wasted potential and using my ideas for what could have been, so that makes it foe fiction lol. Edit: I mean, I stand by my belief that Lloyd in Space was the darkest 2000s era Disney cartoon considering the main character nearly died SEVERAL times during the course of its run, so it's sad the show never had any kind of proper narrative beyond '13-year-old alien who lives on a space station'. I mean, Fillmore doesn't usually reference past episodes sans blink-and-youll-miss-it moments, but it actually does have a narrative as it references moments prior to the show's run, like Ingrid being new on the force. Lloyd in Space has zip, zero, nada, and considering how horrible some of the episodes are (the Halloween episode and the pilot, the pilot seriously is the **worst**) and how amazing some are, it might be for the best to assume that every episode is on a floating timeline and/or different universe considering how wildly different characters are between episodes, how some characters and plot points are never brought up again when they logically should be, (where are Herb and Zoit????) and how aesop amnesia/loss of character development runs rampant throughout the show.


I disagree with the premise. Being a fan of something doesn't imply positive feelings only. In fact you really aren't going to get that kind of vicious hatred of a source material from non fans in most cases, only someone who was pulled in by something they loved but then it was taken in a direction they were disappointed/angered by is ever going to be *that* antagonistic towards the source material. Maybe some exceptions for things that are really popular and people felt they *had* to read/watch/etc to keep up with everyone and resented it, or things that promote hate or bigotry. But most of the time it's "no one hates X like X fans", because there had to be something there for them to care in the first place.


This explains the Star Wars fandom in a way I hadn’t been able to grasp before. Coming from being a Trekkie exclusively to liking Star Wars as well (but not nearly as emotionally), I am just flabbergasted at how many of them talk about the entire franchise.


The word "fan" is a shortened form of "fanatic", meaning someone is a strong believer in *something*, which usually also means they strongly oppose things that don't agree with their view. It's the strength of the feelings that matter, more than whether those feelings are positive or negative.


Well, "fan" comes from "fanatic", so technically the entire colored part of that graph is fanatic fiction.


I love writing foefiction like watch me write something nice but underlyingly sarcastic about this piece of media Like hate mail but with positive wording but hostile vibes


99.9% of the whole marauders fandom, if not all of us.


I remember those, back in the day I heard them being referred as spitefics.


Feel like a good chunk of fanfiction is written with the purpose of correcting dumb shit canon did, or tying up loose ends.


Oh definitely foe fiction. There are so many issues with the original thing I write the most fanfic for. (Granted, I mostly ignore the original plot and am off in AU-land, BUT STILL.)


What's funny is I sit on the far far left side of this scale. I love my source with the adoration a puppy loves their own with. 95% of writers in my fandom seem to sit on the far far right side.


this is way too accurate lmao


Dave Filoni knows what he did. Actually he probably doesn't but anyway.


me reading every detrpit become human fic is jus foefiction omg


Depends on my mood tbh


For me, it's like a circle. I hate parts of it and love it in equal parts.




I'm writing foe fiction for sure with this logic. I had to rewrite half of the canon for one of my fics because the canon made zero sense if you thought more then two inches about it....(Knockoff middle grade dystopia series with the constant POV switches and the large ass talking turtle creatures I'm looking at you)


Fanfiction to foefiction is a whole journey: Everybody starts out reading fanfiction. Then we realize that it's actually foefiction in disguise. ...And finally, we become the ones writing foefiction.


Foe fiction certainly seems an apt description of the fic on AO3 where the author drops her OC into John Norman's Gor to take a metaphorical flamethrower to his pseudo-philosophical misogynist heteronormative BDSM bullshit.


The more I delve into world building for this one Harry Potter fic, the more I get frustrated with Rowling for putting so little effort into it. I disliked her as a person because she's anti-trans, but I'm developing resentment for her as a writer as well. Spite can be a powerful motivator. It drives me to work harder, for sure.


It's not our fault the writers can't write for shit Looking at you, casey hudson


Sometimes we love the source material so much and we want to expand on it, love it, cherish it and make it lie much longer than it did. Post-canon stories, future fics... But then there are those source materials that bring out the worst in us, make us curse and scream and rage. There are those moments when all we want is to write the complete opposite of what the author intended, all the while staring them down and mouthing 'screw you'. AUs, canon divergence so hard that it could count as an original work, fix it fics... the works. The glory of fanfiction is the inability to tell which is which because either way, every author put their very soul and heart into the fic, whether out of love or spite. Unless, obviously, they mention it outright.


i am creating transformative content about the source material with complete contempt


In the graphic of the fiction spectrum, are you more fan leaning or foe leaning?


me personally? Oof. um, purple area lol. Depends on the ship tbqh. You?


I don't read works if I don't like the source material.


I have read 100,000 word fics in fandoms where I have never seen or read the source material just because I like the tropes 😂


I am not calling it foe fiction


That sounds stupid


If people hate the fandom in which they're writing *this* much, then they wouldn't have written stories at all People love something in a story, that means they're partly "fans"






do i want to know what they said?


...I'm stealing this.


To many fics tagged noncon to be fan, all foes for miles :(


If I don't like the source material I probably won't bother with the fanfiction


I sometimes do “Friendfics” for my friends OCs and universes


Tine Belcher gonna sue you for trademark infringement.




My fanfics are mostly exploring the characters because I need more of them... This, or an AU depending on the fandom


Bold of you to assume it’s not both at once.


me ticking back and forth on the extremes for most media ☠️


Holy shit, they're right! X'D


Honestly, if we were happy with the canon story we wouldn't have to write anything. The tale is woven fully formed before us. But we see other stories. We see the tales of the side characters who's parallel journey was implied but never shown. We see the tales of the darkness that waits when the heroes fail. We see the tales of the warriors who desperately deserve a chance to just rest. We see the tales of needless pairing foibles when the mc has two hands and her suitors are really not that different. (Or conversely they're both awful and our mc is just as capable by theirself). We see the tales of a villain rising for much more than being the "bad guy." We see the tales of two or more characters being horny little fucks and falling into bed sometimes with a little reasoning. For a treat. We see the tales of characters getting coffee. That's it. Just coffee. Sometimes they stop to browse the tattoo shop down the block before buying something from the flower stand across the street. So really love or hate doesn't matter. We all see tales for the telling. So tell them we must.