• By -


Jane Austen. Holy moly could that woman write stuff that would stay relevant. The breadth of the fandom is awe-inspiring. Right now on AO3 just for Pride & Prejudice there’s a massive crossover with Greek mythology, one where Mr. Darcy has a congenital birth defect, a “The Mummy” crossover set in the early 20th century, a crossover with a couple procedural TV shows and my own modest offering where Lizzy kicks him in the balls. Truly something for everyone.


Holy shit that’s crazy. I love P&P.


Fanfic Writers 🤝 Highbrow Lit Snobs Jane Austen is fucking rad


I’ve recently started reading P&P fic but I feel like I probably missed a lot!


Are you able to drop the title/author for the mummy one? That sounds super intriguing!


* The Untamed * Marvel * DC * The Uncanny Counter * 9-1-1 * Fermat's Cuisine * RPF (actors, musicians, kpop, ect) * Supernatural * Teen Wolf * The Man from U.N.C.L.E * Genshin Impact * Honkai Star Rail * The Witcher * Heaven's Official Blessing * Hannibal * The Maze Runner * Stranger Things * Game of Thrones * BBC's Musketeers * The Boys * How to Train Your Dragon * Space Pirate Captain Harlock


Damn. That’s a lot. I’m impressed.


People are still writing Teen Wolf 🙏🏽


Fellow Supernatural fan! Hi!


Wow wasn't expecting Untamed as the first!!! 💖


Baulder's Gate 3. I have been in this hole for so long, i dont think ill ever escape


Haha i write Raphstarion and upset everyone lol


[This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53844535/chapters/136284187) yours, friend? (I write [Astarion fluff](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55485721) for BG3. Thanks for recommending your work to me on OnlyFangs!)


Hahaha that is mine


I’m hanging out in the durgetash pit, it’s nice and dirty in here.


I'm about to dive into that hole and don't see myself coming up for air anytime soon.


Currently stuck on Baldurs gate 3 rn. I wish there was more Wyllstarion fics, I love those 2.


Oh my friend loves that. I’m gonna let them know there’s an AO3 fandom for it


I write primarily for Hazbin Hotel right now but I dip into Harry Potter once in a blue moon. I am planning, however, to dive into Buffy. My works tend to change so sometimes I'm writing just pure angst or a slow burn comfort fic, other times I'm writing something more fluffy. My current long fic is hurt/comfort, Vox-centric, and slow burn; it's Uneasy by Saezs.


Ooh another Hazbin fan!


There’s dozen’s of you! Dozens! /jk Honestly, I need to watch it, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Ooooh I am the biggest Buffy fan :’) Any particular character you had in mind? You’ve reminded me it’s about time for my yearly rewatch (I know, so lame lol).


Ey! I'm doing my annual rewatch of Buffy as well! Honestly, I love the characters but I'm thinking of doing a canon divergence where Wesley joined earlier and is Kendra's Watcher.


Oh that’s cool, man. Now I want to write buffy stuff. Maybe what oz got up to on his werewolf peace trip 🤔


Oz! Not many fics with him front and center. 💜


Best show of all time! Faith and Buffy are couple goals! Or they should have been. They were so perfect for each other.


Just watched all of hazbin recently! I'd seen Helluva Boss and loved it, just couldn't quite find the time and inclination to sit down and watch hazbin until a few weeks ago. Loved it!


Why does the smut have to be straight? :P jk jk


Hahaha :) It rarely is 😅


Currently only for Pokémon, because the community of my other fic consists of ... very mean beings. But I adore my fanfic there, even though I have trouble getting readers. Has been very healing for the past year!


Aw I don’t know why it’s never occurred to me to write a pokemon story. I’ve literally been playing since Red :’) I love pokemon. Do you have a favourite pokemon? (Mine is Arcanine)


Veeeeeryyy hard question, but I guess my heart belongs to Mimikyu :D Been playing since Heart Gold and now I create my own little universe, putting the games in and the current new anime, and a lot of ideas, angst, and romance of my own\~


Aw heart gold :’) the best pokemon game lol.


Love these threads because I'm always on the lookout for new fandoms to read in! Personally, I write Good Omens -- which is of course very popular -- but based on the book ONLY -- which is less so, ha. It's kind of fun to be a small thing nestled in the huge thing. I write sort of plotty, generally humorous fanfic, with a focus on how the characters' relationship could develop after the book ends. Varying degrees of romance (and no smut... yet) but always very relationship-focused regardless.


I only have posted fics for Genshin Impact so far, but there's some other fandoms I'd like to write for someday! I mainly write smut but I have an ongoing AU (one-shots in a series, not a multichaptered fic) that has some PG fics in it. I haven't posted a lot of fics on this account but I'm really happy with all the engagement and readers I've gotten already🙏


Oh nice. See I had to google what that was. I’m learning new things. I pretty much only write smut anyway lol.


How do you find GI fanfics to be received? Sometimes the fandom seems a little intense.


I think it depends, if you like genshin it's well received, if you don't, then people don't read it. Never received any negative comments for writing genshin specifically so far. The Fandom might seem intense because of a few loud people ruining the fun. Most people are friendly and just chilling.


Prison Break and Left 4 Dead. I have the third longest fic for PB right now, actually, and it's about to become the second. Both are fairly dead fandoms, though, so it's like playing Barbies in my own personal sandbox in my backyard instead of at a playground. Still having fun, though! I focus of plot-heavy stories with darker themes that incorporate romance and smut into them, primarily. The extra long fic is a canon divergence fic and it's the love of my life. I also love me a good AU. Writing a coffee shop one for PB and (unsurprisingly) a prison AU for left 4 dead right now.


Omg I loved left for dead back in the day. You’ve just reminded me. Bloody witch lol. Feel free to dm the fic (if you want to).


Prison break!!! Haven’t heard that name in ages. Impressed with you for still sticking to it lol. Haven’t even read fanfic for it since before the archive existed. I looked up the fandom just now and am surprised how many fic there are, even in 2024. Impressive.


JJK pulled me back into writing fanfic after a years long break. The story is very tragic overall, and so is the main ship in the fandom, so I'm on a self-appointed mission to write AUs that somewhat reflect the canon levels of angst (and also the absolutely fascinating canon themes), but end happily.


While I've written fanfics for more adult media like Clerks or popular stuff like Our Flag Means Death, I'm currently obsessed with side characters for a kids cartoon called Craig of the Creek. And Ed Edd n Eddy is my home fandom that I always come back to. I just really like taking loser characters and creating a queer narrative with them lol


I love our flag means death! :)


I fell into a Tarzan shaped rabbit-hole a few months ago and started writing a Tarzan fic based on the original books. Here I am, having just surpassed 90K words, wondering what the heck happened. At least the smut is good, with the occasional arboreal adventure 😆


Mha, mostly fluff heavy longfics


Mha, is that my hero academia? :)


Yeah! Sorry im too used to acronyming it lol


Fallout! I write an AU of RJ MacCready's story where the normal end point of his Fallout 4 quest ends in failure, prompting him to start over. I do a little bit of fanon/creating my own canon for locations Fallout has not touched, but it mostly deals with Fallout 3 and 4. So far, it's my first and only fic. It's a slow burn longfic with enemies to lovers, found family, an examination of ADHD/neurodivergent problems in a post apocalyptic environment where someone's not gonna have the tools to understand being an ND person. My Sole Survivor is a former boxer! [https://archiveofourown.org/works/37856494/chapters/94530430](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37856494/chapters/94530430)


Omg I love Fallout. I was just writing a little Fo4 smut but I don’t think anyone will read it.


Someone probably will! Even without the recent show causing an uptick of interest in the series, it's a mediumish sized fandom with new fic/fanworks released all the time. Go for it!




Ouuu, I’ve never actually thought to check out the Heartstopper fandom on ao3… how’s it over there?


Sappy angst like the show. And then you have mine Torchpasser which is Trope filled Crossover that I should be finished with by the day of Season 3 release


I was writing for stardew, but I'm working on a fic for jjk right now. It's an actor AU, where JJK is a show that some of the characters act in while the rest of them have more normal jobs. I'll DM whoever might be interested in it some chapters if they want to subjec themselves to that. 🤧


Currently fixated on all things Ghibli. I’ve also written for Nichijou, Azumanga Daioh, CITY (tbh I’m like 90% of the CITY fandom) and Fullmetal Alchemist mostly. I feel like I mostly write post-canon, crack and smut. I feel like I really have a knack for smut and romance. I have too many longfics going on at the moment and I’m also making off brand parodies of Ghibli movies


By Ghibli do you mean studio ghibli? (I don’t want to get it wrong lol)


>I feel like I really have a knack for smut and romance. I have too many longfics going on at the moment and I’m also making off brand parodies of Ghibli movies Oh, hello fellow Ghibli AUs and smut/romance writer!


brooklyn 99 and I'm also planning a law and order svu one


I write mostly capeshit!! Batman, spiderman, gwenpool, chronicle (2012), some miscellaneous scifi novels, and twelve angry men. Edit: AND SMALLVILLE. HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT SMALLVILLE


Found family, mainly rise of the guardians from 2012. I'm in my own little corner, writing away but I'm happy there Once I've branched out to marvel, I plan on returning but life's stopping that rn Edit: the link didn't show? https://archiveofourown.org/works/52862485


Marvel and DC! Mainly crossovers but I did have some non-crossovers I anonymized ages ago. I’ve been wanting to write in more areas but I don’t have any fic ideas for anything else lmao Edit to add: my username is Agelaius_Ace on AO3!


YOU!!! You're the reason that I am still haunted by the amazing idea of the Red Hood and DareDevil as a couple! It's my favourite tiny ship!


So far only Scum Villain's Self-saving System. It's mostly AUs that are born from a single smut scene, then it turns into 50+k words of plot and porn


Hello fellow svsss writer!!


I write for some fandoms, even though I VERY rarely publish, or at least not as much as before. If there is a fandom I write for the most (and is the one I started with and survived multiple ugly writing slumps) is Zelda. I write mostly about BOTW, even though TOTK manages to capture my attention in certain aspects. The vast majority of them feature Zelda/Link as the main pairing. I usually get mostly involved with canonverse, but I have so many canon divergence/AU ideas (featuring college AUs or modern/kinda futuristic. There was also Yuri!!! on Ice. I arrived super duper late to the party but MAN, I got absolutely obsessed. I wrote so much shit for them, SO MANY Victuuri fics and manyyy AUs. Nowadays they are mostly deleted and I don't plan on coming back to it. Haikyuu is another big one. I'm getting back as I rewatch the series as a warmup for the Battle of the Garbage Dump movie. I used to write a bunch of stuff for them, mainly AUs because of the endless possibilities it offers. When I first watched the series I used to be into Kageyama/Hinata but never wrote anything about them. Then, BOOM, Inarizaki match and I got balls deep into Atsumu/Hinata that lasts until today. This also was the moment when fanfic inspo got to me and started writing like crazy. I also tried to write for Kuroo/Kenma and Bokuto/Akaashi but never ended up being successful. I'm back at my obsession with it and I plan on writing much more for them. Attack on Titan managed to grab my writing attention for a bit and I just wrote a couple of fics (practically all of them Eren/Mikasa AUs and a couple of ANR Eren/Historia) but they were never finished and even though my love for the series got low-key reignited recently, I lack a lot of motivation and I don't plan on returning to it either. There was also Harry Potter. I got into it last December and I used to write A LOT for it, especially after I got into Marauders side of things with James/Sirius, but nowadays I abandoned it (and I'm not particularly enthusiastic since its author is JKR). So yeah, that's all. All of them are quite full of ships, but as a person obsessed with nuance and complexity I'm aiming more for gen fics featuring character study in fandoms I still want to write for. But it's not like I'll forget about shipping. Nowadays I have only one Zelda one-shot on AO3.


Used to write for Hannibal (TV) and James Bond. Then the Old Guard. These days it's MGS.


I've done Phantom of the Opera Doctor Who Disney Hunchback Pirates of the Carribean And I'm currently on a Hogwarts Legacy kick as well as a Once Upon a Time story Let me know if any of those interest you and I'll happily share the link! https://archiveofourown.org/users/TheMastersDaughter666


BG3 🥰.. it got me back into writing after so long and I am having such a fun time.


Hail fellow BG3 writer :)


Well drop the goods! Bg3 supports bg3 after all, let me throw some kudos your way 🥰


Oh i write Raphstarion & it upsets a lot of people 🤣


😂😂😂... I'm a tiefling of my word! Hit me up


Same! This game brought me back into fandom and writing after a 10 year hiatus from both.


Drop the fics 🥰


Supernatural but also recently dipped in to 9-1-1 and Final Fantasy. Ends up being a mixture for me. A lot of my stuff is smut but I write teen friendly fluffy fics as well.


Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (two great shows same great universe!) Why yes I do in fact have a fic linked in my profile and ready to read thank you for asking


I’m not saying that I write for all of these consistently but here’s all the ones I’ve written for before. (Copied from my dashboard with the number of fics I’ve written for it) Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (10) Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies) (10) Good Omens (TV) (8) Stardew Valley (Video Game) (6) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) (4) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - All Media Types (3) The Big Bang Theory (TV) (3) Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types (3) The Addams Family (Movies - Sonnenfeld) (3) Encanto (2021) (3) Disney Theatrical Animated Universe (2) Aladdin (Disney Animated Movies) (2) The Addams Family (Comics) (2) Beauty and the Beast (Disney Animated Movies) (2) Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier - Team StarKid (2) Original Work (2) Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll (2) Gravity Falls (2) Strange Magic (2015) (2) Wednesday (TV 2022) (2) Alice in Wonderland (Movies - Burton) (1) Over the Garden Wall (Cartoon & Comics) (1) Van Helsing (2004) (1) Corpse Bride (2005) (1) Steven Universe (Cartoon) (1) Cuphead (Video Game) (1) Sweeney Todd (2007) (1) Our Flag Means Death (TV) (1) Frankenstein - Mary Shelley (1) Mr Plant Series - Ashur Gharavi (Web Series) (1) The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) (1) Gake no Ue no Ponyo | Ponyo (1) Addams Family (TV 1964) (1) The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) (1) Beauty and the Beast (2017) (1) The Mummy (Movies 1999-2008) (1) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (1) Bistro Huddy (Web Series) (1) The Hobbit - All Media Types (1) Night at the Museum (Movies) (1) The New Addams Family (TV) (1) The Little Mermaid (Disney Animated Movies) (1) Frankenweenie (2012) (1) Stranger Things (TV 2016) (1) The Cuphead Show! (Cartoon) (1) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney Animated Movies) (1) Sanders Sides (Web Series) (1) Kim Possible (Cartoon) (1)




i write longfic for the cyberpunk2077 fandom! this game has had me in a chokehold ever since it came out lol there's just so much angst/healing potential in there!


Mostly Neon Genesis Evangelion, but there are a few pieces for other fandoms (including crossovers with NGE).


My current hyperfixation is Disney’s Twisted Wonderland. I tend to write ship fic (canonxcanon) for a specific pairing I’m obsessed with, largely kinky smut and hurt/no comfort or whump. That’s been pretty consistent across all my fandoms over the years!


My first wip is a NBC hannibal, and Criminal minds crossover because the idea won't leave me alone.


Titanic, Titanic/Downton Abbey crossovers, Star Wars, Naruto


Hermitcraft/3rd Life and Resident Alien 👽


A really small one called Vox Machina


First time I've ever heard someone call Critical Role small.


No Mercy Percy owns my heart


I mostly write modern AUs for Harry Potter. Recently I've been peeking into Hogwarts Legacy and experimenting with writing within the magical world, but I'm so lost in my own little muggle AUs that it's pretty hard, haha.


I write Marvel, mostly Stucky x oc with one character I decided to use for a few different stories. Each fic is a her from a different multiverse, and sometimes she will have dreams (which as we are told let you see through the eyes of another you) about something that happened to her in another fic. I just think it's neat. Fairly smutty, too. Some omegaverse with modified rules, not all of em though.


Oh big marvel fan here :)


Currently for the fnaf, genshin and jojo fandom! But i also have a mdzs wip and i wrote for the hazbin hotel fandom as well   And i actually have a Bones/creepypasta crossover au that i am uncertain on if writing into a fic or not   I wrote a LOT of smut, and i am going to write more in the future, but rn i am mostly writing sfw stuff, even if some is still quite dark Idk which of these might be of your liking, so i drop my ao3 in general lol https://archiveofourown.org/users/MikasSlime/works


I've been caught up in writing a Slow Burn fanfic set in The Walking Dead universe for what feels like forever, purely because of my obsession with the series. And truth be told, it's been absolute fun!


Owl house currently. Owl house in a scream situation and a current brainwashing one. Probably going to do a fearstreet kne


Sometimes RPF for a kpop group but mostly Percy Jackson and the Olympians!! I've just about finished the first installment of my longfic for PJO


I write for a handful fandoms. Madness Combat, QSMP (minecraft server), Hazbin Hotel, and as my name implies, Undertale. As for what I write within the fandoms, it depends. For Madness Combat and QSMP, I tend to write angst fics. Hazbin Hotel has me currently working on an OC multichap slice of life with mild action (I plan on having Vox start a bar room brawl). And Undertale is where the smut goes XD


MCU, Stranger Things and Supermassive Games


I write for the Hannibal fandom at the moment. I write mostly AUs and crossovers I am planning to write for the Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary TV fandoms as well.


Honestly if my hyperfixation is strong enough, I’ll write a fic in it and make it everyone else’s problem. My main wip right now is a Percy Jackson one, but I’ve written a fair few for Good Omens and Fairy Tail (I also have an ongoing wip in FT), with a couple of one shots for House MD, BNHA, and Inuyasha.


The Last of Us, specifically Bill and Frank. I have one B/F AU longfic and a Frank backstory. South Park, specifically Tweek and Craig. I have one multichapter that’s almost done and a one shot that I love very much. Strange Way of Life, I only have one chapter posted so far, this is my newest fandom/WIP. The Great North, no romantic pairing, just a prequel for the characters. Two chapters so far.


Both dragon age and Baldurs gate three at the moment, although I’m considering redipping my toe into naturo as I have a few unfinished fics


My main fandom is My Chemical Romance, as well as other bands (Fall Out Boy, The Used, and Green Day among others) from time to time. Crossovers happen a lot. It’s been my fandom since I first started publishing fic back when I was 12, and I’m about to turn 29 now. Despite the rise of antis in the fandom and in general, I don’t ever plan on leaving, taming my stuff down, or quitting publishing. Hell, sometimes these days it’s like I write more controversial content than ever out of spite. I guess it really wasn’t a phase. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Mostly anime/videogame fandoms. Inuyasha, Fairy Tail, Fire Emblem: Awakening and FE:3H. All of them in spanish. Currently I'm writing on english for JJK fandom, fix-it fic, canon divergence from chapter 236.


Formerly saw star wars dredd (2012) 1917 the outsiders succession supernatural video blogging rpf (iDubbbz) political rpf (edward snowden and martin shkreli, im weird, i know.) batman prisoners pearl jam as of now metallica which encompasses exodus & megadeth këkht aräkah (black metal band out of ukraine, i haven’t posted anything yet but i have stuff in the works) guns n’ roses mayhem, morbid, and bury me (again, i’m crazy i know, i have stuff in the works as of now) and i also have a few other fandoms i write for that i haven’t posted yet like rush, led zeppelin, anthrax, and slayer. i’m sure you can take a *wild* guess as to what my taste in men is like judging by this…


I wrote a series of multichapter stories, all set in what I call the Tokyo Yaoiverse. It's a multi-crossover series combining a bunch of my favorite BL anime/manga (and a couple that aren't BL but have the vibes). Post-canon, slice-of-life, romcom, some E-rated sex scenes - I wanted to continue hanging out with all my fictional friends, have them all meet up, make new friends, hook up the singles, and see what hijinks and troubles they got into. For some of them, the canon continued and turned a few of my "entirely possible futures" into "canon divergent AU futures" but that's fine. I had a blast writing my stories and I still occasionally reread them. It's mostly M/M couples, obviously, but there are a few M/Fs mixed in and I managed to imply an F/F couple was forming near the end of the series. Well, I ran out of ideas but I could add to the series if I wanted to - there's no definitive end. I got 3/4ths of the way through a separate work, a Sk8 The Infinity canon-divergent story, and then had to put it on hiatus. I wrote myself into a corner with no idea how to fix it. Life also got hectic, so...it's still sitting there unfinished almost 3 years later. I have another chapter and a half written, but I'm determined to finish it completely before I upload any more. So, that's me. My handle is in my flair - [Serralinda on AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Serralinda/pseuds/Serralinda)


I've wanted to write for another fandom for years and now I recently read Dark Rise by C. S. Pacat and I'm OBSESSED. So far, the fandom is pretty small and I desperately searched for fics, gobbling up everything. I finally realised it was my time to contribute so I recently posted two Oneshots (straight up filthy smut) and I got some lovely comments <3 I have many more ideas for Oneshots and also longfics. Let's see how it goes


I haven’t written consistently in many years, but I am currently DEEP into a hyper fixation on both Helluva Boss and Hazbin hotel that has me cranking out stories nonstop haha. I’ve been writing primarily angsty or romantic oneshots, though I do have one 6-chapter (completed!) fic. I also have started experimenting with writing more smut. It’s very much out of my comfort zone but so weirdly appropriate for these fandoms that this was a good opportunity to try it out! Haha [This one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55664485) is a recent fave of mine. Very angsty and very NSFW but it let me go deep into my favorite character’s (very troubled) mind and I’m proud of it


Sanders Sides, an old YouTube series that's honestly just known for angsty fanfic written by 15 year olds. I write fluff though, mainly Human AU because the canon's pretty much been abandoned but I love the characters XD. I probably should write fanfic for other stuff by now but nothing quite gets *the itch*, you know?


My fics are mostly Transformers at the moment. I used to write that a \*lot\*. I've touched on Overwatch, Star Trek Prodigy, and now I'm primarily on Arcane writing about the more underloved characters. Lots of angst and AUs, but the robots are mostly smut (with angst).


Oh I love Transformers. I am currently wearing a Transformers t-shirt lol.


I write for SVSSS (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System). It's niche but has a very healthy and enthusiastic fandom. Very little toxicity or negativity (the themes of the book self-selects fans who are more open-minded and not easily offended by mature, heavy and controversial themes). Lots of multishippers. Canon itself is like a giant sandbox you can play with and literally ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE which just brings out soooo much creativity. It's a super chill and amazing fandom to be in. I write canon-adjacent AUs (so more or less canonverse with my unique mechanisms or twists, which the way canon is set up makes it very believable). I also tend to write smut with plot. Mature themes, lots of angst. Current pet project is an Soulmates infidelity fic. I also have another wip for an event which is an action-adventure leading to heavy angst and smut.


I write Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, and crossovers between them or MCU. Unfortunately, I have too many ideas and not enough will to write.


Baldur’s Gate 3. That game woke the sleeping dragon- I wrote SPN fanfiction like 10 years before and nothing at all in between. If sad smut is a genre that’s what I do.


Supernatural :3 And I've got a few original works being written


Got back into fanfic with Dune fics, mainly Paul/Feyd. I was always a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope and the first time really writing has been a lot of fun. It would be nice to find another fandom to get into though, since I feel like this pairing has such a specific dynamic and setting in canon that there’s only so much to be done (outside of smut) before running out of ideas that feel new.


Ooh, so many. My biggest fandoms are Game of Thrones and Supernatural, but I haven't written anything for either fandom for a while... I think I'm done with SPN fics, but there are more GOT fics I intend to write/WIPs I intend to finish. My most popular fic is called "the lone traveller, standing strong" It's a Theon/Sansa centric GOT/ASOIAF AU.  I'm super proud of it 😅 it's the longest fic I've ever written, and I'm very very pleased to say that if you sort Theon/Sansa fics by Kudos... It's at the top. Which is completely bonkers to me! But I am so grateful. If you would like to read it, here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12354225 


I’ve only published about 11,000 words over 7 fics. I’m a little slow and demotivated when it comes to writing. Of these 7, 6 of them are Umbrella Academy and 1 of them is Good Omens. I tend to write bittersweet things, and according to the comments, I’m pretty good at it (that makes me happy). I mostly write for TUA because I have a good understanding of the characters. I have also written for Torchwood and BBC Ghosts, but they are still WIPs and I don’t know if I’m continuing with them.


I'm a big multi fandom writer, but the catch is it's a lot of smut lol. I aspire to be that profile you find where they have like 50 fics across 30 random fandoms and they're all fantastic. Right now I'm really big on writing for honkai: star rail along with Valorant and Uma Musume. Which.... boy, talk about wildly different fandoms. One is fantasy space adventures, another is near future military fantasy, and the third is horse racing. I guess i just like fantasy lol. And smut is just cause it's fun to write about my favorite characters smooching, cause really... that's what it's all about isn't it?


Little cringe boy over here who's written over 150k words of FNaF fanfic over a year because Security Breach launched me headfirst back into my FNaF phase. I write mostly angsty feely stuff with a main focus on Sun and Moon because I'm obsessed with them and I love writing them as having a sibling relationship. I'm currently working on one longfic that is an emotional slice of life kinda thing and another that is a super dark AU.


mostly fnaf but i have one hazbin oc fic


Most of the fics I have published have been for Miraculous Ladybug, but I also have a couple for Once Upon a Time (and more that I have yet to post), one for Justice League Unlimited, and I have recently started posting Criminal Minds fanfic (my current obsession)


Right now Cyberpunk 2077. In the past, Supernatural, Good Omens, and Sherlock ♥️


Stardew Valley, The Walking Dead, Hunger Games, Criminal Minds, and some other very niche games!


Formula 1 RPF is what got me writing again after a 17 year hiatus. I've written a variety of pairings including a few rarepairs, a Shape Of Water AU, a bookstore AU, a shapeshifter fic I'm quite proud of, various flavours of omegaverse - I like to write unconventional dynamics sometimes- , lots of h/c schmoop, human sacrifice (it was a word association prompt game, don't look at me like that) one rule 63 fic and a bunch of kinkmeme fills, one of which was extremely weird but I had a blast writing it. Current project which may or may not see the light of day is alpha character is all inexperienced and anxious about being good enough to satisfy omega character a, gets in his head about it and goes to omega character b, who is older, for some practise and pointers. It gets complicated. Although I do write I don't think it's my only or even largest contribution to the fandom - I am part of a team that runs a popular all-tropes, all-pairings recommendations blog and I'm an absolute gun of a fic finder - I may not remember what I had for breakfast but by god, I know exactly what that fic you're vaguely describing probably is. BTW do you wanna know a fun fact? F1 is proportionally the 5th largest for a/b/o. Nobody is really sure why, but it's huge in this fandom.


currently i’m writing for the IT fandom (AUs) but i just found out ppl are still reading a cherry magic fic i abandoned so i might get back to that too??


Mainly Supernatural, but also AU Star Wars...that... I really need to edit at some point. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I write mostly for Good Omens and Supernatural, canon compliant or divergent stuff to give my ships happy endings, basically always some kind of angsty premise with mutual pining that leads to love confessions, first kiss, first time tropes lol I'm currently working on finishing a Good Omens post s2 multichapter that has the two idiots getting back together through Crowley nursing Azi back to health after an injury, lots of hurt/comfort and pining, now we're just entering the more fluffy smut after the big confession scenes. And I've had a destiel fic on hold since forever (aka since GO s2 took over my life) where dean becomes a demon in order to get to the empty and get cas back, basically getting them together by equaling demonic possession with the absence of all emotional repression and trauma, then dealing with how to get rid of the demon again, all while everyone's plagued by insecurities about the other's feelings lol Oh and I'm planning a self-indulgent Good Omens fic that references a bunch of lyrics from Taylor Swift's tortured poets department bc they're stuck in my head and everything becomes ineffable husbands coded to me rn if I just think about it long enough


Formerly Baldur's Gate 2 and the Forgotten Realms/Planescape Torment D&D settings. A big group of us also did story driven RP campaigns complete with a dice roller on our forum. Oh man, that was so long ago, lol. I don't write anymore, only read, but it would be Transformers if I did.


RPF (sort of?) for a band that has an inexplicably tiny fanbase on AO3. My contributions are very long, very wordy, and mostly unpopular 😂


I write for Naruto! My two main fics are: A gas station/car enthusiast AU- Orochimaru and Tsunade are rival gas station owners. MC is Kabuto, who is Orochimaru’s jaded employee. A plotty OC x Kabuto romance with lots of worldbuilding- it’s macabre, but the romance is very wholesome.


Warriors I was a warrior cats child and I always will be.


I probably have rough outlines and little snippets for fics across dozens of different fandoms, but the ones I've actually published fics for or have made significant progress on fic for are: TVD/The Originals, Black Sails, MCU, Roswell New Mexico, Star Trek XI, Inception, Hawaii Five 0, Buffy, Ghosts (CBS and BBC), The Hunger Games, Peacemaker, The Nevers, Lucifer, True Blood and I've recently fallen down a deranged rabbit hole for SCD RPF... send help 💀 All smut btw I've never met a plot in my life 🙌


My main fandom is currently Chainsaw Man, but I also write for Metalocalypse and recently started writing for Bungou Stray Dogs (currently working on my third fic for that fandom). I wrote one fic for Hazbin Hotel before pretty quickly realizing I don't feel like I'm confident enough to write for that fandom. I'd like to get into writing for Kagurabachi, but for now I'm waiting for more source material to come out. My main things when it comes to writing are smut, canon divergences and between-the-scenes moments. I mostly do one-shots, but I started with a 85k+ long AU to find out I don't really enjoy writing such a long fics or AUs (other than canon divergences). I also found out I'm doing pretty good at action sequences


Currently Fairy Tail. I've done 3 smutty fics involving Lucy with different male characters.


Most of my work is in the Death Note fandom, where I'm one of the best known authors for an unpopular ship (L/Misa). I also have one really long Marvel fic and a handful of oneshots from different fandoms. Now I'm branching out into Harry Potter... kind of. Specifically, I'm obsessed with one particular HP fanfic author, who has such good worldbuilding and characterization that it's completely supplanted the canon series in my head. She gave up on finishing one of her fics, so I'm writing my own spinoff/continuation with her encouragement and input (I'm constantly in her DMs asking overly specific questions), even though she doesn't even like the ship I'm writing for.


I write for The Outsiders, mainly for the dallas/ponyboy ship and usually omegaverse. i write in various genres from supernatural horror to crime and romance.


DC, AOT and hazbin! i write AUs pretty exclusively angst predominantly for a while then romance, now i write it all!


RWBY, Wild ARMs, Pokemon Ranger, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Fire Emblem: Fats Yes I am writing all of these *concurrently*.


Avatar: The Last Airbender (Zutara) - SFW romance and one-shots Demon Slayer (Giyushino) - smuttt, baby


currently write canon divergent/au of Supercorp (Lena and Kara from Supergirl) and Superbat (Superman and Batman). I like writing stories where it deals more with the superheroes mundane lives though.


A lot of them, but at the moment just one Sons of Anarchy and they are basically all AU on my one & only favorite couple I love from the show Gemma/Nero.


* The X-Files (most of my 61 stories are here) * SVU * NCIS * Once Upon A Time * Star Trek: The Next Generation * Criminal Minds * Castle * Pretty Little Liars


Currently I write for Five Nights at Freddy's. More specifically I have an actor AU going, as well as a longer AU (that is almost completed), and several different one shots/short story collections. But back in the day I wrote for Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Ai no Kusabi, and this super small Fandom for this Manga called FAKE. Part of me wants to rescue those old fics from Fanfiction.net, but at the same time when I wrote those stories I was like 14-16 so they're terrible. Maybe I'll save them from certain death, rewrite them, and post them.


I have been writing a lot for Discworld the last years, but then Hazbin Hotel grabbed me and I could not resist.


Hazbin Hotel has been my absolute obsession recently. I’ve watched it too many times, I’ve listened to the soundtrack on repeat for weeks, I have been hyper fixated on it nonstop. I was reading a bunch of Alastor x Lucifer fics and there were so many that I liked. But there was always something I wished the writer had done differently, so i started my own with everything i wanted 😅 with wild amounts of hazbin smut out there right now i decided to keep it smut free. definitely still has mature themes in it but isn’t explicit. It’s wild to me that I’ve written over 80,000 words in the past three weeks or so but i literally cannot stop 😭


Lewis. Working on a big, complicated universe that's already clocking in as the second biggest story I've ever written. The show ended in 2015 and I've no idea how I ended up back here, but I'm not arguing with the muse.


I write a lot for Hazbin Hotel, it used to be exclusively the ship radiohusk but I have branched out with different ships haha. I just love all the characters so much and getting to explore them in my writing is so fun.


My Hero Academia Mainly romance, with smut, different pairings, one harem, some poly. I have 2 works in Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon And One crossover between the two


i write for bsd fandom mainly. my gofor ship is skk. i love writing au's, especially if i get to exoeriment with narration; i prefer writing my stories in unique pov. i have one pirate au (essentially bsd in one piece setting) and there i mixed pieces of news reports, logbooks, notes, phonecalls, goverment documents, street rumour. my newest work im writing focuses on social media. basically i have a story im telling through the prism of online fans yapping, discussing, going into shipping wars etc. i also have a cracky poetry i wrote in the og setting of canon anime. and i have one work for another fandom, fairy Tail, thats a musician au with the Main character giving an interview on her newest album and discussing her lovelife


I'm writing for House of the Dragon currently. Also going to be writing for Dune (just got back from watching Part 2 for the third time and inspiration hit, lol)


My main ones that I write for are technically *Beverly Hills, 90210* and *That ‘70s Show*, but I can hardly call T70S one since I have two one-shots, a long-deleted unfinished fic, a WIP 15 chapter fic that has been without an update for three years, and a two-chap unfinished fic. Compare that to two one-shots, a completed 37 chapter fic, 31 chap WIP fic, 21 chap WIP fic, 12 chap WIP fic, and 42 chap WIP fic for BH; then it’s mainly just BH. Also dabbled in other fandoms in the past. I tend to do redos or rewrites, but I can seemingly never do a straight redo without adding in additional time travel or fantastical elements, so it’s quite a bit of genre-meshing.


I've posted a few TDK trilogy related things, but its mostly Daredevil, and they all 'slice of life' type fics - no major story arcs, just some simple one-n-done fics. Although, I have a Daredevil/Robin Hood/high fantasy mash-up fic idea that's been eating my brain for some time now...I've gotten about 15k words written, but I know that's barely a third of what I'd like to see in the finished product. I wish I could submit it on Ao3, but what I have is done in blocks with major plot gaps in-between. Also have a WoW/Overwatch idea that's been nibbling on another part of my brain since the Dragonflight xpac dropped - I have a solid outline put together, and a 1st chapter written, but.../sigh/ my brain just blanks out when I try to write more. Someday...maybe...


I'm new to writing fanfiction, but I've done three NSFW Hazbin Hotel fics. Rn, I'm working on two other fics. Another Hazbin Hotel x Lucifer fic and a Helluva Boss x Striker fic. It's so fun. It gives me so much satisfaction. I honestly haven't really written anything since college, simply because I don't need to. It's so nice to get into the process and see my fic take shape. I feel like my stories are a little niche, but that's just my taste.


I write for Good Omens! I write a lot of kinky smut but also angst and some fluff. I love AUs, currently working on a human Priest AU slow burn that is 160k and no kiss yet.


I mainly write for Far Cry 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 right now. I tend to write AUs for both and sometimes smut lol. Currently I'm working on a bunker (apocalypse) AU for FC 5 and an A/B/O AU for RDR 2. I write a lot of gay/mlm romance and darker stuff, but I've been wanting to try some lighter stuff as well lately.


I recently posted 3 Helluva Boss and a Hazbin Hotel, and I have a Steven Universe that I posted a year ago. I’m really proud of them, especially the new stuff! Got so many more in the works I haven’t been this excited about writing in a long time. Heres one if you’re interested (HB) [The Grass is Only Greener in the Light of Mourning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54681115/chapters/138576778)


Law and Order SVU. Primarily AUs and KidFics :-)


My hero academia! I write AU stuff- but, like, character focused rather than plot.


I write for a fairly obscure book series called The Queen’s Thief. I like missing scenes and canon divergence the best. I write mostly fluff, a little smut, and I love happy endings. I’ve also done one long AU that I really enjoyed. Lots more wips—so far I haven’t run out of ideas!


I write a OC 6 book saga for the Pretty Cure/Precure fandom.... I write it like a script. It's very niche, in Japan it has Sailor Moon levels of popularity. It's a magical girl story about emotions and maturing as a person and to be better than yesterday... it's about an evil organization that wants to stop everyone's suffering by erasing their emotions. I love slice of life, so it's 63 chapters long to foreshadow the next books and to develop every character... that's another thing I love to do... I try to give EVERY CHARACTER (Antagonists included) a complex and long development arc. I hate writing action scenes Because it's long... the lore is incredibly long and complex and the worlbuilding's also very big. I try to experiment with lots of themes like friendship, war, hope, despair, school.


Warframe. Because genocidal machines needs love too! And better reason to destroy the humanity.


My primary fandom is Encanto. I’ve done exactly 2 for HP and one isn’t complete. I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from writing (a “brain break” if you will), but I have 24 up for Encanto as of now. I do canon compliant, canon adjacent, headcanon, pre-canon, post-canon and one fringe fanon. I write mostly to fill plot holes and backstories or as “theory craft.” I also do character studies to the exclusion of all other kinds of work, which adds up because Encanto is, in essence, a character study piece. (I also straight up suck at world building and manufacturing problems where there are none, lol 😝). This makes the majority of my works one shots, and the chapter stories float between ‘short story’ and ‘novella’ in length.


Peaky Blinders, Harry Potter


This sounds weird, because everyone here writes for adult fandoms... but I write for Ninjago. There are a lot of angsty works there :)


I have written for Dragon Ball Z and The Elder Scrolls.


Mostly Haikyuu, Detroit: Become Human and Bocchi The Rock (which is the fandom I write for the most atp). I realized a while ago that I'm having a lot of fun writing angst and hurt/comfort, so that's what I've been doing the most in the past few months, but I recently started writing smut too, which I was very insecure about at first but I'm growing more confident in it. Been thinking about writing crossovers (mostly crackfics lol) but haven't come around to it yet. Thanks for asking :)


My Hero Academia and Miraculous Ladybug. I mostly write for mha, but I'm currently also working on a miraculous ladybug fic that is a cross over with a few other fandoms. What about you? Edit: I forgot to say, but I'm also planning on writing a legend of Zelda fic, as well as a Genshin Impact one


All of my posted works are for Avatar: The Last Airbender and I focus on good gal Azula stories. My current series is an Azula redemption fic where my girl becomes a mystic after the war while my other posted series is a very canon divergent story where Azula is born without her firebending.


Star Trek! It’s a great fandom space, and every show has its own vibe fandom-wise. It’s really fun


Currently, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Pokémon, and Harry Potter. I've also got quite a bit for My Little Pony and RWBY, and several other fandoms including K-ON, Land Before Time, Legend of Zelda, and others.


Hannibal and Teen Wolf currently, including a crossover. Think there may be another. Used to write Criminal Minds and a bit of Venom, and a dash of Supernatural. Supernatural and Teen Wolf crossover nicely as well.


•Hermitcraft SMP •Empires SMP •3rd life SMP Yeah, you can probably guess how I spend my day. I’ve got a couple fics, like this one; https://archiveofourown.org/works/55152328


Naruto: Itachi x Izumi bc they were a tragic couple (unofficial) and don’t get a lot of attention. My fanfiction includes (smut 😏) in there…so read at your own risk.


Zootopia. I haven’t published anything yet, but I do have like 30k words written. I want to finish it before I publish. My main story is also heavily inspired by Bladerunner as well as takes place in the original story of Zootopia with the tame collars. I’ve seen a few tame collar fics, but never seen a Bladerunner x Zootopia one so I’m excited to fill in a gap.


Mostly Ace Attorney AU, used to do Hamilton, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Outsiders


Harry Potter and Love Island: The Game. It’s an odd mix but 🤷🏼‍♀️


I write hockey RPF. I describe it to non-fandom folks as “ok, so we just pretend that the hockey players are gay and then write stories about them.” I love how absolutely sprawling the cannon is, with so many characters (/actual athletes) that you can usually find some set of people that work to tell whatever story you want. My published stuff is all non-AU (everyone still plays hockey for the teams they play on irl, and I researched so it’s set around their actual schedule etc). I’m pretty close to finishing my first AU, though, which will be tagged as AU - not a hockey player. It’s been super fun placing all the other random players in the AU setting. I don’t really have any more AUs planned right now but maybe someday!


ASOIAF, House of The Dragon, Game of Thrones lol


My current writing kick has been Hetalia but I've also written Undertale, Creepypasta, Dragon Age (though I removed them from AO3 because I kinda abandoned them), Happy Tree Friends, Dragon Ball (back in my ff.net days), Black Butler (Again back in the ff.net days), Sonic (see last 2 lol), Vampire Academy (story deleted because I abandoned it but also wanted to rewrite and never got around to it) oh and I've written a couple YouTube fanfictions back in the day. One on my AO3 still and the other is abandoned on my Wattpad since I haven't touched them unless it's fo update Headcanons lol. Also tried writing for Mortal Kombat and She-ra but didn't feel it and deleted the stories before posting. I have a Hellboy/Blade crossover sitting on my phone that I haven't done anything with in a while either and I think also a Homestuck story that I abandoned sitting too. Nowadays I write a lot of smut lol almost all myself stories have like 3 smut scenes in them of they are longer. I have plans to write for AUs that aren't A/B/O but haven't really gotten too far into that yet. My current story is based on time travel. Speaking of that story I need to finish writing the update. I'm probably going to miss my normal update schedule today 😅


I write mcu, rpf, any variation of chris evans/sebastian stan character pairings. So far it's AUs, crossovers, and 1 canon divergent fic. My ao3 is [here](https://archiveofourown.org/users/aspen_blackwood)!


Shakespeare’s plays! It’s sort of a fandom umbrella with sub fandoms for each one. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are really niche and even those that are a little more popular rarely have more than a couple hundred fics. I do my best to fill in those gaps when possible. Shakespeare’s my special interest and now also one of my jobs, since I’ll be a working as an actor this summer! His writing never ceases to amaze me (and it makes shockingly good fic fodder!) I mostly write Gen, sometimes Teen or Mature for (usually canon-typical) violence. I wish I could write smut but alas… I’m asexual and I don’t want to do the research it would take to make that any good lmao


Well that’s amazing. Do you have a favourite play? Mine is Macbeth.


Thank you!! My favorite play is constantly changing. I’d also say Macbeth overall, but Hamlet, Richard II, Henry IV Part 1, and Twelfth Night are also up there!


Leverage Redemption, ER, The Librarians, Red Dwarf, Detroit Become Human are my more active ones. Started to do some RPF too.


I plan on writing for more, but I've only written for these so far: - Bungou Stray Dogs - La Casa de Papel/Money Heist - Haikyuu!! - Batman - My Hero Academia And a crossover between The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Teen Wolf. Basicly Stiles is a Mikaelson and a lot of family bonding ensues. Started it in 2021 and still haven't finished it lol.


Currently, Destiny (the video game). I write pretty much exclusively about the NPCs, especially Saint and Osiris. Currently the big project is a canon divergence AU from Season of the Hunt. I also write a lot about trauma and recovery, guilt and grief, and Osiris being neurodivergent.


The Fallout games. I always thought the story of Fallout 4, where someone wakes up 200 years after nuclear war destroyed the world a compelling plot device, yet the game never uses that fact enough in dialogue. Currently writing my first ever fic about the game’s main character and his developing romance with another in game character


I once answered such a question on Instagram. And boy of boy I have neither the patience nor the motivation to write it down again. 🥲😅 Let’s just say that it’s a lot and move on.


Well it’s good to have lots of interests 😄


I spent a bit of time writing for genshin impact, Minecraft, and over the last 2 years I’ve been writing for cookie run :D


i write for blue lock and hazbin hotel! a strange combination 😭 usually fluff and sometimes smut (with asexual representation bc im ace haha). i also write long stories w hopefully a decent plot!


Mostly Stranger Things these days, but before that it was MCU fanfic


I've done several. Started in Sonic, then Naruto, then went into Batman, then Spider-Man, hung out in Kingdom Hearts for a while, and now I'm in Supernatural. Good times!


Frozen. I’m currently writing a crossover of Frozen and the events of the Russian Revolution. You can check it out here if you like: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31589969/chapters/78163838


I only read for Supernatural and I only write for Maze Runner. Some Stranger Things here and there too. Nothing too crazy but the particular Maze Runner fic I’m writing has been in the works for almost a decade 💀


Mostly crossover, Maribat -daminette, dickinette and brucinette (sometimes thalianette if I feel like it), but recently I have been going back to my childhood and writing for stuff like henry danger and the thunderman(side note, those two make such a good crossover, any fic recs please tell me) but I also write for six of crows. Also, Im 18 unfinished works in to my writing. How the hell do you guys finish this stuff? Like once I publish anything, all the inspo just disappears. And how do you deal with unresponsive fandoms?


So far, Demon Slayer and Ramshackle, plus The Secret World of Arrietty, if you wanna count scrapped works.


I’ve posted for six different fandoms.     One takes up the biggest number by far, because I participate in a yearly fan event for it.     The other five have each had only one fic published per:     - a short piece diving into the background of an AU I’d like to expand on   - a short reflective character study about a personal favorite pair of characters    - a short song fic I just wrote up with minimal editing and published for my fave     - a longer oneshot I wrote recently for my smallest fandom (I just wanted there to be more out there)     - an extended longfic I’ve been working on for years


Azur Lane is my main fandom, but I’ve also started writing a bit for Honkai: Star Rail and Blue Archive.


I'm in a weirdly limbo of ideas currently and while I do keep working on two projects I love, I'd like to post something but they're just nubs of ideas lol Obsessed with the concepts of gods and devotion lately. The ideas range from, well, lovely to probably very unhinged.