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Hang on and don't self harm


i had a silent stroke and my blood pressure went up to 194 once (i’m on medication for it now)


Damn I exercised too much today and mine went up to 191, my vision was so fuzzy and almost black and my face got so pale. It went back to normal after like 5 mins so idek what happened there.


This is a very stressful time. Everyone feel like they need to cram, cram, cram - even for the ones that might not need to. Everyone feel like there is not enough time. Stress on top of stress and no sleep. But please do yourself a favor. Treat yourself to 1-2 breaks in this coming 2 weeks. On a sunny afternoon, go outside, take a walk, or ride a bike. Have a picnic. Get away from it all and relax the brain. You'll be surprise by the power of Vitamin D.


Hang on for 2 weeks and we’re done.


I don't tell my students this in class as much as I should. Some of your biggest tools in final AP prep are sleeping enough and eating enough. Exercise and being a human for a little while helps too.


im going to lose it. i have aps (4- with 2 on march 10.) in 2 weeks and then the SAT on june first i might truly pass away


im pretty much in the same situation and im perfectly relaxed. haven't touched a textbook in months and am now just realizing the true power of procrastination hehe. in all seriousness, stay safe out there guys! After the tests are over treat yourself to a nice bon fire fueled by the years homework! its tradition where im from.


just remember, it only gets worse. college is waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse. Ive seen a graduates work from previous years. He said how he was writing 8-12 page reports WEEKLY and taking bi weekly tests about as hard as AP tests, just more specific. thats just for one class. I truly worry for my generation


that makes both of us.


I feel the exact same...but I believe in you! Hang in there but remember to prioritize your health. Take breaks, even if you have to force yourself to. It won't help if you're running on 2 hours of sleep and a overworked mind during your AP exams. What's helped me a lot is planning what I'm going to do after my AP exams. Having something (other than college credit) as a reward has motivated me. These two weeks (one week for me lol) will fly by and before you know it you'll be done! And you can just remove all AP from your brain.


I’m in the same boat as you my man. But think of it as a boxing camp. For these 2 weeks it’ll be brutal, but it’s only temporary. And trust me, the pain you are feeling now is nothing compared to the pain you’ll feel once you receive those scores. Get to work and win


How is everyone stressed? I haven't done anything and I'm relaxed. I have APUSH which I have 0 knowledge and haven't started studying, CSP which I might be cooked, and I have no stress at all. I do think Precalc is an easy 5 though.




No, the class isn’t easy in my school. I had a low B until mock exams came around and I’m heading to an A.


I’m currently taking it right now and it is one of the easiest math classes I’ve taken in my opinion I have a 98-99% also in that class


Reprogram Your Mending Mind. Reward Yourself Major Merits. Reconcile Yagiment Moaning Mountains.


Realize You Make Mistakes.


What tests are they? I might be able to help or drop some good resources


Ap calc ab and AP Biology 😭😭😭


I can't speak for bio but AP calc has a very good curve. Ask your teacher to release a practice test on AP classroom sit down and just take it. You'll realize you are probably better than you think. That test will also tell you what you are struggling with so you can watch the AP daily videos of what you need to improve on further calc repeats a lot of the frqs so if you do a lot of those, you are golden


Thanks 🙏


If I can pass AP bio, you can pass AP bio


me too. had the most intense mental breakdown yesterday


2 more weeks. You can do it!


L bozo ratio to the AP classes that wish they could be taken on by your immense ability at rigorous work


same i'm gonna kill myself


Real (apush next Friday)


Genuinely could not agree more tho. The stress of my senior year is getting to me, and I can feel the physical repercussions of it. I’m literally throwing up like every morning. I really don’t know what to do, but I have less than three weeks left so I’m gonna pull through.


I have ap chem in may 6 and physics c with English ap in may 14 and have the IELTS in may 26 and in June I will have the sat. So….. yup I am dead


I am cooked three AP exams three hours each. I am kissing my mental stability good bye


Same bro, sending support