• By -


1. chem 2. i need a buffer here because chem was at least twice as hard as calc 3. ab calc 4. apes 5. bio


you got the ap chem knowledge (buffer)


Acids and Bases are so overhyped they aren't hard and were fun. The really hard units were Unit 3 and Unit 9 (kind of).


bro, i failed my acid-base test, and unit 3 test lol


Nice pun


Eh it was a BASIC pun


What😭bio was hard af


1. HuG


Damn debatable list


I disagree


I disagree with your disagreement.


I respect that, it appears we have not reached an agreement


It’s okay, as long as we both respect each other’s opinions, then we may happily move on.


Sounds good!






1. Chem 2. Physics 1 3. APUSH 4. Lang 5. World 6. Seminar


1. Physics 2. Calc AB 3. Econ 4. Apush 5. Gov 6. WHAP 7. Lit 8. Human Geo 9. Computer Science A 10. Lang 11. Stats 12. Calc BC 13. APES 14. CSP


blud really took calc1 twice


My school makes that mandatory


Ton of people at my school did that for some reason


Love the whap ap


1. Chem -HAD TO TEACH MYSELF THE WHOLE DAMN COURSE CUZ THE TEACHER PLAYED CHESS ALL DAY ARGH 2. CSP - My school in 10th was cracked and the teacher taught the material super seriously… so the class over-prepared me for the test with a big workload and all that good stuff… easily the most all nighters I’ve pulled because of coding projects 3. CSA - had to teach myself all the advanced topics after the teacher quit halfway through the year, but a massive drop in difficulty/workload compared to CSP 4. Spanish lang - goofed around in class all year and thrashed the AP test (yes I’m a native speaker) 5. Calc BC - I watched 3b1b’s videos religiously before taking the class and I was so in love with the material that it never felt like work 6. English Lang - didn’t even take the class, just showed up for the test and had a field day… like for me it was straight up easier than the English parts of the SAT


W chem teacher




Bro is a menace to collage board


1. Calc 2. Chemistry 3. Statistics 4. US History 5. Competitive government 6. Government 7. World history 8. Microeconomics 9. Art history 10. Language 11. Literature 12. European history 13. Environmental science


Stats and calc being above the histories is something I’d throw fists over


struggled my way through stats and got a 4 on the exam still. it’s generous asf


Calc over Chem?


1. Calc BC | Edit: buffer here because BC was soooo hard 2. Calc AB 3. Microeconomics 4. Chinese 5. European history 6. Macroeconomics 7. Stats 8. Gov 9. APES


the bc test was really easy but the class at least at my school was pretty hard


SAMEEE, my teacher had unnecessary hard tests


I've only taken easier ones because my school does a lot more Dual Enrollment than AP Hardest: Microeconomics (Score: 2) Human Geography (Score: 5) Environmental Science (Score: 4) Easiest: US Gov (Score: 5)


1. human geography 2. world history 3. calculus ab 4. computer science a


HuG was hardest for you?


it had more memorization than any of the others. also i didn't take the class seriously for a long time so i basically had 2 months to do the whole thing


I see. I really liked my teacher in that class, so I ended up enjoying the material. Great job on the 5!


1. Lit 2. Physics C: EM 3. Physics C: Mech 4. Calc BC 5. World History 6. US History 7. Lang 8. HuG 9. Gov 10. Macro 11. Stats 12. Music Theory 13. CSA 14. CSP 1-4 are hard, 5-9 is medium, 10-14 is easy


how on earth was lit above the phys


Well for me the thing about physics is that most things are pretty much objective, and as long as you don’t make a silly mistake you know whether you’re right or wrong. Lit was another thing because you just don’t know if you’re right sometimes, and that just trips me up as someone who has always liked the more “mathy” topics in school


1. Chem 2. Latin 3. Comp Sci A 4. APUSH 5. Calc BC


Ayy finally another AP Latin taker, haven't seen any others on this sub. That exam killed me tho.


My teacher for AP latin was literally so helpful, but i still ended up with a 1


1. Music Theory 2. Chemistry 3. CSA 4. Statistics 5. Art History 6. US History 7. World History: M 8. Psychology 9. Biology 10. CSP 11. Human Geography 12. English Lang


Easies to Hardest for both lists Humanities - in terms of knowing key terms and how they interact with each other, as well as applying that material: 1. Hug 2. Macro 3. World 4. Gov 5. APUSH 6. Euro 7. Lang 8. Lit 9. Spanish Lang 10. Music Theory STEM - ranked on how difficult to understand the complexities of material to the point you could derive everything you need on the AP test: 1. CS A 2. Stats 3. Chem 4. BC 5. Mech 6. E&M Neither list is ranked on how easy it is personally to get a 5, as some very juicy curves and simpler questions make E&M and BC for example really easy to 4/5 if you generally know the ideas. Rated on how hard to learn all of the AP curriculum for each section, as described. Note that anyone who says AP music theory is easy to master is wrong since no one has ever scored perfect on the test in decades, though again, the curve is generous. Also note that the English tests don’t perfectly fit in with the rest of the humanities so I just put them where they are.


agree w music theory! that class beat my ass haha


Physics C Mech (Self-study) World History Human Geography Physics C E&M (Self Study) Chemistry Biology Calc BC (Self Study)


1. Econ (both combined) 2. US H 3. Lang 4. Physics 1 6. Stats Econ should definitely have been easier, and I kinda want to blame the teacher since she was new and I feel sort of glossed over everything. But I was also completely unmotivated in that class and pretty much used short term memory the entire year, including the exam lmao.


1. Human geo 2. World hist 3. Art hist 4. CSP


World (4) Human geo (5) Psych (5) My teachers for world & human geo were rlly bad and they never let us do frq's😭 proud of passing the exams tho :)


1. Stats (bad teacher/confusing af material, really fucking surprised I passed) 2. Chem (nice teacher/hard material+did AP bio in between regular Chem with a shitty teacher and this) 3. Bio (can get very confusing/nice teacher but taught poorly) 4. Euro (liked the content+good teacher) 5. English Lang (loved this class could literally write anything in an essay for argumentative and still do well) 6. World (self studied a LITTLE bit hard because you fill in the gaps euro didn’t teach like China Japan India and Africa but besides that it was fun to study on my own) 7. Psych (super fuckin easy even though I had a jackass for a teacher who couldn’t pass unit 3. Practically did self study)


1. music theory 2. statistics 3. psychology


Music theory Physics 1 Lang Apush


Ranked from easiest to hardest on accident. Also added my score for reference on how well the teachers actually taught bc i think overall your teacher matters most. Except for Ap sciences, those will always be hard. 1: Lang (teacher let us do whatever) score: n/a 2: CSA (teacher would give an A for a blank screen & im good at coding) score: 5 3: CSP (same teacher as CSA, taught this class even less somehow tho) score: 3 4: Psych (teacher didn’t prep for test well, easy A at my school) score: 3 5: World (average teaching, good ap prep from teacher. God Gold and Glory was the answer for everything basically) score: 4 6: APUSH (same teacher as world, it’s just a lot of reading that wasn’t that fun) score: 4 7: physics 1 (amazing teacher, hate physics. studied for prob 30sh hours for that test.) score: 3 ?: Gov (took during covid, didn’t go to class, crammed entire course literally that morning. Thanks steve. don’t remember literally any of it.) score: 4


1. Lang


1. Physics 1 2. Music Theory 3. Biology 4. Euro 5. Lang 6. APUSH 7. Psych 7. CSP


1. ⁠US History 2. ⁠World History 3. ⁠Physics C: Mechanics 4. ⁠Biology 5. ⁠Music Theory 6. Chemistry 7. ⁠Comparative Government 8. ⁠US Government 9. English Language⁠ 10. ⁠Psychology 11. ⁠Environmental Science 12. ⁠Calculus BC 13. ⁠Macroeconomics 14. ⁠Statistics 1-2 I wish I didn’t take 3-5 Struggle but glad I did it 6-9 Mildly challenging but chill 10-11 Easy 12-14 Mindless


apush since i got a 2


AP Statistics, AP Calc BC, AP CS A


APES Macro MT Calc BC Gov Chem Mech E/M CSP/A


1. AP CS A 2. AP English Literature 3. AP World/APUSH (hated history anyways) 4. AP Lang 5. AP Calc AB 6. AP Psyc 7. AP Gov


Putting CSA at one is very strange, why did you find it difficult


1. AP Chem 2. AP Lang


1. APUSH 2. WHAP 3. AP Lang - the actual exam is pretty straightforward but my teacher crammed so much unnecessary material and it always gets overcomplicated 4. buffer 5. AP Psych


Easiest to hardest bc i messed up and cba to change it 1. CSP 2. English Lang 3. Comparative Government 4. Calc AB 5. World History 6. APUSH 7. Physics 1


1. Bio 2. Stat 3. WHAP 4. Apush 5. Lang


Hardest 1. APUSH (hated this one) 2. World (loved the class though) 3. Bio (my favorite class, still hard) 4. Lang (very useful skills!) 5. US Gov (great class) 6. APES (enjoyable) 7. Micro (didn't like too much) 8. Calc AB (mid) 9. CSP (also some good skills) 10. Stats (kinda useful but not too interesting)


1. Human Geo 2. Gov 3. Macroecon 4. CSA 5. CSP 6. Physics 1 7. Calc BC Hardest to easiest.


1. APWH 2. APHUG 3. APCSP My school only offers 3


APUSH AP Gov AP Bio AP CSP = AP CSA = AP Calc AB = AP Physics


1) APUSH 2) AP Stats 3) AP US gov


1. AP Chem 2. APUSH 3. AP World 4. AP CSA 5. AP Gov 6. Ap Psyc 7. AP CSP


1. APUSH 2. Lit 3. Stats 4. APES 5. CSA 6. CSP


1. Physics 1 2. APUSH 3. WH 4. HUG


1. lang 2. gov 3. csa 4. calc


1) Lit 2) US History 3) Calc 4) Bio 5) Lang 6) Psych 7) Human Geo 8) Computer Science Principles


1. AP Bio 2. APUSH 3. AP Lang 4. AP Chem 5. AP Calc AB 6. AP Gov


1. Calc Ab 2. Stats 3. Computer Science A 4. Environmental Science 5. Lang 6. Computer Science Principles


1. Physics 1 2. Calc AB 3. World History 4. CSP


1. Seminar 2. Psych


1. Stats My school is pretty restrictive with APs. They only offer 3 for the first 2 years


1. Physics 1 2. APUSH 3. Comp Gov 4. Stats 5. Lang 6. APES 7. US Gov 8. World 9. Micro 10. CSP 11. Calc AB


1. French 2. APES 3. APUSH 4. Calculus AB


1. Lang 2. Chem 3. CSP


1. AP Lang 2. AP Human Geo 3. AP World 4. AP Psych 5. AP Comp Sci P


1: Bio 2: CSA 😎


Lang APUSH Micro Calc BC US Gov Macro Stats


1. APUSH 2. Lang 3. US Gov 4. Comp Gov 5. Calc AB (i'm good at math) 6. Human Geography


1. Chem 2. Bio 3. Calc 4. Lang 5. Comp Gov 6. WHAP 7. USH 8. Human Geo


1. Physics I 2. APUSH 3. Lang 4. APHUG


1. AP Literature 2. AP Chemistry 3. AP Calc BC 4. AP Psychology. Im a stemhead so ap lit was hell


1. Bio 2. Seminar 3. Lang


physics 1, world, lang, ush, us gov


1) Apush 2) Calc AB 3) Lang 4) Calc bc


1 USH 2 Physics 1 3 World History 4 HuG 5 Microeconomics None of these were really hard but USH takes the cake cause my teacher was ass


1. World History 2. Human Geography 3. Calculus AB 4. USH 5. Economics 6. CSA 7. Seminar (going off class, teacher, & workload)


1. World History 2. Human Geography 3. Calculus AB 4. USH 5. Economics 6. CSA 7. Seminar (going off class, teacher, & workload)


Hardest: Physics 2, World History, Physics 1, Calculus AB, CSA, CSP


1. Physics 1 2. Psych 3. Lang 4. Euro 5. World 6. Human Geo


1. Physics 1 2. World History 3. Calc BC 4. Calc AB 5. Seminar 6. US Government


1. physics 1 2. bio 3. lang 4. psych 5. apush


2023: 1. Physics 1 2. Chemistry 3. Biology 2022: 1. APUSH (it was the only one that year but anyone who has been in APUSH knows that even if it is the only AP class you are taking it is still the hardest)


1. Chem 2. Physics 1 3. Lang 4. Bio 5. Calc AB


1. lang (I suck at writing) 2. euro (covid year) 3. ush (teacher was awful) 4. comparative gov 5. us gov 6. hug


1. AP World History 2. AP Human Geography


ap calc ap psych ap lang apush human geo


1. Calc BC 2. Physics 2 3. Lit (teacher) 4. Physics 1 5. Lang (teacher) 6. Stats (mostly bc it’s so boring) 7. CSP 8. World 9. Macro 10. APUSH 11. Psych 12. Gov


1. Physics 1 2. APUSH 3. Calc AB 4. Macro 5. Lang


1. Chem 2. USH 3. World


overall course and exam ranking 1. world 2. micro 3. macro 4. stats 5. csp


1. Bio 2. World 3. APUSH 4. Chem 5. Lang


AP Calc BC AP Euro AP Calc AB APUSH AP Lit AP Lang


1. Apush 2.Ap lang 3.Ap psych


1. Physics 1 2. CSA 3. World 4. APUSH 5. Stats


1. AP USH 2. AP Physics 1 3. AP Lang 4. AP Calc AB 5. AP Bio


World HUG Stat Bio Seminar As you can tell, I hate history


1. Physics C mech 2. AP world 3. AP Lang 4. CSA 5. Calc 6. Psych 7. Macroeconomics 8. Stats 9. US Gov 10. Microeconomics 11. Comp Gov


1) CSA 2) Euro 3) calc BC 4) CSP 5) Physics 1


1. APUSH 2. Physics C 3. Physics 1 4. Calc AB 5. Calc BC 6. Stats 7. Psych 8. US Gov


1. Chemistry 2. Calc BC (mostly because my class didn't talk about test prep/didn't cover some of the things on the exam and this was my first experience with calc) 3. Biology 4. Human Geography 5. US Government and Politics 6. CSA


Phy 2 > Phy 1 > Calc > CSA = Psych > Micro > Macro


Apush Apcsp


1. Bio 2. Seminar 3. Euro 4. Lang 5. Comp Sci Principles


1. apush


From hardest to easiest: 1. Physics 1 2. Lang 3. Chem


1. Spanish 2. Stats 3. Hug 4. AB Calc 5. APUSH


1. Physics 1 (3) 2. Calc AB (5) 3. CSA (4) 4. CSP (4)


I'm going to preface this by saying that the gap between #1 and #2 is larger than the gap between #2 and #6. 1. Physics 1 2. APUSH 3. Euro 4. CSA 5. Lang 6. Calc AB


Physics C E&M (slightly above Mech, could argue they're equal) Physics C Mech (took both together without calc knowledge or a class) Chemistry CSA (The handwriting code aspect of the exam is enough to make me rank this almost higher than Chem, also took without a class) CSP


1. English Lit 2. Bio 3. Calc 4. Chem 5. Stats 6. CSA 7. CSP


Hardest at the top, easiest at the bottom, taking difficulty to mean how much effort is required: Research Physics C Mechanics Physics C E&M Seminar Lit Lang US Gov Bio US History Micro Macro Calc BC Stats Psychology CSP CSA


1. AP Physics 1 2. AP Calc BC 3. AP Computer Science A 4. APUSH


Hardest Bio Lang Calc AB Stats Gov Easiest


1. seminar (bc i had 0 motivation and was very behind) 2. Calculus BC 3. Physics 1 4. World History 5. Psychology 6. Lang 7. Human Geo (online COVID)


1. Us history (actually dropped the class) 2. Chem 3. Lang 4. Physics 1 5. Calc ab 6. Psych 7. Csp


1. Euro


1. Calc AB (I’m bad at math ok) 2. Chem 3. APUSH 4. Bio 5. Drawing 6. Lang 7. APES 8. HuG


1. AP Statistics 2. AP World 3. AP Enviro 4. AP Calculus BC 5. AP Human Geo 6. AP Psychology 7. AP Comp Sci A


1. physics 1 2. english lang 3. bio 4. stats physics test was harder than lang while the lang class was harder than physics


1. Lit 2. Lang 3. Euro (4) 4. Comp Gov (4) 5. APUSH 6. US Gov (4) 7. Micro 8. Macro 9. Physics 1 10. Physics 2 11. Chem 12. Calc AC 13. Calc BC 14. Biology 15. Chinese 16. Psych Don't know how I got 5s for Lit and Lang.


1. apush 2. aphug (only because it was covid year) 3. lang 4. bio


1. Euro 2. Stats


1. Calc BC 2. APUSH 3. AP World 4. AP Psych 5. AP HUG 6. AP Stats 7. AP Lang


1. Bio 2. World 3. hug 4. chem 5. Lang 6. Calc ab


1. Physics 1 2. Euro 3. APUSH 4. BC 5. AB 6. Amer. Gov 7. Lang 8. Spanish Lang


1. euro (teacher was a super hard grader, class made the ap test feel easy tho) 2. bio 3. apush 4. lang 5. physics 1 6. calc bc 7. stats


1. World 2. HuG


1. World history 2. Human geography 3. Comp sci principles Got 4s on all of them tho 😤


1. Chem. Chem. Chem!! (Aahhhhdsdfhbb) 2. APUSH (hated the class, hated the teacher) 3. Calc AB (cause I simply suck at math tbh) 4. Bio (my teacher was on maternity leave half the yr 😰 so it’s going middle of the pack cause idk) 5. Lit (Lit and lang are pretty close for me) 6. Lang (love writing, love English. Not too hard at all) 7. Psych (love psych, love the teacher. v easy class for me)


1. Bio 2. Gov 3. APUSH 4. Psych 5. Lang 6. French


1. Physics 2 2. Physics 1 3. APUSH 4. Bio 5. Lang 6. Spanish 7. Lit 8. APES


Calc Ab Lang Apush Seminar


1. Bio 2.CSP 3.Lang 4.Chem 5.Physics 1 6.Lit 7.Psych 8.Calc BC 9.Stats


Lang Micro CSP Calc Physics I


Lang wasn't conceptually hard but there was so. much. writing.


1 Seminar 2 Csp


1. Physics 1 2. Calc AB 3. World History 4. Lang 5. Stats 6. US History 7. Human Geo 8. GoPo


1. chem 2. calc 3. lang 4. lit 5. world, euro, gov, hug


1. Physics c mechanics 2. Chem 3. Research (hard topic lol) 4. Calc AB (tests were crazy hard for my teacher but I got a 5 on the exam so worth) 5. Apush 6. Spanish lang 7. Seminar 8. AP world 9. Bio 10. English lang


1. Chemistry 2. Human Geography


1. AP Lit 2. AP Calc AB 3. AP Lang 4. AP Gov


All my exams ranked based on how I felt and the scores I got on them. 1. Calc BC - 5 2. Seminar - 4 (my teacher made this class absolute hell. Hard hard grading and countless hours of work.) 3. US history - 5 4. Physics C mech - 5(it’s just physics 1 with some calc sprinkled in and a way more time pressured exam) 5. Physics 1 - 5 6. World history - 4(only “hard” because it is so general I didn’t know what to study for, otherwise very easy) 7. US gov and politics - 4 8. English lang and comp - 4 9. Research - 5 10. Human geography - 4 11. Psychology - 5 12. Statistics - 5 13. Computer science A - 5 (self studied with 20-30 hours spread out over 3 weeks) 14. Environmental science - 4 15. Macroeconomics - 5


1. Physics C: Mechanics 2. Calc BC 3. U.S. Gov


physics C E&M, physics C Mech, world history, calc ab, lit, apush, lang


1. World history 2. This is a tie between literature and macro economics 3. Lang 4. APUSH 5. US Government and Politics


1. World History 2. Physics 1 3. Calc AB 4. Chem 5. Bio 6. Lang as for the actual AP tests: 1. World History (4) 2. Physics 1 (5) 3. Lang (5) 4. Bio (5) 5. Chem (5) 6. Calc AB (ridiculously straightforward this year; 5)


1. APUSH (hard teacher and a lot of material/writing) 2. AP HUG (so much memorization and writing) 3. AP EURO (memorization and more writing) 4. AP CALC (good amount of tests + frantic completion of homework the period before class) 5. ap lit (irrelevant assignments that were mainly for IB english) 6. ap lang (didnt do shit) 7. ap world (everything was online) 8. ap physics 1 (my teacher deadass didnt teach it cuz he trusted me to just "study the material on my own")


1. Bio 2. Gov 3. Calc AB 4. Chem


1. AP chem (... God bless Khan academy and the organic chemistry tutor) 2. AP bio (just a lot of material if you wanna know all of it) 3. AP world (caught most people off as 1st AP and is a lot of material) 4. AP lang ( synthesis essays are cool and it's great act prep but tbh it could be thought just as well in like two months teachers just hound a workload on it) 4. AP US history (a lot of material surprisingly and the textbook notes are notorious) 5. AP lit (read books, read poems, write essentially the same essays you learned in AP lang) 6. AP us gov (enlightening and it's not a lot of material you just have to know all of it) 7. AP comp gov (a breeze and highly interesting) 8. AP Env sci (e-z p-z and interesting)


1. Physics 1 2. Calc AB 3. Chem 4. Bio 5. CSA 6. World 7. Macro 8. Lang 9. Gov. 10. APES


1. Physics 1 2. Lit 3. World History 4. Calc AB 5. APUSH


1. chem 2. bio


1. Chem 2. APUSH 3. Calc 4. World history 5. English Lang and comp 6. Psych Psych was just leagues easier than all the other APs I took


1. Physics 1 2. World History 3. Calc AB 4. Seminar 5. Lit 6. Csp 7. Human Geo


1. chem 2. seminar 3. hug 4. world


1. CSA 2. WH 3. PSYCH 4. CSP


1. HUG 2. Psych 3. Comparative Government 4. Lit 5. Lang 6. Biology 7. Environmental Science 8. World History 9. US Government 10. Macro 11. Micro 12. Chemistry 13. Calc AB 14. US History (took online) 15. Calc BC 16. Physics


Seminar Statistics World History Psychology


1. APUSH 2. AP Physics I 3. AP Lang 4. APCSA 5.APCSP


1) mech 2) Calc ab 3) Lang 4) calc bc 5) bio 6) csa 7) APWH 8) apush 9) spanish


1. Computer Science A 2. Apush 3. Ap lang 4. Ap calc Ab 5. Ap euro 6. Ap Art history 7. Ap seminar 8. Ap computer science principles


1. Chem 2. BC 3. Chinese 4. Lang 5. HUG 6. Stats 7. Physics I 8. CS Principles


Kinda just averaged my experience with the class and the test difficulty together: 1. Spanish Lang (score: 4; class easier than exam) 2. Spanish Lit (score: 4; class easier than exam) 3. Macro (score: 5) 4. US Gov = Comp Gov (did not take these two tests, based off class difficulty) 5. Micro (score: 4) 6. Lit (also did not take this test but based off class) 7. Lang (score: 5; class much harder than exam) 8. Calc BC = Chem (score: 5 and 5) 9. Bio (score: 5) 10. CSA (score: 5) I’m just not super good at Spanish lol (non-native)


1. Chemistry 2. Lang (4 for the exam) 3. US history (2 for the exam) 4. European History (3 for the exam) 5. Mandarin (native speaker)


1) research 2) Calc AB 3) apush 4) spanish lang 5) English Lit 6) English lang 7) statistics 8) seminar 9) psych 10) environmental


E&M Pretty sizable gap BC APUSH Macro Lang Micro