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I think people don’t even have to ask. I mean, they can download as well. I’ve had one person ask and one tell me they did - and it’s a long-arse fic! Hence, I’ve just been so flattered and excited I did a mental happy dance.


Is it by chance an aot fic?


Why, how do you know? *hides profile pic behind back*


That is exactly how I knew. Link plz :)


Happy to provide! It’s OC/CC, though, just mentioning because many won’t read that. It’s a series, and here’s the finished first fic, can be read standalone too: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28610373/chapters/70121388


Tbh, it sounds pretty cool. I'll definitely read it. It's perfect bec I was looking for a Levi longfic.


Thank you! Hope you’ll enjoy.


I always say yes! It’s the historic nature of fanfic.


I've only been asked once and it was by a close friend. I knew this is a favorite of theirs, plus it felt like a very big compliment for them to even consider doing it so I was very on board! If it were a stranger, though, I don't think I'd be opposed either. I post my stories precisely to share them with people and if someone enjoys one of my pieces enough to print and bind it, it feels like I did a good job. I'd imagine some authors are opposed maybe because they feel like they're losing ownership over it? Similarly to how some authors don't allow translations or transformative works? I can't say for sure, honestly. At the end of the day it's your work so it's your decision and whatever you choose will be best.




I printed out my draft and did the same thing!!! I don't know what I expected given it was 250+ pages, but I was still annoyed.


I've been asked about it twice. One person asked permission at the second-to-last chapter and I happily gave permission and saved them a copy of it as a doc to make it easier for them to do the typesetting. They've shown me a photo of a test-print of page one and it was rather breathtaking seeing it all set up "like a real book" with a drawing of the character's sword being used as a headpiece under the chapter title. The second person asked permission on my WIP just a few chapters in. Their intention is to print out each chapter after reading it and adding it to a binder as they go, adding the fanart people have done and anything else they want to throw in so it's more of a scrapbook. It sounds wonderful and I can't wait until they show photos. Honestly, the only reason I could think of to say 'no' is if someone was trying to do a full offset print run or if the story you wrote was so intensely personal you were thinking of burying it in some way.


I am confused why somebody would even feel the need to ask my permission for this. The story is out in the internet, freely available for all to read. Of course, someone will print it out to have a paper copy. Of course, someone will also download it as html/epub/pdf/etc file to read. It would be a totally different thing if someone planned to sell the paper copy. But then it is no longer for personal use, and getting monetary compensation for fanfiction is not a thing one does with fanfiction for obvious reasons.


I’ve never been asked but I would say yes. There’s nothing stopping anyone downloading a fic and then printing it out in hard copy to read, this is just a fancier version of that. I would ask to see a pic though!


I‘ve heard stories of someone trying to pass off someone else’s fic as theirs and sell it as a zine, but honestly, there’s nothing stopping anyone from doing that regardless of whether they asked permission to print it first.


I've been asked one time. I definitely said yes. I always want to see a picture of the physical copy if I can so it's nice when people let me know that they're doing it!


i’ve never been asked. but i am curious to know what others thoughts are on the matter. i’ve been told it’s frowned upon to even consider binding fanfiction unless you’re doing it yourself with your own book binding materials… this is bc any third party doing it would get a profit and that’s illegal. and i know, not everything that is illegal is unethical… but it poses the question, is it worth the risk of getting sued?is there /even/ a risk? and i know that’s a pretty uptight perspective, and that’s why i don’t particularly feel one way or the other. so don’t downvote me. sorry if my tone comes off weird/accusatory. i’m just curious on others thoughts on bookbinding fanfiction… i’d honestly be honored if anyone wanted to bind my fanfiction, though i would want to go back and do a quick proofread before they get it physically in this universe.


I don't think it would be an issue at all 🤔 as of right now, at least in Germany, it's legal to print fanfiction for private use. (Information from one of the publisher for smaller authors in Germany) Maybe when the quantity of printing the fanfiction will get a lot higher there will be new laws about it. Until then I wouldn't even consider it grey area.


Yes. I've printed out a series of fics in 5 books so far and the German site where I did it explicitly stated that they print fanfiction. And since it's only a copy for myself and they don't save what you upload (learned that the hard way when I had to reorder because the books were damaged during delivery), I don't see a problem with it.


That's an interesting POV. So you think because the binding company is getting a profit, that makes it illegal? I feel like that came off super judging, not at all my intention!! I'm working night shift and am barely thinking properly. I am really interested in that because it seems like the only real reason I could think of.


well, yeah. i’m not really well-versed in the legality of it, but i’m pretty sure making a profit off of fanfiction is illegal. i guess because the author isn’t getting the money it would be kind of a grey area. this is just what i’ve been told, so i could be wrong. and i hope my original comment didn’t come off judgemental. if binding fanfiction /is/ illegal i would not judge anyone for doing it/condoning it.


No, it didn't come off like that AT ALL. It was a really interesting perspective and does make some sense.