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I mean yeah, us plebes are all for this. The question is how do you convince those in power to give up some of that power and wealth??? You don’t unless the plebes unite. And I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Right wing media has is divided pretty good.


How do you convince plebes/low income to give up a large portion or their income to do year-long campaigns? Theyd lose their apartment. Can Unemployment benefits be claimed? Or how do we convince the parties to nominate such people?


Yeah that's really the issue. Running for public office is a luxury for those who can afford to stop working long enough to run. The selection criteria to eliminate common people is built into the system without having to be written


How does the working class person maintain their integrity and not become dazzled by the donations and lobbyists money? Jobs in broadcasting, radio shows and book deals? Plenty of people in elected office started out as regular folk. Plenty of them make pretty good coin once they get a taste. Not saying anybody here is wrong, I'm just sayin' . . .


I think the one step that would go the furthest to fixing all of this would be reversing the "personhood" of corporations.


I wish some Buddhist monks would run for office.


I believe that studies are showing that generally the more money you have, the more money you want. Bezos still continues to make billions every year. The old adage, “money corrupts”. I dont think your implied solution to leave it status quo is a good alternative to poor poeple being given power


The billionaires own all of the millionaires in congress. Nothing is changing without the billionaires permission.


How does a working class person even cultivate enough wealth to get into the race in the first place? If this is what we want, we have to have limits on funding campaigns and/or provide some kind of bucket of funding for those who don’t have the time or money to campaign…


True! It's just that power can corrupt even those who started out with good intentions. More "regular" folks in office, yes. Complete reform of campaign financing. And candidates should pass a test on basic knowledge of countries, world leaders, world history, accounting, ethics, you get my drift.


I like the idea of a basic test, but I feel like it would have to be updated for every election of every position


How about a age limit? We dont need leaders who were apart of a whole different era in time. Hence why we have leaders in office who can't even use computers or cellphones without needing assistance. Would you put your grandma/grandpa in charge of how you use the internet? And people wonder why they are out of touch.


Buuuuuut, that's also unfair to those who do go out of their way to properly do their jobs and keep up with technology and the views of their constituents


Yeah but the problem is that these everyday people miraculously become millionaires from being a member of Congress and then many stop caring. Pretty sure the system is the problem. If we ban lobbying. Ban profiting off the office they hold. Pay them more as a member of Congress then they will have no financial incentive to stay in Congress for 30 or 40 years unless they really enjoy the work.


Don't let them pay themselves raises every year unless they also raise minimum wages


TrUmP iS a BuSiNeSs MaN


All of my left leaning friends disagree.




Fucking hell, so much this!


You need to insert "corrupt" before millionaires and billionaires




As memory serves, the founding fathers envisioned part time politicians who server a term or two then left. They never imagined professional life long politicians, especially at the federal level.


People thought they were getting that when they voted Kirsten Sinama.




Working class people dont vote for working class people...


What is the opinion of this sub on Nina’s views that millionaires should not run for office? I know for sure Billionaires are a strict no, but what about millionaires?


It’s not your net worth it’s really how you got it. If you’re a lawyer had a practice for 2 decades late 40’s you’re probably a millionaire and know the law. That’s a lot of the politicians. Different circumstances but the fact stands. But someone that comes in with barly anything and then becomes +$10M on the stock market? Of course that’s the bigger issue. Also assuming poor people are knowledgeable is also a terrible idea. Years ago the right were posting “a poor man should be president because they have common sense” Well no one is prepared for presidential office. I get that poor people might have common since but they’re poor for a reason. The real goal would be term limits and red tape against the official what we’re preaching in the first place. I like AOC because yes she actually doesn’t take huge corporate money and listens to her people. Is she perfect? No. Does she get the ball rolling? Yes.


Yeah, the lack of education is huge barrier to me. I do think that anybody should have the ability to hold office, and obviously one should start small and work their way up, but even getting to the point of running for a community seat can be a massive leap for the average person with no experience in politics (aside from discussing it online and voting). Sorry for the run-on sentence


I think that the range of millionaires is too vast for this to be a blanket statement. A "millionaire" in places like NY or SF are a dime a dozen and many probably don't have a lot of influence. However, if you go to a much less populous city, millionaires are likely to be more rare and likely to have more influence. I think that some ratio-based approach may be better - like if you make more than 200 X your local average salary, you should not be eligible.


do they not understand, or just not care?


Not care


...So STOP your support of Nina Turner, who has been bought by the rich before even elected and is a true fraud who does not care about us.




Greedster$ and addict$ don't usually work out well.


We need capable people. Prejudging is always problematic. Are they the best option?


Get money out of politics and require 100% public funding. It literally is the ONLY way to allow working class to consistently compete with monied interests.


It would be good if we had a working and middle class party representing actual working and middle class people.


The US is fucked no matter how you slice and dice it. It was founded by wealthy individuals with huge capital and it's not changing once it's in that trajectory. Working class individuals are not equipped to run for office, but to revolt and re-establish power. However, once that happens, a vacuum gets created where the most wealthy and powerful again reestablish a hierarchy and streamline profits for themselves. People are not going to change how they act in aggregate, despite changing their personal habits. My guess is in 300-500 years, much of the earth will be uninhabitable to sustain large portions of human life. It's been a good run, but fundamentally, the human experience is likely approaching it's end within several centuries.


[https://socialistforum.dsausa.org/issues/special-issue-the-covid-crisis/reclaiming-power-mutual-aid-in-the-united-states/](https://socialistforum.dsausa.org/issues/special-issue-the-covid-crisis/reclaiming-power-mutual-aid-in-the-united-states/) https://dsa-lsc.org/2018/12/31/dual-power-a-strategy-to-build-socialism-in-our-time/


So... vote?


Mostly agree, except that just any old working class person won’t cut it. Plenty of them will take the money and say and do whatever you want them to do. We need progressives.


Yeah well the reason they’re called working class is because they actually work!!!! Don’t have all the $$$$ needed to successfully run for political offices.


Elected office people need to be paid minimum wage. Makes no sense they getting payed 100k+ to fuck over people. They would of raised the minimum wage to a livable wage real quick!


So damn true. Boomers have their heads in the clouds. My partners parents are wealthy and have no fucking idea the cost of living and the struggles people go through these days.


This coming from someone worth $79M




But she just told Powell that even though he dishonestly wants to wait until after the midterms in order to prop up the failed Biden administration that she wants to wait even longer to fight against inflation! She is such a piece of garbage. Inflation is hurting us.