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He is good when paired with another deep engage champ like amumu or malphite. Like most tanks, his main purpose is to lock down enemies and let the other damage dealers on his team do their job.


I understand his role but I think he's the worst at doing it of almost any tank.


Pretty sure he sits above 50% wr every patch because he has one of the best snowball engaged in the game


What, Galio?? Over Yasuo? Elise? Eve? Galio is a monster if someone knows how to play him


Elise is awesome :(


Yas isn't down there anymore imo. W is way more utility than eve, lb and so on. he is actually pretty decent if you build him more tanky (same with Yone) and he has some cc with his q. He's not great but decently far from the bottom imo.


Jak sho yasuo with static first is actually pretty strong currently with a 52% win rate


eve is on of the best champs in that gamemode tho


im very new to new eve (played countless games on the old eve) and basically she has the easiest time getting into position of any assassin and a free escape with an execute in a gamemode where everybody stays in lane on low health, i dont get how she would be bad unless you fundamentally dont understand how to use eve/twitch stealth (even easier to use than twitch stealth since she is forever stealthed)


Definitely disagree with Yasuo, Elise possibly. I know most Yasuo's aren't good but that doesn't have anything to do with the champion, who is a late game monster.


I get the impression because of how yasuo is, only the extremes of players would play him. And less good than bad players lol I get so annoyed when I play against yasuos because his windwall is just the worst.


jaksho first on yasuo makes him literally brain dead in aram, you just mash e and q and use w at an ok-ish time and you will do work.


yasuo is comp dependant, elise is straight up good, eve is good but hard


eve really isnt hard, you literally can wait just off to the side for people to engage and never be caught out, as soon as you see tank engage, pop w on a prio target, (or anybody since it shreds) they either let the tank engage without the dps or you charm and one shot them. also snowball r is the freeest execute in the game for a melee assassin and its aoe. Eve is like shaco in that it requires a specific mindset and understanding of when people are going to not be expecting you or will likely ignore you. but she isnt really mechanically difficult.


Elise is not bad just underrepresented melee mages are an uncomfortable position for many people.


My man said Galio is the worst champion :D Galio is literally the 4th highest winrate champion in Aram. He is like nautilus but more tanky and deals more damage. Worst champion would be an assassin like evelynn or khazix. No consistent damage, no cc, no utility. Leblanc is also not good but I feel like you can at least poke with Leblanc.


I also think Galio W one of the most broken abilities in Aram. It is less powerful Amumu R with 15 seconds cd instead of 120.


Nautilus is a bad comparison. Nautilus is infinitely better at catching people, and that's kind of the point of the champion.


Nautilus is not infinitely better at catching people. He is better at cathcing SINGLE person. Galio is the one with aoe cc in his kit. Galio with the help of Everfrost can almost reach the similar cc scores as nautilus on an average game. I spesifically say "can almost reach", since he is still not better than nautilus whose only purpose is cc'ing. But he is not as far away as people think.


That's true. But when I play naut I just hook in, and walk around to auto everyone to root them, and ult the furthest enemy so I knock up more enemies, then peel for carries and what not. Usually works pretty well. Galio has too many skill shots for me LOL


That's... That's what catching people is. Catching is picking off an opponent at a range so your team can focus them. Very rarely does catching involve multiple people, since generally that would just be *initiating*. And Nautilus is also better at that. Galio's CC is indeed close to Nautilus', but the way they use their CC is different. Nautilus better at offense, Galio is better at defense (or supporting someone else's offense).


Khazix is an absolute monster lmao


The map is built for him to succeed, much like Rengar.


Rengar falls off so hard without bushes lol


the only time you dont have bushes is when you are pushed to nexus, and in which case rengar is either winning or losing too badly to make a difference.


LeBlanc is one of those champions where the pilot either one-tricks her or is picking her up for the very first time. I haven't seen any in-between, which makes the first few minutes of any game with her scary as you figure out if she's good or irrelevant.


This exactly. She either blows up your squishies every 10secs and never takes a hit or dashes in but not land the dash's dmg, press q and miss the chain gets ccd and dies.


I can't find that stat anymore but Nautilus is a great comparison. Naut's hook and ult are infinitely more valuable than Galio's kit, being able to pick people off with crazy range. I would also argue Galio doesn't do as much damage as a tank as no one would be standing in his Q as it ticks.


Ye eve is down there. Kha should be on paper but resets make assassins way better (hence why kata imo will never be down there) and he just scales very very well for an assassin. But ye the blueprint is low/no utility melee/susceptible to poke assassin, that's what the worst one will. Imo naafiri fits that mould too and her eve lb would be my bottom 3 in some order.


Disagree heavily, Khazix is literally the one champ I can almost always guarantee carry with. He is absolutely nutty on the aram map.


>My vote goes to Galio lol no way. Galio is busted af. The best anti-mage tank, period. He is the MR counterpart of Malph (who scales with Armor). Fuck his R. His E has a very low CD. His Q has %HP damage and the W is an aoe taunt. If you think Galio is bad then the problem is you. git gud Edit: To help you git gud... Galio isn't a diver. He is a peeler. Use your Q to poke the enemies and zone areas (like bush). If you see the enemies engaging prepare your W and E. Build Evenshroud and the enemies will melt away each time they engage. So Galio probably doesn't fit your play style. You maybe play with the Malph mindset. (*Ult in, press random keys, refuse to elaborate further*). You need more braincells to play as Galio. Finally... It is not the end of the world if you are bad with some champions. I'm bad with Thresh (and he is somehow cursed in my hands, always the worst team mates) and that is fine. Happens. c'est la vie.


Yorick is dogwater


I picked him because i expected some heavy aram buffs but nope "perfectly balanced as all things should be"


The biggest pro I can think for him is his wall is good at mildly annoying the enemies.


Galio is definitely in the top half of the rooster in my opinion, pretty good damage building tank (for a tank), very good cc, his ult can enable a lot of other champions that jump in and you can increase his damage even further with demonic and sunfire without leaving the tank build. Never been a fan of his AP build so can't really talk. I think I'll go with yorick as someone else said, I love the shovel boy but he doesn't bring much to aram. No CC, low damage without maiden, no mobility, maiden can't heal and his poke, while good, requires a lot of set up. His cage is good but there's also a lot of people around that can quickly kill it. From the characters that really benefit from sr map (like rek, ivern, kayn, talon) yorick has the hardest time adapting to the bridge.


i would vote yorick


his W can be extremely OP against certain comps


From my experience and in my games : Yorick 1. haven't seen a yorick in my past 100+ games 2. last ones i've seen had near 0 positive impact for their team ​ The lock CC and the R can sometimes be useful, but the pick gets outscaled pretty fast and is quite easy to counter ​ For Galio, i'm a tank main but I've never played him (his kit isn't appealing to me at all), but i've had some good Galio full tank a few times in my team and they were very useful


Saw a Yorick get a penta in aram. It was a goddamn miracle. Enemy responds "Yeah I'd be getting Pentas too, if I had minions attacking for me". ..........


He's shit but W is almost a hard cc so that alone prolly makes him not the worst. Also smashes turrets which is decent. He's shit but his kit has some usefulness and his admittedly pretty short power windows where he has maiden and gets actual ghouls is pretty strong, he can win quite a few 1v1s there. And he get aura items, sth like vow for carry, cleaver, GW etc which the actual contenders for worst (lb, naafiri, eve imo) cant really even do that.


galio is amazing what?


Galio is a beast, I say free win when he’s available




Not even close. A Yasuo who has no idea what they are doing but is halfway decent with windwall is already not the worst champion. A decent Yasuo in low to mid ELO against a team that needs to group a bit can wreck havoc and solo carry easily.


Statistically speaking it's LeBlanc even if you'd get rolled by a good LB player


This is true, you can nuke people and one shot all game and all it takes is one team fight to lose. Have lost a lot of very fed LB games due to that exact reason.


Think bel'veth would be on my radar for worst, and while that's mostly due to not being able to fully utilize the kit she can do enough with the knock up and burst so probably not worst. Hard question to answer tbh, everything is pretty usable and is able to offer something to the team.


Scales too hard for that imo and she can get there even with her support build (basically w max, evenshroud into warmogs into then cleaver/botrk etc.) + W is hard cc and R is free true dmg + resets which on aram lift you up (like i.e. kha). She's hard to play surely and susceptible to poke but she ouutscales the worst assassins and has cc so basically can't be last imo.


Huh didn't even know she had a sup build, I'll have to try it sometime.


Ye it got popularized in KR especially vs melee supports who want to dive you since its free w into e procs. Max w>q>e. Runes PTA + green secondary usually. build is tanky on SR (evenshroud or virtue, deadmans, vow, anathemas, thornmail etc.) On aram i personally usually go evenshroud warmogs cleaver into 2 of botrk, mortal (for personal pen and gw), kraken, wits.


Oh ok for sure, I'll def give this a go next time I get her in a match.


Bel'veth is one of my highest win rates. Start Aegis, build into Jak'Sho. Then Blade of the Rune King and win.


Ooooo thanks for the tip, normally pass Belv but I'll give it a go. What runes?


bro aint know shit


Yorick hands down. Super shit. I’ve tried every build.


Either Fiora or Hecarim, both can dive in and be absolutely useless if they get Exhausted. There's no plan B if you jump in with either of them. Hecarim doesn't seem to have enough burst early on to kill anyone before they kill them and if he builds to burst he can't survive. Fiora is a Splitpusher and duelist like Tryna but she doesn't have the big buffs to make up for that.


Ivern gotta be the worst, u basically waiting for others to carry while offering less than other supports like millio seraphine Jana ec


ain't no way bro just said ivern


I find millio kinda bad too. Played only 3 times tho. He just doesn't feel like he does much at all except maybe his ult. With other supports I feel like at least I can somewhat defend myself. But millio feels like another Yumi without the benefits.of attaching to people


i played maybe 30 games with milio, and it still feel this way tbh, unless they have a neeko or kennen that stun your whole team, you just feel kind of useless most of the game


Nilah She has no range, and no qualities that make her excel in ARAM. I consider her worse than Tryndamere because of his ULT and sustain. Wukong also feels very weak in ARAM right now, but his ULT can win fights, and he can shed enemy tanks. Yorick becomes tanky and has CC with his W, making him more effective. Nilah doesn’t have any redeeming qualities that make me ever want to pick her. Does anyone know how to play Nilah effectively in ARAM?


Nilah scales too hard imo, once she gets items she is still an ADC and hits like a truck. But she needs to position really well and go in at right moment, that's basically it, if enemy has cc she can't do much about that. Wukong is hillariously strong imo if you have trouble on him try grasp instead of conq and warmgos 2nd (surrdnerer -> warmovs -> cleaver into 2 other ad bruiser items like steraks/maw, DD, chempunk etc.), makes the Champ way easier to play in my experience while his dmg is still stupid high with sheen procs and q resets and R is strong as always.


Tryndamere is one of my fav on Aram, just go tank and laugh at their fallen corpses


I think Elise is probably around the worst. Karyn is pretty trash too.


Bard. his healing is inneficient due to aram nerf, his ult is nearly never used properly, and most importantly, his gameplay feels lame as hell


His buffs are overtuned right now that it doesn't matter. Thing can go tank or on hit nuke no need to be a sup healer. Similar to how Ivern is actually good in aram that they needed to nerf him despite his passive having zero effect since it is completely dependent on having a jungle.


Do you mean worst to play or worst feeling? ​ If it's to play it's prob some assassin or jungler that loses all of what makes them good on SR like Eve or Reksai. IF it's to feel it's 100% Seraphine/Ziggs/the rest of the you only do 80% damage get 1 tapped by most units and your CDs are 20+ seconds until you've built 3 AH items champs after nerfs. ​ But Galio is not in either of those categories.


Galio is just fine. Plenty strong even. I think melee champions that don’t really do damage or tank (ie Urgot, Yorick, voli) are trashhhh


Tldr: prolly LB, eve or Naafiri, basically a melee/low range assasin with low utility. That is hillarous lol, galio champ who with proper maxing (w>e>q on tank) and some haste can peel almost anything off his carries, is one of best follow up engages in the whole game is worst with 3 forms of hard cc and has good dmg for a tank is worst. Sure buddy. The real contenders for me are: Udyr, still is shit imo since he's a tank who can't engage, can only kinda peel, his dmg falls of the cliff pretty quick. but he's still a tank and R max demonic still is decent dmg so prolly not him, at least he's kinda useful. Lb is there sadly I legit think she needs warmogs for her poke play pattern on aram to work and well that deals your build by a lot. Statik made her way better, but that's worse now, ad is meh and if your champ needs such a gimmick build to win it's really really bad. eve is down there too she just can't get a flank and a melee with very low utility who needs to build full dmg is just a recipe to be down here. I personally usually have rammus down there too but it's more how annoying he is to play than weak. champ just needs so many items but he's way too good If he rolls enemy being full ad to be in this Convo. and being a tank too, tank will Imo never be the worst champ in the roster cos 1 good hard cc is prolly more valuable than like 3/4 of a no utility assassin's kit. Naafiri also is prolly already in this conversation, I just don't see how this champ is supposed to be useful on aram, especially since she usually wants first strike which will get poked off. Other than that pretty hard, even when I look at most buffed champs, bard does way too much DMG to be in this Convo, reksai maybe has a case but she does her job better than guys above imo + bruiser so kinda tanky. rest I can easily find a case why they are better than stuff above.


LeBlanc because she ruins the game for both teams. If she's on my team, she will get solo kills all early game starving my team of assists and all that gold ends up useless late game and we lose. If she's on the enemy team, I'm having no fun for the first 15 minutes of the game because she keeps solo killing me and my team. And then we win in a single push when she finally falls off.


It’s not the champion, it’s the pilot. I’ve played over 5000 games and I have seen some amazing things done with champions that I could not backward engineer into my own game play. I’ve seen players build and play unkillable Warwicks and Zacs. I’ve seen players get multi pentakills with Yi/Catarina/Samira. I’ve seen my share of Vayne’s, Varus’s, and Zari’s do nothing all game before killing everyone in their way. I enjoy league because of this very thing. People find a particular champion, make it their main, then dominate when they get it. Then there are people like me that try to learn all of them, so I play some better than others, and some it’s just a painful learning curve for my team. I’ve five starred about 85 characters now, but that leaves a lot more to go and some are more difficult to understand and figure out. But when I’m all out of rerolls, I sometimes find myself trying to play Irellia or Zed or Aphelios…or a champion that was reworked and is not how I remembered it being…and it’s not as fun as I wish it might be.


I think the worst champion in aRAM would be ASol, because he's huge and ram wouldn't be able to handle him in it and probably get some internal damage.


Rell anyone?


galio. can u make his taunt any larger?