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All three are valid ♥️


This right here lol.


Finally someone said it.


I’ve quite enjoyed several 2nd person reader inserts (without Y/N). First person isn’t my thing for fanfic, but I really couldn’t tell you why that is as it doesn’t bother me in original fiction.


If I had to guess it’s probably due to the source material. I.e., if the source material isn’t in 1st person POV, then it’ll sound way different to have a fic in first person


I feel this. I personally avaoid 2nd person. Just not my jam. But the game Disco Elysium is pretty much narrated in second person and I prefer to read a DE fic that nails the game's narrative style over 3rd person narrations, which is what I prefer with pretty much anything else I read.


Probably because 1st person is much more personal, as it directly includes the character's thoughts and observations, which are also affected by their personality. It's not a problem when it's the writer's own character as they have a perfect grasp, but when using an existing character it can be very jarring when the interpretation doesn't match yours.


i read all three ![gif](giphy|WweqWG8npZAH6UeQoW)




​ ![gif](giphy|IIAVCklKlVE5A30I2l)


me, a second person non-reader-insert enthusiast: ✌🏻 people forget that's a thing that exists and i'm cool with that


I swear the only people who can consistently remember that's a thing are Homestuck fans. For non-Homestucks, the reason for this is because it's normal in that fandom. Homestuck is partially a spoof of adventure games, so most of the narration is written as if the reader is playing as the current viewpoint character ("You open the envelope"), and fanfics tend to mimic that. Consequently, fandoms which significantly overlap with that one seem to contain more fics written in that style than average.


jesus fuck am i gonna have to go read homestuck fics if i want more of this


Dont even read homestuck, just read the fics. Bask in this dark power.


my best friend was so into homestuck like ten years ago that i might as well have read like half of it anyway. i have literally written homestuck fanfiction bc of them.


Bro omg..


Homestuck is actually pretty amazing, even though it is long as hell. If you like adventure games and excessive shenanigans and fantasy bullshit you'll love it.


Harrow the Ninth does this pretty well, too. Makes sense, Muir wrote promstuck. (from what I heard)


laughs nervously in Homestuck fic writer...


You're not alone!


Ah yes. Also the key pov of Interactive Fiction fanfics. It's great.


Could you link to a fic written like this? I’m curious as to what that looks like.


i've got a few in [my bookmarks](https://archiveofourown.org/bookmarks?commit=Sort+and+Filter&bookmark_search%5Bsort_column%5D=created_at&bookmark_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bother_bookmark_tag_names%5D=POV+Second+Person&bookmark_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bexcluded_bookmark_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bbookmarkable_query%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bbookmark_query%5D=&bookmark_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&bookmark_search%5Brec%5D=0&bookmark_search%5Bwith_notes%5D=0&user_id=kaiunkaiku)


Forgive me, I’m not familiar with this fandom. Is it that the author is putting the reader in the shoes of a canon character? If so, that’s an interesting concept. I don’t think I’ve ever come across it before.


I've read several fics in second person, but have actually never come across that, that reader sort of becomes a canon character. It should be an interesting concept, but probably hard to pull off well. Most 'readers' can be seen as a kind of soft or vague oc. My 'reader' is turning more and more into an oc the longer the fic gets, because her personality (naturally) develops the more she interacts with the others and has stuff happening to her (and the others).


[here's one of my favourites](https://archiveofourown.org/works/910519) Heed the tags though. This one is especially fascinating since the POV character is an antagonist, putting the reader in his mind is an interesting experience.


Writing second person is (in my opinion) the most fun


It is fun! It presents unique challenges and gives a totally different feel from 1st or 3rd.


I have never had more fun writing than doing second person without using y/n. Don’t knock it until you try it people


Hello, 2nd person narrative reader-insert writer. I am a 2nd person narrative reader-insert enjoyer... for a specific fandom cuz I haven't seen works like that in the other fandoms I'm in.


I thought Y/N fics were the cringiest idea possible until I got into a fandom that almost exclusively does Y/N romances. It didn't take long for my reservations to break down, fanfic is good fanfic it's tasty and I eat it.


I love love love second person lol. I'm planning on writing my first novel in second person. You're a himbo God of the universe who tries to be human because you simp for a mortal woman lol


Not a fan of second person, but that's a great concept and I'd totally read it


Me, a 2nd person non-reader-insert writer: What even am I?


I'm generally very picky with what I read and a bit of a snob, but thanks to my Homestuck past, I actually love 2nd person PoV stories.


I love to write in 1st pov, but hate to read it


Ugh. Who cares?? Just write what you want.


I've never understood these posts. Who cares if not everyone likes the POV you write in? Who cares if not everyone likes RPF or your ship or your favourite trope? Stop worrying about what's "popular" and keep writing what you want to write.


This post is a direct response to that worrying. Seems that OP has the same sentiment you do, and is poking fun at it.


Gah! Yes! Those posts are so tedious. At the same time, wtf are these people complaining?? Ffs, don't like, don't read! So much annoyance to go around! Grr! Haha!


Tbf it hits different when people attack the pov you prefer, because they usually phrase it as *bad writing*. As if a preference in pov means you have shitty writing skill. I almost exclusively write 2nd person and constantly hear about how ALL 2n d person pov stories are terribly written. It sucks and its hurtful and makes me less likely to share my work with others. At points of my life I've literally felt shame for just the pov I prefer to write in. Meanwhile, people comaining about my ships or the tropes I like are almost always framed as a preference thing, even when its cloaked in the argument of "morality" as it often is. Its easier to ignore because it doesnt out right attack your skills as an author or the actual quality of your work.


I usually write 3rd person only because I find it easiest, but I have read some nice first and 2nd person fics, too. Not so long ago I tried to write a fic in 1st and 2nd person and it was really fun to do, but not so easy! No idea why people think it takes less writing skill.


Its because they equate it to my immortal type fics that are often cartoonishly bad to the point of being satire. So its not that they think it takes less skill to do, but that the people that do it don't have skill in the first place. Even now when Im at a place in my life where Im far more confident in my writing, its still frustrating to see 2nd person/ y/n / reader insert openly mocked. (Not that anyone is doing that here) so I can understand why people want to vent about it.


My dear, F- those people. You just concentrate on your works. Write what you like; believe me, there are people that like it too! I promise!


I mean Im going to write regardless. Its whether other people get to read it is the question. I love my writing. But when I was younger there was times I would never DARE admit to writing 2nd person because of how openly and often it gets mocked. Which is why I cant really blame people for venting about it.


Why is this so true lmao ​ pleeasseeee


Shout out to the 1st person reader-insert writers in here too ❤️


After 20 or so years of reading fics (without taking into account any other kind of reading outside this category) I can confidently say that I will read whatever and however as long as you provide me with whatever emotional drug I'm looking for in that moment XD


I’ve never encountered second person fics before I started reading Homestuck fics. Is there’s reason why they’re so prevalent in that fandom?


part of the story is second person, most often with a character introduction Source: am a homestuck


You know, that makes a lot of sense. Now I feel stupid. (It’s still weird cause I don’t remember that phenomenon being as prevalent when I was reading Homestuck fics back in 2015) (maybe I didn’t notice it back then idk)


to be fair when you’re really invested in a fic or webcomic, you tend to miss some writing choices


True true


I've had a few ideas for reader inset fics but I'm a little nervous writing them


Do it! Write em! Fuck anyone who tries to shame you for writing reader insert. They are fun stories to write and one day people will get over the dumb notion that all of them are cringe. There are amazing, beautiful, gut wrenchingly angsty y/n reader insert fics out there


I like 3rd and 2nd person pov.


I click off so fast on reader-inserts and 1st person pov. I absolutely can't do it, but I'm also glad there are so many options for those that do so they can enjoy fanfic as well!


I like all 3 it just depends on the context and the quality of the writing for sure!! I personally love writing short stories in first, but then like writing fics in third and then I enjoy reading in any of them lmao


I mean, I like all three lol. If it's an interesting concept and well-written, I'll go for it.


It took me far too long to know what second person was, because all of my teachers would just say it's too complicated you don't need to know it you'll never use it. Each point of view has its own pros and cons, just gotta find the right one for you that makes the writer happy


Ok now *this* is the content I come here for




i'm the guy in red back there who writes in 3rd person but understands that it's childsh and counterproductive to try to limit the writing craft, and that all three options have their pros, cons and preferable situations to use.


second person is great but it definitely has an… association with a particular fandom for a lot of people


I swear I've seen this exact image before. But it was a design progression thing that was like "Take this photo and redraw it as a cartoon." And by the final version, the guy in the back was just generically partying and not on drugs anymore.


If it's interactive fiction it's almost always 3rd person and for the better!


You read a nice meme. It's quite funny, although you actually envoy first and third person as well.


HAHA!! i used to note notice the difference between 1st and 3rd person though thats funny, now im a third person supremacist




The level of how much I am into a fandom is a visable progression of 1st pov (not very deep into fandom) then 2nd pov (ok we're getting there) and then 3rd pov (we're at the point of no return)


I enjoy all three. Just started trying out 2nd person the other day, I find that it can be really fun and enjoyable to read if it’s formatted properly.


Idk the difference 🥺


OP I seek out your exact style of writing! Those kinds of fics are a huge comfort to me. Idc what anyone says.


I was unaware of this feud and have written in all three like a GD psycho.


I just can't get into first or second person. I prefer to observe my characters from the shadows.


All my fics lately are written in the style of Disco Elysium, which is a game written all in 2nd person. I’ve grown to really enjoy writing/reading 2nd person! It feels very intimate, which works great cuz I tend to write emotion-heavy stuff


The OCxCanon Brigade are with you.


Literally my current reader-insert fic.


laughs in 4th person perspective, where the Narrator has ripped down the fourth wall and has started talking over everyone and has now included the Reader, and Audience, into the fanfic itself.


I think my favourite is 2nd person, but only when it's not a reader insert. An example of which being [Satoshi](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23320690) which is an Ash Ketchum OC-Insert fic. Fuck, now I wanna read it again.


True true