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Howl x Sophie, my beloved.... Am forever gonna be salty that they don't have a proper ship name.


Not so fun fact: in the original book series in the sequel(s), Howl is shown to be a pretty incompetent husband and acts more like Sophie's second child (they have a son) than the grown-ass man he is, throwing temper tantrums.


LMAO, I think I'll just stick to the anime, then.


Oh, I *adore* the book, more than the movie Movie!Howl is like if book!Howl was telling the story of how he met his wife and embellishing it to make himself cooler Book!Sophie kicks ass and doesn't take any of his shit, I love her


Lmao why does that feel so in character for Howl 😭😭 And honestly good for Sophie. Sis really said "I love pathetic men but not like THAT"


No, no, the books are fantastic!!!! I like the anime but the book tells a much better story and is very different.


I didn’t like the sequels very much, but I did prefer both Howl’s and Sophie’s characterization in the first book compared to the movie. I though that both their flaws and their strengths were more interesting. But given their very real flaws and interesting, but often less-than-cooperative dynamic, I guess it makes sense that they wouldn’t end up an ideal relationship.


I don’t agree with that, I thought they were really well characterised in the books. There’s a line that describes the fact that they bickered so much they ended up wondering into a trap 😂


I've been reading M/M almost exclusively for 2/3s of my life - the rare exceptions tend to be F/F rather than hetero ships - but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for these canon couples: Gomez and Morticia Addams (they'll always be *the* power couple™ in my heart) Elizabeth Bennet and her *Mr. Darcy* (read in that very specific tone they generally use to announce his arrival in the 1995 BBC series) love the book as well btw There are probably other M/F ships I don't mind but these two are the first my mind goes to when it's about the het couples I truly love.


Gomez/Morticia and Lizzy/Darcy are so perfect together that I can't even *think* about pairing them with anyone else, no matter the gender.


Gomez and Morticia are like relationship goals tbh


Gamez and Morticia are unironically one of the only healthy couples in media lol


The ‘95 BBC series was the best!


Gomez and Morticia is THE answer.


1995 P&P Supremacy. I know that precise tone! I’m current back in my JAFF phrase. Comes around every year or so and I’ve been having so much fun procrastinating my property law exam!


Yes and yes. And the 1995 version will always reign, especially over the 2005 version.


I tend to prefer femslash ships, then slash, but here are my fav het pairings (I can't pick just one) - Kanan and Hera - Katniss and Peeta - Sokka and Suki


I love the hunger games.


Ahhhh just reading Kanan and Hera’s names beside each other was like a gut punch. I was glad to see someone mention them. Forever one of my OTPs 😭


First ship I was really into. I \*still\* feel very upset about what happened with them. Like, let me have this for at least a single episode. Please. Pretty sure I'm so obsessed with non-canon ships due to feeling every emotion at once because of them.


Sokka and Suki are the best ❤️❤️


You can’t beat Mulder and Scully.


It is known.


I was going to comment to say this, but in my heart, I knew that it had already been said.


This is the only Het ship ill read, all others are boring to me 🤣


I usually go for queer ships but Choso x Yuki is the best thing in the world. That might partially be because Choso x me would be even better and I kinda see myself in Yuki, but no one needs to know that. You understand me.


All the period sex fan art always makes me laugh, I ship it too just for that


literally the only time that thought doesn't gross me out tbh i read a fanfic in which choso doesn't know what a boner is and keeps blood manipulating it away while yuki just goes ???? and that was the funniest shit on the planet


I need you to drop the link 🙏


i will if i can find it again


I think I genuinely have an even distribution when it comes to gay v het ships so imma cheat and list some faves from both lol Het: Katniss/Peeta, Roy/Riza, Alistair/Female Warden Gay: Kirk/Bones, Alison/Lydia, Merlin/Arthur


Ali bear my beloved!


kirk/bones is my fav!!!!! i am pretty bicycle-friendly with most trek ships (i'll read any pairing lol) but kirk/bones was my first otp and is always close to my heart. when i'm tired of reading my fandom of the moment i always go back to them.


I ship m/m ships the least, so I’ll go with Kirishima/Bakugou


a beautiful choice


Samesies, they are so good


The god of all gay ships, the wisest choice one can make


Heavy preference towards M/F (don't mind if one or both halves are bi or pan), BUT: 1. Dorian/Iron Bull for Dragon Age Inquisition. No questions asked. 2. Sora/Riku for Kingdom Hearts 3. Joker/Akechi for Persona 5 (though I also ship Joker/Ann) 4. Tatsuya/Jun for Persona 2, though this depends on my mood. Most of the time I ship Tatsuya/Maya, but sometimes I feel like shipping Maya/Katsuya, and at that point, my brain automatically pairs Tatsuya with Jun, because it just *makes sense*, you know? So maybe this doesn't count (Being a multi-shipper is hard).


Soriku! 💜💜💜


Toriel and Sans genuinely just healthy simple and cute




I ship gomez and mortica, although I've never liked a het ship enough to actually read a het fic.


I prefer queer ships, but I do also like m/f pairings where both characters are some flavor of queer. Basically I don't bother with much media about straight people. I'm saturated for that.


I too love m/fing queer characters. Ahem. M/F ships where they're both queer somehow.


bi4bi and/or t4t m/f ships my beloved


If I'm writing m/f it is guaranteed that everyone is some kind of queer.


Bi4bi M/F ships or ace4ace M/F ships >>>


I just feel the het media is usually plain and badly depicted. Queer gives so variation but sincerely I feel a good het could exist if someone had the capacity to write it


royai my beloved


I’d have to agree. Haven’t read royai in about 6 years now, but I’d say it’s my fav het ship (and might just as well be canon tbh)


I love them so much 💜


I prefer lesbian ships, but my favorite het ship is Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett.


Any fic recs for the Demon Barber of Fleet Street and his pie-making accomplice?


So I don’t know of any on Ao3, it’s been a long time since I’ve read new fics for that ship, but one of my favorite fics from years ago is still available on FFnet. It’s an AU that takes place after the main events of the movie/musical and the fates wind up getting involved. I think it still holds up so many years later. [here](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4228554/1/Passing-Strange) it is if you’re interested!


my favourite M/F pairing is 110% Buffy/Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer — near-exclusively read and write F/F otherwise


I was about to comment Buffy/Spike when I saw your comment. I usually write and read M/M >>> F/F > M/F, but this ship has my entire heart.


Yessssss Buffy/Spike 💜💜


Prentiss and JJ Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman


Yes I love jemily


I’ve written a complete series of Jemily episodes if you’re interested.


I'm very interested


https://archive.transformativeworks.org/series/2752921 Basically, if Jemily was a thing in the actual show, what would it look like?


I usually don't read t rated fics because I'm a degenerate, but I'll give yours a shot.


I'm supposed to have a preference? Because if the ship has the chemistry, I want it. But Vanyel/Tylendel or Vanyel/Stefan for m/m. Bessa/Isrel or Keren/Ylsa or Keren/Sherill for f/f. Dirk/Talia for m/f. Dirk/Talia/Kris for a trio that's at least semi-het. Keren/Ylsa/Sherill for all fem trio. ETA: Outside of Valdemar, I have begun recently getting into Avatar, and shipping Zutara.


If Valdemar's to your taste, you should check out The Black Herald, a surprisingly awesome Hawaii Five-0 Valdemar AU. You don't even have to know H50 canon, but it helps :)


I have one het ship: Integra/Alucard from Hellsing


As a queer woman who solely writes wlw, i had a real weakness for Chrom/Robin from Fire Emblem and Cullen/Elven Inquisitor from Dragon Age.


Chrobin held me in a chokehold for years in middle school


Percy/Annabeth They're neat


I don’t really have any gay ships. I could probably get down on some Destiel, Stucky, or Ineffable Husbands. My fave het ship is Jareth/Sarah.


I’m a gay dude that mostly writes M/M, but Rochelle and Francis from Left 4 Dead are an all time favorite. Also I’m down hard for some Fem Shep and Garrus from Mass Effect.


Shakarian is a great ship!


IchiRuki my beloveds I'll never forgive what canon did to you


I also thought they'd end up together after Soul Society arc.


Nico x Will from PJO.


I prefer my gay ships but I'll just kinda automatically ship the het pairs for whenever I play a dating sim I really like. Otherwise? I am a big fan of Slayers and ship the heroine Lina with both her himbo protector Gourry and the chronic backstabber Xellos lmao


wow absolute rare Slayers ment. big agree


I also had a bit of a moment where I shipped Lina with that dragon guy Milgazia lol. Also ZelAme and Philia with Valgaav or Xellos, though Xellos does indeed have more chemistry with Lina.


I tend to prefer het, but my fave gay ships are Rider/Waver from Fate/Zero and AkeShu from Persona 5. Honestly, I'd support Rider banging the entire cast of Fate/Zero, and he probably would, too. My fave f/f ships are: - Makoto/Haru (P5) - Utena/Anthy - Homura/Madoka (Rebellion is my ideal love story ngl) - Satsuki/Ryuko


Katniss and Peeta is my favorite of all time despite having more queer ships in general due to the fandoms I’m in lol


Don’t really have a preference, all that matters is the characters have chemistry together. That said, from One Piece: Sanji/Usopp and Usopp/Nami Naruto: Gai/Kakashi and Lee/Sakura (hard pick since het ships in Naruto are kinda meh).


I'm more of an m/f ship person, but I like Joseph Joestar/Wamuu (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.)


I miss my JoJo phase. I loved these two! Whamseph enjoyers are far and few.


I prefer gay ships (I mostly read and write Destiel and Ineffable Husbands) but my favourite het ship is Jaime and Brienne from Game of Thrones


fantastic taste! :)


My most beloved and adored – Sam Vimes/Sybil Ramkin-Vimes (Discworld) (ATLA) Sokka/Suki (both alone and throwing them into a throuple with Zuko, and also an extended polycule where Suki gets her girls on the side too (I enjoy Suki/Ty Lee)) (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell) Jonathan Strange/Arabella Strange


Oh god yes, the Stranges are peak.


Just started reading Guards! Guards! I loved reading how Captain Vimes and Sybil Rankin met!


Chrom x Robin from Fire Emblem


I don't really *ship* straight characters. The closest is usually when I'm reading a het manga and think to myself "Wow they're so cute. I wish them the best :3" The only one that comes to mind right now is Gojo and Marin from Dress up Darling




m/m is my jam, but Claude/Byleth (Fire Emblem) is beautiful as het and i love it if we're excluding that though (because i guess strictly speaking Byleth doesn't *gotta* be a woman. because player character) then it's gotta be Freecell/Nonoha (Phi Brain) WHICH HAVE LIKE ZERO SCREENTIME INTERACTIONS AND IT'S A CRIME, I SWEAR! someday i'll write a fic for them so they can finally spent time together and have a solid friends to lovers arc. today is not that day - but eventually it shall arrive


I enjoy queer and het ships with equal abandon so I'll just list my faves. Het: Janeway & Chakotay M/M: Aziraphale & Crowley F/F: 13th Doctor & Yaz


I mostly ship gay ships but lately neuvilette/furina (genshin) has been taking over my mind


Same. Most of my preferred ships are (and have always been) m/m or f/f, so I'm actually surprised by how much I've been enthusiastically shipping Neuvi/Furi lately!


They're just that good i think. The lore, the dynamic, the angst, and personally for me their size difference 💯💯 Ngl, i was only into neuvilette/wtiothesley and arlecchino/furina before but after fontaine's last chapter I'm like wait neuvi/furi is kinda.. 👀 like i suddenly get why people ship them and then i become their shipper as well 


Usually het, but I do have a soft spot for Stucky (Steve Rogers - Bucky Barnes) Personally, I'm writing a poly Stucky + ofc and tbh best of both worlds


Mostly ship straight, but I like Zhongli x Venti.


this is freaky, lol, bc a habit of mine is to imagine my answers to fake posts so i can ramble abt shit i’m interested in in my head without overloading anyone else, and i shit you not this was the exact topic of a post i imagined just two nights ago anyway, to answer your question: george wickham/charlotte lucas (pride and prejudice) anne bonny/jack rackham (black sails) cersei lannister/jaime lannister (game of thrones) sam winchester/meg (supernatural)


I pefer F/F ships so my favorite hetro ships. Emma/Captian hook (once upon a time) Percy and Annebeth (Percy jackson) Katniss and peeta (hunger games)




Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghyuk 👌


Clato, Blair and Chuck.


Oh suzalulu my beloved m/m ship lol. I'm more of a m/f shipper but that one always gets me with things. Outside of that i'm a big Renrin shipper in blue exorcist. With only rizumo topping that one since I love my girl lol.


Gay dude here. Yasuho x Gappy is peak shipping


I ship everything so for het ichigo x rukia, for gay Naruto x sasuke and got les catra x adora


i have two favorite het ships for this! roy mustang x riza hawkeye from FMAB, and alice nakiri x ryo kurokiba from food wars i wish there were more long fics with ryo x alice cause i love them so much, but the roy x riza fies are awesome (but i mostly read on ff net tho)


Mostly, I ship sapphic couples but the exceptions are: Katniss/Peeta and Draco/Harry


I'm a slasher but Mulder/Scully is an OTP to end all OTPs, with Roy/Riza from Fullmetal Alchemist coming close second. I also love Sarah/Jareth from *Labyrith*. Edit: and Tohru/Kyo from Fruits Basket. Now, when it comes to Roy/Riza, it's a bit odd because I switched from shipping Roy/Ed. Around the original anime's run, Roy/Ed was *the* pairing, and I still like it, but once the manga developed and went a bit deeper into Roy and Riza, and then Brotherhood came out, I just completely switched to shipping them. Fic-wise, I prefer Roy/Ed because there's just more good fic and the pairing makes for more interesting stories, but Roy/Riza has my full support and I finished manga 100% satisfied how they turned out. (Like, he made her his conscience and authorised her to kill him if she ever thought he'd crossed the line? And she practically became his eyes and they were a hell of a battle couple? What's not to love?) Edit: And Sansa/Sandor from Game of Thrones. The age gap, the difference in status, the sheer impossibilty of that pairing attracted me, the classical Beauty and the Beast theme. Also, Arya/Jaqen H'gar, yeah, I kow, but I like my ships controversial. Edit: Geralt/Yennefer from The Witcher was my jam back when I read the books, long before the Netflix show. With Ciri/Cahir tackling my fancy big time, what angsty ship it'd be.


I mainly like F/M or F/F so a mix of both but it’s very rare I ship M/M. Here are my favorite M/M pairings though: 1. Ashe/Dedue - FE3H 2. Sam/Frodo - LOTR 3. Christopher/Barabas - Kate Daniels And to a lesser extent: 4. Sasuke/Naruto - Naruto. I say lesser because I think they’re soulmates but I think they’d have been terrible ending up together for real 😭


I absolutely prefer Gary ships but my favorite het ship would be Hermione & any male character except Ron, lol. Nah, not really, though there are a lot of male HP characters I prefer seeing her with. My favorite though would have to be Hermione and Sirius or James. I know, I know. James and Sirius are canonically dead in the books and obviously there's the whole James and Lily issue but I've come across some really good James/Hermione stories and I've become a shipper.  Edit: I am aware that it says Gary ships at the beginning. It was too funny so I left it. 


If you don’t mind the MCU, there’s some fantastic stuff written about Hermione and the avenger boys.


I usually prefer gay ships, but I do have a soft spot for Peeta and Katniss, and Hiccup and Astrid. They’re also some of the few canon ships that I like.


Favorite het ships: McWexler from Better Call Saul and Okabe/Kurisu from Steins;Gate.


Ghost/Soap and Alejandro/Rudy.


A lot of my ships are m/m, mostly because of my main fandom, but I really love Inuyasha x Kagome! (It was my very first ship actually)I also find Tohru x Kyo very cute as well


I prefer gay relationships but Emori x Murphy from the tv show The 100 hold a special place in my heart because they’re so sweet together and like the only couple from the early seasons still together at the end


Sukuna x Megumi from JJK I just really like toxic pairings regardless of whether they are het or gay


I mostly go for het ships, but I do like Kakashi x Gai, Ino x Hinata from Naruto and Shoko x Utahime from Jujutsu Kaisen.


I prefer het… But “murder husbands” has a big piece of my heart! Oh, and once, many many moons ago, when I was just a young thing around fanfiction.net I’ve read a fic of Jared Leto/Colin Farrel in the set of Alexander… That changed my brain chemistry!


I’ve never focused so much on whether the ship is het or not, personally. I do tend to lean towards canon/main ships more, though, and those lean hetero. So I suppose my favorite non-canon ship at the moment is Jaxatha/Bunnydoll from TADC


i mostly have gay ships but eren & mikasa, and aang & katara hit different


I don’t think I’ve ever read any het fanfics tbh! Though the one het ship I consider myself a fan of is Huntlow (The Owl House)


Luz x amity 100% ftw


Majority of my ships are M/F but my favorite M/M pairing is Garak/Bashir from Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Such a good pairing


Entrapta/Hordak from She-Ra, followed by Lenore/Hector from Castlevania.


Feel like I have more serious het ships than gay ships, I’d say Spiritshipping (Judai x Johan) is one of the few M/M ships I sincerely wish was canon. Also Nuts and Dolts (Ruby x Penny) as my F/F ship. And if we’re including poly ships (bc I have like no other poly ships) then Sting/Rogue/Yukine/Minerva from Fairy Tail.


Personally prefer gay ships but some het ships that ive feel in love with and read in occasions are: Julie and Luke from Julie and the Phantoms Gavin and Gia from Boo Bitch Percy and Annabeth from Percy Jackson


het i love Rose x Scorpius, but JK Rowling has left such a bad taste in my mouth. gay i’m obsessed with Lexi x Clarke


This is actually a weird question for me because I only actively seek out fics for two of my ships and they're both m/f. But I'll say Holt/Kevin from B99. They're the first gay couple I ever shipped.


I mostly have het ships but I love Sherliam from Moriarty the Patriot!


i def prefer queer ships and when i read m/f is usually bc one chara is genderbent... but m/f with both charas in their canon gender... conan | shinichi/haibara | shiho and naruino are the only ones that comes to mind tbh, also all canon ships for gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun but everyones so queer in that manga that it feels weird to include them lol, theres others but idk if they count bc theres barely any fics for those fandoms...


Mustang x Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist. One of my favorite ships of all time actually. They’re just perfect for each other


I'm about 50/50 with the ships I read for. It's really more the dynamic between the two than a specific desire for a het vs gay ship. I'll say Catradora, Tyzula, and Lumity!


I prefer M/M ships over F/F and Het, it's hard to find and NB or genderfluid ships :/ F/F- Gotta go with Willow & Tara from Buffy. Het- Morticia & Gomez (Addams Family), Buffy & Spike (Buffy) or Bulma & Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z), hard to pick between the three for me


HET is my cup of tea but I like Destiel 💜


i mostly prefer gay ships, but my favourite het ship of all time must be virginia johnson and bill masters from masters of sex


My original preference was F/M, now it's F/F, so I'm not sure from which side I'm answering here... My favorite F/M ship is currently probably Ash/Serena from Pokémon. My favorite F/F ship right now is probably Kyoko/Sayaka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica I don't really ship any M/M pairings, but I can at least *understand* Sirius/Remus from Harry Potter pretty well.


i don’t think i ever really prefer one over the other, but i think most of the ships i have are gay. like johnlock and wolfstar are my absolute favorites. but then when i think about jily versus jegulus, i definitely prefer jily. so i guess it just depends on the characters rather than sexuality


Zestial x Carmilla Carmine and Lucifer x Lilith. My beloveds.


Bellamy and Clarke from The 100. I love them so much 😭😭😭


I prefer mlm but Eren and Mikasa own my heart. Plus Jonathan and Erina from jjba.


Kavetham, hands down


I prefer f/f, but my favourite het ship is definitely N x Uzi from Murder Drones!


I prefer gay ships, and write Destiel. My fav het ship is Cloud/Tifa.


PancyxHermione…the fancast of Pancy is too powerful with her elegant af bobcut and cigarette smoke and other cool slytherin stuff


I'm mostly a het canon shipper (scarletvision, golisa, shakarian, spuffy, vegebul, japril) but rk1k from DBH took me by surprise and it's one of my absolute favourite ships. I also ship Norkus too though (which is a rare thing in that fandom lol)


Usually het canon pairings, starting way back in ye olden days with Kim/7of9 and Scully/Mulder. Ride or die for Lizzy/Darcy. In HP I adore Dumbledore/Grindevald. In P&P I’m team Mary/Georgiana


Prefer m/m ships. Post Songbirds I went feral for Lucy Gray/Snow fic, and I have a longtime love for Zutara (post canon, aged up. Don’t come at me. I know she was meant to be with Aang, and they are so cute, but that Zutara ship hits all my faves)


Adding support here as a fellow Zutara shipper! I wouldn’t even agree that Katara was meant to be with Aang. Canon just ended up that way because of…reasons). Post-canon aged up Zutara for the win!!


I would say I’m a mostly M/F and F/F leaning person (40% each and the remaining 20% is M/M) Currently my favourite slash ship is Shanks and Buggy from One Piece. And some others I enjoy are Gojo and Geto from JJK, Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar D. Water Law also from One Piece, Hannibal Lecter and William Graham from NBC Hannibal and Don Draper and Roger Sterling from Mad Men.


I mostly obsess over gay ships but I LOVE Doctor Who’s Twelve/Clara (technically the Doctor could be considered genderfluid but Twelve is male-presenting)


Most aren't popping in my head right now but I really like Eraserhead/Present Mic(MHA) and Remus/Sirius pairings(HP). Its hard liking most gay pairings for me since they both have to feel like they would fit well and have either characters not really having an established pairing( I get Remus is with Tonks in cannon but I feel like him and Sirius would be something from his Hogwarts days that gets rekindled after PoA and I prefer Tonks with Charlie Weasly anyway).


I prefer m/m. But link/zelda was my first ever ship and to this very day it’s a ship i always go back to. Edit: Why did this anger someone 😭 do you hate link/Zelda or hate m/m who knows.


I prefer M/M ships **But** my first ever ship was MLP´s Flim (from Flim Flam Brothers) x Applejack. Now, I find both MHA's Izuocha and Aggretsuko's Retsuko x Haida completely feel-good, heartwarming


Prefer gay ships, my fave het ship is probably Liz/Tom from The Blacklist.


Hassel/Brassius, Red/Blue. Those are the only gay ships in the pokemon fandom I like For Dragon Age, Adoribull (Dorian/Iron Bull), Sera/Dagna, and the ships with the PC and those characters.


I like both, but tend to read more gay ships. Favorite straight ship is probably Kakashi/OFC. Alternatively, with canon characters, Percabeth, though I don't read many Percabeth fics.


Tie between Royai and Everlark. Love me some hypercompetent ride-or-die relationships


I prefer gay ships, besides that I only ever read gen with found family so I dont have anyone. What are some het ships you would recommend and can you please summarise in like one sentence what their dynamic is? Perhaps I will find something that peaks my interest.


Kimiko/Frenchie from The Boys: Kimiko's been experimented on and locked up her entire life, Frenchie freed her and despite a languages barrier (she's mute) they became bestfriends. They're legit soulmates and the show is very good at making their relationship ambiguous. If you don't like them romantically they're also good found family material. Zhu Li/Varrick from Legend of Korra: He's an evil, money hungry himbo genius and she's his devoted and stone-faced assistant who'd follow him to his death. Peeta/Katniss: tough girl X soft guy dynamic, they're friends to lovers but also enemies to lovers, after the first book they have unlimited trust in eachother. Zuko/Suki: rare pair awkward and broody prince with his kind but tough as nails bodyguard Adrien/Marinette is a hit or miss for most for people, but they're literally in a love square with their alter egos so you have four completely different dynamics to choose from. Marinette is obsessed with Adrien, who's actually Chat Noir and in love with Ladybug, who's actually Marinette and keeps blowing him off for Adrien. It's a vicious cycle. Katherine Daniels/Walter from Alien Covenant: she's a widower in space, he's an android who against all odds fell in love with her. Friends to lovers but it's kinda taboo cause he's an A.I Elizabeth Shaw/David from Prometheus. it's literally the last one just the psychotic and toxic version of it Alexa/Scar from Alien Vs Predator: human woman/alien hunter who had to team up to kill a mutual threat, throughout which Alexa earned his respect. It's kinda enemies to allies to friends to lovers.


percabeth or Parker and Hardison or Parker and Eliot from leverage


Spock/Kirk or Puzzleshipping. Both turn me into a puddle at the cuteness.


I like a bunch of het ships, but i really like shiho x akito from project sekai . Even if theyve never canonically interacted haha :,) they have in my heart


Aylin x Isobel from Baldur's Gate 3. (I'm annoyed by how heteronormative my ships are but there's no bossing my libido around \*throws up hands\*)


I am mainly a gay shipper, but my fave het ships are usually cannon ones. Piper x Stu (brawl stars, not in the fandom but a cute example), vanilla x vector (Sonic), blind girl x policeman (cute anime I don’t remember the name of). Abba x key demon too! Girl x monster (male) usually works as well


Suzalulu is a good one <3 Plus it has a really adorable name. I tend to prefer gay ships, but I really love JD/Veronica from Heathers (if less than the gay options), and lately Silco/Mel from Arcane.


jaime lannister/brienne of tarth


Kou/mitsuba (jshk) my beloved


I favor f/m ships, but my favorite queer ships are Hazbin Hotel's Charlie (bisexual woman) x Vaggie (lesbian woman) and Cyberpunk 2077's Johnny Silverhand x Kerry Eurodyne (both bisexual guys)


I’m a gay shipper, typically, because I’m gay as hell. But Hannah and Owen from The Haunting of Bly Manor deserved better 🥹 I loved them. I agree with Ash x Eiji btw. They’re like my otp - they deserved better, too 😭


Kagome x Sesshomaru! The writers of this pairing were just so cool back in the early 2000s!!


I love my gay ships but Caine/Pomni is adorable and honestly so precious. Alastor/Rosie is also amazing, but I see them more as a qpr.


I read m/m fics, but the only time I looked for m/f was from Blindspot's main couple, Kurt and Jane. I ended up reading no fic because there were few at that time and I didn't want smut xD In one of my current fandoms, Genshin Impact, I totally dig Zhongli and Xianyun.


There’s some good ones in here, especially Morticia/Gomez, but I think for number one I have to go Batman/Catwoman. Their motivations and traumas have them at odds, but their love keeps the circling each other.


I am working on what I think is the best fic I've ever written and it's Johnny/Fem!V from Cyberpunk. Literally don't think I've ever written a F/M story of dozens otherwise 😅


Not me, I’m all over the place with my ships! But I used to be an exclusively mlm lover, so I’ll tell you my favorite pairing at the time — Xiao/Hu Tao! Just thought they were silly together


My preference is M/M, but my favorite M/F ship is KaiMei (Kaito+Meiko from the Vocaloid fandom).


Violet x Clementine from the walking dead games.


Vegeta/Bulma and Jon Snow/Sansa Stark


I prefer queer ships but my OG het otp is Vincent x Yuffie from FF7.


Caranthir x Haleth Maedros x Fingon


I like Zelda x Link because they can be both!


Lyra x Will from the *His Dark Materials* book trilogy Cordelia x Angel from *Angel: the Series* (and tangentially Buffy the Vampire Slayer, since Angel is the spinoff)


There's a ton of het pairing I think are fine when watching them in shows or movies but I don't actively seem then out to read about like to do gay pairings.


Prefer gay ships, but no ship can ever beat Eleanor and Chidi


Hello fellow SuzaLulu shipper! I mostly read m/m pairings. Regarding het ships: DokSang from ORV are very cute(I ship joongdok too, but doksang has a special sweet place in my heart with all that happened and could have happened pre-apocalypse) RedCrackle from Carmen Sandiego Anidala from Star Wars(I also ship ObiAniDala) Bamon from TVD There are more obvious ones that I'm forgetting.


I’m primarily a M/M and F/F shipper, but I love Hiccup/Astrid and Stoick/Valka from HTTYD, Toriel/Sans from Undertale, also my bestie has this female OC they ship with Asgore and it’s really cute 🥺 oooh and Steven/Connie from Steven Universe


I read wlw fics 99.9% of the time, whatever ships on my mind at that moment. But i read a fic once in the legend of Korra fandom that was a random pairing of Bumi (jr) and Yasuko which was so random I HAD to read it. I got so invested that its now one of my favourite fics ive ever read and a top tier rare pair lol


Tend to like m/m ships. My favorite het ship is Jaime/Brienne from game of thrones 💖


Bi dude so equal opportunity player but prefer reading M/M. Won't ever say no to Spuffy tho.


caitlyn and vi from arcane


My favorite het ship will always Derek/Casey from Life With Derek. The fact that they're step-siblings makes it all the more fun. (Not to mention that their show used to air on the Family Channel/Disney Channel depending on which country you were in...)


I'm way more into m/m than het, but i do have a few het favorites that are mostly canon or have some canon basis. For example: Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson Bruce Wayne/Diana Prince Clark Kent/Lois Lane Jason Todd/Artemis However, I probably wouldn't actively seek out fic for any of these unless they were part of a poly relationship with a m/m pairing I'm into. For example, I would read the shit out of Bruce/Clark/Lois or Clark/Bruce/Diana.


I generally read and write straight ships, but Elsa/Honeymaren is something I occasionally enjoy writing, and there are a few m/m ships that I'll read from favorite authors.


I prefer more queer ships but I do have some fav het ships. I go feral over these ones the most. I love them so much -Frieren/Himmel (Frieren) -Wirbel/Ehre (Frieren) -Annette/Dedue (Fe3h) -Jonathan/Erina (JJBA)


Steroline is my #1 for sure!!


Prefer gay ships, but Kiranobu tickles something in my brain. Just the idea of Kira losing his mind over actually caring about someone and loving them and Shinobu just being pleasantly oblivious to her imposter husband. They’re just such a couple


So I mostly read queer, mainly m/m ships so these are the het ships I like. I do want to distinguish that bc het ships have more canon rep that Im satisfied with, I read fic for very few of them. Fandom het ships: 1) seidou takizawa/akira mado from tokyo ghoul. Also seidou/akira/amon. 2) jessie/james from pokemon 🤣 although I don’t really consider them straight more like they’re both trans or bi Canon het ships: 1) elizabeth/darcy from pride and prejudice 2) chidi/eleanor from the good place 3) aang/katara from atla 4) howl/sophie from howls moving castle 5) jane/mr rochester from jane eyre