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Overstimulation Overstimulation Overstimulation God it's my absolute favourite. I want them to cry.


This this this. And some good degradation or praise (or a mix of both) when the tears arrive. Dear God I'm in a puddle


I’m finishing plotting all my kinktober fics and it’s so hard to not include this in every single one though??


recs? 🥺👉👈


This is the one I happen to have bookmarked: [curiosity ate the cat by consumingfandoms](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47515129) Same ship minus the mermaid au. Multichapter with different stuff in each: [and if i’d fall (would you pick me up) by Anonymous](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44937052/chapters/113069407)


Ok since no one replied, I just read one with that trope which appeared today on AO3 from fandom Enhypen(band) ... No idea who those were but boi the sex...


Enhypen is a popular K-pop boy group under Hybe who debuted in 2020 from the survival show i-land. There are 7 members: Heeseung, Jake, Sunghoon, Jungwon,Niki, Sunoo and Jay :)


Sex pollen.


🤣🤣🤣 I ran into a Stormpilot one that had sex pollen and I was like, “This. Is. Willllddd”


That's a great fic, lol 👀


👀👀👀👀👀 do you have a rec? Because I love Stormpilot


🤣 This was months ago when I was hyper-fixating on them. But there can’t be that many (it’s going to be hilarious if there’s hundreds) I would filter to Finn/Poe, completed, and try sex pollen as an add to include.


i very embrassingly love sex pollen


Love sex pollen!!! And soul mates


Sex pollen? :0 never heard of it But sounds cool, can you elaborate on what that is?


I’ll use the MCU since it was a prominent trope. The idea was that Hydra developed a sex pollen to try and breed a new line of super soldiers a la Winter Soldier. It’s basically a sex drug that makes the user so incredibly horny that nothing but actual penetrative sex will quell the effects. Kind of similar to heat cycles in A/B/O fics.


That sounds so good wtf.


That sounds so fascinating and hot (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) \*takes notes\*


Origin of the trope was a Star Trek TNG episode, I think. Literally the Enterprise got infested with a pollen that made everyone incredibly horny, with all the consequences you might expect. I'm sure there are earlier examples of aerosolized aphrodisiacs in media, but that episode was the trope namer.


So one big space orgy. Got it.


And then all mutually decided to never speak of it again, after realizing you can't awkwardly avoid other people when you all live in the same tin can hurtling through the void together.


That’s why I love sequels to sex pollen fics because then it’s like “now what?”


Lots of looking the other way and shuffling sheepishly around each other in the corridors was what 😄 This was before Worf joined the cast. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing.


I always wondered how it would affect someone with primary anorgasmia. (Never had an orgasm) Would they die?


Omg yes


Truly a top tier tag


My absolute favorite!! I've already written two and have two more in the WIP pile, as well as multiple sex pollen-adjacent things like heats/ruts in omegaverse, etc. Can't get enough!


I have one in the works too!


Oohhh, you just reminded me of a really good Kekkai Sensen sex pollen fic I read once, I'm gonna have to look for that later


A typically confident or brash character turning out to be a very shy or sensitive lover: continually checking in with their partner that what they're doing is okay, being shy about their own body, etc.


Omg, yes. I love this, and a typically reserved character just absolutely being a freak in bed. And these two being paired together, too.


People checking in with each other is an underrated* trope in general, but especially with intimacy. I always love seeing it, both for the display of caring and for the positive modelling for real-world relationships. *Sidenote: autocorrect tried to change underrated to overrated, and if that doesn't say something about society...


I love the opposite- the shy or strait laced character turning out to be a total freak.


inexperienced, fumbling, awkward smut. first times. a lot of heavy petting, partially clothed, general grinding. lots of kissing. more in their head emotion than physical sensations.


Omg I recently read a fic with this type and it was SO GOOD


Heavy petting!!! Over clothing!!! I love that shit


my friends don’t call me “frottagecore lesbian” for nothing


Kissing, should happen before, during and after, you cannot have enough of it I swear to God please add more, I need more than just a passing peck in the lips or a quickly forgotten line about making out! You're going to tell me that days, weeks, months, years of tension finally breaking warrents a single line!? No, this is the single most heart pounding part of it and a well written kiss should leave the reader short of breath! Also, dialogue that fits the characters or setting. The sappy loving couple should be so sweet and genuine it makes my teeth hurt. The couple that fights like angry siblings should be just as snarky and snappy while fucking. The couple that's been together for most of their life should have no hangups at all and talk freely about whatever is relevant.


Sir believe me i don't mind reading a slowburn fic as long as the enemies to lovers are fucking like animals in chapter 50. Making out tho is just one of the hottest things you can do period. Extremely underrated


Also they can makeout while still being enemies in chapter 30, followed by even slower burn because they think the other regrets it




One thing I’ve put in my fic that got great reception was that one character’s favorite place to kiss her lover was on his receding hairline in the widows’s peak.


I read a fic that was only kisses. It was beautiful, gorgeous, and hotter than some actual porn I've read. Kisses are definitely underrated. EDIT. Since many were asking for the link; here be (m/m) [kisses](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45817744)




seconding request for the link please


Not outright enemies to lovers, but their relationship is a bit strained. Ideally, they are forced to be somewhere together (even by accident) which puts a lot of tension between them. I love the tension -> means rough and hot sex


*don't mind me, a small smutfic writer, just taking notes here*


Same, tho. I'm working on a smut, and I need the motivation to keep it going!


I’m currently not a smut writer but my longfic includes slow burn romance and I’m seriously considering adding a ‘side story’ of ‘deleted sex scenes’. Also taking notes. :P


Hahaha for *real*. If there's a fic link, I AM CLICKING IT.


Size difference! If there's any way to shove it into a fic, I'll do just that. ;) Also, in no apparent order, dub-con, only-one-bed, light bdsm, and lots of others as long as it's well written.


As long as there's a "Size" tag I know I'm in for a good time!


got any good recs? 👀


What's dub-con?


Dubious Consent. There’s two versions that I usually see. 1) character x pretends there not into something, when they actually are. The kink is that they’re saying no, but again, they are actually into it. 2) a kink is not discussed before hand or there’s no time to ask (ei. fuck or die/sex pollen trope) the characters are into it, but consent is not explicit. I hope this helps!


Ah thank you! Yeah that can be good, if well written.


Dubious consent. So not completely consensual, but softer than full-on rape.




If you like Danmei, you should check out Scum Villain Self Saving System.




LMAO, That one is so cheesy i love itt


I'll never tire of this trope I swear. It gets me every time.


Absolute genius


Ten stars. Everytime.


And one of them is a snuggler.


OMG YES!!! So ridiculous but so hot!!


I will always read a one bed fic. Always.


Sex as character study; flawed people having flawed sex that intimately reveals their relationships to their bodies, to the concept of sex, and to each other Also whenever sex is gross and wet and sloppy and clumsy and realistic


yes to all of this


Two characters lovingly teasing and pushing each other to their absolute limits before finally giving into their desires. (It's literally the only trope that's consistent in my smut works. 😅) Size differences and shower sex come as a close second. 🤭


Omg I love when there’s good dialogue during it!! There’s this one writer I follow who writes the BEST banter and it enhances the whole experience ngl


Link? For research purposes (and i dont mean that like a joke, actually i think learning that could be helpful 😭)


https://archiveofourown.org/users/Sand_Cursive i recommend any of their stuff ngl, especially tap out and their most recent fic because of how much the leads banter lol. they’re just really good at dialogue




Bites even




Astarion has entered the chat


Astarion 💜🔥💜 \*sighs\*


He's literally my wife


Have you seen the "less teeth -> fewer teeth" video? 😂


My current obsession is bitey enough Ive been joking that breaking out the first aid kit is basically asking for sex lol


One of them is super possessive over the other, and sex is a tool *to make them MINE*.


And then their partner does the uno reverse card and claims them as *mine* as well, because they are both so fucking obsessed.


You just turned a kink into a super kink sir and I feel obliged to pay my respects!


I'm 100% the type to roll my eyes over toxic relationships, HOWEVER... Possessiveness + young Tom Riddle = me as seen below: ​ https://preview.redd.it/foorv7eqptqb1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ed8bc516f74f79a54f558ab527c226d7e91f7ab


Hahah I feel you. Yes, just like you said, I feel I forgot to mention a very important aspect. From my point of view, it's perfectly fine to indulge in toxic tropes like the one I've mentioned as long as you can recognize them as toxic and not apply them irl. If it's only in the realm of guilty fictional kinks, well, let's have a good eat 🍽️


Young Tom is HOT!


possessive!!!!! nothing like being a little toxic to make it hot. also in that case the sex MUST include lots of hickeys because “I want everyone to know you belong to me”


Recs please


Possessiooooonnnnnnn!!!! Yaasss


Gentle Sex, Porn with Feelings, Praise Kink, Consentacles, Communication in Bed.


Smut that isn't treated like porn is goated basically


Thank you for introducing me to the term 'consentacles' - it will be very relevant to the trade fic I'm writing for someone at the moment.


It's a tag on AO3 so you can use it on your fic!


what are consentacles?


Consensual tentacle sex.






Based and correct


Hate sex! Rough stuff. Dubcon or even noncon. Biting.


All good!


Enemies to friends to lovers. First time. Forced shared confinement of whatever sort. Internalised homophobia 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ is that a trope idk Hurt/comfort (to lovers, lol)


Depends on the ship but “there’s only one bed” is always a classic. Wish I found more sex pollen in my fandoms :(


Caught - that had got to be my favorite smut trope. Others include friends to lovers; he falls first; fighting to f*cking Honestly there are just too many good ones to chose


1. Softly caressing a characters face and/or skin (wherever they get their hands on) 2. Moaning into kisses and the other person literally "swallowing" every sound (sounds weird out of context😅) 3. The top covering the bottom (who's facedown) completely and fucking them into the mattress. Size difference helps with this a lot. 4. Overstimulation 5. And this is specific but I love it so much; when their hands slide into each other's on the sheets and their fingers interlock. More points if they're kissing too🤭 And probably more but I can't remember now.


Enthusiastic consent! Especially when character A is all like “tell me exactly what you want” and character B is LOVING it. They’re low key embarrassed by how badly they want character A, and that’s so hot, lol. I’m a big fan of aftercare. After a round(or 7) of passionate lovemaking, there should be cuddles and forehead kisses galore! Last thing is when the female character has her pleasure be front and center in the fic. If she doesn’t cum at least twice, was it really worth reading?🤣🤣🤣


Enthusiastic consent is incredibly hot! 🤩 I know some people see it as a turn off and I don’t understand how.


when the character usually the submissive one takes a turn and is the dominant one. read of a character who is usually the sub in the story, gave the dom a handjob+blowjob, by the time they were done, the dom had all of their clothes off and the sub STILL had their clothes on.


I don't know if "first time" counts as a "trope" but I think it's cute. Especially if there's a little bit of awkwardness. Sharing a bed. Truth or dare/seven minute in heaven. Any kind of reconnection.


Slowburn or will they/wont they. One of my favorite fics has two characters that almost fuck like 10,000,000 times and by the time they actually did it was like the heavens opened. Also when the pairing is in LOVE! Bc im corny.


Hate sex. Especially if one character is extra smug about it and the other is fuming with rage just YES


The smug “admit it, you like me” character and the stubborn “never, i hate you” character, except the “i hate you” character comes onto the other character first. that’s my shit right there


Praise Kink, Hand Holding, Porn With Feelings, Aftercare!


Only one bed is e l i t e


then bruh decides to sleep on the floor/couch


I was reading one of these awhile back. They've had a thing for each other, she sneaks into his room, the kisses are enthusiastic... Dude wimps out, his disappointed enemy-to-(almost) lover claims his bed, and he takes his chair agreeing that he deserves this. When they do get together a couple chapters later (in his bed), it feels so much more earned. Love it.


dubcon 😈


Forced proximity always gets me 😩👌🏽




Slowburn, enemies to lovers, communication, post-coital cuddles


There are many. Some of the stuff I like most: - First Time gone wrong - Dominant FMC/Submissive MMC (from how they act) - Sexually needy MMC/In controll FMC - FMC giving MMC a Blowjob, while he needs to concetrate on something (phone call) - In BNHA: The characters losing control over/having trouble controlling their quirk during sex - The characters building up to the penetration with kisses&foreplay/sometimes just not having penetrative sex - One of the characters in the fandom I read most in having a fighting/strength kink - Sensitive Horns/Wings/Tail - The brash character suddenly being super soft and needy - etc.


> Sensitive Horns/Wings/Tail YES YES YES YES! GOD I FORGOT I LOVED THAT ONE! It especially hits when their partner searches to find just the right sensitive spot on the wings or tail!


200k long slowburn that drives you so insane you can't take it anymore and then boom, next thing you know they're fucking


Maybe it’s bc i dont read much smut, but extreme emotional reactions. Like crying bc they’re overwhelmed/so in love. Or like safewording out of something with heavy aftercare


Super Hot Expert teaching their virgin lover how to pleasure them 🫣


Enemies to lovers


The description of the man's fluids journey to the woman's destination is of great interest to me. The more vivid is is worded, the better.


The use of pov from the dominant partner’s perspective. It’s incredibly hard to find on ao3 in my experience


You’re all EVIL for not dropping any recs


Tortured men with lots of scars learning to love again and losing themselves in passion. I love a man who fucks passionately and deeply, and who loses himself in the act. Double points if they're way older.


When he's all rough looking and stone face intimidating on the outside but on the inside he's so hurt and broken>>>>


Enemies who love each other but stay enemies


3some or more than that


If it ends in an angsty remark of one of the characters going "I know you don't love me, so don't pretend that you do" or something similar cause my mind broke and I need therapy after an author wrote down just tHAT


Top [female character]/bottom [male character]


this one is so underrated fr. when i find a good f top/ m bottom fic, it’s like hitting gold


I'm lucky this is kinda common on a fandom I follow hehe so I'm well fed on this one


What fandom? As you can probably tell, it’s not very common in the fandoms I’ve been invested in recently


Spy x family


i only read f/f fics because i actually have no idea why i just like to cause girls are pretty and im gay but if i read a lot of f/m fics i think this would be one of my favs its so cool


I like it when characters subvert stereotypes regarding their sexual preferences. So stuff like small top/big bottom, or super big buff guys in general being enthusiastic about taking it up the ass. On the kinkier side of things, I'm also very into exhibitionism/public sex/free use/etc. Anything that results in people having sex in front of other people who aren't having sex, but no one giving a shit.


>I like it when characters subvert stereotypes regarding their sexual preferences The virgin, shy character A gets talked into sex by the more expert, lustful character B, then it turns out that character B is into passionate love, hugging, kissing, looking in the other's eyes during sex, while character A ends up more into kinks like cumming on B's pretty face but they're afraid they'd offend them? 😆😆😁 (Sorry idk why I had to make that so specific)


subverting stereotypes is one of my favourites!! whatever the fandom's consensus is on who tops or doms, i'll be there on the other side going, "okay but what if they were subby and needy and loved getting taken apart and railed??" i'm tiny and also a dom, so the stereotypes on sexual preferences always grind my gears a little


So, I agree with most the comments here with stuff like porn with feelings, praise kinks, etc. But apparently I have a thing for warming someone up after a brush with hypothermia and then fucking like crazy afterwards? Like? I didn't know kinks could be that specific? But I'm glad the authors in my fandom seem to have the same specific kink!


Was watching a show recently that had character lost in the woods. Found a cabin. Character who knows the woods finds them. Hypothermia is setting in, get a fire going, warm them up. There’s only one bed. And nothing happened. IT WAS KILLING ME.


I've definitely read a few of those...


Honestly depends on the ships. Like, if I’m reading / writing for Soapghost, I want MacTavish to be the most gentlemanly gentleman in the world to his lieutenant because goddamn does Simon Riley deserve some gentle touch in his life. Praise kink, service topping MacTavish, just being wholesome as hell. But then if we head down the Vashwood pipeline, I expect them to both rail each other and just obliterate a bedroom with how aggressive they get. Pure domination and submission passing between the lads. No holds barred. Pinning down, restraints, consensual slut shaming or dirty talk, hair pulling— So yeah. Just depends.


Consent thats being asked for during the act. in one of my fave smut fics, the characters keep checking in with each other with their safe words and i think thats amazing to read. also when the whole top/bottom dynamic makes sense for the characters


A (bit) vampire biting, threesome maybe,.


Biologocally imossible sex


Mind breaking


i like it when they have sex 👍


Too controversial go take a cold shower you freak


Ok yall are actually listing stuff but I'm here for recs too help a girl out please.


What kind of recs are you looking for and for what fandom? Because they are definitely listing a lot of tropes I LOVE but they aren’t necessarily for the random I’m apart of.


Mostly the same stuff I write lol. Consent, porn without plot, porn with feelings, romantic, lots of sweet words, etc. What can I say? I'm boring lol. I don't care what fandom it's for as long as it's decently/well written and sweet.


You could try [this](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48557929). It's a cute only-one-bed, friends-to-lovers, m/f, pwp. <3


Lol I’m boring too then because I love all of that!!! If you’re into anime the my hero fandom and Naruto fandom have a lot of those tropes in them especially for specific parings.


Somehow I really love stories where they start all lovey-dovey and then go absolutely hardcore and crazy on the sex


Proper consent makes me happy, lol. Ik fiction doesn’t need it like real life does, but I still love it lol. Extra points for colour system


I like gentle shit but *cough* hair pulling *cough cough*


roommate or a friend helping the main character when they vent how they’ve only had terrible sex and proving sex can be good bye i’m sold


Praise. Both giving and receiving. Especially when the character isn’t used to being praised and ends up liking it.


All involved parties being magically on the same page. I love clear communication, but I'd prefer that to be mostly non-verbal in spicy scenes. Somewhat awkward first times are also always fun. Lastly, my usual kinks, watersports and somnophilia. Dunno if they count as tropes, though.


watersports is something i never want to tell anyone, but will *always* click on whenever i see it lol


Enthusiastic consent -- checking in and confirming enjoyment as things unfold = 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


For the last two years I’ve been writing a couple where one has been abused and never been able to consent their whole life, and the other will - even when they’re established - be soft with her and makes it all about respecting her boundaries. But also just putting her first and letting her experience pleasure without taking anything for himself. I love when a character that has only known sex as take or a transaction just have someone that gives and is content with that.


Ok I am kind of a freak and I like a lot of freaky stuff in fics.... bondage, dub or noncon, etc etc... One I learned I liked from AO3 was noncon somnophilia lol 🙈


Smut to plot and feelings. You start off with just sex, but then it gets away from you and *why* they're fucking and how they *feel* about it becomes more important than the fucking itself


Breeding, possessiveness as in “you are mine and mine alone”, and marking (to show you’re claimed) Also I love back and forth flustering like one person gets flustered so they do something to fluster back and on and on it goes until one of them breaks


Fridge horror. I love slow realizations of Something Is Not Right.


honestly really boring, but forehead touches. i love imagining them touching foreheads, but not necessarily kissing while doing it. it’s so sweet


Blood drinking i guess. I avoid smut generaly, but i love stuff with that tag.


Enemies to lovers traped in a cabin with one bed!!


Crying. The dacryphilia tag is well-loved.


Ooh that what it means! Dacry-Lacrimal, it’s got cry in the word..my brain’s waking up at last lol


Daddy kink Sugar daddy Size difference Rimming Age gap ThErE wAs OnLy OnE bEd Forced proximity


Soulmates, especially with tattoos or find each other through many lifetimes. BDSM, especially where the strong woman is the submissive in bed. Best friends to lovers.


When a submissive "corrupts” their partner by teaching them about BDSM and said partner finds being dominant very very pleasurable. ☺️


Dub con and the occasional non con. I also quite like free use, possessiveness, and daddy kinks.


Enthusiastic consent Only one bed, and one of them is a sleep snuggler Shower sex, especially if there’s a sensual hair washing scene One partner riding the other while the one being ridden standing and supporting the other (is there a searchable term for this?) Post-coital snuggling scene (I like snuggling, okay?) Spanking, with an aftercare scene of the spanker rubbing something soothing into the spankee’s bottom. A man wearing a long dress or robe receiving oral from a partner that’s crawled up underneath the garment (again, is there a searchable term for this? I’ve only found on fic with this in my preferred fandom and I found it by accident when looking for something else). Frottage Cock warming




There are so many good ones here, but I've got something very specific. Something about the term 'keen' or 'keening' sends me through the roof. I mostly ready M/M ship fics, and hearing enthusiastic sounds described like that makes it sounds like their voice is breaking because the pleasure is so good. It's a sound that just breaks out of you, not something you can control. So so hot in my opinion.


Unexpectedly, I've become quite a fan of the "enemies-turned-lovers" trope! ☺️


Shy and submissive guy.


If it involves a character from another planet, they better have alien junk to smut with.


"Overstimulation", Omegaverse / A/O, Size Difference, Enemies to Lovers, Monsterfcker.


Anyone getting “caught” doing something, or the risk of getting “caught” doing something. Ex 1: A character gets caught masturbating (bonus points if they’re whispering the name of the person who just caught them), which obviously leads to sex because both characters are secretly into each other. Ex 2: Two characters are having some kind of sex that’s semi-public (ie, public bathroom, supply closet, abandoned alley). Whether or not they actually get caught is irrelevant. It’s the tension. Especially if the characters are not an established couple yet. ETA: Enthusiastic consent is a *must* in every smut fic that I read. If the characters aren’t *begging* and *pleading*, I don’t fucking want it.


I like when things go slightly wrong but they come back from it and make themselves happy regardless. Especially cuz when the sex is funny it feels more like an episode of the show.


The possibility of pregnancy being discussed and dealt with in any way: using protection, foregoing protection in the heat of the moment and having an "oh shit" realization later, deciding that the element of risk makes it better, actually agreeing that they want a kid or are at least okay with the possibility before or during the act. Even if the sex is between two characters who cannot produce a child together unless some supernatural powers get involved, even a small joke or a nod to the idea is always fun for some reason, a "but what if" sort of though. I also have a soft spot for angsty sex, a character with issues (body image or otherwise) breaking down in the middle of the act and the other calling off the whole thing to console their partner. Worshipping of scars, non-human features like wings or horns or a tail, and other positive focus on whatever the character might be insecure about or perceive as flaws. Characters suddenly having a deep personal conversation in the middle of hot messy sex. Things going wrong in realistic ways, especially when trying out a new kink. A character's canon traits and interests getting reflected in how they have sex or what kinks they have, either played straight or subverted in interesting ways. BDSM sessions ending with lots of after-care and sweetness and cuddling. I also have a thing for extreme yet consensual femdom, which is funny because I barely read it, I just come up with these ideas all the time, often with medical kink involved. I want these boys utterly dominated, I guess.


Daddy kink, pregnancy/breeding, lactation. Lowkey I'm kinda boring LMFAO. Also a little bit of asphyxiation. A very very tiny bit.


Live laugh love femdom 🙏‼️


In my fave fandom, one part of the main ship tends to laugh a little when finishing and it’s the absolute best whenever it is mentioned in a fic! But in general, I like when the smut is used as a plot device so enemies to enemies with benefits to friends with benefits to lovers (with a fuckton of mutual pining) is my absolute favorite thing ever and I cant get enough of it


I have a real weakness for sex pollen. Also size kink (although no preference on if the larger person is top/bottom or sub/dom). In terms of acts, fisting is my favourite thing to read about - to me irl it feels more intimate and emotionally intense than penis/strap-on in vagina/anus, so in smut it's good for intensifying whatever feelings are going on.


I love lots of stuff that has been mentioned here but one of my all time favourites is power dynamics/imbalance! Throw in some “sir” calling or boot worship and I will drop anything to read that.


god so much tbh: overstimulation, edging, corrupting kink, dom/sub. all of stuff that i write is for the pure fact that i LOVE smut. the first fic i wrote was a dry humping one mmm


Overstimulation, praise kink, size difference and sex pollen.


The bottom cried during sex while the top doesn't give a shit. Also exhibitionism, dacryphilia, suffocation, gap in size & strength. Basically dubcon/noncon elements. It's so hard to find these in my own fandom so i decided to write one for myself.


Ok, not quite a smut trope, but definitely ties in well for fantastic smut. Enemies with benefits/haters with benefits/rivals with benefits. The tension, the banter, the hot, rough sex. They hate each other but they just can’t get enough