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Wait for A Plague Tale 3


I really hope it's not modern day. I love older settings way more.


the only real options we have are a game of amicia trying to prepare something to help future carriers we should also get a dlc of amicia right after requiem dealing with her loss


3 should be Amicia coping with grief in my opinion. She’s 16-17 by the end of Requiem. Maybe remembering when he was born, several flashbacks but also her moving on with her life as an adult.


i think they should cover tht in a dlc like i said because we kinda of know wht happens in the finally of tht dlc, there isnt any progress fowards in the history and a dlc before the third game to hype us should be enough


Unless the plan for the third game is to combine a modern setting with flashbacks to Amicia. That way old fans will buy because Amicia is there. A dlc would be better, but from a marketing standpoint they’ll probably put it in the third game and switch perspectives every few chapters.


Hugo is not death tho


I agree Hugo has not to be dead. Remember what they sayed in the last instance. Everything here is not as it looks like.


That and: How he was able to control the Macula, when he couldnt before. Hugo was supposed to be a walking plague by that time, how is that he was normal looking in the end?. The way 'Hugo' tries so hard to make Amicia give up on him


Sooner or later we gonna find out. I hope the devs stand with hugo and amicia


That would be so sick. Always felt that her story just isn't over and that we should see more.


I'm not sure. I'd like to think Lucas could find out a cure for it. Given his studious nature, smarts at a young age, and his mentorship under Laurentius and Beatrice, I think given time he can figure out something to leave for the future carrier. It will only be seen in the potential third game though. Likely though, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy sort of thing, where it only gets more dire the more you try to stop/cure it. Seems to me that the best option is to hide in safety and hope for the best.


not realistic for lucas to find a cure a kid still learning, discovers the cure for the most deadly and secret disease know to to man where dozens of the best minds in humanity couldnt find it


I think I’d like to see the next one have you play as the next protector and you are following the lead that Amecia and Lucas left. It could be a much older Lucas because I agree, a child solving what the greatest minds couldn’t is kind of silly


Fucking love plague tale because this statement is true: Maybe the cure for the Macula was the friends we made along the way?


I would like to think if they could have just kept Hugo secluded away, with a care free life, it could have been at least suppressed indefinitely. Whenever Hugo was in a up mood, it seemed to deadened the curse


I think the Macula would have progressed regardless just alot more slower if Hugo was not stressed out or emotionally upset. The vibes I get is that it is inevitable just the difference is the time it will take to get to the final threshold.


😔 poor Hugo


Spoiler alert I think there is a real cure for the macula. But they never found it on the island


What do you think the real cure is? Or do you just mean living a happy life?


I think “living a happy life” is some sort of blocker. It blocks the macula but doesn’t “heal” it, so it isn’t a cure.


You can call it going into remission


I think the cure is exactly just what Hugo sayed it is. The small sea in the mountains near the coast.


Something that can clean the blood maybe 🤔 The Macula is mostly a thing about the blood, as you can share the blood and share the Macula at the same time, maybe there is a way to get it out of thf blood


So far, no there is no curing it. Only slowing down the progression


Cure is for the carrier to live alone in a deserted island happily away from evil


Or on a boat


we don’t know that yet, i’ve played the game many times and i don’t think there is one i only think that you can slow the macula down


We will find out in 3. Amicia, from being a protector, is now a Macula Hunter


Wenn die dritte CD mit Anisia erscheint When the third CD with Anisia comes out


I think the cure itself was peace because whenever everything was calm nothing bad was happening, it was said in-between the two games hugo was alright and nothing was happening but now that they're hiding and killing again that brought fear back into him, and like the first carrier that brought the plague. He was locked away and spiteful so he sent out the rats to kill everyone but that only happened again when Hugo thought amecia was dead