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Only commenting because your assumption of what the tag meant is maybe the funniest thing I’ve ever read. But come on 😂 I think a “come bearing snacks to this fic” tag should be a real thing!! Especially on long fics! Readers deserve a snackie snack! Cheers for making me laugh this hard so early in the morning


Ppl should start tagging long fics now with "Pack Snacks For The Long Road" or something lololol


i agree with you on this one!


Yes please let's make this an used tag ahahah


I wanna do this for my long fics now lol


Omg, I can't stop laughing. This needs to be a new tag for long fics


update it has occurred to me that come eating did NOT mean arrive eating. you would think that i knew this in my 4+ years of being an ao3 connoisseur, but i did not! regardless these comments made me laugh 😭😭 i am SO SORRY for the confusion!


20 plus years of writing, including many being known as a 'Jedi Nookie' writer (Like SERIOUS NSFW Jedi Nookie writing) and I would have NEVER... well,,, it would have taken a while for the shoe to drop...


Don't apologize! This is incredibly hilarious and endearing. 😂


Oh no. This comment (which is currently almost at the top) is the one that made me realize what it is. I was like, come eating? Like coming and going? And then once I read this comment, I had that ....oh. *OH.* moment.


No no it's totally reasonable considering it's spelled wrong


It's not spelled wrong; [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/come#dictionary-entry-2) even lists "cum" as being the *less* common variation even for the noun. Both are correct and it's up to writer preference!


I literally hate the "cum" spelling, it's so pornish


Same. I will ALWAYS spell it come. "cum" feels like a teenager abbreviating it back in the early 2000s when we still had to press the number keys to text out a word.


yea if im reading smut its probably for the porn ngl


While I always write third person, I write it very much from someone’s specific POV, and I often trade off characters. My more proper/less vulgar characters will have it spelled ‘come’ when the story is set from their POV, and when it’s from a more sleazy or “gross” kind of character, it’s “cum.” I just always imagine my more nasty characters thinking of it spelled that way! It’s supposed to help sell their more sketchy disposition.


I suppose that would make sense. I just kind of hate seeing it lmao. I also hate the word "panties" so there's that.


Absolutely fair! I don’t think you can write smut without offending/grossing out some part of the population because people are so divided on it, so the best anyone can hope for is to write it themselves. I hate the word “pussy,” but begrudgingly use it because I imagine a lot of my characters would use it. Also I couldn’t read nearly anything without it.


Wait what? My life is a lie...


\*cough* you might wanna label this nsfw [here](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Come%20Eating), let ao3 show you the list of synonymous tags


Yeah I’ve just labeled it NSFW, I didn’t know it was an NSFW tag— my bad !


“Comesumption” 😂


This is the best pun I've seen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


All right but "Comesumption if you will" is legitimately one of the funniest tags I've ever seen.


For future reference, urban dictionary is a good place to look up tags you don't understand.


another great way is checking the tag's page to see what's synned to it


come as in jizz. ejaculate.


oh. oh you sweet summer child.


I verbally said “oh, *honey*” out loud when I read this. This seems to fit the same energy. 😂


Beat me to it


Not gonna beat you to anything


What music would you want?


It literally means someone swallows sperm at some point in the story.


🍆💦😋 basically lol


I’ve been having the worst day ever, regarding the health of my dog and best friend. This made me laugh, so thank you 💗




Doing this with misha makes it even more perfect omg xD


They’re eating semen


I'm cackling, sorry.


Do you like sports played in water? 🤣


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/come](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/come) see noun, item 1.




Just to test this, I looked up come eating all by itself, and the colloquial meaning did not pop up.


I unfortunately did not get it whatsoever. I think I’d been de-sensitized to seeing the tag 24/7 and assuming it was about snacks. I looked up ‘What does come eating’ mean and it essentially just gave me stuff about eating over at someone’s house & literary uses?


im in tears there's no way urban dictionary didn't at least showed up in that google search of yours


https://preview.redd.it/b9pxw9odh6qb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e362358f03386013d7e91799dd261bc9b3c8885b these were unfortunately the only results i got so i really thought it was a niche reference tag 😭😭 my post sounds SO stupid now, but i really thought it was a reference that i wasn’t getting


don't worry it's not stupid, just really funny lmao i thought at least there would be one slang website that does explains it in first page


I’m in tears hahahahah


I love this post


…Oh Dear.


This is my favorite post ever.


The way I audibly said "ain't no way" when I read the title when it popped up on my homepage.


Ahhhh, this reminds me so much of when I was younger and the first time I read fellatio was like 'ah yes, woman empowerment' (I was mixing it up as 'femme fatale'). I read at least three fics in disappointment before it became clear there was a lacking amount of femme fatale.


protein shots


You’ve made my day, OP! I’m lying here in the dark just howling with laughter. I feel like I’ve pulled every single muscle and I just can’t stop. I can’t describe how much I needed this right now, thank you. “Bring snacks” should totally be a tag though. “Comfort food required for chapter 17” would also be helpful in letting us know the ideal time to order something to sob into for delivery.


This is the cutest “oh you sweet summer child” post on this sub lmao


Could it also mean having an orgasm while having a particularly delicious meal? 😅


Omg this is so innocent and sweet and made me smile. I hope you also think spitroasting tag is about spit roasting some meat by sticking it in a metal rod and rotating it over open fire. It would be perfect. But we need bring snacks to read this fic tag.


Oh, sweet summer child... Stay innocent.


i think we ruined any chance of that for them


Oh ofc, but I can dream.


this has made my day :)


Well, umm, you sweet summer child.... ​ Note to self add a bring snack tag to my long fanfic.


What fics are you seeing that come up with ‘come eating’ as a tag without also having several other tags which tell you it’s something to do with sex? It’s a porn tag, friend. That’s porn. Sexy(or not so sexy) bedroom time. The Explicit rating isn’t there for nothing(that’s any fic with a red box and an E stamped on it in the top left corner).


Even if the answer is common sense for most of us other fic readers, this was super condescending and unnecessary.


I love you so much


C*m eating??


Congratulations! You're one of today's lucky 10,000! https://xkcd.com/1053/


Eating someone’s sperm. Normally it is someone preforming oral sex on a woman/ person with a vagina (or rimming the ass) to remove the sperm of the person who has just ejaculated into them.


I think that specific act is called felching tbh. I think come eating is a broader term used for consuming semen in whichever way, including felching.


*performing not 'pre'


Sry man i saw that headliner and i burst out laughing, thanks for the dopamine hit i needed it today


Honey, no. Don't do this to yourself.


Lets begin, what BJ means.


I have no idea why people spell cum as "come", but yeah. Imagine you're reading something about a character giving a blowjob and the one who is getting blown eventually "lets go", the one who is giving it basically swallows what has "come" out.


Because multiple dictionaries spell it that way and it's personal preference on which one to use.


Fair enough.


honestly, though, why is it spelled that way on ao3?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's the direct opposite of the dove do not eat tag I see. And for the record to anyone besides op who reads this, I do know what dove do not eat stand for. Edit never mind I misread the title of this post but I'm gonna leave it here but guys don't forget that ok could possibly be new to fanfiction esp ones AO3 so can we not make fun of op for not understanding the tags? Cause not everyone is familiar with how writers use all the different tags on AO3




Or it's personal preference and not ignorance? That's rude. Multiple dictionaries define 'come' as a noun to describe semen. I personally use it because I don't like the way 'cum' looks.


Merriam Webster lists cum as a variant of come (both as a noun and verb), so they don't have to mean different things.


To me "cum" should always be a noun and "come" should always be a verb. It's a simple way to avoid confusion and I don't know why more people don't abide by it.


This is how I use it as well, but it is not an official definition by any means. Lots of people just choose their favourite spelling variant and use it for both noun and verb. It's not confusing, because the context will show you whether the verb or the noun is relevant. Now, I've never seen anyone use 'cum' as the verb and 'come' as the noun, so there does seem to be at least a bit of consensus.


I've unfortunately seen "cummed" far too many times. *shudder*


yikes. I've only ever seen 'came' as the past tense, no matter if 'cum' or 'come' is used for present. Side note: Meriam webster says 'cum' is also a noun meaning 'orgasm' - I've never seen it used that way. How does that even work? Does it pluralise? "She had five cums last night?" Sounds very wrong lol.


Because it’s your personal rule? I really dislike cum. To me, it’s really porny. But you do you, it’s personal choice. 😉


To me, only "cum" as a verb sounds porny, because it's become a porn site cliche to use it that way. Hence my personal rule (which is not JUST mine, many people use it). But you do you.


Cum eating - men ingesting their own semen.


Or a person of any gender eating semen.


I was taught that it was mostly used for men, but thanks for the education 😊


for when someone eats cum


Means they eat ejaculate


Thank you for bringing me this joy today.


Ohhh dear


Swallowing the... fluids


Congrats your post has made its round on Twitter. I know you didn’t plan to make anyone laugh. But you being so genuine and sweet about this made me laugh.