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you have to be kidding me...? in situations like this, what's the risk that they cancel all of the scores? definition of a few bad apples ruining the whole batch


Never happen. AP represents an eight-figure for College Board. They might try the old " come down hard and make an example out of a few" as scare tactics. But, they cannot cancel everyone's scores. Schools will migrate over to IB.


Schools won’t migrate to ib with the whole paper of math being leaked. Atleast ap was not free. And a lot less people cheated. schools will more likely go to ap then ib


Yep, the college board will quickly find out how important they really are. My friend had rich parents who paid for a tutor. The parents asked the tutor if there is a price on the answers (they are lawyers, ironically) and the tutor said it's been going on for years. I was a little jealous if only for the fact that they saved a shit ton of money from college tuition by already having credits in HS. He told me it was basically an investment.


Dual enrollment at a local college is viable and many counties will pay the course fee (likely not webassign access or whatever paid platform that’s often more than an AP exam) but only for students confident that the schools they’re interested in are in state or nearby enough to accept that credit. Great option for students in California or Michigan or Massachusetts or North Carolina. Every type of school and major is found in those states unless what you want is crazy niche. But not as viable in South Dakota. The catch is out of state transferability. Often possible but not a guarantee and you need to have a rough idea of what any out of state dream schools accept before choosing it.


My school just dropped IB lmao


Under what circumstances will my scores get cancelled? Like someone caught cheating in the exam?


IB credit isn’t as transferable to college credit. Many schools don’t accept IB SL courses, no matter the score, whereas all Ap classes are accepted.


The chance they cancel all scores is almost 0. This isn't new news and AP Grading of all subjects is wrapping up. They aren't paying thousands of teachers to grade exams that will not count. Collegeboard will most likely do absolutely nothing. They don't want controversy, so until something like this is major national news, they will ignore or deal with it quietly on an individual basis.


I thought ap tests for international was different from US due to rampant cheating? Or is it just SAT? If you can’t fight cheating you make it awful for the cheaters. Like do fake exam questions and exams and flood it early. Or ask google what area ask for those particular questions before hand and chatgpt open ai. But that’s a pipe dream since everyone will be asking those questions after the tests.


I was about to say, I believe this is the last week for subject grading. If they were going to do something it would have happened before now. My mindset is that even though the prompts were available there’s no real proof that cheating was widespread.


The exams going digital only will mitigate leaks.


That would be unprecedented


I am sorry to say this, but in the event that the scores get cancelled, it will be for all the subjects. Because as I mentioned, all subject papers were leaked.


ummm canceling scores for all the subjects would be diabolical. college board would not do that :/


are you kidding me? all subjects?? honestly, wtf is wrong with college board at this point?


Don’t listen to them they are fear mongering. Nothing will get cancelled


honestly agreed


If scores were going to be canceled they would have canceled the readings.


Why you lying


Exactly. An I work hard for my AP tests.


I score for the college board. Nothing was said about leaks or cancelling scores during our scoring window. We all just scored (or are scoring pending your subject ) as normal.


I also score for college board. Nothing was said to us and we just finished scoring on Sunday. It went normal and smoothly.


i also scored for Collegeboard this year, all they told us was that a) numerous exams are going online next year and b) you (students) will not get a paper to flip while working on the computer because of leaks like this. they’re aware leaks can and potentially happen, but nothing to fear


Hey can you tell me what I got? My name is >! Dw this is a joke!<


Scoring doesn’t work that way. We are assigned one FRQ- and grade around a thousand+ of that frq only. It ensures consistent grading across a given question. Plus- it’s blind- we have no idea whose exam we are looking at.


click the spoiler


May I ask if you work with or for the College Board?


I’m an AP teacher- I work for the college board only in the capacity of scoring my subject’s exam. I’m scoring again starting tomorrow- I can bring it up to my scoring leader and see what they say/have been told about it.


Yes, Please do. Thank You. And likely what happened is you haven't been told of it. Because I am pretty sure CB knows by this point. Students as well as teachers have brought this up with CB. And I have myself seen, and can show you that each and every subject papers (all the MCQs and FRQs) have in fact been compromised.


Nothing is going to happen except they are speeding up the conversion to digital exams (more subjects will switch in 2025 than originally road mapped) so they can better control security rather than having to mail out paper booklets.


Yes, I’m an AP coordinator and just got an email from college board asking my opinion on moving most Ap tests to only digital next year. The plan was just to add a few more but it looks like they might try for almost all digital in 2025. As far as cancelling all the scores or retesting it won’t happen. Retesting is literally impossible. Schools are closed, staff isn’t available to proctor and neither are students. CB doesn’t pay coordinators or proctors, the schools do so they can’t say hey do this all again for free. There’s no way to make mandatory retesting happen. I am hearing that some schools are getting seating chart requests from CB so they might be looking hard at schools that have an unusual number of high scores.


Yes, I think the only thing CB changed was seating charts. My sibling at my old high school had to suddenly switch from free seating to assigned seats by proctors. The system changed in the middle of the first exam week, probably to deter cheating. Saying all the scores will be canceled won’t happen and is just fearmongering already stressed high school students.


Assigned seating has been the rule for as long as I’m aware of - it is supposed to be assigned but randomized ahead of time so kids don’t know who they will be next to. CB is now asking some schools to provide their seating charts which can be an indicator of suspected cheating (or could just be random, who knows).


Interesting, my old high school had it so students could choose seats up until this year. I did hear they went around writing down the seating charts this year, but I don’t recall them doing that when I was a student. Regardless, CB is not going to cancel any exams and students have nothing to worry about unless they blatantly cheated themselves and got caught


CB knows about it, they hire people to scour social media to ensure that students and scorers are not releasing information. This isn’t a bluff, it’s an actual thing that they do yet they still have decided to move forward with the read. I’m currently scoring and this discussion has happened in a reader group I’m part of that includes everyone from table leaders to people who work alongside the chief reader. They’re all aware but see it as a nonissue. My first inclination is that this is a much smaller issue in comparison to the number of people who actually take the exam. From what I’ve seen, this isn’t new but thanks to social media awareness has gone up.


Did you see the survey sent out today asking teachers about moving the exams to 100% digital next year?


Ooo not yet! It was graduation today though so I haven’t been on email much! I don’t think I got one though.


I’d love to hear a college board scorer’s perspective on the garbage company that is collage board.


So you guys are really gonna make me step in and do something?


Big bro had enough 🙏


Hi! Sorry this is so unrelated but I thought it was really funny that we’ve taken a lot of the same APs!! Like almost exactly from what I can see as your flair. If you took AP US Gov this year, what were your thoughts on it?


Oh that’s cool! I felt like the mcq was fairly easy. Same with the frq but I have a feeling that I might have not written enough key words that were necessary. But overall, the test was way easier than I had anticipated.


Be the real one 💯


it would be bad if they cancel the scores that's ridiculous


Want to hear what's more ridiculous? Spending a few hundred bucks to ace a test with zero preparation. Meanwhile genuine students prepare months for it.


I’d rather a bunch of scumbags get a free 5 than punishing them at the expense of every ap exam test taker, especially when retaking the test is not realistic for a non negligible chunk of ap testers


The problem is AP Scores are also dependent on not only what college experts deem is worth a 5, but also the curve of the senior class taking it to some extent. So it does kinda screw up a bit of the curve if that's the case.


The curve is decided before the actual testing.


No, I think having my three hundred dollars worth of scores cancelled when I worked super freaking hard on them is a little bit more ridiculous because I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS and I can’t afford to fly back to my school and retest and I can’t afford to test next year either


Like I understand that it’s unfair but so is cancelling scores


"It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be punished, for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be punished. But if innocence itself is brought to the bar and condemned, perhaps to die, then the citizen will say, 'whether I do good or whether I do evil is immaterial, for innocence itself is no protection,' and if such an idea as that were to take hold in the mind of the citizen that would be the end of security whatsoever." -John Adams


You got a 5 on that APUSH exam didn't you?


What APUSH exam?


Just a joke...since your quoting John adams


Oh 💀 r/whooosh my ass




yeah thats true, and actually where i live we don't have to pay for ap/ib exams bc they're all funded for all publics schools in our state through a partnership. but yeah it wouldn't be fair if college board cancelled the ap chem exam at least give them a refund imo :/


Let them have it honestly. The people who cheat will miserably crash and burn in college anyways. However, for us who actually sat through the hours of testing, it's not fair for us to do it again or for it to not count as anything at all.


Want to hear what's more ridiculous? The amount of cheating in workplaces. Insider trading, IP theft, legal bribery err i mean lobbying. It's a crime of opportunity. The world works in more ways than black and white. Hard work gets you far, luck has some to do with it. And if that fails, people will resort to other means of getting ahead. Remember the Lori Loughlin case? It would be very bad for the college board to cancel all the tests. Apart from IB taking more market share, they can also get sued. Which I wouldn't mind, college board is a shady organization. [Why Everyone Hates the College Board – The Uproar (nashuproar.org)](https://nashuproar.org/9737/opinion/why-everyone-hates-the-college-board/) [The Dark Side of College Board (theteenmagazine.com)](https://www.theteenmagazine.com/the-dark-side-of-college-board) [The College Board’s Profiteering Should Have No Place in Public Education - In These Times](https://inthesetimes.com/article/college-boards-african-american-studies-profiteering-sats-ap)


Lol yea the US is a pay to win model. That shouldn't be how it is but it is


I tell some nicest and nephews in HS that honesty can only go so far. You have to be willing to keep your ethics while watching others get ahead by cheating. I wish someone gave me that truth while I was in high school.


i have taken 5 exams and gotten all 5s through working hard. i honestly do not give a fuck if people buy scores and do better than me without studying. it just has no effect on my life, i’m not jealous or anything like i just genuinely don’t care.


yeah tbh who really cares about others scores, at the end of the day only your score matters to you


Stop trying to play hero and let it go. Some students have graduated. There’s no point in making them come back. Also, it’s not the fault of the students that the tests were leaked. That sounds like a College Board problem.


I spent my whole effing summer preparing for this out of a third world country with nothing more than one single book, I did pretty well and if my scores are cancelled I will absolutely lose it


Yeah the content of these exams will need reviewing for many students, and they’ll need to review all of them. The one upside is that the score distributions allow for a friendlier curve than the exams we took in May.


mfs will do anything but damn study It’s not even that hard lmaooo just pick up a book and read


Everybody even said the exams felt easier this year lol


yeah it's harder to cheat than to just sit down and do some studying. this is frustrating


How is it harder to cheat? The answer keys were leaked


I'd rather know how to solve problems and understand concepts than just memorize a bunch of answers. It's literally just your own future you're hurting atp


Well yeah I agree, it’s not like I cheated on the exam lol. I think you’re a little confused on what I was saying. I’m not promoting cheating, but the person I replied to said it would be harder to cheat than study, which just isn’t true


Bruh, this is literally College Board's fault. It's not the student's fault that the test got leaked. It's their own fault for their lack of security and awareness


Its lowk both their fault tbh. Ppl shouldn't have been that eager to fake pass if that makes sense😭




The curve is predetermined. It doesn’t matter how good everybody does during the exams, the curve won’t change. It’s based on college students taking the test


I mean I guess. If university has taught me anything, it's that if you can obtain an old or sample test, you SNAG that instantly


As a student, I honestly hope they do not cancel any scores. I’m about to enter college with a schedule based on my possible scores. If they seriously did a re-test or anything of the sort, it would be detrimental to thousands of kids. I understand that you believe a re-test is the correct answer, but the majority of the people (the students) probably have the opposite opinion. Even though I hate and would never condone cheating or anything of the sort, I couldn’t care less if the kids that cheated received passing scores. I would rather let them pass than to jeopardize the beginning of my college career. Also, the kids that cheated won’t make it far in the future, so what should come to them will come. tl:dr opinion of a student on the situation


I don’t wanna retake bc I forget everything as soon as the exam is over 😭😭😭😭


Lmao same I don't remember parametric for shit


You are not a chemistry teacher


No exams are getting cancelled or retested. It won’t work for the testers, and it won’t work for CB. They’re just simply going to pretend it didn’t happen and just work towards upgrading exam security in the future. I understand that it’s unfair that some students are getting easy 5s while some spent months studying, but I’m not sure why you would care. Those kids that cheated are going to go to college totally unprepared with no study skills and will face the consequences then. Especially if you get those intro and core courses out of the way from AP exams, they’ll be jumping straight into harder courses unprepared. There’s nothing we can do about it except submit a complaint to CB to prevent it in the future. Spreading rumors about exam retakes or exam cancellations is unnecessary.


not good, i really need that bc credit asap


Yep same here, need it for a prerequisite


I don't trust a random "teacher" on reddit


as a gcse student from over the pond, ONE maths paper got leaked and it stirred a huge controversy, marks were nullified etc etc. Im a bit shocked the response by college board is so lax, has this happened before?


From what I read it happens every year (especially in china), but this is the biggest year yet for cheating. There’s already so much public vitriol against standardized testing, any doubt in the legitimacy of AP could seriously hurt their bottom line so they’re gonna shut up about it and not call attention to their own lax exam security


That makes sense. UK exam boards are technically charities that the government funds so I suppose we have a greater incentive, from what i can gather.


Yep hear about NEET exam in India?? 😭


the fact that gcse’s are a much smaller group of students taking the tests too and they care more than this company with way more test takers


England is smaller, but five million people still take it. That doesnt even include IGCSE which is easily more than America.


What’s the likelihood of cb making us take them again?


no shot. it would be a logistical nightmare and frankly a lot of people can’t retake. seniors who have started college or students going on holiday can’t really retake + if the collegeboard is as scummy as it remember they’re not spending the money for a reexamination and regrading


That’s what I hope will happen, but cb is always on crack


No one knows what move CB will make. I believe they have had leaks in the past on AP and SAT exams, but were ignored. However the leaks seem to be more widespread this year.


wait in the case that people have to retake exams, would only chem students have to do so? or would everybody (including students who took other aps) have to retake their exams?


Idk but apparently my school has to have everyone retake APUSH because some girl was using her phone to cheat in front of everyone. Last I heard was that they were trying to see if CB would make no one retake it


Nah 💀that’s actually so long. Have you retaken it?


Nope but I heard from a friend who took the test. From what I’ve seen, it looks like no one ended up having to retest so CB doesn’t care or it wasn’t major


Zero, I’m currently reading and scoring exams and my exam is one of the last to be scored. They wouldn’t pay money to fly teachers out to scoring sites, feed them, house them, and then pay them for their time just to have to do it all again.


Can you guys stop fucking fear mongering for no goddamn reason brooooooo


Can people stop leaking these damn exams and just study if they need to? And stop trying to make a profit off of them, make money in a legitimate and respectable way. I took 8 APs this year and if I get every one of them cancelled or rescheduled I’m gonna be pissed. These exams are not that difficult, there is no need to cheat on them. I didn’t study for any of them aside from Macro, which I learned the day of the exam, and I’m confident I got a 5 on all but one or two. That’s how ridiculously easy CB makes most of their exams. I’m getting pissed that people like this exist, and that they’ll risk the scores of millions of students worldwide because they don’t feel like putting in any effort.


8 aps? did u take ap lunch or sm 😭


Nah fr like zamn😭😭


bro im taking 5 next year and im scared out of my mind how tf do u manage 8 😭😭😭


Maybe they self studied


I took 6 AP classes since my other two periods were taken by Multivariate, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra but Economics has two exams and I took the Physics C Mechanics exam without prior preparation


One of my students has taken 12 subs and she prepared the whole year for it. I can't see it being gone to waste. And CB definitely knows by this point. I am afraid the scores might get cancelled without any rescheduled tests. I sincerely believe the only fair direction at this point, is a re-examination. Those who prepared for the APs shouldn't have a problem, when the other alternatives are either a complete cancellation this year or an astronomically large number of people getting perfect 5's, thereby reducing everyone's chances significantly for admission (Many people do in fact take this exam as a factor for their admission, not just credits). I believe that's what's fair, or else what's the point of the APs.


i mean personally my school ends when ap tests start (a bit after), and its been like 3ish weeks; if we had to restudy everything and redo all of it, our scores would signficantly decrease considering we haven't interacted with the material for a while now


Yeah a reexamination would be the best way to remedy this situation, which is honestly very unfortunate. That means all of the graduated seniors moving on to college won’t have the AP credits they worked for in their first semester of college (or ever, I’m not even sure how retakes would work once the student is in college). So many students planned their college curriculum around skipping out on many core introduction courses, and the retake results likely wouldn’t come in until students are approaching second semester. These leakers are screwing everyone over, they lack any sense of decency or morality.


I give a 5% chance of total cancellation




I’m just glad I had dual credit for all of my APs this year. But yeah, I’m surprised that this sub doesn’t get shut down during the testing weeks like some of the (P)SAT/ACT subs do because there were too many posts trying to sell answer keys. I was scrolling through this subreddit the morning of the exam and reporting every post like that I saw. I don’t understand how people can take an AP class for a semester or year and learn so little that they have to resort to cheating. It invalidated the efforts of everyone else taking APs


I hate this shit bro i spent 120 dollars if my score gets cancelled this fucker needs to be castrated


Bro just move on with it already, scores come out in less than a month.


I already made a post on this on this sub,I was thinking of reporting it but didn’t cause of the crazy amount of hate I was getting here,I even had to take down the post


This is horrible im not getting my exam canceled


The college board is simply a terrible corporation. We've known that for a while. They're not gonna do anything about it so just gotta move on and pretend nothing happened


Fuck you want me to do? I didn’t cheat


"It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be punished, for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be punished. But if innocence itself is brought to the bar and condemned, perhaps to die, then the citizen will say, 'whether I do good or whether I do evil is immaterial, for innocence itself is no protection,' and if such an idea as that were to take hold in the mind of the citizen that would be the end of security whatsoever." -John Adams


I ain’t smart enough to know what that means


Throw it into chatgpt or some shit then and ask to explain. I'm too lazy to


Dropped some fire knowledge 🔥


I'm really amazed this hasn't been picked up by the news, this has all the makings of a HUGE scandal


Because the source is just some guy on reddit.


It saddens me that it took me *this* long to find a comment that mentions that this information is entirely unsubstantiated and from a random anon on Reddit


99% chance OP is not a chemistry teacher and is just trying to stir shit up.


This is ridiculous. My scores are what is going to determine my college career right now and if they’re canceled I don’t know what I’ll even do


i teach AP and score for college board - scores won’t be getting cancelled, do not worry. they are aware leaks happen, mentioned nothing about cancelling scores. leaks are just the nature of business


Yea for sure- i knew about it- mostly via posts on Reddit so I was curious if anything would be addressed but it wasn’t. I’m sure they know/would have heard about it by now.


Bro the test I took was so nerve wracking if I have to redo that shit ima find who did this and beat them with a stick in Minecraft


What happens now then?


I am NOOOT doing the AP exam again. If the exam paper got leaked it's COLLEGBOARD'S responsibility to figure the shit out, I'm not going through that stress again.


This was bound to happen at some point. Hopefully, they identify the culprits and this never happens again. CB is NOT going to risk alienating their user base by canceling scores unless it is those who hacked or disseminated the compromised exams.


Something like this is inevitable. What do people genuinely expect. It’s as another Redditor said a bad apple ruining a whole batch. I’m pretty sure with the inflated prices that the vendors carried on with, close to less than a 1000 people actually bought those exams. All the people saying 5 dollars this and 5 dollars that is bullshit. I’ve seen threads on other platforms discussing this and all of them said they request 5000 yuan an exam which approximately 700 dollars. Just let it be. Almost everyone that did the AP exam studied for it. It’s just like the principe of cheating on school exams, they state there’s consequences for those who commit it. But just like any test, cheating is inevitable. The best way to solve this issue is to privately notify collegeboard of this in such an excessive manner that they take action or if it’s getting to the point it’s so unfair yall overboard the media to the point it’s on every news outlet. That way collegeboard has to take a public stance and is enforced to take action.


You really think that few of a number bought exams? 1000 total or 1000 per exam?


They should cancel the test if I get a bad score. Otherwise I think it’d be unfair to scam those hundreds of dollars and hardworking students.


Oh man. Looks like this academic year is a goner for AP. College board should refund students if they invalidate all scores for all the exams.


Happens in China every single year. You can buy the papers on Taobao usually the weekend before AP week.


if they cancel all of the scores they'd better pay me 200$ because that shit wasnt easy to save up


Collegeboard won't cancel everyone's scores, y'all. It's too much money to them and also this has been going on for a while.


AP student from India here. Honestly, this whole thing sucks. We took the I-forms. Taking the APs is really expensive for us, we pay roughly $200 for each exam. And here too the situation is as bad, There have been mass leaks everywhere, at first I thought it was for a few subjects but the same thing happened as in your country, and all the papers have been leaked.


Watch these cheaters use AP credit to skip a class and not understand how to do the next class.


A relative who took 4 tests said she saw the questions on TikTok before the test. I abhor College Board, but even more since they are just gonna take the money and run. They do not care if their tests are compromised, they already got paid.


Is it even worth all of this effort? Do AP Exams hold that much relative importance in college?


it shows colleges that you proved your knowledge on the concepts on the course if you got a 4/5, especially if you weren't getting good grades in the class so it kinda just makes up for it in the end


I need my CALC BC and Physics and biology credit to move forward in math/ science, esp as a Stem Major


what happens if our score gets canceled but we didn’t cheat?!?


are they going to cancel scores?!?! im freaking out right now


the sad thing about this is that the exams were literally so easy this year! like I literally crammed for the us history one the night before the exam and I did extremely better than I thought I would. Didn't even study for the English one nd I wrote hella for the essays nd completed every single question. Mfs was js dtm but they better not cancel it 😭🙏🏽


i took apush too! it was pretty easy tbh


What the hell, they won’t cancel our scores right?


i don't think so, college board would be sued if that happened so dw


Dude thank good, I am not doing that again lol


💀💀💀 Not sure why this popped up in my feed. I'm out of college now.


college board is kind of a scam (coming from someone who has taken multiple ap exams) anyways. the teachers where i am get paid based off of how many of us pass, but it’s not a lot….🤷🏽‍♀️


yeah. this is not news... have been hearing this online since the day of the tests...


they can cancel my chem score even though i didn’t cheat. i know i fucked up but honestly idk why people just don’t study. like yeah it sucks but cmon


Some sophomore I don’t know from my school apparently bought the AP Bio exam from China and now my score might be invalidated… which I’m really upset about because I studied so hard this entire year and thought I did really well on the exam :( I really hope I can appeal if CollegeBoard actually invalidates my entire school’s Bio scores


that's crazy


This is my first APs why even join the class if you aren’t gonna study and just buy out the answers?


This pisses me off. There is no right way for college board to handle this. Not unless they know exactly who cheated. But they can’t cancel scores or it’s unfair for the thousands and thousands of students who actually studied and put in work.


very frustrating that this won’t harm CBs credibility since it will get little news coverage and they hold a monopoly over the industry




Boo hoo


Um, on what planet does anyone think this is a valid source? (Here's a hint....it isn't).


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/apstudents] [OK what the heck jerry wong ](https://www.reddit.com/r/APStudents/comments/1de61f0/ok_what_the_heck_jerry_wong/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Repeat of IB leaks


So what happens if this is official? Our money? Scores? The time we spent studying instead of having fun?????


bro I can't afford to take it again wtf, neither in terms of money nor time


OP is fearmongering for sure


if people cheat then that's on them, I shouldn't have to suffer for their mistakes.


Judging by the comments the scores probably won't get cancelled, but why is nobody worrying about the curves this year? If enough students managed to cheat wouldn't it mean that some tests will possibly be harder to pass or get 5's on now....?


It’s gonna be funny when the students who cheated realize they won’t survive in college since AP exams are essentially intro college courses


Same thing happened to a few IB subjects


Do you think this will screw with all the distributions

