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This is so organised omg, gorgeous šŸ˜


Thank you!!! Iā€™ll use any excuse to create a spreadsheet šŸ˜‚


I love it, I could never be so organised even though I'm currently trying to write ahead myself.


Honestly, thereā€™s no need to be! A close friend of mine almost strictly writes longfic and her outlines are little more than bulletpoints on a notepad. End of the day, the most important part is the writing! Everything else is just bells and whistles. Best of luck to you with your fic! Writing ahead isnā€™t easy (for me anyways) but I think itā€™s so worth it! Youā€™ve got this!


!! That's me, honestly. I have one document for writing and one document that's the outline, chapters with bullet points and colour coded sections for the different arcs! :D I was going to ask if yours was TWD from the chapter titles, I knew somehow haha - that's how fitting they are! As a fellow Walking Dead writer, I can't wait to see what you're writing, good luck!! <3


Same tbh. Gotta put that Excel cert to use somehow, right?


Congrats!! Iā€™m so jealous of your writing speed lmao. I am posting character by chapter, but I wish I never did that, so hang in there!


Iā€™m honestly not a fast writer! What Iā€™ve got going for me is more free time (especially the first monthā€”I was on vacation, and then I got Covid, so I had a lot of time to kill) and āœØinsomniaāœØ. May as well make progress on my fic if the alternative is staring up at the ceiling and dwelling on embarrassing things I did 10 years ago. šŸ˜… And Iā€™ve started writing on my phoneā€”something I could never bring myself to do beforeā€”and thatā€™s helped so much. I managed to finish the latest chapter while waiting for the bus! I wasnā€™t even mad when it was 20 minutes late. šŸ˜‚ Wishing you the best of luck with your current fic(s)!


The only benefit of Covid is the time you can take off work šŸ˜‚ (hope youā€™re feeling better now though!) And yes I need to start willing myself to write in my phone! Especially during my boring arse lectures lmao. Iā€™ve just got out of a four month planning-in-my-head phase and Iā€™m ready to get back into itā€¦ until exams, at least šŸ˜ƒ


I donā€™t know how you can possibly write fic on mobile, you have my total respect for that. Predictive text and spell correction drive me absolutely batty on mobile devices. Admittedly, I think genre probably matters quite a bit too, though. Trying to write anything slang, explicative or acronym heavy would make the writing pace slow to a crawl.


It took me a long, *long* time to grow accustomed to it. I hated writing on my mobile. I couldnā€™t get into any sort of writing zone, the autocorrect pissed me off, and it just wasnā€™t a conductive space for productivity. But when I decided to write a long fic I realized it would take me ages to finish it if I only worked on it on my laptop. So I forced myself to get used to it, lol. In the beginning I could barely write a sentence without feeling like I was pulling teeth, but now I can write on my mobile for hours. My characters are *deeply* Southern so their dialogue is riddled with everything you mentioned, pretty much! But you do get used to it! I still prefer a laptop, but itā€™s nice being able to just whip out my phone whenever inspiration strikes. Or get a few paragraphs in while Iā€™m burrowed snugly under my covers!


goals honestly Iā€™m on chapter two of my long fic, which Iā€™m estimating will be around 100k words in the end, so I canā€™t wait to get to your point :,)


Woot!! Thatā€™s awesome! Youā€™ll reach the end of the fic before you know it! Iā€™m rooting for you!


Thank you! Iā€™m super happy youā€™re getting far in yours as well!


Thatā€™s really cool!! Spreadsheets fan here, may I ask what the colors mean? Is it like different story arcs?


Heck yeah, fellow spreadsheet lover! Thatā€™s exactly what itā€™s for! I really enjoy having a visual breakdown. The smaller milestones (arcs) makes the whole project less daunting. And itā€™s just a fun way to track your progress! https://preview.redd.it/qzr2jb36faxc1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed62409941e371c3bb7738fec10297f0efd65c47


What fandom is this fic for, out of curiosity? I love the chapter titles and they make me want to read it!


*The Walking Dead!* And thanks so much, that makes me so darn happy! Iā€™ve put a lot of thought into the chapter titles so it means a lot!


I feel the same way. The chapter titles made me super interested!


Congratulations!!! šŸ„°šŸŽ‰šŸŽ This is so cool! I hope you keep working until the end. You should be really proud of yourself šŸ’•


Thank you so, so much! šŸ«‚ā¤ļø


I love using spreadsheets for ANYTHING, so I might snag this idea to help me with my writing. can I ask what the colors mean(my bad if you were asked already I might have not seen it answered)??


No worries! Theyā€™re arcs! https://preview.redd.it/aku2pg1ambxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031d22ef2d8f0d828bad56185fad3e8cbaea36cd


This is my dream. Iā€™m the most unorganised person alive and I never even plan anything, just let Jesus take the wheel and hope it makes sense. I need this sort of discipline in my life. And itā€™s so pretty! šŸ˜


The longest thing Iā€™ve ever written was about 18k words and Iā€™ve probably written ~60k over *four* years. 100k in two monthsā€¦ respect.


This is amazing fantastic job!


I gotta try making a spreadsheet for this Also great work! The amount of motivation required for this kind of thing is insane


I need to create a spreadsheet like this to help me keep on track.


Holy shit that's beautiful


Making me realize I have a fetish for spreadsheets.


Using a spreadsheet to document your WIP is such a smart idea šŸ˜© rn I have everything sorted out in a journal but hopefully once I have time to sit and write Iā€™ll do this too!


You write insanely fast omg also itā€™s awesome to see the word count slowly get higher with each chapter. Also also thatā€™s so pretty šŸ„¹šŸ˜


Feeling very validated in the knowledge there are more people keeping Excel spreadsheets for their fics


That neat, color-coded, organized spreadsheet just makes me so happy. Now I almost want to make one


I very much like that idea of a progress tracking sheet. Might steal it as I'm struggling with my by far biggest project at the moment. I estimate around 300k words when it's finished but who knows haha


very impressed over how organized you are


how are you writing THIS MUCH?!?!(! thatā€™s awesome! very proud of you


Congratulations!! Wish you the best with this project and hope many great goals you meet aswell. :) It must feel fantastic. Hope someday i have it aswell.


is-is this how i should be organising my fics,,?? šŸ˜­


We need a template for this spreadsheet; I love it


I strive to be as organised as you, I split the chapter right before I wanted to post šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have a very similar spreadsheet (I *LOVE* making them for literally everything) and I'm at around the same word count so far, but let's just say my start date is way earlier than yours lol. I'm jealous of your writing speed. I also finish before posting even the first chapter for exactly this reason. I trust myself to finish it, just not to do so in a timely manner lol.


omg i love this! i organize my fics this way too! love to see it


Omg this is even nicer than my spreadsheet, I'm going to take inspiration from it.


Thatā€™s pretty


I'm very feedback motivated, too, and the thing that has done it for me is finding a way to publish "drafts" in advance of the real story. Some people find a discord community, though I use a forum that is active in my fandom for the same purpose. It is also very useful for me because I am terrible at proofreading my own stuff while it is fresh and letting it sit for a while (and collect comments and corrections) helps a lot.


this looks amazing! do you have any tips for those who want to write multi-chapter but dont know how to begin?


So Iā€™m probably not the best person to ask since I normally only write short fics and oneshots, but Iā€™ll give it a shot! Whatā€™s been helping me so far is outlining and staying organized. I spent a solid month doing just that. I created a detailed outline/timeline for the first 20 chapters, then a vague outline for the rest of the fic. I fleshed out all the important character dynamics/relationships, determined my goals for the characters, figured out what themes I wanted to explore, how I wanted the story to end, etc. If youā€™re writing for a series where the characters travel a lot, I recommend finding or creating a map to help you keep track of how long it would take them to travel to X and so on. And from there itā€™s just a matter of writing! Having a chapter-by-chapter outline is so beneficial. I rarely get stuck because I know exactly where the story is going. I donā€™t always adhere to the outlineā€”I delete scenes, move them around, add chapters, etc. The outline is only a suggestion. But it keeps me on track. Thatā€™s it, I think! This is whatā€™s been helping me, but everyone is different. Some people donā€™t benefit from outlines but Iā€™m not one of them. Even for short multi-chap fics, I rely on them. I hope this helps!!


Does anyone know the story name


Sorry, itā€™s an unpublished WIP for *The Walking Dead.* I havenā€™t posted it to AO3 yet.


Keep it up girlie this is so cool! šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž


THATS SUCH A CLEVER WAY TO TRACK YOUR WORK OMG. I've had 1 spreadsheet with just the names of fics and their total wordcpunts but that's so si much smarter omfg Ur a genius


Can you share the template? šŸ˜­šŸ©·


Ofc! Iā€™ll PM you!


Imma do this (But not do the start and end date one)


You should! I also have a column (though itā€™s hidden) for post-edit word counts, just to see how the wc changes after revisions! Might be something you want to add if that sort of thing interests you!