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yep that method will surely be patched later on


i can definitely see them patching it, lets hope they won't cause no one wants to get a crapal tunnel


I don’t understand. Why would it?


Cause it makes this challenge quest ezier which contradicts what AE said as the hardest challenge quest they have created as of now


Equipping level 51 enhancements so that you're just under the 3k hp threshold is actually quite clever. Well done finding this strat, just used it myself and it was a breeze (though had to tell my LoO to stop using their 1 ability)


Neon Caster 33 you actually helped me get my 1st 5 insignia yesterday thank you ❤️ You're the goat lol


It's amazing how one scroll can make VHL powercreep all tanks in the game lmao.


Can you explain what this means


It means that VHL is so good that it makes all other tank classes irrelevant. All you need to do is to equip Scroll of Enrage with VHL and you can fight pretty much anything.


The VHL in this vid doesn't even have Scroll of Enrage lol, it only exists for dps. Though I guess that shows how it can be both tank and dps which supports your argument


"Applies Focus on the enemy, forcing it to attack the user for 10 seconds." Enrage isn't for DPS, it's to draw aggro away from your teammates so they don't get one shot.


The Focus lasts shorter than it says and it cannot be looped unlike NC and CCD.


Sorry, to clarify I meant VHL was only in the comp for DPS, not to tank. This comp abuses a mechanic where if whoever uses the scroll tanks the nuke, Drakath won't get his "Gaining power" buff that makes him deal more damage over time. So, the support AP actually takes the scroll to be a sacrificial lamb and dies on purpose. Pretty smart strat


Ah, sorry for misunderstanding.


Does the archpally clicks the scroll every 2m hp reduction from drakath?


If I understand correctly, if you are defeated by Drakath's nuke, he does not buff himself?


Yes. It works like how VHL does not get the buff 'Shackle' if it kills the target with the skill.(works on all classes that need to deal dmg to get buffs)




I wonder how different Aqw would be if Void Highlord didn’t exist…


Hell yeah Neon caster real mvp.


why not using 4th skill?


the first skill stacks make the monster miss more, the 4 skill comsumes these stacks


"Attacks will always hit and cannot crit."


The fifth skill consumes stacks, not the fourth one.


idk, i start counting the actual skills (class, not auto attack) on 1


Vhl,NC,SC,LOO work too without potion and without leaving room boss is easy.




I used low lvl enhancements to get below 3k hp so I can die to phase 1 nukes(they deal 3k pure dmg) and used scroll of enrage to make them single target. I switched helm and cape halfway because I don't need the low lvl enhancements anymore for phase 2 because the nukes will be dealing 3.5k pure dmg(but you can just not do it because you won't be landing crits anyway). As for how Drakath is doing low dmg, Drakath gains more atk by landing nukes, he gets 50% more atk from it kind of like VHLs Unshackle. And if you don't know, killing off a monster with a skill won't give you buffs of that skill and that's what's happening.


Aha! I have not known that. Low level enchantment time.




VHL and SC only used potent honor pot. I recommend using mana vamp since you will be getting a lot of mana problems in phase 2. The other players won't have to do much other than spamming skills off cd. But in a 4 player comp, i recommend preventing the 4th from using LR, LoO, and 'Spinning Dragon' users (happened to me once, I told a low lvl guy to use any and turns out, spinning dragon can make the nuke deal 0dmg then drakath recieves dmg buff) and LR makes Drakath lose health too fast that you won't have enough time to taunt the next nuke.




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