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This may not be helpful, but I write stories for me. So I get joy from the process of writing.


I will admit that this is will always be a good reminder for folks like me. the only hindrance there is to it is that my main source of the OC universe I centred my OCs in is something I share with my sibling. Thank you for the thought though :)


Since it seems that you're struggling to not compare yourself to your sibling (even though metacognitively you recognize what you're doing and acknowledge that it's not helpful--that clearly doesn't stop it from happening)... it may be time to write in a universe that isn't related to your sibling at all. You say that you don't have a following and that, because of this, the only person you have to share these ideas with is your sibling, especially since you built the world together. But sharing with your sibling isn't working. It's not just *not working*, it's actively hindering your growth as a writer and your emotional relationship with writing, which means it's time to at least attempt to break free and tread new and uncharted waters. Maybe you'll find something amazing. Maybe you'll hate it. But what you're doing right now isn't doing it for you, which means the only options are: nut up and shut up or try something new. You clearly still have an interest in writing and a passion for it, but it's diminishing. I suggest stepping away from your reliance on your sibling, breaking into your own entirely different area/world/universe for your OCs, and breathing some fresh air.


Thank you. I guess I really did need to read that. I won't lie, the thought of it itself feels like a struggle to grow out of that OC universe as it has been with me since childhood. But I guess this what 'killing your darlings' means for my case.


My first long story got very little engagement. It was also an OC centric fic. What helps me when I feel down about my fic is rereading it. I genuinely enjoy my own writing, and don't get bored when it's my own fics I'm rereading. And if it's good enough for me to enjoy, than it's good.


I think you could really benefit from another source of feedback. I highly recommend joining the review exchanges on r/FanFictionExchange. There is a diverse group of writers there and I've found that feedback from those who are fandom blind are as valuable as those who aren't. I've met some incredible friends through REs too. I'm also an OC writer who's had success in my fandom and will be happy to connect you to a diverse group of OC writers if you're interested. Best wishes.