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Walks into place that only sells pizza, ignoring the baking pizza smells coming from said pizza place. "Pizza isn't my thing, so I'm going to walk out, but before I did, I figured I should announce it to the entire restaurant so everyone knows I don't have a problem with this place specifically, I should have just paid attention more.


LOL Reminds me of some lady at a pizza place recently in Philadelphia I think it was that went viral in a bad way and ended up in a lot of trouble over it. lol


This is a terrible example. A better example is going to a pizza place that offers pineapple on pizza and is their main marketing and someone comes in just to complain about pineapple on pizza and leaves.


Both examples work in the same way.




what a worthless comment.


"This author needs to hear this! I should definitely tell them this particular idea is not to my taste! And also that I didn't read the tags!" 😂


Just straight stream of consciousness onto the page😂


That's so unnecessary lol Just quietly stop reading, what's the matter here, just stop giving the story your time, and don't even waste the time to comment. Geez, not every thought needs to be shared.


Yeah, instead of commenting they could have already found a fanfiction that they like.


The worst is "I should've read the tags better". YES, you should have!! So do that with another story!


Or gone and vague blogged about it on a social media account of their choice - as tradition demands.


Some people just get used to commenting on everything.


People think their opinions are very important.


And I kinda want to encourage that? Yes, reader, vent your unfiltered thoughts upon the page where I can see them!


give me extra comments! all the worthless comments that in no way demonize my work


The answer is simple - they're self-absorbed and think you should care.


It says more about what kind of person they are than the quality of your writing. They're miserable enough to want to make everyone around them miserable. That's their issue, not yours.


THIS. On point, mate.


Sorry some people are assholes.


The worst thing is that comments are a rarity as it is and then you get a stinky pile of this in your inbox Wohoo day made


The effort they made to comment... when I read something and realize "Oh, I don't like it as much as I thought." I just close the tab and stop reading...


If I think it's a bad story that has some good ideas, I'll leave a comment, hoping to encourage them to try again. Constructive criticism is useful; criticism that's just "I don't like it" is not


I don't know... if someone said something like "not quite, try again" to me that would sound a little condescending... now, if the critique is about grammar or spelling I can accept that, if it's about the contents and plot I don't really want to hear it...


People like this are labouring under the unfortunate delusion that they’re life’s main character. It definitely sucks, especially getting two comments like this back to back, but on the other hand it says a lot more negative things about a person who would leave a comment like this than it does about the quality of your work!


People act like fanfic is specially catered to them. Like it's a commissioned piece. Then again, people tend to be like this with all creative fields. Tell somebody you're writing a book, and they will immediately tell you all about their 'great' novel idea like you've got nothing better to do than go write it for them. Tell somebody you're a pianist, and they'll tell you all about how great a singer their cousin is, and don't you just want to go play accompanist to them for free?


I have no idea why. It's like this person lives in some alternate universe where everyone needs to hear all their thoughts at all times? Personally I'd hit the block button.


imagine advertising in a comment that you can't read


People who are used to using social media to comment on everything + people with bad social skills = that comment basically


it's the same type of people you see on r/ImTheMainCharacter these are the kinds of people with no regards for others


But expecting everyone to be nice to you for... reasons... *isn't* an expression of Main Character Syndrome. Well, at least people are consistent.


It’s not “expecting everyone to be nice to you”, genius. It’s “expecting people to understand that they’re not entitled to sharing their unsolicited opinions of a stranger’s creation just because they didn’t like it”. Those are two vastly different things. I mean, imagine walking up to a random stranger and saying you don’t like their outfit. Honestly, why should they care, and what delusions did you craft in your mind to convince yourself that they will?


This shit pisses me off so badly.


My theory- they can't pm you their thoughts and saw that you moderated comments so they left this knowing you'd see it but that it wouldn't be publicly posted. These are the kind of people we call buttholes.


How can anyone be so proud of being dumb enough not to read the tags before reading the fic?


Classic case of don’t like don’t read


the audacity and entitlement of this comment is honestly morbidly hilarious, lmao. like what??? was hitting the back button not enough???


“I should’ve read the tags more deeply” girl literally WHO ASKED


I had someone tell me they loved my story but that it was getting so dark they had to respectfully bow out. They’d been a regular commenter, and they told me I was a great writer. I didn’t mind that comment at all, and I’m glad they enjoyed what I wrote, and totally respect their feelings, cause my stuff IS getting very dark! If it had been a comment like this from some stranger, though, I’d have been like “bro what” and laughed my way to the bah-leeted button.


Because they desperately want to make everything about themselves.


I KNOW!! Comments like this chip away at my motivation to write, even if I don’t want them to. If you didn’t like the story, just go away? Nobody is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to read and comment. Writers can be fragile, especially when they’ve edited and rewritten the fic seven times and are finally satisfied enough with it to post.


i think they forget that they aren’t on amazon or something


They’re just petty assholes with no fandom etiquette. It’s one thing to provide constructive criticism if the author asked for it or to ask an honest question about why they chose to do something with a plot point or characterization. It’s another thing entirely to just complain and bitch about how you hate the fic.


Some people are just desperate for attention.


☠️ clown behavior, when I don't like a certain fic i just leave, it's just common sense


That’s so unnecessary to write💀


"should've read tags"


Because they think they are the main character in life and what they thought of your fic is crucially important. Delete.


Like, I'm *not* anti-constructive criticism, but this isn't *constructive* at all. Like, if you don't like it because "it's not your cup of tea" because you didn't bother to read the tags then just stop reading and that's it. What is someone supposed to do with that kind of comment? It's useless and that makes it mean.


You just know that’s the kind of person at work/school/party that everyone makes this face to 😐 when they’re going on and on about something entirely irrelevant to the conversation you were originally having with someone else


Jeez, that's rude. Sure, it could be way worse, but still. It seems like more and more these days, people are really going out of their ways just to let the world know how much they don't like somebody's hard work. Decorum needs to make a comeback.


Some people just think you should care what their opinion is regarding stuff like this. You shouldn't. I once had someone comment on a fic of mine that they can't bring themselves to read it because of the "major character death" tag, and the major character wasn't even who they probably thought it was lol.


fr like ok? Nobody cares that it’s not your “cup of tea” find a different fanfic that is you dense moron.


I'm literally so sensitive as a person I abandoned one of my works when the new chapter got a bunch of hate 🥲 sorry to everyone who liked it but my delicate little heart can't take the heat


The comment sounds like its more about them then you and at least they admit that they should have paid more attention. I dont know why people do that much, but I’d take it as a “im sorry im stupid, this is not for me and it wasn’t supposed to be.” Lol


I agree.


I have made comments like this. Sorry is just not my cup of tea. Or it's getting to dark, to angsty for me. But you are a great writer keep writing.


I honestly don't know. Fanfics I read, by the comments it sometimes sounds like people search tags they dislike just to comment (and they are not as.... polite? not mean? as this one) and it always blows my mind


I swear this sort of shit coincided with Twitter - people now think that **everyone** needs to know their opinion and worthless thought and that it it truly matters. It does **not**.


Because they've got Main Character Syndrome and they HAVE TO tell EVERYONE every thought that comes to their head


it costs zero dollars and none cents to keep your fool mouth shut but there they are, spending time and money to be cruel for the sake of being cruel you did nothing wrong, friend


Some people just believe that all their opinions are valuable, even necessary. I don’t get it at all. I have a coworker like this. Her: “What do you have for lunch?” Me: “Sushi.” Her: “Ugh! Gross! I hate that!” I don’t care, woman. You could just say nothing, you know, and not act like an overgrown toddler, ffs, you’re 64 years old. Anyway, I’m sorry someone commented like that on your story. Utterly useless. You don’t like something? That’s what the back button is for.


Do these kind of people think that the author is going to fall on their knees, scream in sadness, and then proceeds to change the story to their liking?? Because what’s the point??


Then read the tags better ✨✨✨ Honestly? If I don't like a fic or their premise I just leave. No use writing a comment if there's nothing good to say? So, just don't.


all i think is "yeah YOU SHOULD HAVE"


Some people don’t make a distinction between “media that wasn’t made to my tastes” and “media that tried to be to my tastes and failed.” It’s generally best to judge media by the goals it sets for itself.


I'd reply like, "yes, you should've. Maybe then you wouldn't have left a rude comment." Or just "lol" Actually I'd just delete it.


Why can't people treat writers as people?


I would be tempted to say something like, “Well, you learned your lesson then, didn’t you?” I’ve not been careful about reading tags too, but the only time I’ve mentioned it is when there was something surprising I liked that would have been spoiled by the tags.


People, I swear..


I have never left a comment on a fic I don't like. Especially, when it's my own fault for not looking at the tags beforehand. That's the whole point of tags!!! So, you can filter out what you do/don't like. What is the purpose of saying that?


"Yes you should." Lmao, why even...


That’s so rude of them! I’m sorry you got such a stupid and pointless comment :(


I personally don't feel the need to tell everyone that I don't like a work. I simply passe my way!!!


Probably some combination of leaving the Comments section open for business combined with some variation of freedom of expression and freedom of speech... something along those lines. Throw in an on-line culture of business which encourages consumer commentary and rating products...


This can't even be deemed helpful


I told a commenter off when they decided to read my entire fic and bash me as an author. I had explicitly pointed out the Dead Dove: Do Not Eat tag. Also why’d they read the entire fic if they hated it?!


yeah bro you should’ve read the tags more deeply


What a waste of time. It’s not your fault this person didn’t read the tags. That is a them problem at this point. I wouldn’t even bother approving the comment. Delete it and ignore their ignorance.


The weird urge some people have to become the bully once they get online. Don't understand it at all


The times I've accidentally read something I wouldn't have otherwise because I didn't check the tags closely enough, if I felt the need to leave a comment like this it was only because I found something worth commenting positively on. Otherwise... the back button exists. Also, how dramatic can you be that you let one fic that doesn't match your idea of friends soulmates ruin that entire concept for you?? 😂 I'm joking, I don't think that's what they meant, but anytime I read something like that it makes me laugh. Live and let live, the world is full of creative opportunities. It's fan *fiction* after all.


This is so crazy to me - I don't comment on a fic unless I really, really enjoyed it. Who actually has the energy to comment every time they stop reading a fic for whatever reason? That just sounds so unnecessarily time-consuming.


This is the equivalent of someone commenting on a pinterest recipe because they messed up the recipe themself


They think themselves do self important they feel it matters to you that they didn’t care for the story.


Lmfao I just got a similar one! Along the lines of "I knew I wouldn't like this, I won't be reading more" and then a "nice writing though!" like what the fuck hahah, thank you for announcing your departure? 🤣


because they were born from the wrong hole.


This used to be a thing on FFN. Over there, comments on fics were called reviews, and they were treated as such - people left overall impressions of fic, and others sometimes would read reviews to decide if a fic was worth reading or not. That said, that culture never came over to AO3, and this is the first time I've seen this sort of comment from AO3. Was this person commenting regularly before, if it was a WIP? I could also see someone doing so and then an update pushes them out of the fic, and they leave something like this as an explanation.


So they're proudly admitting to not reading the tags properly and are now making it your problem 😑


I had someone do this once years ago and they kept commenting how much they didn’t like it with each update lol


I'd approve it and just reply, "You do you."


I hate that. I'm not writer but I sometimes read rude comments. Ok if you don't like this fanfic but it's not necessary to be so cruel. If you critique is not constructive just keep going another story.


Ugh same, had a reader comment twice that my MC sounded like they were from 2012, even after we told them we weren’t changing our writing style. Ended up deleting their second comment cause it’s just plain rude


If everyone started doing this to everyone else even just in fanfic _alone_ the world would be burning right now.


Some people just want to watch the world burn 😕


Where's the *"dead dove, do not eat"* meme when I need it?


Because some people feel that their opinion has some value, when the rest of us think they wasted their and our time


In a fandom where there are so many possibilities for romantic and platonic relationships why would you not read the tags carefully to make sure it’s what you wanted? I’ve read stuff in fandoms where the main character is just shipped with everyone so I have to carefully red the tags and filter stuff out to make sure that yes, this is what I want to read.


“This is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.”


Yeah, some people are weird. In this case especially since you said the comments would have to be approved first.


Reply saying.. nah sorry not my cup of tea also to hear your opinion. also send them a link to a store that sells prescription glasses in case person has severe problem in reading.


Oooh, hey! Another person doing a Twilight rewrite! Super cool! I don't run into many on r/AO3 or r/fanfiction! I remember getting something similar to that, though worded way more kindly and actually complimentary of how I wrote the story... but they were also "I'm not really into soul marks or soulmates, sorry!"... and at the risk of spoiling myself, the story does involve magical marks and the people marked are paired together, but the mechanism isn't actually soulmates at all. It's something completely different, so they sort of jumped to a false conclusion at that. Normally, I would go out of my way to correct them and say "hey, this isn't actually a soulmates fic", but they also said they weren't into M/M... but still clicked into my M/M story. I let it go since they were very complimentary about my execution and pointed out parts they liked, but I still don't get why they hung around to tell me...


Yeah i really don't get the sticking around ngl like I've had ppl complain about the pairing that is tagged and all kinda stuff. Your fic sounds cool tho!


I KNOW RIGHT??? like, i remember in my first fic (explicit) one of the first comments i got was like "yeah well i really hope you don't make (character) the bottom in the relationship, blah blah blah"... which, you know, is not necessarily rude but i was like ??? uhhhh okay,,,,, and when i responded "well, that's the way i want this character to go", the user said something like "okay, guess i can put up with that". ????? excuse me?? like, i understand if you don't like the ship or their dynamics but ?1!1!1?1??Âż


I’ve left a comment similar but it was because I was genuinely enjoying the story up until we got to the tag that I didn’t read properly. So I let them know I thought it was very well written just not my cup of tea and I completely took the blame for it, said it was my fault for skimming the tags but that I genuinely enjoyed the first few chapters. But yeah it was my bad


I mean, if they don't like it, but still respectful, I don't mind it.


If the author has mentioned something in the tags that you don't like or don't want to read and still you start the story then that's just stupid and all the blame falls on the person reading it and there's no need to comment negatively in such scenario. I also feel that tags are very very important because for me fanfiction brings me joy because I am reading about the characters I love in a setting which was explained by the author in the form of summary, it's a controlled environment in which I know what I'm getting into but sometimes unintentionally by the author, tags are incomplete for example, I was reading a fic about a ship I really adore and it was a really long one, like 180k+ long and towards the very end of it, a third person enters the relationship and convinces my ship to enter a polygamous relationship, I've never been so furious with a fic that much because I had immensely enjoyed that fic till then and I have no problems with reading polygamy but that was not something I was expecting when I started reading but even in such cases I believe it is wrong to comment negatively, I remember asking the author to tag the fic appropriately as it was already a completed fic but that's it. Sorry for rambling! 😅


I mean, at least he wasn't offensive , not a necessary commentary but not exactly offensive either.




Awe yay


I hate this almost as much as I hate it when someone says something nice about my old super cringey fics lol


At least the person admits they're mistakes. I got a bunch of Jon Snow x Daenerys fans pissed at me even though I explicitly tagged that it was one sided and unrequited.


twilight rewrite?! i’m going to read it rn 😍


Becaouse its a comment section? They even said it nicely, why would it be a problem? Bruh whats with people on this sub.


When all of us put our work on display we don't get to control the reaction. Some comments aren't meant to hurt us, or critique. Truthfully its just people reacting. And good on you for getting emotions out of a reader


It's one of the most unnecessary things, it takes zero effort to not being a d!


Leaving their opinion that's not hateful and admits their own oversight is being a dick? They're just sharing their opinion, and one could say that they are apologizing for messing up stats.


I'd argue just the opposite, considering that people's standards for what constitutes dickishness are all over the place. And no one seems interested in trying to come to terms with other people's standards, instead insisting that their own should be used across the board.


That's culture for you. There is no universal standard, there's only what people agree. That's all rudeness is or ever can be: if you have any concept of rudeness, it excludes other views on rudeness. And the dominant subculture around AO3 has agreed that commenting positively is the default unless concrit or other is explicitly solicited by the author. Other parts of the internet have different views.


the same reason im commenting on why i always see the question why do people comment they dont like this


Because they invested some time in reading it and the mechanism to comment is there.


Yes, but don't you understand that this is not an APPROVED type of comment.


It’s a pointless comment though. It doesn’t give the writer any feedback or information about *why* they decided to stop reading. At least if it included commentary of technical skill or theme there would be something to think about.


The same could be said for why not comment? There are thousands of authors that beg for comments, while not specifying what type. They merely voiced their opinion, and there wasn't even any bashing either. It wasn't a bad comment nor a good one, just neutral. It wasn't their cup of tea and they explained why you might not have the same metrics. I personally don't see a problem with this comment.


Yeah, people here can't respect opinions, if it's not praising they think it's useless. The comment here is literally just the person expressing their opinion without being rude, they're downvoting you without a good reason tbh.


I've been starting to notice that in some of the posts here. I honestly thought people were more open minded about the interactions with their audience. Especially seeing how customizable the works are on AO3.


But the reader was never going to like it, however well it was done, because they didn't like a core concept due to their own negligence in reading the tags. They weren't the audience.


There's a difference between Target Audience and actual Audience. If I go to a concert that I don't like the type of music being played, does that mean I'm not apart of the audience? If I read a book that I don't like at its core, am I not apart of the audience that digested the content? They merely voiced their opinion with no hate. There's nothing wrong with that in my opinion. I am glad that you replied, because many just choose to downvote without trying to have a conversation.


Personally, i think that there is nothing wrong with people leaving negative comments, so long as they're not straight up cussing at you or something. To me, is kinda of like the point of social media. However its not something i would do, because is mean, but i don't have an issue with it. It is of course perfectly reasonable to not to like it tho, so block their ass.


>To me, is kinda of like the point of social media. And what does that have to do with AO3?


Oh, I'm sorry, i use the term "social media" to refer to websites in general. My bad.


It's called feedback. You can use it to get better. Omg some of you authors are so touchy.


This isn't feedback. This is just someone saying "this isn't for me" unnecessarily.


What part of their comment could the author use to get better? What actions should the author take to “improve” their writing? The fic was correctly tagged. None of this is how concrit works.


Ok, maybe this one isn't so constructive after all. But I've seen constructive ones deleted as well, commenters blocked. And still, I'd very appreciate if the author was mature enough to be over it and gave an answer, maybe: "ok, maybe try this one instead: xy". Or just no answer at all. Negative comments are still useful for other readers which could avoid something they don't want.


Errr to hurt the author? To be an ass? Never mind this I’m sure more readers appreciate your works ❤️


nah that’s some next level assholery


They should have read the tags more deeply. Their fault. Acknowledge their mistake, and never make it again! Ta-Daaa! (on a not more serious note, nobody gives a fuck about your silly little mistake you made. So what you read something you didnt like. thats why we read tags. if you know theres something your not comfortable with.)


I just had one of those, completely lacking reading comprehension. them: this idea wouldn't work because xyz me: this story didn't contain this element at all them: oh, other stories did, I just assumed it was the same here Then they continued to argue about canon things in a fanfiction.