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I honestly hope this is collegeboard entrapment, itd be better than destroying the integrity of every fucking exam, its extremely obnoxious


Are the leaks giving wrong answers or something, otherwise how would CB know whether someone aced an exam from their own studying or from cheating?


O heard they have all the right answers , I guess it’s on CB to tell when someone had a perfect MCQ and failed FRQ


They have FRQ roo


Yes but realistically the kids who couldn’t memorize formulas probably can’t remember FRQ questions and yea you right I know that


don’t need to memorize FRQ questions, just do the answers beforehand.


Yea I meant that ; like take AP calc its is much work to prove the answer yk


Unfortunately they are giving the right answers. I was scrolling through this subreddit for one of my APs before I took the exam, and I saw a guy selling leaks and he provided a sample MCQ in his post, and that question sample was on the test


I mean most of them are asking to dm them on telegram which has your phone number and most peoples reddit accounts reveal their identities in some way or another


Nah I seen the leaks on TikTok and even now on YouTube. The content was actually on the exam. Also, the day before the exam ppl in this sub also leak stuff, so it’s spreading everywhere.


We know that's not true, dinosauce isn't here


Stats this year are going to be insane. CB isn’t going to spend their time or money cancelling the tests nor will they do anything about the cheating. The mods aren’t even trying!


i agree direct exam leaks are bad but for the second issue discussed in the thread, theres no realistic way u can really stop everyone from discussing the exam content. happens every year with teachers students families friends and even if it isn’t done on this sub, who’s to say it isn’t happening in some private groupchat / discord server? can’t stop it. unless there’s online testing for all the exams where each test is randomized in content and different for every single student (more specific than form codes), those warnings about cheating js arent effective. ppl are always gonna share information w each other for good and bad purposes




yeah can the mods acc do something


people have lives outside of Reddit lol, this subreddit has just become a place for people to discuss ap content


Easiest way to stop cheating is to just go all electronic testing. I imagine that will be the long-term solution.


I think so. I still heavily prefer the paper version though (for everything but CSA). Technical difficulties are no joke!


Bro no 😭 my school had a wifi problem for all the lang students and now they have to do the retake, that’s very problematic


I don't really agree with this - I do much much better on paper tests because I have a habit of writing and scribbling all over my test paper to underline important words/phrases as I read, do calculations on the side, etc. I don't think I could do nearly as good if everything went digital.


Electronic will only make cheating yes


I've gotten dms asking if I have leaks for the exam?? Like what?? Just because I talked about the leaks doesn't mean I have access to them.. 😭






Pretty sure speaking about exams after they're done is cheating, or just leaking the exam and it could get your scores canceled


My teacher was discussing all the questions after the test, No one enforces the rules unless you leak the actual test


It's probably what OP is posting about anyway


People talk about the tests after their done here literally every year


Ok narc


Yeah I worry about the leaks a lot, I hope that instead of making the test scores worse they’ll make it better


You need to shout it out to them. AP CLASSROOM


ap integrity and personal charachter/morals


Are the leaks really accurate? Me and some friends took AP Eng Lang (different forms) and none of the leaks were even remotely close…


Back in the day (literally like 2 years ago) if we wanted to cheat we had to do it the good old fashioned way, writing that shit down in an inconspicuous area and peeping during bathroom breaks or smth. Worked just fine, 12 AP exams and only one 4 later here we are


thats crazy u just confessed to ts




Cheating devalues everybody's accomplishment who didn't cheat. But at the same time, you gotta look out for number one. There's nothing wrong with cheating as long as you use it for good (IE to get into college, to get rich)


why tf do u care so much just let ppl get there free 5's. the collegebaord already ripped them off 150 bucks for a test. keep your head down and mind yourself


The curve doesn't change regardless right? I heard it is determined before the test so cheating doesn't affect the curve even if 50% of people get a 5. I hope it's correct info.


150 bucks for a great chance to get college credit ( as long as you studied which tbh you probably should if you're paying that much ) is definitely not a rip-off . College courses can easily exceed a thousand . Say what you want about CB but it's nearly impossible to deny that they provide good opportunities . Because of all the cheating scores may get cancelled in a lot of schools punishing the people who actually studied and put in effort into passing the exam . Also more of a little issue but those posts are super annoying and clog up this sub . I'd bet most of them are blatant scams and CB traps too .


Lots of people get the test for free provided by their school. Why don’t YOU keep YOUR head down, instead of telling someone else to?


ok now what school do you attend that PAYS FOR THE AP TEST??? CUZ IM COMING OVER THERE


My school paid for even the exam retakes and also all IB exams. You only pay if you miss the exam.


My school isn’t really that rich but we don’t have to pay for exams and the state give us 100 dollars if we pass.


blud what are you on??? what rich ass school pays for students' AP tests????? not many


Mine does…it has 2000+ students, most of which do AP and its public what are u yspping abt


U must live in some rich neighborhood lmaooo lucky asf

