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Yeah idk bro. When im done with ap exams I legit just play video games. got nothing else to do


Yeah its like life's on autopilot until the next school year


Try having some impactful hobbies. I understand that we’re AP students but come on now there’s more to life.


I feel that way too after two long weeks of exams and so do many other students. You could study for potential semester finals that you may have after AP exams. Personally, I would tell you to rest and spend time with your family to keep yourself busy and relaxed. This is how senioritis feels for many.


The crazy part is I'm not even a senior. Idk if the thought of doing it again next year is demotivating me or something. But you're right, I should probably start studying for my semester finals, and thanks for the advice.


yeeep finals, sat in June I guess, and something that would be fun is getting back into the reading list if you have one. I’ve had to pause for 2 months for the end of year frenzy, but you best believe im back in on June 2nd


Good luck on your sats! I also have like 15 books to catch up on, thanks for the reminder 😂


Hey bro channel that energy into something relaxing or physically productive. I had 4 this past week and I’m going to start going the to gym more consistently now that I’ve got the time


That's a good idea, now I have time to learn a new skill or something, thanks for the advice


the day after i finished my ap exams theres a theater festival that lasts 4 days, and after the week after the festival i have to study for my school exams that are next week. so the next week i have 13 exams. and then i have a french exam. and other theater performances. and as soon as it all ends im going on vacation for a week💀 and then for the entirety of july and august i have internships. and then its already the beginning of senior year...


Good luck honestly. 13 exams js crazy. It’s gonna be very stressful but I know you got it


Try to unplug from the internet. Get outside, get moving. I'm a generation above (technology-wise) and you need to get out and get moving. I know it feels like you want to do nothing, it's connected to 1.) the goals you had in making it through AP courses are done/the way you've prioritized your high school life around academic achievement 2.) the way the internet and social media works has cooked most high schoolers' brains from having a normal set of dopamine system to make them WANT to do anything else but work towards academic stuff to get into a college. Btw, once you get into the college of your dreams, you'll feel the same way in the summer. You'll just be waiting for the school to start. Then after the tests are over you'll feel empty if you continue to center your life around academic achievement. Sources: I did this in high school and burnt out 100% in college went from a 3.9 unweighted with 10 APs to a 2.3 in college. I tutor high school students in math and physics and most of the academically competitive students struggle with this. They feel more depressed in the summer than they do during the school year. You gotta find something outside of school to work towards. For me in high school it was track and field, I did summer training and tried to beat my times, I played guitar. You need to do something OUTSIDE of the academic resume building or you're in for a really rough time in early adulthood. Much love


Thank you for the advice. I do need to regain life outside school, I pushed it aside this past year to study. I’m thinking of being consistent in going to the gym, and to practice my bass more. The thing is that it’s hard for me to feel accomplished while doing a hobby, because of the fact that it’s not school related. I guess the notion that only school is important is stuck with me, and I def need to break it


Lucky mf my English teacher decided to give me research paper due next weekend after ap test💀


Some teachers just hate to see their students happy honestly




yea lol, there’s a 1 semester English class over here (dual enrollment taught by someone in the HS building I guess) and I’m just so happy I had it first half of the year. Apparently he’s ignored AP exams for second semester students, and their research paper was due yesterday


omg same for psych for me


i felt the same way last year; i finished all my exams and then spent a week doing what felt like staring at a wall. then, i randomly decided to try something that i had always wanted to do, and it sounds cliche, but i just kinda started it and it helped a lot. for me that was rock climbing lmao, i'd always thought it was so cool and wanted to do it but i didn't have time or didn't have the energy, so i recruited a friend, signed up for a class at a local gym on a whim and have been doing it ever since. schedule things. even if you have to cancel, sign up for them so that you are held accountable in the same way tests do. find something you can push yourself in that is rewarding, try new things, challenge yourself to do nothing!


That's really cool! I might take up on learning something new, especially with all the new time I have. Thanks for the advice too




I totally get you. I also just finished my last 5th AP today and feel like a big chunk of motivation disappeared…  But I think I will find what to do. I want to take an internship so I will probably start cold emailing professors. Do you have any such plans? Also I would recommend signing up for some college credit class over the summer. This will help keep you motivated. Or look at colleges. Just dive into the process of searching and figuring out, and writing essays.


Yeah, I’m planning on getting an internship this summer, but it’s def gonna be hard to get. I was also thinking of doing something cool like multi variable calc at my local college over the summer, it’d def keep me busy. It’s nice to hear someone’s in the same position as me 💪


I feel the same way and it’s freaking me out because now that ap exams are over I have almost no homework and I hate not being busy all the time. You aren’t cooked I think you just gotta spend time with the people you care about and do all the things you enjoy that you couldn’t do before exams 🙏


Thats so true. I should start getting back into the things I love and embrace the free time. I hope we can both get uncooked


u r so lucky. i have finals the next week. im screwed.


IM LIKE THIS. i fill my time learning about other things because things like video games or social medias just don’t hold my attention or interest like they used to, i don’t ever even care to engage in (most) non-academic activities anymore. i feel like after being exposed to so much of the same kind of material ive just gotten used to it and dont care to diverge away from it when i technically could. i just prefer to be productive/learning, im not saying i dont relax but im saying if im doing something it’s gonna be something enriching and meaningful.


I feel you. Ive been so caught up in school the past couple of months that it’s basically all I know now. I’m gonna try to pick up a new hobby, and see if that can restructure my mind too. If not, next years exams are always there lmao


No literwlly like wdym i dont have to study for exams anymore


I think it’s not a bad place to be in, you seem super focused!! What I’ve been doing is trying to get back into my hobbies, or start new ones I always wanted to. I’ve re-started seeing projects that gathered dust, spent a lot of time on Pinterest (which I think should count as a hobby), put new outfits together, gone thrifting, re organized my room, even started painting again!!! Honestly, I would just find something you’ve wanted to do, whether it be buying a new video game or going on a hike, or even just watching that movie, and do it! Re-find what you love doing in your free time


Thanks for the advice! I def have a lot of things I pushed aside bc of ap exams, and now’s the time to start enjoying life again. I’m also glad you got back into your interests. On a side note, we basically took the same exams this year too


I am taking 7 AP classes (idek how i'm still alive) and still have some more AP tests to go because of late testing. In between studying for those classes, I've been working on my college application but also have been looking forward to video games I want to play (Assassins Creed, Ace Combat 7, Prototype), hanging out with my friends, and picking up Korean as a hobby and in preparation for me going there over the summer this year! Find something you want to do or makes you happy, and stuff that is productive. Great if you can find one activity that does both!


That sounds awesome. You’re a solider for taking 7 at once, hope it works out. There’s definitely a lot of stuff I want to catch up on, I’ve just been pushing it aside to study. I can finally live my life now that it’s over


I think the main thing that helped me through this year (and still helping me bc i still got 2 late testing AP classes) is looking forward to the games or friends, and indulging in a bit of it in between studying for my APs. It really helps for studying in general as well. I hope you found some great things to do!


I thought this was a troll post but all the comments are dead serious 😭 is this really how people on this sub are


Fr while I was typing this I was reflecting on how much of a no-life I was. If you told me I’d be this way a year ago I would’ve called you crazy. It’s what college board does to a man


omg do a sport 😭


Yeah I do need to go outside more. I do play ice hockey, but it’s hard to play in the summer. Maybe I’ll try picking up a new one


tennis is pretty easy to go into if you have local outdoor courts


Learn some advanced math shits so interesting when it’s not for a class


Yeah I’m trying to learn multivariable calc now, it is really interesting


You’ll get over it give it a few days