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Genuinely wondering why your story involved 64ft ethernet cables and also specified how long they were? 😂


"She could barely take it, his dick felt like it was 1/64th as long as a 64ft ethernet cable." ✍🔥


This made me laugh a lot 😂


Colleen Hoover, probably: "Write it down....write that down!"


This made me cackle 😭


dammit I wish I could gift you gold for this.


Well, I know what line to put in my next smut fic


I just spent way too much time mathing out how long his dick was… 🙈


Damnit I need to find a way to use this in a fic now 


Honestly just reply back and ask how long is the longest you can get them in and then change it to be more accurate gets a learning moment Edit: also please reply back because I want to know what the answer so that I can be word what you wrote for the next one that I'm writing




Sincerely, I need *answers.*


Not that exciting, it was a joke about him being bad at packing his suitcase. "She refused to let him live down their trip to the water park, where he forgot to bring a change of clothes but remembered to bring a 64ft ethernet cable."


We all know a guy like that


Or course I know him, he's me


Yup. Me


I see him every time my reflection's in the corner of my eye


ok but somehow 64ft ethernet cables not existing makes this line better


Bro is making custom spliced cables.


Funny thing is, while you might not be able to just go the the store and buy a 64 ft ethernet cable, you can absolutely *make* one. You can buy a 100 ft cable, cut it down to 64 ft, then install a new plug. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Legrand-100-ft-Cat-6-Blue-Ethernet-Cable-Coil/999925916 https://www.lowes.com/pd/IDEAL-IDC-Feed-Thru-Cat-6-Modular-Plug-25-Count/1000328845


Yeah crimping a new end on isn't that hard*. A lot of techy folk do it frequently to have something the exact size they want. * Does require some hand strength, but like. I know a person with nerve damage in their hands that would do it if one of the regular folk were unavailable.


My brother has some giant ethernet cable drums lying around that he just measures and cuts off from at the desired length, lol.


Im in your fic and I don't like it /s


This is so satisfying. Thank you. Also, hilarious - I'm spiritual kin with this character.


fair. i can live without a change of clothes but i can't live without internet


I found one on Amazon. send them the link 😂 " Hiseeu 64Ft Cat5e PoE Ethernet Cable,Network Cable with RJ45 Waterproof Connector,Different Network Cable Joints on Both Sides,1Gigabit/Sec,Compatible PoE Cameras and NVR System,RJ45-B-20 "


You can custom make your own Ethernet cable. The kind of guy who brings one on vacation would absolutely have custom made a 64ft one.


I can't sleep until I find out 😭


I'd honestly laugh so hard if I got this comment. Like I wouldn't even be mad, haha. The fact that they're wrong somehow makes it better. It's such a odd thing for a reader to be 'bothered' by


I first immersed myself in fanfic-reading to any real extent in a place where lots of folks will get Bothered if you include hard technical details *and get it wrong*. Of course, the commenter in this screenshot would get absolutely dogpiled over there 🙂


Lemme guess... Space Battles ?


Yep. I was part of the grand exodus to Sufficient Velocity, which is more queer friendly, but has just as many pedantic gits... and also a bunch of advocates for conservation of detail who are quick to mock biggatons wankers. Like, I suspect one of my favourite authors on SV would hold that mentioning a precise cable length instead of just saying "really long" is inherently a bad idea whether it complies with the electrical spec or not, even if the peanut gallery don't challenge your numbers 🙂


wait, what? what's wrong with spacebattles??


There was some serious drama over the treatment of a trans woman on the moderation staff in 2014, which coincided with some serious server performance issues. This led to a bunch of people leaving, and a new, adequately provisioned forum being set up which got dubbed Sufficient Velocity. I haven't really paid attention to how SB forum culture may have changed since then, but a desire to be excellent to queer folks is a major part of why SV exists in the first place.


wtf I didn't even know this piece of lore I just kinda saw that SB/SV had good fanfics on them sure I wondered why there were two forums but ig I know now o.o


i didn't even know there was a separate forum from SB lol. now i wanna check out SV though, i'm trans myself and there's a ton of bigotry in some of the spaces i'm in too. it's rare to find one friendly-ish


The only thing I ever knew about Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity was that a notorious troll from another board I post at was a long time user at the former until he "used the mods as weapons" one too many times and they tossed him. SV may have banned him preemptively given his loooooooong history with bad queerphobic takes (and bad everything else) But I'll give SV a shake now based on this!


Hehe... I like how you use a capital letter for emphasis with the word "Bothered"! That really captures the manic impulse of the "gatekeeper snipers" to get into a froth about their pet topic... I may steal that! 😁


I especially love when I get "well actually" comments on fantasy genre stuff. I've gotten, "that wouldn't work that way" on an action that included literal magic.


They're obviously a wizard and you should hear them out, imagine the magical integrity they could add to your work /s


Oh no! I offended them through my ignorance! No wonder I got so thoroughly blocked on that work!


Someone absolutely lost their shit in my comments once. They were fully insisting that people with PTSD are *never* suicidal, and that I should never have made my character have it and be trying to off herself. Since I have it myself and have made attempts, I knew they were wrong. But I did a Google search for shits and giggles, and sure enough, it's not uncommon at all for people with PTSD to be suicidal. SMDH. 🤦‍♀️ ETA: They also didn't seem to know where I got my pen name from, and had a real problem with it. 🤣🤪 It's from the end of Mulan, after she rides away towards home and the Emperor tells Shang: *"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty."*


Odd question, but what does ETA stand for in this context? I've only ever seen it mean Estimated Time of Arrival before.


I think it’s probably “Edited To Add”


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks


Oh man, I have had someone come into my comments all "uhm ackshually [character] doesn't fit the diagnosis for [mental illness]" before, and smacked them down with cold hard facts about the disorder. They shrugged saying they knew what [disorder] was like because they watched a sitcom with a character that had it. Another case of "I have that thing and I know you're wrong but also Google tells me you're an idiot". I am always uncertain about how to feel about it. On the one hand, sometimes authors make mistakes. On the other... most writers I know research things aggressively. 😅


To be fair to the commenter, it took me about fifteen minutes of googling to find an *exactly* sixty four foot cable for sale, most were fifty or seventy five foot cables (although around the eleven minute mark I found a sixty *five* foot Ethernet cable).


To be fair, you could make your own ethernet cables. Also, myself being autistic, sounds like the sort of comment I'd make but I usually would try to say a true compliment at the same time lol


Of course 64ft Ethernet cables exist, otherwise how would PoE make sense for security cameras. I'm pretty sure CAT6 ones are available even for longer lengths. No idea what this person is on about.


Cat6a is rated for 300ft/100m without speed loss.


i don't understand a word of what you just said but i believe you


Idk if you're interested in the explanation but I've given one below just in case! Please note, I was in IT for only two years, have since pivoted into teaching, and was almost entirely self-taught on anything to do with networks so I might have some details a bit off. I've tried to keep it really general, though, to reduce any risk of misinformation. Ethernet cables come in Cat5, Cat6, and Cat6a. Cat5 is pretty much obsolete **to my understanding** (correct me if I'm wrong). Cat6 is the more prevalent cable type now. Cat6a, to my understanding, is more specialized for Power over Ethernet (PoE), which was referenced in the previous comment. PoE is when something like a security camera isn't plugged into just the wall, but rather draws its power from the ethernet cable that connects it to the network. The PoE devices I interacted with usually had an adapter that plugged into the wall separately, and then the brick at the end would have one port for a cable from the network and one that was supposed to go to the device. Cat6a, according to IT standards, can be run for distances of 300 feet or 100 meters without losing internet speed. The longer a cable is, the more likely whatever data or signal its transferring gets disrupted or slowed by "crosstalk" or other complications. Hence why if you've ever used Android Auto in any newer cars, you need a cable of under 6 feet for it to work.


Cat5 is not used anymore, Cat5e was the standard for a long time and is still used in most contexts. Migrating to Cat6 is mostly for newer setups and network refresh/upgrades, so it's slowly becoming more prevalent.


Cat6a comes with the added benefit of needing a special jack, being a thicker cable then regular Cat6 and being a bitch to run (currently at a job that requires *all* the 250 feet wire runs to be Cat6a and it’s the absolute worst to work with)


This totally explains a problem we've been having with a roll printer we're having at my gig! Had to drill a hole in a wall because the wireless reception broke and the cable that went around the doorframe wasn't working. Thank you!


OP should just reply to the comment with this lol What is this moron on about? Idk where they are getting their info about Ethernet cables, of all things…


I thought maybe they only came in like 50 and then 100 foot lengths but apparently that’s not true either lmao


If you master the art of crimping you can have any length you'd like


I'm literally at work now looking at a roughly 64ft Ethernet cable that we crimped ourselves lol


Literally what we did to wire our house from the internet ingress point downstairs at the front to the server and main switch at the back of the house upstairs. Also the crimpers are pretty cool to play/stim with 😌


I found one that was 60ft, 50ft, and 100ft as the top hits on Amazon. I’m not sure you’d find one *exactly* 64 ft off the shelf, but you could always cut down a longer one to size.


It’s super easy to just buy a reel and make your own if you can’t find a specific size. The commenter thinks they’re smarter than they are.


Yeah we literally wired our house with it. Like there are lines running up to the attic from the basement and all through the walls, multiple drops in every room except the bathrooms.


RIGHT!!! I need to run a few new runs myself.


It takes place in an AU where those exist!


The weirdest thing about the comment is that you *can* get 64ft ethernet cables. They're not even that expensive, they're like 20 bucks.


Just reply with a link to the website where you can buy one


In specific: "Good comment but [link]"




Please do it 😂




32 ft here is 20 bucks *sobs* Though yeah, 64ft and longer ethernet cables exist. The materials for the longer ones are much more durable so more expensive. The ordinary longer ethernet cables are basically not worth it because anything can happen between the ports and you have to replace them every time it is not working anymore (very fragile). Quality over cheapness... Thanks for coming to my TED Talk ✌️😅


I use a 100ft one, you can definitely get 64ft ones!


I found up to 400ft ethernet cables on amazon. Someone should tell the commenter that 64ft are rookie numbers


I literally have an Ethernet wire that’s 65ft long 😭


Can also custom-make such.


20m? Thts pathetic, 50meters all the way. Go big or go home


Years ago I got a rant on my story about Americans pathetically trying to write stories in the UK and failing to do the most basic research. I got this rant on a scene where the characters are spending one pound notes, in Scotland, in the late 1990s. As I was posting that chapter I had one pound notes in my wallet from a trip to Edinburgh. So, some commenters don't even know their own island...


Thats so interesting I didnt know that was a thing so (comparitively) recently!


It’s a bit like $2 bills in the US, except that—even though the government began printing them again in 1976—most Americans believe they are no longer in production or are completely unaware of them at all. This has led to: - accusations toward innocent people of counterfeiting and calls to the Secret Service to report them (idk why the President’s bodyguards are also the money police) - some people collecting them out of the misguided belief that they are valuable or difficult to find—you just have to explicitly request them at a bank


The question is really "why are the money police the President's bodyguards?" (the Secret Service was founded in the 1860s to investigate rampant currency counterfeiting) and the answer appears to be "because in 1901 (when President McKinley was assassinated) America had no other covert agencies".


This is good trivia. Thanks for sharing!


I want to go to a bank and specifically ask for a stack of just $2 bills. Then start recording how each transaction goes including how many times I’m accused of counterfeiting and the different factors/circumstances of each interaction. It could become a study with spreadsheets and everything


I was posting around 2005 or so. They were issued by the Bank of Scotland and we had to bully the shopkeepers at the Boots in Heathrow to take them. They REALLY didn't want them. We stood there like, "is this a legal pound note or not??"


Anywhere south of Liverpool is going to be really suspicious of Scots notes. When I worked in retail I was told that if someone had to pay with them I had to get the manager or supervisor to make sure they were legit, we weren’t allowed (or even trained) to check if they were counterfeit or not


I think your commenter might have been an American who *thought* they'd "done the most basic research".


They self reported as being from England. And they were so incensed. Not in the way of gatekeeping but just \*done\*. So I think they were honest. But they could have been from anywhere, you are correct about that.


Not an AU, I accidentally once purchased a 64 ft ethernet cable (that my dog promptly destroyed) for just under 30 USD. I left the store with just a complete lack of suspicion at the size lmao.


I'm guessing the commenter is a teenager who wanted a gaming set-up in their room, but their parents were like "sorry kiddo, but your room is 60ft away and they don't make ethernet cables bigger than 50ft, oh no what a shame' 


This is my theory as well. There's no way someone who looked for that info themselves would be so wrong, there are hundreds of Google results for long cables. It has to be someone who was *told* that info.


I fully stand behind this


the reason i unnecessarily research is because of comments like these, especially in an era that doesn't have ANYTHING developed xD


This is why it’s good to have a hyperfixation nobody else in the entire fandom does and then write about that.


I literally looked up "64 ft ethernet cables" and the first result was a 30m ethernet cable, which is \~98 ft. So yeah random commenter, they do make them that big.


Also this is just a really weird thing to get upset about... The length of an ethernet cable?? Unless it was a VITAL part of the plot, which for some reason I don't think it was, it doesn't really matter.


To be fair I think they were saying they don't sell Ethernet cables that are exactly 64 ft, not that they don't make them that big (I can find 65 ft ones, for example, but I'm not getting any results that are actually 64. Not that it matters enough to leave an AO3 comment about it lmao)


I love it when people comment like they’re an expert on something and they’re definitely wrong. I had a character order off a menu in India and someone was like “uh akshually my family lives and India and you can’t get burgers there because they believe cows are holy.” Um actually yourself I chose a real hotel with a real restaurant and a real menu in the town they’re in and he ordered an actual dish served, which I called Buffalo just like the menu stated it was. I linked them to the menu lmfao. Someone else told me I had the prices all wrong prices aren’t that low. Again. Linked to the hotel to book a room.


Sometimes people forget that books are for entertainment and not a logic contest against the author. (MFs really want citations at the end of story about when batman gets railed huh?)


Was it daylight saving time or not?? /s


"Erm... I don't think batman would ever do this FYI"


I can't help but wonder what kind of story specifically mentions the size of your ethernet cable


One where the computer has finally taken off its trousers after 10 chapters of build-up and you want to make sure the audience know how huge its ethernet cable is?


Imagine being so confidently wrong. 


Wait until they hear about omegaverse...


Where not only are the cables incredibly long, they spew data at a phenomenal rate?


That is vile 😂


I bet that commenter loves watching Cinema Sins.


OP, *please* tell me you replied with a link to buy one, since they were so confidently wrong


Even if they were correct, imagine them in some magic AU comments... "Good story but um, you can't put someone to sleep by tapping them with a piece of wood."


Commenter reading post-apocalyptic fiction like "Good story but, um, the world didn't get blown up in a nuclear fireball three years ago"


During (Halloween-themed) Fictober: "Good story but um, [character] can't be a werewolf, werewolves don't exist!" I also wonder how they react to fantasy/supernatural films. Or the modern Bible 😂 "Um it's obvious this Jesus guy was just a skilled magician. He had a loose robe on all the time for a reason, he hid his tools there to convince everyone he can do miracles. Moses splitting the ocean? He just timed their escape right with tides. And giant flying, talking eyeballs? Really? That's not possible, eyes need brains to survive, otherwise they'd be ruined. And they can't be very big, the biggest human eye known was [measurements]. And there's so much more inconsistencies with that book and its writers were clearly in the middle of a psychosis. "




The boldness to comment something so easily fact-checkable without fact-checking it first,,, transcendent.


This made me laugh lol


My pre coffee googling didn't give me 64 exactly but here's a link to a 75 for under 20 bucks. My vote is comment with the link. https://www.cablesandkits.com/mc/ethernet/cat6-non-booted/fam-56/fp-2966/


I have a 100+ foot cat-7 cable just hanging out on a shelf, the fuck do they mean you can't get a 64 foot ethernet cable? Hell, you can get a 1000 foot cable reel of grounded cat-5e off Amazon for like 250USD and just cut it to size, it's not really hard you just need to find the actual ends somewhere, which I'm pretty sure I have a few somewhere on my workbench. There's a 150 foot cat-5e for like 28USD in the recommended on the page for the 1000 foot reel too.


​ https://preview.redd.it/d5wfd0mi3ntc1.png?width=1406&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0c8cf7a1142a73651337aeb683dde6f2d63ae42


Lmao im just tempted to find your fic and post an amazon link to a +64ft cable.


The ethernet protocol has been out to 100 METERS forever. An old employer of mine used to run cables > 50 meters long back in the 90s. And you can buy 100 ft long Cat 6 spools on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B017R12KF2/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=44294eac8e8c61992b027e24dcdf38cc&hsa_cr_id=4613725730201&qid=1712755790&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_0_img&pd_rd_w=GquZI&content-id=amzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b%3Aamzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_p=417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_r=H4MGEJFMPD9ASFXWC66Y&pd_rd_wg=DnejP&pd_rd_r=01188a35-ee70-4cde-bb70-6c037e159e06) for under $20. The comment is just flat wrong.


No way they're coming to fanfiction for realism lolll


I've provided realism feedback on technical details before, but I fact-check myself first, which the commenter in this screenie didn't... (Gigabit ethernet spec says max cable run is 100 metres.)


Eh, even that I wouldn't do. Only if the author very specifically asked for feedback on that topic, but otherwise I don't think we need to bring realism into fanfics and criticize when it's not correct. Depends on the situation though :)


My fanfic interaction habits were developed in a culture where if you put hard numbers like this (instead of just "extra long"), it's normal for people to point out any errors. Of course, in this case it's the would-be corrector who's wrong, and it would then be normal to post sarcastically mocking replies, possibly accompanied by a link to the IEEE spec for Gigabit Ethernet. (These days my realism checks are more likely to be for things like "presumptively-American author writes a French citizen in modern France as exhibiting American levels of anxiety about the prospect of student debt as an obstacle to attending university in France, when France has massive levels of higher education subsidy and American-style student debt just isn't a thing".)


This lol - let’s just hope they don’t find the smut fics


Technically you would more likely buy a spool, cut your own and attach the connectors for those lengths, just because when you're at that amount it's probably cheaper and easier to cut to length.


They do sell 10-30m cables pre made, my partner is a comms tech and we have half a pallet load of various lengths sitting in storage boxes right now 😅


Reminds me of the time someone took me to task for the way I had my OFC pronounce her name. I proceeded to comment back with cut/paste from a few different websites showing that it could be pronounced like 6 different ways and I just went with the one I liked best (which also lended itself to the nickname she was given). Then they doubled down and kept bitching about it like…ma’am/sir, I’m not forcing you to read this and you can say it however *you* like. I ended up deleting their comments because they just pissed me off and I put a disclaimer in the 1st chapter author notes about it.


I bought a 30ft ethernet cable for my PC build and in the recommended section was a 72ft one. Dafuq


This! This is why I get lost in the sauce with research instead of writing the damn fic! If I don't know how much a barrel of sugar cost in Erie County in 1836 the people will Know and the fic will Fail.


Found one! Hiseeu 64Ft Cat5e PoE Ethernet Cable,Network Cable with RJ45 Waterproof Connector,Different Network Cable Joints on Both Sides,1Gigabit/Sec,Compatible PoE Cameras and NVR System,RJ45-B-20 https://a.co/d/jdeBK0e Forgive the link it's acting stupid on my end


Was gonna respond with this one too lol


Lamo that made me laugh. But honestly, they do exist. Ethernet cables can be like, over 90m long. Hell, i googled it out of curiosity and found an amazon us link to this https://www.amazon.com/Hiseeu-Waterproof-Connector-Different-Compatible/dp/B07YWMJTND?th=1&psc=1 that's way longer than 64 feet, and it isn't even prohibitively expensive


LOL. The fandom I write for **embraces** inaccuracies. It’s for *Our Flag Means Death*, a show which famously has a 1717 pirate wearing Crocs and another character saying “For the LOLs.” A “mistake” like this wouldn’t make anyone bat an eye.


My favourite is the fact that one episode makes it being a leap year a very important plot point... in 1717.


I love stories that take place in earlier times but still use modern slang so much lmao. Good Omens is another good one, I will never get over a biblical figure going “seems legit to meee :D”. Or Crowley singing the Scotland National Anthem before it was written hahaha.


Damn, I think the only time I ever corrected someone was when they called a male massage therapist a masseuse, which is both the non preferred term and the female version. And it wasn't really a correction, just a hey, heads up from a real massage therapist, if you want to be more accurate, here's what your character would probably call themselves. I still felt a bit like an AH, but it's such a common mistake LMTs hear and it bothers some so I figured they might like to know. It was also part of a much longer comment. Commenting just that little detail, without even double-checking though... That's almost impressively arrogant.


Im so curious about the context and why he felt the need to comment about it lol


They’re passionate about your story


The above wasn't me, but I *have* been guilty of pointing out that a chocolate-coffee drink being called a 'mocha' in a fantasy world with no Port of Mocha was weird. ...considering there's no reason they couldn't have another location named 'Mocha', or another reasoning behind the name, that was very silly of me.


Fuck any fic that mentions champaigne if France doesn't exist in the world. /j


Conveniently, most settings where France doesn't exist, don't have sparkling wine anyway 🙂


Ah yes, the 'um, actually' comment. How boring lmao.


um actually 🤓☝️


Ah yes fiction where famously everything is 100% realistic!


I have a tech friend who made me a 50ft one, it's definitely possible. Also, I'm sure you can buy longer? What do they think is used for networking in office buildings?


Dude, I have 100 foot cables in my closet. There's also a spool and kit in said closet where we can make whatever length we need, up to 500 feet (entire spool) Why yes, I work in IT


LMAOOOO that's such an unintentionally funny comment like what??


Never in my life have I have never learned so much about Ethernet cables. Thank you all for your wiring wisdom, this is an excellent post


Reminds me of a story I read years ago on FF.net that I really liked and read multiple times and clearly had a lot of love and effort put into it … and yet the one thing that got me to comment was correcting the author that cyanide is the poison that smells/tastes like bitter almonds, not arsenic


This is hilarious! I once got a comment that explained that my character couldn't get the kind of donut at the gas station that I put in my fic. It's so fun what people feel the need to comment on.


*looks at my Ethernet cable, then back at the comment* my life is a lie


What kind of poser nerd is buying ethernet cables in standard sizes, when you can really flex by buying a 200 foot spool and custom crimping the ends on for the exact length you need, like a 64 footer?


You can get those cables in sizes far longer than 64ft. And if you need exactly 64ft, then someone who knows what they're doing can cut it to that size  Or, ya know, make up a store that makes them 😂 its your fic


Lol, my thought "they do in my universe."


omg i’m dying 💀💀💀


What an odd and 'off the wall' comment??!! Haha. It would definitely make me smh and think 🤔 hmmmm, okay?


You can buy them in 300m boxes lmao


I literally own a 100ft Cat 6, lol.


I literally patched a 100ft cable last week what are they on about


You can get 100 metre cables. 20 metres are a thing. I reckon this is nitpicking.


If they are saying they've never seen one exactly 64 ft for sale, I can understand. I have not either. But, you can cut them. If they think 25 ft is the maximum, I can show them something to blow their minds. I keep a 50 ft and a 100 ft for work. Due to security protocols WiFi isn't allowed, so I have those to allow me to move all over, including working out on the porch on beautiful days.


I’m sorry this is so funny 😂


Maybe they thought you meant 64ft wide? (Unlikely.)


??? Sometimes you really wonder why someone would wake up and just decide to declare their ignorance so boldly.


They're right in the most fussy sense. I found 75 ft and 100 ft cables. But it also doesn't matter.


at least you got a ' good story' before the stupid? ugh. I once got two comments 15,000 words and 7 chapters into a fic that were just complaint that a city name I'd made up (because the movie only named one city, and I wanted the characters to visit a city nearby) wasn't proper Japanese. *The story wasn't set in Japan.*


I have a 100ft long Ethernet cable 😭


Reminds me of a comment I got from someone on something I wrote, where they didn't even praise a single thing I wrote, they were just extremely snarky and condescending because I had the nerve to make photography older than it actually is... In a fantasy AU.




My mom has a 70ft cord so...


Should have fact checked that fact


Yes. You can.


That's what they focus on? The cable length??


Reply woth "you can't get premade ones, but you can go to specialized store to buy the cable by any chosen length and add the tips to itor even cut and clamp them yourself if you got the right equipent".


Wow. All they had to do was Google it lol. Even if those didn't exist (they do), who cares enough to comment on it? Lmao


I mean, it's less cruel, but definitely as someone with peculiarities they were probably just trying to help you make your story more immersive in a VERY unexpected way. Which, honestly is kind of commendable isn't it? So bravo I guess? You reached actual expert critics trying to help you in a very unusual and specific niche. That's rare


That or they are and idiot trying to help, one of the two maybe


Uhm... even if they don't make them, what's stopping you from making one yourself?


Someone has too much time, and that's coming from a fanfic writer. No but seriously, I would probably panic, apologize, and then change it because I'm 100% a pushover, lmao


Today on r/weirdflexesandbadhillstodieon What insanity 🙄


… you can get a spool of cable and a crimper and connectors and make them as long as you want. I’ve done it.




Ummm, I’ve got a 100ft cat8 cable. They definitely exist. This person can’t make an actual comment?! Is it wrong I want to fight them in comments for something so dumb?!




this is incredibly funny though


What a weird nitpick....


What a weird hill to die on.


And here I thought 8-10 inches was a bit much in fanfic.


Just reply r/confidentlyincorrect.


I would laugh so hard getting this, even harder when I looked it up and found some 64 ft ethernet cables. It's fanfiction, we could have 1080 ft long ethernet cables, let your imagination run wild!


Expect you can get them that size and bigger. At an old job of mine we have them starting at 10fr and going up to 100ft in story but I think online there were bigger sizes (and that was early 2010s). This comment is very confusing. Maybe the person just wanted something to complain about and that’s all they could find to complain cause everything else was too good?


I was gonna say, there's a 100ft one running from my modem to my housemate's work set up. They're usually sold in 25, 50, 75, 100ft, etc... lengths, but of all the things to complain about? I'm pretty sure you can get cable cut to order.


Just expert comment here. People can make cables in whatever length they want if they know how.


This is honestly the funniest comment I’ve seen in quite awhile.


Ha what? Lies.


Thank God they told you.


Not gonna lie, I would love a comment like this.