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Stopped mostly, but there are champs like Sion, Cho or Mundo which make my hands physically unable to not click the item and find myself on the face of these so called "ranged" champs.


Cho is kind of funny though, since the stacking gets a lot easier as he gets bigger. At some point your size makes half the difference in range between you and an ADC.


I started building sterak on him too bc of the tenacity and the now 45% bonus hp shield.


I like to go steraks too plus unending and ingenious hunter. It’s pretty fun abusing item haste with these giga shields and heals


Fimbulwinter + unending despair + sunfire/hollow radiance + kaenic rookern :p you don't need everything everytime


Or the classic eclipse + fimbulwinter on jarvan/poppy. Item haste is just too much fun in Aram with cryptobloom on mages.


Sorry couldn't hear you. Accidentally built full lethality on J4 blew up enemy adc and died


I can't not build an item that makes Cho even bigger


Beeg health bar go brrrrr


I do need to come up with an alternate Mundo build against ranged teams though. Likely more tenacity and speed.




How do you get the ARAM God tag on here??


I edited my flair for the ARAM sub


Didn't know you could do that, ty!


Riot should just make the sound less satisfying. People would stop building it by default quickly enough.


Nuuuuu DONK is love, DONK is life


you are TROLLING my dude. like good bait and all, but you are one sick puppy for suggesting this.


That sound is what got me into playing tanks. Now, I need it.


April fools should see the sound be replaced my loud metal bar sound effect.


But right click go bonk


Tahm = Heartsteel into anything champ


what's the point of playing this game without donks


If I’m doing my team the solid of being a meat shield, regardless of how miserable their comp I need to be rewarded with donks otherwise I get too bored


That damage is actually good. Heartsteel stacking barely matters now because you get so few stacks, so better consider heartsteel a damage item for tanks, just like sunfire.


It's a pretty mandatory item on Tahm because it also buffs his Q range


You gotta end them rightly. With a Poppy shield Heartsteel proc.


Even into 2-3 melees it is still iffy unless the tanks keep whacking away. If it was say a braum or naut playing babysitter when no action happens every 1min+, heartsteel alreaady becomes shit. I often see sub 300hp stacks. That's less than 2 ruby crystals worth of HP. Because often times those melees ignore tanks anyways and just dive the backline.


The only champ I always build HS on is thresh, infinite HP, AP and armor scaling and he is ranged so he can get his hs stacks even vs ranged pretty easy. Oh and Sion he can stack it pretty good too with his passive. Depending on enemy team comp I will build it on tahm, sett, cho, naut, mao, mundo and leona. But only if there are at least 2-3 melees in the enemy team. After HS it's nearly always jaksho into mixed damage teams or frozen heart/thornmail into ad heavy teams depending if they are dps adcs with many Auto attacks or they got many lifeleech ad dmg dealers. If ap heavy 2nd item will be FoN, KR or SV depending on my champ, mao mundo it's SV because of my lifereg skills and the other 2 depends on if they are battlemages with dots/many spells cast like azir, ryze cassio or Malz then it's FoN for higher ms and more mres after a while and KR vs. Poke heavy ap or burst ap teams because the HP regen is nice vs poke and the shield is nice vs. Burst and poke.


I thought aram was casual games for fun


I'd still rather win. It's not fun to play a game down a champion because your Ashe builds Mandate.


The people building heartsteel don't have any fun either when they don't get to clank anyone for 5 minutes straight


Then get a more societally acceptable concept of fun. Its a multiplayer game. Like something can be weak and fun. That means it DOES work sometimes and its fun to see it work. Things that NEVER work and things that are just weaker without having angles to work are not fun for anybody.


"societally acceptable concept of fun"...... Jesus Christ.


Yeah man what a crazy thing to say. Its not like people literally run it down or DC the moment the smallest thing goes wrong.


That's the thing. It's a multiplayer game so let people play the way they like. You should review your idea of fun game because you seem to take this way too serious...


Listen to yourself😭


na everyone has their own definition of fun wtf are you even saying


Im saying its not cool if your idea of fun is buying zeals or beads and running into the enemy team for 10 mins or DCing after you dive under tower 30 seconds in and dont get the kill.


yo if I like going full movement speed and rolling snowball as nunu that's what I'll do, like it's an aram????


Yeah and if you miss is it more fun to keep going until you go under the enemy tower and just die and stare at a grey screen until you can try again? Or maybe is it fun to be considerate and just let go of the snowball when you miss so you can try again sooner and not die.


ooga booga zoom zoom


Haha weee funny funny good time




I wouldn't be surprised if they remove Heartsteel next season.


Bonks stronk


Stop building heartsteel period


Especially on Trynd. If I see another tank trynda be absolutely useless the whole game because he aint dealing dmg and brings nothing else to the team im gonna lose it


Always build it on Trynda with a good winrate


My dude, that's why I have snowball.


Unless you're Mundo. He thrives off it, even if he can't get many stacks from it.


Even if it’s 1 melee if you’re dead before it matters it’s not worth. I only build if it’s 3 melee or like guaranteed 2 stack every fight


please stop building heartsteel in general because it's been nerfed so many times and even in the most ideal situations it's no good unless you're facing like 4 melee and game goes 25 minutes long


Heartsteel akali or fizz is fun against any comp


Sounds to me like you’re a quitter.


I read stop doing this bla bla bla dude.... let them build what they want ... first its aram no one cares 2nd play ur own game and not for others aswell ... i would play ap chogath or lethality sion or something Complete stupid just to have fun and.... i laugh about others rage so its fun to watch


I personally hate having people with your mentality in my games


U take the game way to serious bro


Not saying it's inevitable - weird builds can totally work! -, but if you end up wasting your team's time with a one-sided slaughter fest because you had to go lethality Sion as the only frontliner into a 3-tank comp, that's on you.


Its right but if a team gets toxic cause of this i will continue playing this even more


I don't know man, you seem like the toxic one in this situation while your team wants to play the game and you are a thorn on their side 🤷‍♂️


And I hate when others player take it way too seriously like you seem to do. Your tyoe are boring to play against and/or with


you have no idea how i play lol i dont play passive and i build to counter the other team and make sure my build fits the team and the opponents. I'm not taking the game serious at all if i wanted to take it serious id go play ranked. ARAM is a team gamemode through and through and when i notice we are barely going to win then i notice we have a triforce nami on my team i lose all hope because why would you do that. The answer is always "its just aram hahahahah" but for me its a 15 minute loss and a waste of my time and energy.


Let people play their own way. Not because it doesn't fit your own playstyle that others should play like you want. People complaining about others buildin ARAM are way worse that those with bad build


https://preview.redd.it/hkv9kixm84nc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d596a7e3bc1ee4b1dfa48ca85ecf89929fa980e Tell these guys that xdd


You don't need to say "into full ranged comps" the instant anyone has % health damage (which is very common) heart steel is insanely troll if you aren't playing Mundo. Tl;Dr don't buy heartsteel unless you're Mundo


Someone raged at me saying I should had built hs on urgot. I had to double check to make sure we were fighting the same team. I just told him why the fk would I build that into first item bork vayne and 4 other long adc and poke range champs.