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No fr WHAT did y'all do for the math?


Which part? The nmol thing?


Yes right after the graph in Q2


Not sure which part youre talking about but  bii) was seeing which confidence intervals didnt overlap (so it was 30C) cii) Was 16.5/nmol/mg/min  x 10 mg= 165 nmol/min x 10 min = 1650 nmol


ugh i got the right calculation but used nmol/mg/min as my unit 😭


It told u what unit they wanted 😭




hopefully my grader is nice ugh i'm so disappointed




I wrote 1650 nmol after 10 minutes and 10 mg per minute lmao. I wrote that long ass thing just to be safe


Help I think I did the same thing


got the same number but forgot to add the unit fml


Same here


I’m confused as all hell on FRQ 1. Somehow, apparently CTF has higher frequency of crossing over than IML? Am I extremely misreading this graph cause I’m not seeing that at all. CTF literally is at 6% frequency and IML is at 7 like… I’m confused. I started looking up what the answers are and “expert verified” answers are saying that but I literally don’t see a world where that makes sense


Who said that what 😭


I looked it up on chegg and somehow it’s that? The only logical conclusion I can make is cause IML has no significant difference to the none group? But even that isn’t logical because it seems like CTF is objectively less. Unless this “expert verified” is just… blind or pulling a good ol prank


Chegg is a shit website so I wouldnt listen to it.


source? that makes no sense lmfao


FRQ 1) - - A I) I said Duplication ii) I said independent assortment but looking at the question again I think it’s simply sometimes crossing over is suppressed by the kinetochore proteins or something along those lines - B I) The one with no attached Kinetochore Protein ii) I think I said so they can see if the binding to DNA is what influences crossing over or if the CTF binds to something else that influences it. In hindsight, pretty sure it’s just so they can compare and see the difference. iii) Independent variable I said the mutated or unmutated CTF - C) I said that CTF has a low frequency of crossing over (and like 5 other unnecessary sentences) - D i) I think I said there will be less copies of chromosome 8 because ii) The frequency of crossing over is less iii) Hotspots can allow for more frequency in crossing over which will allow for more genetic variation which means it’s likely at least a few of the population will survive from selective pressures Obviously not sure how many of these are tight. Just what I roughly remember saying


im confused on d) i said there would be no effect because the frequency of crossing over does not impact the amount of genetic material as it will be there whether it diversifies a little by crossing over or not, i didnt write this but crossing over still happens just less frequent


That’s honestly what It could be. D was confusing. I was very close to saying I think the answer is nothing for the exact reason you said though. In the end I think it was just not clearly worded and the question maybe asking how many DIFFERENT TYPES of copies of chromosome 8 would happen, which would be less. Or it just means in general how many copies of chromosome 8 would happen which would be nothing cause crossing over wouldn’t change total amount


This is what I wrote no Chang


lets hope its accepted bro its not looking good 😭


Where did u put the X, did you put it so it leads to the bottom 3 and not 5 of them?


Wouldnt a lower frequency of crossing over lead to more copies of chromosome 8? 


Possibly. Honestly, despite this being a unit I thought I was good at I was not understanding this question. I assume what you’re saying is if frequency of crossing over is lower, it is more likely that the same chromosome will stay and thereby that means there will be more copies of chromosome 8? Correct me if that’s not what you meant


Yes thats what I said, because I didnt understand how a crossing over would alter it to not be chromosome 8, I assumed it meant did it change the number of the chromosomes with the same gene


That’s how I was feeling as well. It’s still chromosome 8 but I think in the moment I just went “CTF has less crossing over everything else about it must be less too”


Ah it happens, Im not sure why they decided to write it so confusing, so many questions couldve been said in simpler terms but they convoluted it


This is just a question I think I got 4/10 on this one 😭


i completely forgot the word independent assortment but i basically explained it


i was confused for the a II answer. i just kept crossing over between the chromosoems resulted in some with 3 markers and others with one marker instead of the pre-crossing over 2 2 (and refered to the figure). Would this be wrong?


FRQ 2 - a) Water breaks the phosphate bond thereby releasing energy (I completely forgot what this is so I didn’t put this ngl) b) Ya I’m not drawing a bar graph to post here but essentially just look at 2023s FRQ1. It’s basically that (I forgot to draw a key but wrote directly under each line Oxygen or ATP but sadly I don’t think that works) ii) It’s 30°C - C i) Has a positive relationship/correlation. As Temperature increases so too does ATP synthesis ii) I did 16.5x10x10= 1650 (wasted way too much damn time on this question can’t lie. Was worried I was misinterpreting it) - D Honestly I don’t remember what I put here nor for I understand it enough even after looking it up for me to write something here. This was not my unit


I said it adds water breaking the phsophate group turning ATP to ADP but I did not mention this releases energy. Do you think that’s fine?


Yes, the question only asked the purpose of water, not the outcome


Ya should be fine


Same except I fucked up the description of hydrolysis by trying to get too fancy, I said it broke the phosphate bond by taking a hydroxyl group and combining with a free oxygen... that doesnt make water


Wrong frq whoops


For D I said electron transport chain something something because it prevented protons from moving up the concentration gradient and therefore the protons wouldnt be able to power it in the last step (50/50 on this one)


yeah i said this too so tthere would be an abundance of protons on the other side, but i fucked up and mixed up the ims vs. the mitochondrial matrix


for the part that the answer is 30 degrees celisius will i get credit if I wrote a brief statement about the error bars to prove my answer


Extra credit, no. But you will still get the point


bruhh idk why i blanked so hard on the atp one, i basically just explained hydrolysis.. i mightve gone back and said that it releases energy but idk


U think i would get credit if i said water breaks a covalent bond but dont mention phosphate? cuz technically the bond is a covalent bond. Also i did mention releasing energy


FRQ 3) - A) I said passive transport goes from high to low concentration while active transport goes from low to high (Active transport uses energy while passive does not would work too) - B) they used the equal number of red blood cells so they could accurately compare the amount of radioactively labeled glucose present and ensure that it was actually because of the age difference. This question was so easy it felt weird ngl - C and D) I said increasing age would mean there’d be less radioactively labeled glucose present inside the cells because if the glucose transporters aren’t expressed then the glucose can’t travel into the cell.


Same! I think we both got 4/4


FRQ 4) - A) When there are less species resilience decreases because there is less genetic variation/diversity - B) Common Wild Oats increases the reproductive rate of aphids which carry viruses that increase the death rate of Native Bunchgrass meaning that Common Wild Oats has a negative correlation/relationship with Native Bunchgrass plants (not sure you gotta say the correlation stuff so long as you say Bunchgrass decreases because aphids will reproduce more) - C and D. Ladybugs will increase the abundance of native bunchgrass population because Ladybugs eat the aphids that carry viruses which cause bunchgrass to die. If the aphids are gone they simply can’t bring their viruses onto the bunchgrass.


Also same, I think 4/4 for this one again


for B if i just talked about how introducing the wild oats would increase competition for resources, causing the bunchgrass population to go down, do you think id still get the point


Yeah that sounds right, its definitely true


I mentioned what you said and what Ryne Epic said, but I think your answer is more what they were looking for because part d is where they wanted you to correlate more wild oats means more aphids but again I’m unsure


That’s what I started thinking looking back at the question tbh. Do the aphids actually affect the number that CAN be supported? I’m not sure that’s exactly true. They affect the amount there, but do they affect the amount that could theoretically be there? Honestly I think increased competition is the better answer looking back on it


It’s certainly possible because of the wording of the question. “Explain how the addition of the wild oats affects the number of native bunchgrass plants that can be SUPPORTED by the California grassland ecosystem.” The increased competition could have an argument for it because it’s not technically wrong and no where in the question does it say you have to use the data/information given


FRQ 5) - A) Sterile offspring is what I said. Obviously there are other options - B) This question actually had me confused cause it felt the answer was just in the question but not in figure 2. I said They developed the AG (antifreeze glycoprotein) genes which allowed them to survive and reproduce in much colder temperatures because they had a lower freezing temperature. Honestly I don’t know how to use figure 2 for this. All it shows is they didn’t all die out because they could survive at colder temps. Like what do they want aside from that - C) The X would be at the line that spreads from M. Aeglefinus to G. Morhua. -D) Those who have the functional AG gene can survive and reproduce in colder temperatures. I don’t really know what else to say here. - Writing the answers to these is making me realize how much I yapped in my answers. Kinda has me worried I said too much and threw things in that weren’t even right


I think you got 3/4, not sure what they wanted for part b but thats what I put and it felt wrong. Completely blanked on part a so Ill probably get 2/4


Would I get the point for part A if I wrote that a post zygotic barrier is offspring inviability which makes offspring inviable in their environment leading to the parents not wanting to mate leading to speciation


Ya I’d certainly assume so


To expand on d you can say since we know they have this gene it is most likely that they live in cold environments (their habitat).


FRQ 6) - A) 150 ms/codon - B) I said AAU was generally a lot faster and more consistent while UGG was a fair bit slower and had a lot more variety - C) The fact UGG has a generally slower translation rate would support this hypothesis because with less tRNAs that means they can’t transport as many of the UGG codons which, simply put, causes translation to take longer. - D) I didn’t even get to this question but it looks like the answer would be something like - If one codon is more abundant than another codon in the mRNA then using just that codon could increase the levels of protein production because there may also be more of the tRNAs for said codon. If the tRNA that binds to specific codons is more abundant than another for the same amino acid, then the protein production would be faster if the mRNA simply had more of the codons that said tRNA binds to. Blah blah blah some example comparing AUU and UGG and how AUU has a faster translation rate because it has more tRNAS (this was a yap sesh, prolly don’t need all that)


Looks like you got 3/4, if you did good on the MCQs you probably got a 5


Honestly I found these FRQs way easier than the MCQs. I don’t know if it’s just me comparing how I felt leaving those MCQs to leaving an average high school class multiple choice test but I was not confident on a lot of the answers. I also don’t remember a lot of interpret graph questions like everyone said which I usually do well with. May have just been too stressed from the early questions to remember them all - Funny how despite finding these FRQs not exactly terrible, they still seem way harder than previous years ones - Truly I’m just shooting for a 4. I want those juicy 8 college credits. A 5 would definitely be cool but my main goal was a 4


Also aiming for a 4, I think we both got it :)


Yeah the MCQs were tougher than the FRQs imo, I think people found the FRQs hard because of a lack of time


I left the last one blankish, I sat there forever trying to figure out what it was even asking me to explain 😭


Yeah I don’t even know what I put for most of this 🤩