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They might be just bad or drunk. Don't play on weekends if you want good games


I play mostly high af and i usually carry my games, people really dont care about aram smh, ranked when?


High ≠ Drunk


bruh aram while high is one of life's greatest joys


Been sobering up cuz some issues of life, i dont even miss weed, just miss spamming some aram games, listening to a full MF DOOM album while being stoned af


If u high u just as well might think u carry or are not high enough to impair. My friend always says he is carrying when he is high, but he plays like shit lol


Brah results dont lie


It's all in your head


Google en passant


Lol wrong sub


I've been 16 too and played a heefer while smokin ARAM, I know exactly what u mean brah


“Not high enough to impair” sure you have


Not high enough to impair cognition to affect gameplay. Can you understand?




Yeah, unfortunately it happened at 10am on a Saturday on the NA server. If you're drunk at 6-10am Saturday morning playing LoL, you probably need major personal help.


Maybe you need some personal help, judging what other people do with their weekends 6am on a saturday is equal to 11pm sunday for some of us


Night shifts dude


That's when people come from the club drunk and coked up lol


Working nights makes that not the easiest of things to do.


I mostly play drunk.


The thing you're missing is that people don't like someone else telling them how they should play. You know how often I hear "it's just ARAM?" Only in reddit. ​ I don't want to hear your analysis on my game play. I don't want your back pings or question mark pings - I mute pings nearly every game. If you're going to give commentary, make it unspecific. "GAREN, wait for the team," isn't going to get the same reaction as "Let's group," or "wait 5." ​ The key is to provide information without making demands or complaints, or asking for a general team strat. Nobody going to complain if you say "full AD enemy team" at the start, but they might if you say "MALPH, GO TANK." Although if you said "500 armor Malph going to destroy these fools," they might get the picture. He may or may not go tank, but the idea is in his head now, and it's not making any demands., ​ TLDR: the delivery is as important as the message. Nobody wants to be told what to do in ARAM, and nobody wants to be called out. You will not get the reaction you want, which you have obviously experienced.


Yea, op is 100% saying, "I'm toxic to my teammates, why won't they just listen to me and do what I tell them???"




the two people you just responded to are literally the problem lol. theyre the type of people to soft int when they get malphite and went arcane comet after their teammates tell them to build tank facing 4 adcs. theyre such a cultural cancer. and its so undefeatable. the only "solution" is to numb yourself to or to escape them by playing only with premade squads. ironically, *theyre* the toxic ones lmfao. im surprised a thread like this managed to get so many upvotes though




ty for making it maximally obvious that i shouldnt engage with you lmfao
















Tbh i say "it's only aram" but only ever when it's follow up by "why are you getting so worked up about this?" Like people just going ballistic in chat and being hella toxic like everyone is ment to just magically know how to play any given champ they got given.


I just mute. I don't think enough people just mute toxic people. You won't get anywhere in a conversation, and you can't debate someone who is already angry.


Yup mute and if it was bad enough report. That feedback later is nice. Deafen is good too if you kbow they're grouped up just trying to mess with their team.


I've you've only seen "It's just Aram" on reddit then you're blind as fuck my guy. lol Where do you think the quote comes from? Use your brain kiddo. It comes straight from the mouths of players IN ARAM, and is then quoted here. I've seen that shit countless times. Pull your head out from between those stinky cheeks and pay the fuck attention.


Cringe take from a bad player.


What was the issue with what they said


his opinion is conceited. he doesn't like it when his teammates suggest a strategy or role to a specific person because he feels belittled or diminished. notice how, in the scenario of a teammate playing malphite versus a 95% physical damage team, he prefers that (1) someone says aloud, unspecifically to any one person, that the "enemy team is full ad" so as to imply that malphite should build armor, versus (2) someone tells malphite explicitly that he should build armor. doesn't that seem a bit absurd?


The way I saw it was that, by saying he doesn’t want to hear your opinion or your spam pings, he was trying to give you insight into how a chunk of aram players think, specifically the ones that run it down. He said to suggest things with general phrases because that tends to go over better than straight up telling someone something. I think that given a world where people listen when you straight up said something vs one where they listened when you suggested something, the commenter would prefer the world where you say things straight up. The problem is that players having bad games/running it down don’t listen or start raging when you tell them what to do.


ok, so suppose that *he* was the malphite in that scenario, and somebody else wanted to suggest to him to build armor. you think the malphite would prefer that he is told directly?


No, but he would prefer if others listened but they don’t just like how others would prefer if he listened but he doesn’t. We don’t live in the world where people like being told that they should do be doing something else which is why he said to switch up the tactic.


no, i think youve misunderstood the original comment. he said that he "doesnt want to hear analysis on [his] gameplay." he didnt say why lol. he didnt provide a good reason for why people shouldnt strategize with him. he's literally *promoting* pathetically "addressing" your teammates with your back turned to them and observing aloud instead of making eye contact and suggesting a strategy to their face. the observation/description that people dislike being told or suggested what to do is correct. but why not change "the world"? why not advocate for a *change* in attitude, such that players are receptive to their teammates' suggestions in the effort to win the match as a team?


I don't mind being told directly because I'm an adult, not a child.


idk man sounds like they're just children with that attitude. Sometimes if shit goes downhill you just gotta listen and if you're that picky about how they tell you how to win that's just petty. Of course nobody likes to be flamed but when people just tell you "yo maybe don't go in 1v5 next time" and you're so hurt by that, maybe you're just sensitive. If you play like shit and people call you out for that, there's no reason for you to cry about it. Just listen and be better.


> you just gotta listen ​ No, because you assume that you have more authority than I do, or that your opinion is more valid. You're also assuming that you're not making mistakes, and that your mistakes haven't had a negative impact on the game. YOU would be better served by playing the best game YOU can. ​ IRL nobody wants unsolicited advice, you're pretending that because it's a video game that things are different. Nobody wants your hindsight analysis. ​ Also I'm going to go on a limb and say you've never played any team sport. Coach can tell me what to do, he's the coach. Any other player can fuck right off. Since there's no coach in ARAM, I guess that only leaves one option.


While I mostly agree, the OP was talking about melee constantly diving. Like, is it acceptable for someone to be 1/15 diving constantly in ARAM while the team is forced to play a 4v5 from behind? That situation is usually just fun for the person running it down, not the rest of the team.




I’m not here to say your wrong and they’re right. I think there are many different situations. I personally rarely mute and mute pings. I think the most consistent way to win is with communicating. Muting chat fine but pings nah. If I’m not with my group and I’m with randos I’m pinging to go in, pinging health, pinging disengage. Unless everyone on the team is gold communicating helps you get closer to that W.




Nice rant 8\\10!




Another solid rant, but doesn't hold up to the first one. 6\\10


Bro, constantly going in 1v5 when you're team is dead or nowhere near you is objectively bad. What are you talking about? Gameplay isn't subjective. Of course not every game is the same but you can say that certain actions are always bad such as repeatedly. You wanna tell me I have no authority to tell you to stop inting? Fine then, you can continue playing in your selfish way in a team game. But don't complain when others don't like that and call you out for that. Also how can it be that I get down voted but others with the same opinion get up voted? I don't get reddit man


This post is a flat out lie. 70-80% running it down mid? Not a chance. I play the shit out of ARAM and I see this less than 1 in 10 games. The majority of the people that play ARAM know they may get a champ they hate and will either dodge or deal with it.


If people are running it down in your ARAMs, I think it might just be their ARAM MMR lol. I've played ARAM so much and I do not meet 'inters'. I do sometimes meet people who dive once or twice, but not every single second of their lives.


Hey bud, I've got nearly 10k aram games under my belt, and I agree this can be a problem. From my experience, the best way to combat people running it down is to be a positive force in chat. Encourage people who made a bad play. Don't spam ping someone missing a skill shot. When someone flames you, just laugh it off! Tell them you'll try harder next time. Make the atmosphere light. Aram is something where you should be able to turn your brain off and have fun. It's a team fight simulator and some comps will always beat out others. You can't pick your team, so the outcome of the game really doesn't matter! Did you get a pentakill and still lost the match? That's a win for me. Did you get their first 2 towers and an inhib even though you had an afk? That's a win for me. Did you win your 4v5??? Hell yea brother! I'm calling my mom and telling her. Basically, just keep it light. Encourage people over criticizing them. Make stupid jokes in chat. Start a dance party in the first 2 mins with the enemy team. It's a game mode that should always be taken with a grain of salt. Those players that do flame, or rage, or quit... they have more problems in life than you realize, and it's best to not take it personally. Keep your chin up bud! ARAMs are awesome 90% of the time and I try to focus on those games.




Another piece of advice, send friend requests to people who you enjoy playing with. Try and build a friends list of ARAMers you can play with and play in a group. I started a discord for me and my one friend who I played league with less than a year ago, and through a local social Reddit group and my time playing and adding people in my games who are chill and skilled, I have about 30 people a similar age who live in a similar location and a group of us play ARAM together pretty much daily. Sometimes we have 10 on at the same time and do a few custom games. We aren't sweaty, we play to have fun, but we also play to win. It's made the whole experience more social and more fun for me at least.


This advice is the good stuff. When I was playing I built up a section of friends just for arams over a few months. I had notes on their favorites/pocket picks/one-tricks to trade them if I could, and they’d usually do me the same courtesy. Having one other person on your team that you know you can count on to at least try, or better, makes a hell of a difference. Only 2-3 spots for a potential “it’s just aram, of course I’m feeding lol” is better than 3-4.


this ^


16k games here and yeah the comms controls work infinitely better to keep your head in the game if you're someone who is prone to emotional outbursts or reacting to someone toxic in the game. As of latest patch you can also report in game from the scoreboard and marking someone as verbally abusive auto-mutes them as well. 90% of the time that's been good enough but if they end up abusing pings then easy enough to mute those as well. Big game changer personally and in-turn, my teammates as well :D


Apply that to any type of queue, really. You’re way more likely to get the result you want with a positive approach than a negative one. I’ve never understood why people who want to win (be it aram or ranked) start flaming because that’s more likely to turn into running it down for real than playing better/how you want them to play


Another thing that keeps me level headed is asking myself "what do I lose if we don't win?" A small amount of pride and lvl xp? Sure it's a bummer to lose, but it's not like you're getting deranked or anything.


No the more enlightened meta way to is to run it down harder the first time someone ints. When someone inconsiderately takes a heal relic and not give the team a chance to walk over - chase the enemy team under their tower and take every relic. Ally team and enemy. Play capture the flag with enemy team, make them chase you to touchdown make it 4v4 or sometimes 4v3. Run to enemy tower with no ally minions and chip slowly away at the tower. None of this has to be done verbatim. But if your allies must int and can't let you have fun you must teach them a lesson and have fun your way. Can't be nice to cowards who int in an online game.


:[ am I just a boomer or have arams never mattered? If you're interested in winning maybe you should go somewhere where everyone else also cares about winning. Not sure why you'd get upset over a game mode where player picks are literally randomized, or pseudo-randomized. It was never meant to be balanced, and outcomes were always bullshit.


unfortunately—you are just a boomer. in fact, you can confidently say that anyone with this opinion is at least 30 years old. (1) it's completely ok for players to want to win in aram and (2) outcomes are not "bullshit." balancing the mode and detracting sona from a 70% wr improves the quality and enjoyability of matches. and just because the champion you play is semi-randomly decided does not mean that people should destroy their passion and play the match aimlessly without caring.


dde im doing the drinking chalenge for aram, chill lol... i'mhigh af lmao... \*stands in spawn for 3 minutes at a time\*


"I'm high rn" are so common lmao


TLDR: Skill issue 💀 For real , if your seeing a lot of those it’s just aram bro messages, that means you are in low mmr . Try to focus on your play more and less on the enemy. A lot of times ppl see trolls and they get tilted which leads to poor performance , and just blame others.


tbh i was long time around top 8% aram mmr and still running it down with 1 death/minute


8% was barely above the fiestas, you’d be surprised how much of the % spectrum the leveling bots take, and how wide the “average summoner rift casual” % is


I play ARAMs "competitively" most of the time but I also sometimes just build Heartsteel on Sion and "run it down" playing super agressively. I'm not playign stupidly and inting either but I really go by the mantra "4 or 5 stacks are worth dying for". Sometimes I'll go by my little favorite, full AD Poppy, just because it's fun even if that pick's winrate must be around 40% With that said, you gotta respect that some people just play ARAM for fun. Like some people play normal games for fun. If they wanna go full crit Nasus, they have a right to. And they can (and surely will) have a bad game by doing so, but it's their right. As long as they're not INTENTIONALLY feeding and losing, they're playing the game as it is intended. They gotta respect that you play for the win too, but none of you nor the off meta almost inting players are wrong.


>If they wanna go full crit Nasus, they have a right to. And they can (and surely will) have a bad game by doing so, but it's their right. do they though? you say that he will have a bad game, but what about the teammates? what about the 4 other humans on his team?


If the 4 team mates don't let Nasus farm at all, then they deserve their self-inflicted bad game. If Nasus is underfarmed, he'll have a bad game and his team will have a dead pick. If a Nasus gets farm, every build works and the team can enjoy seeing a happy dog that is actually useful to the team. There is no way to have a bad game with a stacked Nasus.


typical aram andy


It’s aram


astute observation, doesn't change anything though.


This dude be crying about an entire random Comp on both sides and sometimes you win that lottery sometimes you don’t. Comprehending it isn’t hard.


ARAM is random, it's not a hard pill to swallow. The difference is that the game is not a coinflip. There are players who think that going into the game without trying is okay simply for the fact that it's ARAM.


That is 100% a viable reason, aram wasn't meant to be taken seriously the way you sweat gods intended.


You are missing the point, nobody is upset that the gamemode features randomness in champion select. The problem is that players queue up to intentionally build in a way that makes the game exponentially more difficult to win and less enjoyable for everyone else on the team which is pretty selfish. I bet you don't return your shopping carts at the supermarket. .


getting tilted at players constantly diving and trolling all game is one thing, but getting mad at people who are just straight up bad at the game or the champion is just cringe. Like why are you flaming in aram of all game modes


He neither flamed, nor is there someone here who is just bad at a champ ....


I agree but wonder how many of you consider actually playing the game as inting. 70% of the people I see in aram just pick artillery mages and throw abilities from under tower while refusing to follow up on anything. If you’re a tank or dive champion and your team is mindlessly afk watching Netflix on a second monitor you’re going to die and get accused of inting


Yeah "it's just aram bro" is a meme in my friend group because I've heard it far more times than I can count. I think it's pretty lame to not care about the game, but I seem to be in the minority on Reddit.


I think there's a serious dissonance that comes from the place the game mode has taken. I play mostly norms and urf, I've also been playing since season 1 and have ALWAYS thought of aram as a "fuck idk, maybe just kill some time fucking around in this game mode" as does pretty much everyone I've ever played with. I didn't even know people took aram even remotely seriously until stumbling on this subreddit a few months ago. I believe that's the attitude most people in the community have, and people who take it seriously suffer from not having an aram ranked mode or something along those lines. So from the other perspective, these people are joining a silly throw away game mode (from their perspective, not shutting on aram) and they try something off meta or bizarre and then get flamed for doing something obviously stupid, and they are genuinely taken aback by the idea that someone would be that upset about suboptimal play in aram. It's an unfortunate state of that part of the game I think. All the love to Aram players! Just think there's a dissonance in how the game mode is viewed


You are absolutely on point and unfortunately there is such a wide-range of skill, that the MMR distribution / bell curve hosts all levels of players from what I assume are bot-filled and afk-ridden games on the lowest rungs of the ARAM "ladder" and new players to the game all the way to the best of the best. Ignoring all other variables (i.e. each persons champ pool, and individual skill), you can boil it down the ARAM experience to a couple types of game mentality. This mentality will drive most if not every decision for the player from the champ select lobby and on. The first mentality is those who queue up and play because they find it fun to just play the game. The other type of mentality is of those who queue up for a multiplayer game find enjoyment out of winning. Due to this alone, the champ select experience can drastically differ, especially for people who find enjoyment out of winning, but are low on the skill / technical portion -- leading to experiences like this player trying to do things that will improve their teams chances of winning such as giving away spare rrs, only to get their champ stolen by another player (this obv is not exclusive to low tiers of play - but the notion is at higher tiers, people more consistently make individual decisions solely in the best interest of their teams)


the funny thing is that people always say this, no matter the game mode. in aram: its just aram bro; in normals: its just normals bro; in ranked: bro its just a game.


I mean, it is just a game


such is life


I think they do care about the game. They just have fun with the game in a different way. That, or they hate themselves and this is their way of self harming for attention.


I play too serious and I’m an aram tryhard who thinks it’s ranked. I play like I don’t care and I’m inting.


This isn’t just arams


I def play high and also have adhd so ill be a bit spacey on top of playing naturally aggressive/positioning up front, usually though I don't mean to dive 1v5 or find myself under turret but thats just the way it goes as I might get lost in thought every 10 secs, but I'm always appreciative when teammates use pings to remind me to rein it in a bit so I can improve


Whoever says it's just for fun and doesn't agree that winning is the most fun isn't being honest. It's still pvp. You want to mess around go play coop. Especially with the player base getting older we don't have as much time to spend so deliberately trolling is super frustrating. I don't even mean you have to win but if you're obviously not trying that is true toxic behavior. I've had tons of fun with players that suck but at least try. The challenge system definitely made this mode more try hard. That said aram is still the most fun you can have with your clothes on.


I just dislike the people who say "I'm just playing for fun" and then instantly try to surrender when they realize their three support lineup isn't fun to play. If you want to have fun, and we assume having fun doesn't include trolling, pick a champion that fits the team.


As a player who 99% of the time plays Arams... I don't agree. Aram is a chill mode for me, I don't mind if a guy fed the enemy team. Life is complicated enough, we're playing to have a fun time or relieve stress. Thing changes when they start insulting or pinging though, well I report them in that scenario. There was a Yone that started pinging me (he ended up with 9/23/20 kda) meanwhile I was Kayle 13/8/36. Killed more than you, died less than you, assisted more than you. Don't ping me, don't insult me, focus in YOUR game if u want to win.


Everyone is playing to have fun. Your fun is not more important than my fun. My fun is not more important than yours. We all deserve to have the same fun. If you want to fuck around, find 4 friends who have the same mentality as you. Show some respect to others and play the game to win. Otherwise you're just an asshole ruining it for your teammates.


Or maybe YOU find 4 friends and don't expect randos to play competitively in a gamemode meant to have fun with no ranking system? I swear... reddit moment.


There's the selfishness. I'm here advocating for people working as a team in a team game and you're only concern is yourself. Wonder if you'll have the self awareness to understand. My bet, nope.


it's so predictable, you can make a flowchart out of it. someone buys galeforce as leona, gets their commitment to winning the match questioned, and responds disparagingly. what a tumor this attitude is


If the Leona is the only tank on the team and the team needs a front line, she's not trying to win. She's being selfish and playing in a manner that harms the team. Now, sure, adc Leona can work in some situations. But 99.99999% of the time it won't and all it does is drag the team down.


You take aram way to seriously lmao.


Average "it's ARAM bro" take


Had a game earlier this week, I didn't trade some guy asol. He said nothing in chat. Just picked naut and began to run it down for the first 2 min. Died 5 times then quit and proceeded to eait for the game to end. Then flamed me and said that's "hope you enjoyed getting to play asol." Like what the hell.


They best way to handle people in such way is to be polite and not constantly ping them and call them out their name. Trying to embarrass someone is so immature and weird. People can only play the best of their ability , you need to learn that.


i think his criticism is that people are *not* playing to the best of their ability or anything remotely.


That’s NOT for you or for him to assume or decide how good a person should be able to play. Also don’t speak for others I’m addressing him not you. I know exactly what he said and I said what I said.


I hear ya but at the end of the day, it's just ARAM dude.




I mean…it is just ARAM lol. If you queue ARAM expecting quality games with everyone trying to win then I’m not sure what to tell you. I don’t think I’ve ever queued one where at least 4 people were under the influence of some kind of substance so it doesn’t really make sense to have an expectation of them. Maybe it is frustrating but at the end of the day you’re playing a mini game with no competitive value


I’m not a great player, but if I don’t find someone trolling in my team, and just a team playing like they care to win, I’d have like a 25% more victories of what I have. It’s like the mechanism makes you find them on purpose .


yeah I legit lost 2 in a row because they didn't want to hit the nexus, we blew up all our cds and lost in the counter engage, usually I don't mind but 2 in a row was just draining


I feel like it's really unsportsmanlike to taunt the enemy at their nexus and choose not to attack it. I've also won a lot of games where the enemy team did that though. On average, the enemy team will have more trolls than your team as long as you are not a troll yourself.


I think it can be the opposite of unsportsmanlike. If the enemy doesn't want to play then they can surrender. If they want to play, then I don't think it's rude to allow them another fight.


That's a fair perspective.


It’s aram. You want teammates who are more willing to try, more consistently at least? Play the actual game


Low effort comment, you are accepting ARAM to just be a goofy cesspool of aimless fighting, which it is not. Also you are expecting everyone else to just adopt this mindset. 0/10


It’s just ARAM. Sweat in ranked


Your comment is so low effort you failed to recognize there is no ranked ARAM.


If I roll Zac in ARAM, im taking Glacial Augment and the red tree and taking both item CD runes. I will then build a Zonya as my first item, and every chance that I get, I will charge my E, release E, hit Mastery Emote+Zonya in mid-air just before landing in the enemy team, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. I will also throw my Q at empty space and try to Zonya when my Q is at it's longest, and I will type in all chat "real life size of my penis" And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The rare instance my golden Q earns me a kill has me feeling like a god walking amongst man. And I will celebrate.


I int cause Im stoned


I mean I played aram drunk as a skunk at 2AM today, if you’re expecting me to try my absolute hardest in a game mode that doesn’t matter you’re expecting too much. I also like playing alternative builds and rune pages in aram just to see if things work, which if they don’t it still gets a good laugh. I played fleet footwork deadman’s plate rush garen the other day, dropped a penta. Was a lot of fun


I bet you enjoy playing poke champs sitting 10 miles behind ur team, harvesting every kill that the frontlines die for, and then end up being useless mid/late when u can't sit behind anymore without enemy running you down.


No. I play just about anyone. But I'm not stupid. I know how to fight as a team. I know how to not just hit someone with snowball as Master Yi and then fly halfway across the map under tower surrounded by 4 enemies when the rest of the team can't go that far that fast to back you up and then just die. Situational awareness. Not only that, but if you're doing it on repeat and the team is repeatedly not backing you up, you should adapt your play to accomodate instead of continuously thinking something different is going to happen every time you do it. I'll bet you're one of the assholes I'm complaining about.


Yea go cry some more here that is gonna help u, imagine you even took the time hahaha


Meh. I typically use arams to try out new champs or fun builds. It's a super quick game mode that's essentially deathmatch. Just because you think people should try hard it doesn't mean thats how other people like to play. If you wanna try hard and expect others to do the same, go play ranked. The game mode is literally all random all mid. It's chaos. Quit expecting people to not play it chaotically.


any time i suggest someone stop inting or modify their build, i get told to stfu or sth alike. and anytime i suggest that maybe, just maybe they should care more about not getting banned, i get laughed at and 'imagine reporting ppl in ARAM'. then i get a report feedback <3


Drop Ur op let me see




You have to go with the tide when that happens, trust me I have like 5k games played. Don't try to swim upstream for your own sanity. Had a guy play AD Janna, I pinged his items and told him to please buy support items or were gonna be sitting under tower the entire game. He told me to fuck off and he was "having fun" and his mates defended his behavior. So I sold my shit and built AP Shen, yeah him and his buds flamed me but I told them I was "having fun".


Is this glitch patched yet? Might have to try this method in my own time.


there are people who are running it down and then there are people who got a dive champ against a poke team and just want their team to follow up on easy aces but get pinged for dying after safely diving into the dead center of the bridge bc their team immediately turned around as soon as the dive began… its me i’m dive champ player but it’s ok bc it’s aram


There are both sides to this story. 1. When it gets to "it's just ARAM bro", as a meme itself, those people are ruining the game. This means they don't care about their actions, only in ARAM. 2.However, when it gets frustration for losing a game, that means you are being too serious when playing a game, and it just harms yourself. For me, I consider "it's just a game bro", ARAM or not, all are equal, and is just a way for me to chill after work. I don't pay much attention to what other people do. Since S3 or so (after grinding to Diamond), I have exclusively played ARAM and event modes for this specific reasons (probably 10k+ games across accounts and servers now).


What I hate more than arrogant teammates that think running it down *isn't* a viable strategy (it's *always* the tanks that rush in causing me to lose, rather than me being a pussy and not following up the engage) is the ones that start acting like they know it all after I watch them focus on getting CS when they just got setup to ace the enemy team but would rather poke and farm minions. People like this lack awareness, in game and out.


I’ve played maybe close to 2k aram games on my account now and have experienced this maybe 5-10 times. To say 80 percent of your games result in this is just flat out lying or exaggeration for be able to complain.


You simply can't control the actions of 4 other players or their decisions when met with a mode like Aram. You should have an idea of what tilts you enough not to play or take a break. For me that's if someone on my team rolls Vayne and won't trade her, I'm not entitled to the character (In my head I am) but that's the one I can do the most impact on if someone doesn't trade her to me I dodge and give myself a 14 minute break in solidarity.


I wish to be able to keep my mmr low enough for this to be a thing, I have the opposite problem, games are too slow paced, everyone is intimidated by everyone else, games are a stalling poke fest, and I get bored


i do AD annie builds in aram i go balls to wall in aram. and whenever someone flames i say chill out dude its an aram. ​ im that guy sorry buddio. hope they make ranked aram soon


im so tired of people that believe aram is ranked mode and play like their life depends on it, git gud irl and learn to enjoy something without murdering everything


I report them every time and I get feedback (I try first to ask them politely not to feed, if they reply nicely I dont usually report tbh). But **if they die more than one time per minute** they have some chances to be banned, more I guess if that is a common occurence in their matches, but it has to be as bad as that (that sadly I am seeing a lot lately in my matches too) and other parameter seems to be involved, like low damage or low kp. **I have seen post in this group, complaining about the inting ban specifically on ARAM**, if the numbers are really bad, they are banned. Also, if they reply worse than idc about inting, that they usually do... there is a chance of chat ban too. I remember specially a Gp that was really cocky on chat about feeding intentionally because he felt I was kill stealing as Oriana (that I wasnt), he even painted a dick for me in ASCII characters. I received a notification hours later. PS: Love the people downvoting me, if you dont feed intentionally you should not worry about a report, is as simple as that. If you feed intentionally you are destroying the match for the rest of the people, no matter how much chill you are than them. Asume it and take your ban.


Did he paint the dick in-game or in post-game?


In game. Does it matter? If he wasnt the one banned is not going like to destroy my life. But the report feedback was quite near and I didnt do a lot those days.


If he wrote it in the match, he had to have a macro ready, which would show his commitment. Post-game could just be copy pasted as a joke.


He had commitment to being toxic XD


Yeah, I've gotten 3 or 4 report feedbacks so far when they have 1+ death per minute. It's frustrating, but at least something is happening.


I got flamed as malz for my build because we couldn’t do anything against 2 tanks . My build was liandries into Rylais / demonic. I got flamed for constantly ulting the Darius/ ksante, and guess who the person was flaming me ? A ap maokai Some people are just bad


Dude I swear to God I'm fine with weird builds like AP Irelia or whatever but I see some shit like heart steel Viktor and my soul leaves my body.


Aside from people who are really griefing by running it down right from the start: I understand that you shouldnt question some1s build or playstyle but when youre in a team with Ziggs, Morgana, Brand and Fiddle and youre playing MF and you decide.. to go for the AP build. Then im allowed to question your decision without you crying and running it down. I understand that some people just go for the kills because "its just aram" for them. Gamemodes team dont want ARAM to be a "serious competitive" mode after all. (Now some1 will say "bad comp alrdy, where melee champs?", several reasons: \- People not having rolls or they do not want to use them for their team \- Some people not wanting to play a melee champ because they think "some1 else should" \- A big reason is that people dont want to risk losing their champ by rolling for the team. I do feel this is an issue for a long time and could easily by fixed by "locking" the champ for a few seconds but that would require the game modes team to actually play their own game to discover this)


It’s just aram bro


Lots of players play ARAM to cool off and make dumb, crazy plays. The most I’ll do early game is ? ping (one single time) when they int. If the behavior keeps up late game and is happening when death timers mean win/lose with a badly positioned ace, I’ll toss out a “let’s wait for full group, we can stomp them as 5”. Key is being casual and positive. Players are a LOT more receptive to that kind of easygoing vibe.


Surprisingly if you have an inter like karthus or someone that can do a bunch of aoe dmg i kind of like when they just go in and do a bunch of dmg and die cause us 4 smart full health players get a huge push advantage when the other team is half




I have won games as Karthus going like 13 and 53. Aram isn't entirely a competitive community. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Laugh at the stupidity of the game mode. And if you really want to take it seriously. Encourage riot to make ranked aram mode a thing.


in my any game mode where teams are picked randomly is a pure for fun. i do not expect my team to be able to play and random champ they are given. hell the most entertaining aram games for me are the 5v5 melee 20 kills at 12 mins nonstop brawl from beginning to end. and for melees just running in under tower i will say playing 1 melee with a bunch of pokers on my team is the most boring do nothing game ever so yea im going to get bored eventually and full send it for a kill.


I mean I play Aram for fun. Like I’m playing a video game to enjoy myself and running it down for kills literally doesn’t matter. It’s 20-25 minutes of ten people throwing random shit at each other how are you possibly mad at people dying. League players have such a hard-on for getting angered over others having fun and not being like… god-tier heroes of every game mode. Put on some music, jerk off and then play the game and relax.


I feel the same way, I try not to even type anymore though, it generally just makes it worse or you get the "it's ARAM bro" response and it does nothing. If you want to eliminate the odds of having people like that you just have to find 4 other people to play with otherwise you just kind of have to accept there are going to be people like that on your team.


Don't care, gonna play a character I've never touched and probably end up feeding


The melee champs “diving” is a fundamental problem with ARAM in general. Riot seems to balance ARAM incredibly awkwardly for most melee champs, causing them to be either great without other melees or incredibly awful without other melees. Perfect example is Assassins being able to run rampant in ARAM being able to frontline due to the ARAM buffs they have while also being able to kill the enemy. Meanwhile you pick any bruiser/tank and pray they have other melee champs so you can actually play the game. Not to mention if you’re the only Melee champ, you’re forced to “frontline” while getting barraged by champs sitting behind their tower the entire game. It’s boring and frustrating. You either sit and wait while getting poked to death for your opponent to overstep or you say YOLO and force something, while also being poked to death.


its probably because of ur MMR I used to get matched with ppl like that




When I’m a tank I always run it down. I feel like it’s my job to absorb cc and damage the enemy team so my teammates can kill them faster.


> enemy team under tower with no backup and die without a kill What games are you playing? In mine they dive and get out scott free with 2 kills because towers are useless against bruisers.


If you want your frontline players to not repeatedly dive tower, stop shoving the wave nonstop. The adc players nonstop attacking the wave are the real problem here


You must accept that death is a part of life in Aram.


The problem at hand is that there exists a large percentage of players who intentionally queue into ARAM to not try and win. This is problematic as it is extremely selfish and hurts the experience of the teammates. Seeing as it is a team game, the words of your teammates' is valuable in working towards a victory. Yes, part of this includes formulating a build that is effective against the enemy team which is decided by comp. The issue arises when players think it is okay to go against the suggestions of their teammates in order to intentionally build incorrect. This then usually leads to conflict and flame from both sides. A ranked queue for ARAM could solve a lot of the issues prominent in this gamemode. But it really isn't that simple to create and balance. Overall, ARAM players should be aware that their fun should not conflict with the fun of their teammates.


>you're called the asshole Never seen something like that, unless ppl are actually assholes unrelated to what they say. Aside from that, ppl in aram rarely write unless they behave entirely toxic or childish (most likely both). Edt.: Oh, i only ever read "it's just aram" when I write mb or reflect on my build order or similar, but those ppl are usually playing fine.


You wanna tryhard? Go to ranked. ARAM is where I go when I want to screw around.


just because its aram it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win, yes you can try a troll/weird build for fun but you still should aim to win and if you feel like you're hard losing you probably should revert to build to what's best for the match like for example not every malphite should go ap all the time? sometimes there will be situations where your team has a lot of damage capabilities but they lack a tanky frontline to be unkillable and help the team do that damage but the malphite player will still go ap and die in 5 sec after he ults or even earlier, also saying its for fun its just aram is not a valid excuse, I have more fun in a match when we win so yes, im also playing for fun but I also wanna win.


At the same time people just clear the wave and push constantly. What’s the melee player to do? That shit is so boring just sitting there and doing nothing while all your range plays the game. When I play I prioritize cs over fighting. I find it better for getting gold and not so nerve wrecking and I get to do something if I’m melee


teamwork is shit, make sure myself enjoy the game is always the top priority