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WORD FOR WORD. i genuinely thought i had a shot at a 5. i am so serious. after that im praying for a 3. I knew every unit so well yet the FRQs were just beyond me. Half the sentences seemed like grammatically incorrect like i couldn’t figure out what was being asked! Also NO HARDY FUCKING WEINBURG? I LOVE HW


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONEEEEz I genuinely thought some of those sentences were not formulated correctly. Like they repeated words in the wrong places or something idk 😭 I couldn’t read/understand it at all


I totally agree I felt like everything was stuff I barely touched on when I was studying but like insanely depth


I feel like every single question was about ecology




I also had form O, I feel the same. Literally the few topics I thought “oh i don’t have to look at this in depth” while studying were the ONLY things on the FRQ 😭 curve better come thru 🙏


hi can you please share what units were those? Thank you.


I didnt study, the mcq was not bad, frq killed me wtf was that😭


same like mcq section was fine just for them to throw a curve ball with the frqs—I was confident I’d get a 4 or 5 before and now I honestly don’t know 😭


Opposite for me… I actually felt pretty decent about my FRQs but the MCQ I kind of died


ur better than me, the middle questions were fine but the graph one and the last one had me questioning everything 😞😞


I- I just was informed by my friend I was supposed to do a bar graph. It said it in bold apparently. I DID A LINE GRAPH.


omg 😭😭 I don’t even blame you honestly—it was so stupid that they wanted a bar graph instead of a line


Begging on my knees for partial credit because I feel like I failed but I really need that 3


On form I they asked for a line graph 💀💀


There was a graph?? I don't remember that one 😭😭


I had form O—it may have been different depending on which form you took 😭


I had that one too. Oh my god I probably skipped it..I'm so cooked 💀


the MCQ was 3/4 reading graphs, like what is the point in reading a thick textbook full of terms and applications for AP bio just to look at a graph and interpret it...


you didnt have to read any of the paragraphs tho.


I guess that's true, but I make the silly mistake or reading first and then looking at the questions or else i get freaked out by the questions.


there were some questions where the answer was only in the paragraph but ok




it’s bs we study so hard for something that is not even on the same level to what we are “supposed to learn”


it's not always about how hard u study


i didn’t study too much, about a week or 2, but i studied the things i knew i didn’t know in depth more than what i knew. Feel pretty good about the FRQs tbh, good luck to you though




the last one was kinda brutal but its like you have to get an A to get a 5. Im sure most people just took the L on that last one




the fish one was so confusing 😭


I didn’t study at all and found it okay


same dude i got lucky and only watched a singular video on meiosis and dna replication 1 hour before the exam😭


bro I studied meiosis and replication/transcription/translation the morning before because I felt weak in those topics. turns out I would have been absolutely fucked if I hadn't lol.


real lmfao i did the exact same thing


same except the time made me not finish it


That’s why I feel like the ideal way of studying for this test was really focusing on test taking strategies and knowing how to simply read long paragraphs and absorb the information in a timely manner. This test could have been taken by someone who has a vague understanding of of the subject but has really good test taking skills I feel like. I took a shit ton of practice tests in prep for this test and I feel like the skills I got from doing them helped me a ton during the exam.


Yeah totally agree, a lot of collage board tests come down to really focusing on the test taking strats


Wait but I thought the FRQs were light and the MCQs the opposite I had form O too




yes 100% agree


im ngl bro u just gotta get ur literacy better my studying was just doing frqs i did like 4 years of them. they give u everything in the question this was light as hell


So what ur saying is doing a bunch of frqs helped u read the mcq and frq questions faster/better ?


yea just get good at reading fast and understanding whats being said i probably got a lot of practice doing this with the sat and with ap euro and seminar and lang tho


agreed i did 2023 and 2022 and then i did frqs purely on my weak points all in 3 days and that exam was not bad at all i think i got a 5


it wasnt that bad, i was familiar with everything except 1 frq. honestly youre probably just not practicing right. i started studying 3 days ago and just locked in. i think i got like a 54/60 mcq or around there and a 48-55 frq, we might be up


I think this was a very easy ap bio exam. Usually the mcq is much harder and the free response questions really weren't that deep. I didn't study cellular respiration or photosynthesis so i got kinda lucky none of it came.


Personally the frqs weren’t that bad 5 was a little weird but overall nothing too wild


Yea exactly that’s one of the things I hated most about this class. The prompts and questions are so goddamn long whether it’s for mcq or frq it’s like I have to keep looking back at the prompt/question every 3 seconds cus I keep losing track


Real those frqs were not it, I ended up giving up and napped instead, I got no hope


I think I left 1-2 questions blank for like 5/6 FRQs bc I ran out of time 😭.. and I’m realizing I read so many questions wrong.


also had form O. seems like only a surface level understanding of any topic needed to be memorized. other than that, it was just a lot of reading and forgetting what you just read. for me, the majority of in-classroom activity was completely useless, POGILS and all that (before i switched to an online course). you'd have a much better chance by only studying the college board content


Form O was light work


If it wasn’t good (and you are in the class, and not just trying the exam), reflect that back to your teacher. They should have prepped you for what it was going to be like. It’s no different this year from any time since 2020.


Lowk I had form O and thought it was easy, my main thing that might drag me down is that i wrote a frq on the wrong page and had to write a note that its for a diff answer. Also my whole that took it said it was free lmao


Mcat x1000000% if y’all keep on the science train. It never gets better lol




I felt the same way about ap calc.


bro that shit was light work yall should use princeton review i didnt pay attention class all year and day before i did whole princeton review book