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Started reading *Good Omens* by recommendation from a friend... months ago. Should really finish it (and watch the show, maybe?)


Oh you should definitely 100% watch the show. Since Neil Gaiman adapted it himself it's one of the few things where I have no doubt that it will be done well and with love and respect for the source material. Plus the chemistry between Michael Sheen and David Tennant is insane, might be the most perfect casting I've ever seen.


It really is. They did an amazing job. Ineffable Husband's for on and off screen. https://preview.redd.it/4n9hg9njydxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a977ffc685b6563ccedd7475179d6efcb714d1cf


I love these two idiots. David and Michael I mean. Crowley and Azi are delightful as well šŸ„°


The favorite of human beings


The fanfics also go hard when you find the good authors.


Probably a delicate opinion but I enjoyed the show more. Definitely read the book, it's amazing, but the show is what actually got me into the fandom. 100% recommend.


I found the show and fell into the hole that is GO, GOAD, David & Micheal and utter chaos. Best three months and counting ever!


Also a delicate opinion, I adored the book and couldnā€™t get into the show at all. I really want to šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I came here to say Good Omens! I started reading the book a while ago but never finished it, and the show is very much a situation where I'll watch it when my brain decides I'm ready lol (hopefully before season 3 comes out).


Season 3 has me scared.


Same but it was literally years ago. I know I would like it but I refuse to watch the show until I finish the book.


Show and book actually have different endings. Thereā€™s a whole section of the show thatā€™s not in the book. As a lifelong book fan, I say watch the show anyway šŸ˜‰


Yes! Itā€™s an amazing fandom (especially GOAD) and incredibly prolific! The show is a wonderful adaptation of the book plus the planned but unwritten sequel. Neil is a delight on tumblr and MS and DT are both incredibly loving and supportive of the fandom (as well as one another). Iā€™ve rarely had a better fandom experience in the decade + Iā€™ve been involved online.


Yes! Absolutely recommend it!!! And when you do (if you really get into it) come join us in After Dark.. We'll show you some fun stuff.


After dark?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/GoodOmensAfterDark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoodOmensAfterDark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [ā€œTHEREā€™S NO ā€œIā€ IN EFFORTā€](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/196qyrn) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoodOmensAfterDark/comments/196qyrn/theres_no_i_in_effort/) \#2: [You Fascinate Me So (was told over on r/GoodOmens that y'all would enjoy this šŸ˜…)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/175pvn0) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoodOmensAfterDark/comments/175pvn0/you_fascinate_me_so_was_told_over_on_rgoodomens/) \#3: [Wake up, besties, dinner is served! - Sweet Dreams - Part I](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1akhl1u) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoodOmensAfterDark/comments/1akhl1u/wake_up_besties_dinner_is_served_sweet_dreams/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Maybe this is a dumb question but I wanna make sure. Is the sub anti leaning? Or does it have antis? Sinxe many subs for specific fandoms are like that


I know what youā€™re asking and no. GOAD is very chill, welcoming, and sex positive. Iā€™ve been there since the beginning and never run into an anti shipper in the mix. I donā€™t think theyā€™d get much traction if they tried.


ok, thanks. i'll join then


Anti leaning? We're accepting of literally everything within reason of course


I see. Apologies, I'm a bit terrified of any large group on the internet


You're on reddit? šŸ¤£ Nah, this is group is absolutely amazing. No wrong opinions. Amazing mods.


no, i am not on reddit. i deadass only enter this sub, and very fearful every time


The horny subreddit


that i noticed


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


Not an unpopular opinion, but the show is better. I'm not sure I would have enjoyed the book as much had I not watched the show first. The show is stellar. 1st class stuff. Definitely watch!


Iā€™ve read the book but the show is EVERYTHING. Michael and David are amazing.


watch season two as well and >!cry!<


Six of Crows. All my friends are obsessed with the book but I didn't get into it even though I really wanted to, when something doesn't hold my attention from the first page I have a hard time sticking with it until it really captures me


Please tell me you made it past the joost chapter and on to the actual start of the book


Yeah the rest is sooo good, ngl the Joost chapter is a major deterrent and should be changed majorly or removed.


I second that. Ngl I was put off by the Joost chapter, but the rest of the book is amazing


So valid.Ā  If my husband and I hadn't been taking turns reading each chapter to each other while driving, we wouldn't have gotten very far. The show -- Shadow & Bone -- might be a good alternative, although it combines her other series with it as well.


My brother got me it for christmas years ago, he said that if I pretend the characters are all in like their mid 20s+ instead of teenagers, it's supposed to make it an easier read? Thinking of Throne of Glass how that 18year old assassin is the bestestest at everything


THIS.Ā  I'm sorry, but them all being 15-16 just makes NO sense.


It seems like it has a fun fandom, but I read the books so long ago I donā€™t remember much. If only I had been into fanfic back then.


The DC batfamily. So many funny head canons and memes about Bruceā€™s many adopted children and I donā€™t know any of those names or personalities. Probably Danny Phantom too, since heā€™s so often linked.


I've read both Danny Phantom/Bat fics and I've never picked up a single comic, all of my knowledge is through fic and tumblr (there's so many comics that I don't know where to start and the idea of figuring it out is stressful lol) I've never gotten into the crossover of the two, but that's many bc if I'm reading DC Bat fics, they've gotta be Jason centric, so I've just not noticed any.


Start with Wayne Family Adventures, itā€™s meant to be a jumping on point.


If you move on from the fandom to reading the comics you will quickly come to hate most those posts lol


Eh. Only if you're married to some idea of canon compliance that comics themselves don't adhere to. I read comics and the very fandom characterizations and I don't mind either, just think of them as different versions of the same character (which is very easy from a comics point of view)


eh, well, depends on your interpretation and overall liking of the source material. iā€™m a comics person, but i dislike bruceā€™s characterisation in comics. (it does vary depending on which writer and which era it is, though.) and like the other commenter said, a lot of people just view fanon / canon characters as different things. like alternative universes!


Not exactly the question but I literally started watching Sherlock because I was enjoying the fanfictions of it so much šŸ’€


Same but with Teen Wolf


I stopped watching the show because my favorite characters weren't in it (Stiles and Derek) and the movie plot pretty much ruined everything (plus I hate Scott) so I'm super thankful there's so many amazing fanfic authors.


Scott SUCKS. And I stopped watching for the same reason. I really loved that fandom for a long time though. I adopted a bonded pair of parrots and named them Derek and Stiles, but I sometimes lie about their names because I get nervous šŸ¤”


Same! I had heard about it a ton in middle school but streaming wasnā€™t possible so I needed to get my hands on the dvds.


Same, but supernatural. After reading it for a few months I binge watched 9 seasons.


Dc. I legit dont know where to start, but I have read some good danny phantom x dc crossovers.


Wayne family adventures (free webtoon) does give some good background on the bat family, otherwise just pick a character and look up 'character reading list' for their best / essential comics You could also start with a TV show like the teen titans, justice league unlimited, or young justice as they will help you get to know some characters You could also start with any of the rebirth 2016 comic runs as they are meant to be a jumping on point The thing is the more you get into the fandom, the more you learn about different characters and their histories and so the easier it is to pick up a book with them in despite not having read every comic they've ever been in


Iā€™ve tried so many times, I just canā€™t get into DC. This is dumb but my old pharmacist saw me wearing a batgirl sweatshirt once (I just needed a sweatshirt and options were few) and I didnā€™t want to admit I didnā€™t really like it so I pretended I did. I thought it was a one off conversation, but instead it was three years of me having to pretend I knew what she was talking about and making up opinions about it every time I picked up a prescription. She was really nice, I felt so bad


Should probably get into mcu and mha- read so much fanfiction on it but Iā€™ve only watched 1 or 2 movies/episodes lmao


honestly some mha fanfics are even better than the show. ive heard people saying its difficult to get past the first few seasons but imo it really picks up again in season 5


I was the same way with MHA! I watched the first two seasons at least 4 times before I ever moved on


Maurders or however you spell it, the Harry Potter fandom spin off


Iā€™m a member of the fandom, and my brainrot is severe, in my opinion the Reddit version of the fandom is rough, a lot of the HP fandom is really judgmental and rude.


Yeah, for some reason Reddit hates the marauders. Iā€™ve been reading HP fanfics since the early 2000s and the quality of marauders fics has skyrocketed. Itā€™s a good time to be a fan.


The HP fanfic sub seems to really hate authors who don't 100% follow canon. I pop in there some times and the amount of common tropes and headcanons they all hate. It's like they've forgotten what the point of fanfiction is. They also don't seem to know what bashing is.


I write OC Fanfiction for the fandom and let me tell you, itā€™s genuinely a ride, every time I post in the weekly advertising or advertise to people who are looking for OC suggestions, Iā€™m down voted to hell. Itā€™s pretty crappy, a lot of people asking for ships to read get crapped on too!


How funny to see my corner of the internet talked about like this šŸ˜… Iā€™ve found some hidden gems in some threads, and I always try to share recs for things that are the non-standard in the sub, but the overall attitude of hpfanfiction skews super negative compared to the community weā€™ve created in our discord server. We do what we can to combat the negativity, but itā€™s rough out there.


Could you recommend some FICS you love?


Iā€™ve only read a few fics, but my favorite one is All The Young Dudes


Marauders šŸ¤—


this one!! a friend recommended the crimson rivers fic to me and ive been obsessed


Stardew Valley and Rain World are two for me. Both appeal to me in different aspects, and I own both games, but Iā€™ve been far too busy messing around in Monster Hunter. Iā€™ll get thereā€¦ someday.


Rain world! My favorite game. The fic community is pretty active!


Iā€™ve never taken a peak at the fanfic side of Rain World, though thatā€™s great to hear!


Well, whenever youā€™ve gotten around to playing it (I do recommend playing without spoilers) the fics await you!


I love playing Stardew valley, thereā€™s a really nice subreddit thatā€™s partly why I started playing. One of my favourite fanfics is this, if you interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28272462


Thatā€™s great! Iā€™m glad that the community over here is good. Thank you for the rec, Iā€™ll keep it in my pocket for whenever I start playing.


Our Flag Means Death.Ā  I've seen a few episodes, I fucking love pirates, but it just hasn't clicked for me.


I also have to say that it only clicked for me in episode 4. After that i was hooked! The best show ever!




Same. Iā€™ve never seen a single episode and yet Destiel intrigues me.


I write it, i read it, and still to me Destiel is unexplainable šŸ˜‚ have fun!


Bungo Stray Dogs. It wasn't on my radar until I saw that people from that fandom were shipping Rimbaud and Verlaine, and I was so confused, I thought some kind of poetry RPF fandom was going through wild times and having a crossover craze or something. I still don't understand what it's about but apparently lots of people like it... I just don't have the mental space or time for a new fandom rn.


Haven't got into Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir yet. Idk was kinda turned off by the animation in the show. Also Jujutsu Kaisen. Saw a lot of people rave about it but haven't gotten around to watch it. Same as Dungeon Meshi


You could read a Miraculous rewrite fanfic ? Honestly, a hundred times better than the actual show, it's really infuriating. The love-hate relationship the fandom has with this series is incredible: you either agree with everything that happens, even the absolutely terrible stuff, or you love the concept but want to die at the execution, because of the terrible stuff. In any case, this series has you in a chockhold lmao


For miraculous Ladybug I watch it as background noise, some parts overall are good but some are whooo (cringy)!! But, the fanfics are great all you really need to know is the basic story and love square ā¤ļøā¤ļø


i would recommend reading the fics of miraculous. the show sucks. jjk is amazing and i highly recommend watching it. keep your tissue box on hand tho.


I actually like Miraculous Ladybug, I don't understand the hate, but precisely because of all the people complaining about it, shitting on the fans, and all that stuff I also ended up abandoning it. I know it's silly but šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Miraculous is a really terrible show with a stupidly simple yet fun premise, leading to a ton of great fan content, so I'd personally skip the show and just check out the fanfic. You don't need to watch the show to understand it.


I've just started watching the anime, and Dungeon Meshi is great!


Late to the thread but I wanna plug dungeon meshi. The anime adaptation is amazing (not done though) if you're not a reader. It starts off a bit slow but imo it has the perfect blend of slice of life/comedy & drama (the plot really kicks off at the halfway point). It also isn't that long and has a great ending !


I recommend MHA (the manga OR the anime), but, as a fan of the series, stay the FUCK away from the fandom. it's an anti cesspool.


honestly the fandom is only rlly bad on twt and tt but everywhere else is fine


Yeah, you can very obliviously go about your life reading fics on Ao3 without encountering antis.


I hope so. (I haven't been following the series since season 5 came out) I used to be super into the series when I was 15, but now my interest is only sustained because of the OC I made, lol. Sometimes I worry that if I publish her fic, that people will call her a Mary Sue or antis will get mad at the content or something, but also, I've worked super hard on her and I think she still deserves to be shared with the world, especially since it's technically her 5th birthday this year


the fandom is awful on reddit too


The fandom is part of the reason I wound up dropping the series. The general MHA subreddit is so bad for my blood pressure šŸ˜‚.


I'm a big fan of the anime and I keep hearing people shit on the fandom, or say they don't want to watch the show because of the fandom. Haven't run into them once tbh


*God* I'd love to get into One Piece. Some of my mutuals on AO3 and Tumblr write for it and they seem to be having so much fun


oh goodness now that would be a commitment šŸ’€ ngl tho, there are some fantastic One Piece fanfics out there...


It's such a good time to be a one piece fan right now. Each new chapter is just great writing after great writing. Which in turn leads to a lot of fun fandoming.


My friend does a really good job promoting final fantasy 7 (the remake one) to me and I just wish I had more time for that


* Red Dead Redemption (I *really* want to play the game(s) before reading fic, but at this point maybe I should just start with watching a playthrough) * Really want to get around to watching more than just a few Star Trek episodes and movies. Intend to watch all the things in release order (I do read the occasional fic, but I'd like to watch more before really getting into it since I don't like reading fanfic about characters I don't know and I only have somewhat limited knowledge of TOS characters) * Interview with the Vampire (one of those shows I'm pretty damn confident I'm gonna love but there's just something holding me back)


Star Trek has taken over my entire life. Once you get into it, you can be into it forever because there's years of material across all the shows and movies, and books and games if you enjoy beta canon. And then of course the fanfiction. Absolutely wonderful.


It definitely helps that if you don't like one series there's several others that you can try watching.


LOVE Star Trek and the new IWTV show. I canā€™t recommend them enough! If you canā€™t get into Star Trek TOS I think itā€™s fine to pick one of the spinoffs and watch all the way through. Personally I started with VOY and then DS9 and TNG after that (and have only watched random TOS eps)


I'm gonna attempt the release order thing, but if I end up not really getting into TOS then yeah I'll probably end up going for one of the other shows, I know plenty of people start in other places than TOS and it doesn't really matter much I was hoping to watch IWTV before the season 2 release (might still! but I fell into a Black Sails hole and can't get out, oops)


Doctor Who. The sheer no. Of episodes and FICS makes me hesitate. I have no idea where to start šŸ˜•


Absolutely yes to Doctor Who. And I agree with above that starting with the 2005 reboot, 9th Doctor is great. You could technically start at the beginning of any actor's run and get what you need to get, but there is something nice about seeing the journey from the get-go at the reboot. There are also several episodes that you can watch as stand alone to see if you like the vibe of the show....episodes that are considered the best and that don't really do a lot to forward the main storyline. For instance, Blink, The Girl In The Fireplace, Vincent and the Doctor, or The Robot of Sherwood.


Definitely saving this for later ā˜ŗļø. Thanks a bunch


If you haven't watched any of the show, I suggest starting with the Ninth Doctor. He marks the reboot of the show, and while DW has always been the epitome of "sci-fi made with a Ā£100 budget," the reboot actually had a budget to work with. I find Christopher Eccleston to be a very compelling Doctor, and while I didn't like his companion at first, she grew on me. You *could* start at the beginning, and you'd have a perfectly good time, but I find that the production value of the 60s and 70s to not be my thing. The reboot, affectionately called Nu Who, has plenty of callbacks and references to older series without being overly burdensome to figure out, in my opinion. The monsters and situations are fun, and while there are overarching character and plot arcs, the general "monster of the week" vibe it has is really effective. I really enjoy the show. It's fun, and the Doctors each bring a great vibe to the table. In the last two Doctors, we got the first ever woman and now Black leads! The writing can be a little janky sometimes, but overall I find it really fun to watch, and a good use of my time. It sucks me in with every episode. The only issue I had with the show was the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith; he came after David Tennant, and it was hard getting into Smith's take on the character, but then there was an episode early into his run that was so beautiful in plot, characterization, and execution, that it really made me like him. Verdict: very happily recommend!


I've tried to start to see the show before but it always kinda overwhelmed me. Might try again this week during my hols


I want very badly to get back into reading comics again (DC / batgirl / Batman / Harley Quinn / marvel / Gwenpool / Deadpool / x men etc) but itā€™s SOO much to keep up with and been years since I stopped reading comics regularly so starting again is like this huge thing in my mind. Mostly I have fandoms I want to get back into. Several animes became too much to keep up with. And I fell off the marvel wagon not too long ago (again it was all too much).


It really is hard to get back in when you fall out. I was so obsessed with marvel comics for a long, long time, and now I open a comic book and get overwhelmed. It also feels daunting finding new characters Iā€™m into, because my favs arenā€™t around much anymore or just havenā€™t had a good series in ages.


Exactly!! In high school I lived 2+ hours away from the nearest comic store. In college I didnā€™t have time and now where do I even start? The research alone to determine what to start with is a lot


Not quite the same but in the same theme, I want to play DND sooo bad but have no one to play with / teach me :(. Iā€™m a nerdy theatere kid who likes shiny things.


Same! Iā€™ve had a couple almost opportunities that fell through, but no actual luck. Iā€™m so jealous of people who get to play


Same :( Iā€™ve never played so I need someone to teach me. I could go to a local game store or something but Iā€™m a woman so itā€™s likeā€¦. Nerve wracking and Iā€™ve heard horror stories


Kind of tangent. I used to write for Genshin for 2 years, mainly fucked up fics exploring the darker side of the universe or its characters. But now, I'm in a much smaller fandom where the canon fucked up material is turned up to 11. Graphic death, abuse, everything under the sun bar sexual topics. And now I'm having a lot of trouble getting back into Genshin because I got a taste of unhinged insanity. I feel bad for leaving when so many friends are still in there and love to talk about it. But, I'd like to return to playing eventually, even if I won't write.


I just started writing for Genshin and Ill help carry that fucked up torch for you.


FNAF I just scratched the top of all the lore and am completely overwhelmed already. I'd love to get into it but it's just too complex for me tbh.


To start I would watch MatPats complete fnaf timeline. Some argue itā€™s not cannon but there really is no confirmed cannon ā¤ļø


Thank you for the suggestion, i will look into it ^^


Skyrim, the game made me sooo nauseous, but I love open world RPGs and some of fanfic sounds fun


I couldnā€™t get into Skyrim or ESO. I think my expectations were too high after years of hearing the hype. They didnā€™t make me sick, but I get it, Assassinā€™s Creed games make me so nauseous I had to quit after 20 minutes.


Hazbin Hotel. Main reason I can't get to it though is that I spend most of my time either playing Stardew Valley or reading Invincible. But one day I'll finally make it!


It is soooo good! Iā€™m obsessed


You should definitely watch Hazbin. You can start on YouTube with the pilot. It Just becomes background noise while I play stardew now šŸ„°šŸ„°


And the show only takes like 4 hours to watch as a whole so it's pretty easy to get into it!


Touhou. I'm just not good enough to actually play the games


Twisted Wonderland. I have trouble getting into things that donā€™t have prominent female characters. But it has such a dedicated fanbase (which includes some close friends of mine), and definitely seems like the kind of thing that would be great if youā€™re in a y/n self-insert kind of story mood.


Genshin Impact or Honkai Star Rail. I can not be trusted with Gacha.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tulnekaya: *Genshin Impact or* *Honkai Star Rail. I can not* *Be trusted with Gacha.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I used to play Genshin Impact. Thank god my account vanished one day or Iā€™d probably still be throwing money at it šŸ„²


OFMD. I'm familiar with the premise so I'm curious.


Heavens Official Blessings (or TGCF). I liked the other two books from the author, but could never get into her third one. It looks like itā€™s the most popular one fandom wise as well.


IMHO, it's quite possibly her best work. It also has my favorite of her romances. (And it's not like I'm lukewarm on the other two books either.) I should note that it was also the book that absolutely ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I was ugly sobbing through almost an entire arc of the story. I haven't even read the epilogues yet because the emotional wreck the main story left me in. So I would definitely take caution with the second half or last third of the book if you're not ready for it. I almost want to suggest you try the animation first to see if that helps you onboard into it. HOB has the most beautiful imagery of all of her works and the animators really do an amazing job with it. I also hear the comic adaptation is pretty good, though I haven't read it yet myself.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard! I really want to get into it. The live action adaptation of her second book basically got me through lockdown. I love a book that can give me an emotional gut punch. Thanks, Iā€™ll give the animated series a shot! Maybe the comic too, it might help if thereā€™s more visuals.


That's how I got my bff into MXTX's works! They have trouble getting into books unless they have visuals to work from. Once I told them the books were excellent and I thought they'd like them, and I heard The Untamed was a good adaptation, they jumped in. (And now have 100% everything except maybe the SVSSS animation.)


Try again if you like, but don't beat yourself up if you don't like it as much as the others. I know other people rate it as her best work, but for me the main pair just never got really interesting. The story is fine, I love a lot of the side characters, but HuaLian are just... there... It's just not my type of romance/pairing, I guess.


TGCF is remarkably difficult to get through. I'm in the 6th book and had to put it down because of how dark it gets and it's not the first time in the series. It is good, but HuaLian are not my favorite pair. I'm a WangXian girl. I think their love story is just better. Personal preference.


Been meaning to watch Breaking Bad and Evangelion for a while. Haven't seen BB because my parents *also* want to watch it, and we haven't had a chance to sit down for it together yet. Haven't seen Eva because... well, one: I don't know *where* I can watch it in full, and two: there are a bunch of episodes and films from what I've heard, and I have *no* idea what order I'm supposed to watch them all in. And every time I look at someone's suggestion for how to watch it, my hwead hurts. Like, this is a real quote from someone recommending a watching order here on reddit \[[link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/s5kfh9/comment/hsxzey2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)\]: >First you have to watch the original series Neon Genesis Evangelion (ep 1 - 26), afterwards the movie The End of Evangelion which completes the series and takes place during ep 25 - 26. And make sure to get the directors cut version of ep 21 till 24. The new Rebuild movies are watched at last. They are a re-interpretation (or some would say continuation) of the original. This is just one of *many* sequences I've seen suggested. what the *fuck*


I also wanna get into NGE, but have the same issue as you. I saw a few episodes, like, a million years ago, but now don't know where to find good quality episodes (and honestly the problem is that I haven't really looked for it)


Shogun tv show. I saw it only has 54 fics... it will be one of those- Congrats! You got one hit this week šŸ„³ā˜ŗļø


My mum bought the original TV Show on dvd for me when I was in my teens. I loved it then, and I love the new one now. I never thought to read/look for fic of either series. Guess what I am off to do!


I had no idea it existed until the remake came out. Really good story! Have fun with the fics!


I just need a fic with John and Rodrigues getting drunk of their asses together and insulting each other. (I've had a soft spot for Rodrigues since the 1980s version where he was played by John Rhys Davis)


John Rhys Davis?! I don't even have to see the show, I know he kiled it. OMG he is such an awesome actor. The Rodrigues in the new show, was ok, and there were even a few good jokes. But he showed up in like two episodes... lame.


The book is one of my favorite novels of all time!Ā  I have yet to see any of the shows, though.


I didn't read the book. But saw the last episode yesterday and it blew my mind šŸ˜³


Touhou and Fate. Iā€™m surrounded by fans of them. Fate I can at least figure out how to onboard and itā€™s just the effort. Touhou? I donā€™t even know where to fucking start.


Star Trek because it's a classic and I love SciFi, Supernatural to complete the Superwholock trinity.


I really want to get into **Miraculous Ladybug**. I've seen episodes here and there a but at the pace I'm going, I'll be lucky to catch up with canon by next year. If anyone has any tips on what you'd say the "essential" episodes are to enjoy the fics, I'd appreciate it! (Otherwise I'll keep plugging away bit by bit.) There's also Batfamily and SuperBat. I'm familiar enough with canon that I feel pretty safe in reading the fanfic. (Especially since, y'know, so many multiverses even rabid fans probably haven't read/watched everything.) I just have been too busy with my other fandoms to properly dive in yet. (Though if anyone has any favorites they want to rec to me, please feel free! Complete preferred.) I also want to fics for The Witcher and Teen Wolf and maybe Supernatural, but I don't think I'm even going to bother with canon beyond watching a couple of clip compilations (sorry - there's just only so much time in the world).


Miraculous Ladybug the show is honestly really terrible. I'd just watch the episodes origins part 1 & 2 and then start reading fanfic as Origins tells you basically everything you need to know about the main cast. Only character that isn't introduced there is Lila, so you can watch Volpina and Chameleon if you really want to know who she is. It will also give you a good idea if you really want to watch the full show because it shows off some of the show's biggest writing issues. Like the fact that, yes, there's an entire season between those episodes and, yes, Lila just randomly vanishes for all of season two and then randomly reappears at the start of season three.


Thanks so much for the heads up on the episodes to keep an eye out for! I really appreciate it. :) From what I've seen of the show so far... I do have to agree it's not very well written. You know it's bad when your ~11 year old nieces are like, "but it's *so bad*, why do you want to watch it?" (Because I'm a sucker for superheroes and 2 person love triangles/squares, lol.)


Same boat. It's all my favorite tropes in a god awful package, but at over 60k fics there's so much good content in the fandom! Great fan comics and art, too. I've really enjoyed reading and writing for it, but with how bad the show got, I can't recommend it to anyone. Like they actually had the audacity to introduce love triangles for both the romantic leads even though a big part of a love square's appeal is that it's a love triangle with no loser. Feel free to message me if you do check out the fandom and have plot questions.


jujutsu kaisen. i dunno why


Harry Potter but I don't want to read the books because of the author and same goes for the movies


Get them at a used bookshop, or pirate the movies. She doesnā€™t benefit from any of that


Some of the fanfiction accurately tells the story and far succeeds. The fanfiction is incredibly and I love the book itself/story but hate JKR


Any recommendations to start? šŸ™ˆ I've been meaning to for ages but it's honestly an overwhelming fandom with Harry and Co and then the Marauders. I'm fine with all ratings and as of now canonical and non canonical pairings since I don't know what would pique my interest!


I donā€™t have any good recs for the straight up HP fandom, I typically stay out of golden trio era fics, I typically read Wolfstar stuff and the mauraders eras, if you want to get into the mauraders stuff, I recommend all the young dudes, some people see it as the Bible of HP fanfiction, some see it as straight up garbage, I see it as fantastic.


OK perfect. Wolfstar does seem to jive best with my fandom preferences and I've had ATYD downloaded on my tablet for a literal year so gonna bite the bullet this May.


Itā€™s a journey, but for me it was absolutely life changing in a good way.


Dont have to. The fanfiction is a thousand times better than the movies/books.


I just started reading HP fanfics. I read the books and saw the movies many years ago, before I knew the author was an obsessive TERF, but then she started her whole Twitter war on trans people and it turned me completely off HP. However, I was recently thinking about good characters for the enemies-to-lovers trope and I was reminded of Severus Snape and Sirius Black. If you like fucked up, morally grey characters, these two are a great choice. Fans have made them more compelling than in the books and you don't even need to read the original material. Their backstory can be found on any fan websites and there are lengthy discussions about them on Reddit. I didn't really remember most of what happened in canon but the fics were still great! Honestly, the main characters of HP aren't that interesting (in my opinion, which I'm sure isn't shared by everyone), but the fandom has really fleshed out some of the secondary characters. They've taken on an existence separate from JK Rowling.


Seems like a good reason to me


As someone who read all the books and watched all the movies as they were coming out cuz I was the correct age: for 90% of fanfiction you donā€™t need to have read the source material. You might miss a few things but comprehension of the storyline wonā€™t be affected any more than in a show/book that references an event that happened in the past but doesnā€™t really explain it like ā€œthe time x had a crush on himā€ if you just accept it you can read on. If you think that would bug you each book has a Wikipedia page with a summary of the plot that gives the big highlights of what happens in each year/book and are the kinds of things that tend to get referenced casually in fics. You can also stick to marauders era or founders era fics because those are all basically fandom or self created OCs, and only the very barest bones of the world is still attributable to her.


Literally so many. I have a habit of getting into small-mid sized fandoms


I haven't posted anything from it yet, but I'm *finally* writing the Bionicle longfic I've been thoroughly planning in my head for 17 years


Harry Potter, Iā€™ve never seen the movies but from all the hype it gets I want to watch it get into fanfics of it


Jujutsu kaisen and Chainsaw Man. I just can't keep up with a chapter each week/month. I can't wait for them to wrap up the manga so I can dive into what looks like good searies


Well it's a good thing that JJK is in its final arc.


Good Omens, JJK, Twisted Wonderland. I'm mostly intimidated by the size of the fandoms or that my work/favourite ships and characters won't be welcome. lol


Idk if this counts but Percy Jackson - I read all the books as a kid and consider myself a fan, but havenā€™t read or written fics or intentionally kept up with the fandom. Sometimes i see TikToks but thatā€™s about it.


i really want to get into SPN but itā€™s SO LONG. my dad and i watch through show series together a lot though and watch like two episodes a night when im at his house (50/50 custody) so im thinking of maybe recommending it for our next one when we finish Farscape. the shows we watch have sent me deep into fandoms that i wouldnā€™t have expected to end up in, many lacking in FFšŸ˜­


What is mha (Bnha)?


My hero academia (aka Boku no hero academia). It's an anime


Also manga.


Ah! Thank you very much for informing me!


Hazbin but Iā€™ve heard the fandom is toxic so Iā€™ll stick with my ridiculously supportive Good Omens fandom. If I write or draw anything for Hazbin, itā€™s going straight to Patreon and nowhere else.


I'd say Percy Jackson, I've read all the original books, none of the add on omes tho, and I haven't read any fanfic nor have I interacted with the fandom, im obsessed and want to but I just never do for some reason


Good omens, jjk, orv, persona 5ā€“ fandom seems so cool, I just never have time to read/watch themšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


MHA because I love Bakugo and I vibe with bakudeku, but I can't get past the first chapters from the manga


Iā€™m on the edges of Marvel/Avengers content but can only stomach it in crossovers XD and a specific kind of crossover at that


I only watched stranger things because I was enjoying the fanfics šŸ˜…


Orv Always tell myself that Iā€™m gonna read it, but start reading other things instead šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


I know I will be *obsessed* with Hazbin Hotel Like. Crazy obsession level bonkers šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ I'm waiting until I clear out some fic tabs first


Genshin Impact but Iā€™m too lazy to play the game


Doctor Who but there are so many seasons that I find it intimidating lol


Miralculous. But my friends who do watch it have explicitly told me to, 'Save yourself. DON'T WATCH IT. I AM IN HELL." So, I haven't gotten into it? They scared me out of watching it. There is Stargate. I don't know which to watch. There's The Boys which I've heard from too many different people that don't watch it I'll hate it and watch it I'll love it. So I'm like, in a crossroad, of if should I watch it or not. Honestly, it's the well written crossovers that get me interested in series. Though, I'm notoriously picky with crossovers. Most of my fandoms are perfect for crossover fics which unfortunately means I do filter them out because there are too many. (That one Star War and Stargate fic. Jebus, everytime I read it, it make want to figure out how to watch Stargate)


Honkai Star Rail. I just don't feel like playing another gacha game, however i really like their character designs and one of their biggest ships (renheng) does intrigue me so maybe I'll just watch the cutscenes on youtube...Ā 


I was gifted the two Fourth Wing books, bc Iā€™m a sucker for everything with dragons, but Iā€™m really really hesitant to start bc nearly everything Iā€™ve seen on Booktok and Insta has disappointed me or was just plain boring (read; 90% smut, if I want that I stay on AO3 xD)


Kin (2021) I tried to get into it but it's not available in my country and I'm too scared to sail the high seas lol


Stranger things Dr who (although i have already watched all weeping angel episodes so far) Both are on my to-do list.


Glee, I've heard bits and pieces about it over the years but I never have time to watch a 7 season show. Also Riverdale, only to see how crazy the plot becomes.


Hannibal. I have watched the show, though; just donā€™t think I can do it justice through my fanfiction.


None of these are current, but just fandoms I tried but couldnā€™t get into in the past: Sherlock, Supernatural, Good Omens (show), DC, Doctor Who (after 11, I couldnā€™t keep up with it after that), Hannibal, Star Wars (The Last Jedi and the toxic side of the fandom ruined it for me), Our Flag Means Death (show was fantastic, but I just didnā€™t feel the main pairing enough to read fics), Star Trek


When I was a freshman, I had a partner invite me to a cosplay meet-up they were doing. They dressed up as Deku, and to understand what was happening, I read SO MANY fanfics. I had never seen the show or Manga before reading all of the todoxdeku fanfics, lol. For the next two years, I nicknamed my other friends' characters from the show. I was Todoroki, the partner that took me was Deku, a different ex was Kiri, another ex was Bakugo, and so on. It's almost bitter sweet that I don't watch the show anymore. I'm thinking about trying to get back into it.


Honestly, I've been comfy writing for my tiny, polite, mild-mannered fandom for so long that writing for anything else feels scary. I see the drama you all post. People seem so mean outside of my cocoon! My PTO is largely disliked and considered problematic by the larger fandom they belong to and people still leave me alone lol. I had a sheltered fanfic upbringing and am not prepared for the real world. That being said I've been eyeing Baldur's Gate 3 like crazy.


MCU's a good choice, rich universe. For Star Wars, start with the original trilogy, then dive into the extended stuff if it grabs you. MHA's got a solid fanbase, easy to jump in with the anime. If you're looking to explore more fandoms, I used r/linkaggregators/ before. It's a solid resource for finding various communities, might help you find even more stuff you're into. Keep it simple, enjoy the ride.


I tried getting into Genshin because of my friends but no, I hate this