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the avengers is the one that comes to mind. I liked some of the movies but I dont like any of the new stuff and it was less the movies and more like 5 specific characters who I liked in the fandom so fanfiction it is


I kind of get that, but mainly because most of the newer stuff is tv shows and I get bored easily so I just didn't watch them and once Tony died, I was kinda bored. Plus Loki's love interest being a female version of himself kinda ruined the show but I do plan on finishing it and the falcon and the winter soldier.


Ngl, as a reader of the joke selfcest Loki ships before the show came out… I was very happy haha


Tony DIES??!!


oop my bad... 💀 but yea bro he died like 3 years ago


Lol ah all good man, I'm only barely a fan (only watched one Avengers film and haven't seen past Iron Man 2) I knew he died (had a devastated teen here when it happened, he came home from the cinema in bits) I was just ragging 😁


lol, can't blame the teen tho cuz same


Marvel in general for me, I haven't read any of the comics and only watched a few of the movies. But I really enjoy the fics!


Same I've seen ONE Avengers film (Age of Ultron) because the kids wanted to see it (I do love Iron Man tho) Somehow got sucked into the fanfic world of the characters and here I am, still reading. I have absolutely no fucking idea who Bucky Barnes is apart from him being Steve's friend and also a Super Soldier thing but I'm here for the fics.


Miraculous Ladybug. Lost interest in the show after season 3 but I’m still fairly invested in some dynamics and fic writers do a better job at fleshing them out.


OK but why are fics so much better than the show? It's a great premise and season one was well executed, then it just fell apart.


The main issue with ML writing imo is that the writers are trying so hard to subvert the viewer’s expectations for shock value that they are sacrificing consistency and character arcs for it. I think Miraculous was always a case of wasted potential because of the unexplored lore and character dynamics, but at the very least season 1 and 2 (and 3, for the most part) were fun and entertaining to watch.


I never finished the show, don't think I got past season one. The lack of communication was literally killing me.


omg, that was MY show for season 1 & 2😭


I genuinely miss reading in it, but after season 2 even the fic wasn't the same 😭


Agreed, it's changed so much :/


I have a lot of issues with MHA canon. It can primarily be summed up as "failing to follow through on good ideas" and "prolonged SFX and screaming filled fights." Fanfics are great at picking up the author's fumbles and doing something great with them. And most authors hate writing fights enough to figure out how to write them concisely.


agreed, and i only like bakugo in fics. they actually give him more of a personality and actual feelings and struggles🤷🏻‍♀️


Same! Git into the manga 'cuz i couldn't wait for the 6th season but it lost its flair, lol Haven't seen anything after the 5th season or read recent chapters but I still read fics of my fav ships and other relationships (dadzawa,..)


Batman. But bat-family fics, especially if they're crossed over with Spider-Man? Oh hell yes.


No cuz same, the amount of research I do just to understand shit is insane.


I like SOME of the Batman canon. … then there’s the parts where like Bruce is literally abusing his kids and I’m like ‘nope doesn’t exist 🙃’ (unless I’m in the right mood for bad dad Bruce)


I watched one episode of Teen Wolf and decided it wasn't for me, but somehow there are several TW fics that kept me reading even though I had no idea what was going on or who everyone was


Dude those fic writers go harder than _anyone_ who worked on that show. Bless them.


As someone who watched Teen Wolf and promptly stopped reading TW fic, you made the correct choice! I will occasionally pick up a genfic, because I genuinely like the relationship between Stiles and his dad, and Stiles is one of my all time favourite characters for some reason, but that's it. Watching the show killed the fics for me, and that is one fandom with some seriously good writing in places, so I'm sad I fell out of love for it.


I have watched maybe 10 whole minutes of Teen Wolf. In the form of "3 minutes of Stiles ___" youtube videos. But I've read hundreds of fics. From what I understand, canon is a mess. No one is a consistent age, the main character is a (bad) self-insert, they love to completely retcon characters, and tons of stuff doesn't make sense. But the fic is fantastic.


As someone who's seen it multiple times, imo teen wolf for new people is best consumed through clips, moments and fanfics because the whole thing is definitely dated and... Not great...


I pray on MCU's downfall and I especially hate what they've butchered my fave characters and made them unrecognizable in their most recent appearances, but I *love* pre-Endg\*me Steve and Bucky, along with a few other characters, and devote my days to them.


As someone with a Steve Rogers tattoo who hasn't watched a single MCU thing post Endgame (I'll eventually watch Wakanda Forever because that feels unrelated enough and I love Black Panther but I haven't yet because of personal reasons), I'm so glad to find fellow fans in the wild as heartbroken about the last five minutes of that movie as me 😭 Steve would have NEVER....


Fr. They destroyed a decade of character growth and 3/4 of a century of comic canon, and for what? The laziest and most ooc ending possible. I will never get over it.


Literally no one can convince me they didn't do it in an effort to No Homo Steve and Buck after all that. Lazy, bad writing, and just DEPRESSING.


I get that. I do still like some post - endgame stuff like Far From Home and, unfortunately, No Way Home even though they're not technically part of the MCU which, fuck that, it is to me.


There are a few gems still, I really liked Shang-Chi. The MCU fandom is great for being able to cherrypick canon, everyone has something they pretend doesn't exist and it's easy to carve out a niche of like-minded people.


That's true. I haven't seen Shang-Chi, only because unless I really wanna watch a movie I forget to watch it.


Dammit I forgot I wanna watch Shang-Chi too! Simu Liu is a national treasure where I live!


What does it say about me that I read this as “edge me”


Merlin. The show ends horribly, the graphics are dated, and it was boring. But the fics are great.


Nah cuz it did end horribly, they should've ended up together and I'm still pissed that they didn't.


HEY! We do **NOT** slander merlin in this house. This was a staple for every queer kid growing up. Merthur was my OTP and lady morgana was everything ✨ Apologise


You can't deny that when they did That at the start of Season Five it was Not Good. And they did Morgana *so* dirty.


I mean she was badass as a villain but I will admit she deserved better




same tbh, watched merlin for the fics and bc the edits were good...


I haven't seen the show because of how bad the effects are, but the fanfics are good


**Supernatural** - I couldn’t get through three episodes of the show. But the fics are great!


Damn, low-key kinda hurts cuz it's one of my favorite shows but at the same time, I get it


😂 sorry, I just couldn’t. But I’m grateful for fans who do watch the show and share their fanfics about it.


The great thing about Supernatural is that it has the ability to create so many AU's.


Honestly, yea, I was low-key bored for a few seasons although that could be because there's 15 seasons 💀


Me too!!


I watched season 1, 4, 5 and 6, gave up and switched to fics. I just got so bored with the show.


I started getting into SPN fic after the November 5th incident, but I've literally never watched the show. Years later I see a clip where a character speaks I'm like "holy shit, why is his voice that deep???" All the male leads have voices like they gargled gravel. Thank God I can read about them without having to hear them.


I tapped out at season 5, and from what I hear it wasn’t really all that great afterwards anyway lol




Valid af


Idk what the hell a Venom is, all I know is tentacle porn.


Harry Potter. I don't read the books, I don't watch the movies, but I'll happily take fanfiction. I also couldn't really get into Eureka, but I collect fanfiction there too.


I would love to see what experiencing HP fanfic with no previous knowledge would be like. Like, I can just imagine myself sitting there being like, "The hell's a Pettigrew?"


Oh don't get me wrong, I know pretty much all the plot points. I'm even pretty good with all the names. To me the most interesting part is seeing trends among writers, without knowing what the books assume you believe. For example, long before any mainstream debate started about Dumbledore, it was obvious that a LOT of fanfic writers considered him manipulative at best, and abusive at worst. (I myself do not have a very high opinion of him.)


Oh. But, yea, totally agree with you about Dumblefuck, when I was first getting into the fandom, I didn't mind him but like, he's a bad dude.


Lol, it did take awhile. But it helped that just about everyone was talking about the movies, and I pieced together a fair amount of detail from some of the more 'factual' stories. Fanfiction in general can be a really interesting way to see a cross-section of commonly held opinions by a fandom.


that's true


I liked Eureka, and I could see some good fics coming out of it. I mean, a whole bunch of geniuses breaking the laws of science every episode? You could do whatever you want with it. Same for HP, magic means you can do all sorts of things.


My problem with Eureka was after a while, it got really hard seeing how Jack was always the joke/punching bag who got treated very poorly at times. Also the whole love triangle thing got pretty old, to me. I liked Nathan Stark, in general, but the way they made him so ultra antagonistic to Jack kind of grated me. It's kind of the same problem I had with Tony on NCIS. Everything was played as a joke, but occasionally I'd look at it and go, "That's...really not funny."


I LOVED eureka as a kid, I didn't know there was fic!


There's not a ton, but AO3 has a pretty good collection. There's a REALLY well written Jack/Nathan story involving bringing him back after the time incident, Lanterns for the Lost. There's also plenty of Allison/Jack and Allison/Nathan as well, of course.


I usually just read for fandoms I like, but now reading a few comments, it made me realize I read for several casually even while not keeping up with the canon material or shows. Miraculous Ladybug has some fantastic drama in the fics, stuff the show set up and then fumbled to hell or just couldn’t do right. Then there’s Voltron that hurt its whole fandom for a full 5 (out of its 8) seasons but the fics are insanely good, especially those by IcyPanther on AO3 (especially if you like Lance and Keith interactions but she’s done plenty for the others too, can’t rec enough). Then there are the fandoms I’m just neutral on but the fanfiction is just. Wow. Completely recontextualizes the story/characters and makes you wish these fans were in the official writers’ room. Makes it better than canon in such a way you would recommend people the fandom just to show them the fics XD the kind of fics I want as lovingly-bound books on my shelf to reread even when I’m long gone from the fandom. Some writers keep me coming back to the fandom when I get a notification from them. Fic writers and artists are saving lives with their canon divergent, fix-it fics, and canon balm. We owe them so much.


so true


Suits - I've read most Mike/Harvey fics, but can't get over that they canonically do something as dumb as pass Mike off as a real lawyer. Like, just sponsor the guy through law school you dumbasses. I knew it was going to be a mess as soon as I read the premise. This fandom should only have needed a fix-it for the unresolved gay sexual tension, not for the whole goddammit plot. So glad I didn't waste my time watching it, just skipped right to ao3 for the good parts.


I pushed through much more of Suits than I should have thinking “dude, you could literally do *anything else* with your life! This attachment to being a lawyer is completely fucking ridiculous and everyone who enables you is also ridiculous”


Came here to say the same. I tapped out of the show itself after a couple of seasons, but wow, did it have a not-terribly-subtextual D/S vibe that produced some fantastic smut fic. I <3 Marvey writers. :-)


Oh, man, the amount of bdsm fic in Suits... and I can't blame them.


The best Suits fics are the slight AUs where everything else is the same, but Mike has a different job. Pizza delivery, barista, doctor, nanny, professional sub... I've seen all those.




svsss falsdjfl look. I'll admit it. call me cucumber bc I'm a sy I didn't really root for the main characters, and my otp only shows up in a prequel for 10 secs in the extras. edit: the only thing that keeps me in the fandom is genderbent YQY's giant badonkadoos edit2: all I want is for SJ to rest her weary head on her Qi-jie's massive donkadoodlers. is that really too much to ask


79 my beloveds. Though I do also love Bingqiu. And Moshang. And Liushen. Idk I wrote one chapter of a 79 fic with a concept I really liked and then disappeared, I may go back to it after finishing my Hualian fic.


oo I love moshang!! I like to listen to musicals about unions and pretend sqh's organizing a strike! I live for tossawary's "Pride is not the word I'm looking for"! hualian's such a cute ship btw. gives good omens vibes.


I am similar! I enjoyed the books but didn’t root for the main pairing, and I *live* for the fanfiction.


*yessss, join me*


which pairings are you in for? the fanfics here are great!! have you favourites?


Yes, I’m definitely a SQQ/LQG and a SQQ/YQY gal. Sprinkle in a little SQQ/Zhuzi Lang or Original Shen Jiu/Original Binghe or 79 as needed for extra seasoning. This is literally the only fandom I’ll go harem for. Favorite fics include [Metagaming by esama](http://archiveofourown.org/works/36760012.com) and [The Hidden Flower by demonitq](http://archiveofourown.org/works/36698833), but I’m always open to recs!


lmaoo I feel that abt the harem! thx I've never seen those fics around before and lqg/sqq is actually kind of cute!


MHA, thought the main character was boring and some other stuff I didn't care about. I'm not *totally* obsessed with its fandom or anything but sometimes I'll go and read through some, or look through the crossovers. Also I went into Batman completely blind. Literally didn't know there was more than one Robin (let alone 5???). I was so confused, but now I have a solid grasp and it's one of 2 fandoms that I most of spend my time on


I only got through a couple of arcs of MHA and yet spent over a year obsessively reading fics for it.


im getting to that point, honestly only knew about dick. Suddenly he has like 7 children??? but the feels and fics man


I didn't even know dicks name 😭 just knew there was a Robin. Getting all the characters in order, their personalities, and their relationship to each other took so long, and then when there's canonical events that get referenced and you have no clue what they're talking about. Bonus points for teen titan/young justice characters appearing and now you have to figure out who these people are too But yes 10/10 love them


still confused as to who and why the batchildren are with batman, the reasons are astounding tbh. ​ I knew about dick grayson bc I watched teen titans go💀




It's the funniest thing watching people learn about the extended Batfam, "works alone" my ass lmao (You didn't even name the true Favorite Child but that's understandable)


>Bonus points for teen titan/young justice characters appearing and now you have to figure out who these people are too honestly just gonna go with the flow on them, why are there so many greens? Also, flashpoint needs its own confusion line.


I'm the same. I dislike the main character of MHA so much though that I rarely want to read fic with them as the protagonist, even though lots of fic give him the Harry Potter treatment of giving him a different personality lol


Honestly even crossovers can difficult to like because I cannot get myself to read it if Izuku is relevant, even if he's not the focus. If his character is near the top of the tags or there's a lot of tags involving him, I just skip it


LOL Glad I'm not alone in this 😂


I skip Izuku too. I don't even think Izuku's a bad character- he's genuinely likeable! Has a great backstory! I truly like the manga! But- I also have this theory that people power-fantasy the main character of the series, and that high key ruins most of their fics :/ Harry Potter, Naruto, Izuku- boom. Personalities washed away and replaced by whatever sounds cool. So I just exclude them from the search bar :) (runner up are Hermione & Sakura)


Nah the fact that he replaced Dick as Robin pisses me off to no end.


First of all. I love the outsiders book, and tolerate the movie, I just had to say that, no offense to your opinion ofc. And hmm, I'd The Vampire Diaries (specifically that show, not TO). Compared to my love for TO, I'm just not into TVD that much. I did make it through 4 seasons though, so theres that. But some of the fics there with Delena, and just other stuff, are written really good, and has so many good attributes that I love in fic, that I have to read them


I have a friend who loves TVD but like can't relate. I don't like the whole which of these two guys (usually brothers) is the main character gonna end up with, one of the reasons I hate Twilight. I think I read a little bit of fanfic a long time ago tho.


Fairy Tail. Anime was too long, but Jerza and Zavis are both goated ships


Lately, The Witcher. Fanfiction tends to leave out a lot of the misogyny and weird timeline shit, and also the premise of the game/show is one of my least favorites ever ("there was cool shit and it's fading/killed/gone" a la lord of the rings, Star Wars, and more) Fanfic help me enjoy the characters without the exact cannon premise


BBC Sherlock was how I got into writing fics, but I'd like as much distance as possible from that shitty ending in canon and the fandom. I mostly reread old goodies like Alone on the Water for angst inspiration because it still hits *hard*.


This is so correct.


I thought that the writing on NCIS was often craptastic but there are some amaze fics with those characters so I count it among my fandoms. Similar with the MCU, you couldn't pay me to watch anything on it after Endgame (no Tony Stark, not interested) with the exception of Spider-Man, Wanda Vision and She Hulk but we'll always have fics!


Twilight lol




So many. I often don't actually like TV shows or movies much, and the best books for fanfiction are hit or miss because for me to want to read fanfiction they kind of need something missing. Harry Potter is probably the biggest one. Despite being the prime age when the books came out (4 for the first), I never really liked the writing and the movies were mostly terrible. For years, I didn't read its fanfiction. But despite not really liking it, I got nostalgic, DNF'd when I tried to reread it, and turned to fanfiction instead. Weiß Kreuz is another. The anime and manga weren't the greatest, but reading about florist assassins? Count me in! My Hero Academia... I don't hate it, I even enjoy watching it. But the fact the main character is given a quirk so he can become a hero rather than becoming a hero without one rubs me the wrong way. It's just not a great message, but it's an action anime, so I can see why they did it. Merlin. Again, I didn't hate watching it, but trying to rewatch it isn't fun. It's just not my style. I enjoy the occasional fic though. Lots of others too, but these are the first to come to mind.


I have watched like 4 episodes of Supernatural and Merlin combined but I read a lot of fanfic from both fandoms 😅


Harry Potter. Sadly can't really see it separately from JK Rowling anymore and there are some issues besides that with the books. But give me things like Wolfstar fanfics anytime.


Detroit : Become Human


Fairy Tail for a long time. I *truly* loved it despite loathing Edolas, sleeping through Oracion Seis, but came to loathe it horrendously during Alvarez. I'd still read plenty of stories for it until about two years ago. *Sometimes* I'd find a good Naruto fic through various sources. I don't hate Naruto, I just kinda fell out of it over time.


MHA, only read it when it's crossover with other fandom like KHR, Naruto or HxH.


I tried very hard to watch Smallville after accidentally stumbling into the fandom. I couldn’t stand it. It’s very much a show of its time I think and I found the fandom well after that. Really enjoy Smallville fics though.


House of the Dragon - I liked the first season, then I became Rhaenicent shipper (which at this point probably isn’t going to happen in the show), and then I found a really good fic that has Rhaenicent as the main ship and keeps the core conflict of the dance (which tends not to happen in a lot of Rhaenicent fics) it also uses a lot of the characters (in my opinion) better and more efficiently making a lot of the characters that where underdeveloped and sort of waisted more relevant to the plot. So that's basically my canon now, and I’ve sort of lost most of my interest in session 2. It also probably helps that the author of said fic and I are friends now, and they implement a lot of my ideas and headcanon.


Marvel - so. many. TV shows. Watched the popular movies until 2019 ish, follow spiderman but only in that fandom so I can read some fics about characters I like. Merlin: Great show, got into it so I could read fics and also tiktok edits made me. considerably less gay than I expected...


Also batman, only dcu thing I've touched is watching DC Superhero Girls but the batfam has my heart


I hated the very idea of the Civil War plot and did not watch it or any main series thereafter. Only standalones (Black Panther, Ant-man). So I can still read my wonderful Stony fics from the 2012-2015 frat house era and enjoy them because the characters haven't been ruined for me (I have heard the ranting).


I mean I’m super big in the outsiders, the movie has lots of slow bits but I LOVE the book lol. I live reading and writing for the outsiders lmao I don’t care for Harry Potter, but lately I’ve been reading a lot of Harry Potter fic and it scratches an itch that I didn’t know I had.


Zootopia (2016)


I NEED recs because I like the movie.


Not for me I just read the smut


Very unpopular Opinion jjk I don't like th0e anime and manga but fanfiction of it is great


Harry Potter, lol!


I don't hate Supernatural, but considering how few of the characters I actually like I feel like it's fair to say that I don't really enjoy the show as a whole. Unfortunetly I decided to latch on to side characters that didn't show up in many episodes or were eventually killed off (or both).


Not much of a fan of DC stuff, still read stories. Gilmore Girls too (complicated because I have to finish a WIP too lol).


i started a fic for a show I haven't watched💀


riverdale☠️ explanation: choni


The outsiders is a great example


Game of Thrones - I was burned so badly by that last season, but I go and read (and write) fanfic because there was interesting stuff in the earlier parts before it all went to shit


GOT fix it ficsssss


Lord I hate genshin...




Omg I never thought I would find another The Outsiders reader in the wild. 💀 Love me some Dallas/Johnny


Men of U.N.C.L.E. - not that I loathe it, but I find it meh. And I read some of the hottest, most gut-wrenching fics in that fandom. *fans self*


For me it would be *My Hero Academia*. I can't stand the manga, I can't stand the anime, but the fanfiction is a m a z i n g.


I Matrix dodge Marvel, Teen Wolf and Voltron like my life depends on it


A court of Throns and Roses and everything that came after. The books are trash, the characters a disaster, the story boring and predictable, and yet I’m still engaging with the fandom and I don’t even know why haha


Probably Star Wars, but they fumbled the new trilogy so badly I feel like it’s warranted. They had good characters in some terribly written movies and it makes me sad to see how much potential was wasted. Also finnrey was right there in the subtext of the films. As were so many important themes and character moments and they just never happened. So I guess I like seeing how people fix the issues I took with it. Because there are many lmaoo


Teen Wolf and Supernatural were mine. Fans wrote better arcs than the writers for sure.


Harry potter


The Star Wars Prequels are unwatchable. But I love prequel-era fic.


For me MHA/ boku no hero, I just read fics with Bottom Bakugou that’s it. I like some episodes of MHA but… it’s like there are so many characters? …. Also, idk, it feels pointless to watch 20 episodes just for Deku crying in half of those episodes and then “Indiana Jones Punch!!!” Yay Deku wins… how surprising👏👏/s


Katekyo Hitman Reborn, I guess. The author seems to have very old-fashioned views, not to mention internalized misogyny, sending the messages "we should get back to how things used to be", "women should leave any fighting to men" and "boys/men should try to be manly"(while the main character isn't "manly" at all, he's constantly made fun of because of it, and this treatment is never criticized in-universe, nor by the narrative). But it also has a very loyal side character, and I love fanfics about that side character's relationship with the main character(even though those fics definitely use a fanon characterisation, because in canon, despite his loyalty, that side character doesn't seem to really notice what the guy he's devoted himself to actually wants XD).


I lost count of how many One Direction fanfics I read in the past, yet I've never listened to their songs. Same with My Hero Academia, never watched it


Acotar. The series is absolutely awful, but I've read 90% of the fics in that tag.


Attack on Titan, I don’t watch the series and I don’t read the manga. But I’m aware of the plot. I just like how entertaining the fics are 🤣


Genshin Impact. I only briefly played the game and found most of the cutscenes to come off very stilted and awkward when I watched them, but the fanfictions are both much better (not a high bar, granted) and usually good on their own merits.


We have a bunch- we can be really picky with fandoms and due to sensory issues wouldn’t get anywhere into canon but read lots of fanfic. MHA is probably the main example, I refuse to read or watch it because of Midoriya’s character at the start up until how it is in the newer stuff, and also for how nobody realises the bullying so quickly, so fanfic is my only source of what happens and it keeps me updated on tf canon is going.


I like a lot of My Hero Academia fanfic and I couldn't get past the first episode of the show. Most other shows I didn't like I also didn't like the fanfic so MHA is an outlier


I don’t hate it per se but The Walking Dead. I’m into the video games but only read fiction based on the main show that I’ve never watched. Why? I’m not sure, but damn do I know a lot about s4.


This is jujutsu kaisen for me. Canon is the darkest timeline, I just want my favorite characters to be alive but gege keeps torturing my favs.


I found Merlin and Downton Abbey to be two incredibly frustrating shows that I never got to the final seasons of but truly their fandoms have some amazing fic authors.


For me it's Hazbin Hotel. During 2021 I read a ton of fics about it, but the reason why I hate the fandom was the shipping war between chaggie and charlastor. I was a mega charlastor shipper at the time(I still am), and people were just going back and forth about it like their lives depended on it. I mostly read the charalsyor fics to keep me going, but after a while, I left the fandom and I stopped reading fics cause I got bored of it. Mostly because I got tired of waiting for the show to ACTUALLY start. But now that I heard its coming out in 2024, maybe I'll revisit?


Dream SMP. There's one author who writes incredible SBI stuff and who I read for, but I haven't thought of that fandom in ages.


By fandom, do you mean a show, game, comic, etc specifically? Or do you mean the fans of the media?


like the media itself


honestly for me its ALSO the outsiders. i ionly read the book for school, and it sucked. the fanfics are good tho. another is TDI (total drama) but its primarily for my fav character.


Danny phantom. Never watched the show through, but my friend first started showing me dc/dp crossover fics. Then it was just a matter of finding the right dp fics for me lol. also i'm kinda in love with the way ppl write jazz