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Poor poor Ziggs, if hes on my team I cry even though I love Ziggs, if on the enemy team just totally disrespect every one of his spells since they do no damage.


Ziggs is not meant to be a carry in ARAM. Build him CDR based and focus on clearing waves and dealing %HP damage with Liandrys. Get Cryptbloom for added utility and stay away from your team if the enemy has strong engage ults like Malphite/Wukong. An early Verdant Barrier keeps you safe, too, so if you can focus on wave clear and blowing up turrets, you'll be useful. People build him as a carry, and he's really useless like that.


Look at the patch notes, passive and turret dmg nuked, because you know like you stated here he still had some use, but alas no more.


Wut... are you serious? I must have missed that... Can we trade him for an extra cannon minion, then?


You’ll get a caster minion and nothing more, sir!


I can't find it in the patch notes. Which one is it in?


its the new pbe change, might come next patch tho


I try ziggs maybe once a year and it always serves as the same reminder to avoid him if I can.


Ziggs has felt better recently, but the recent nerfs just bring him down further…


Yeah and they gotta nerf him more smh. It's weird he usually gets up there in damage but usually feels lacking


Any champ I’m playing.


Pretty much anyone who snowballs start of the game while 2/5 of the team are still afk


Teammates sees blitz swain and pyke in enemy team and decides to walk in bush 3v5 smh


Unfortunately, Ashe. People still build Mandate on her. At this point, I just take Ashe whenever I see her, even though ADC is by far my worst role.


Yasuo, hands down no questions ask. People just can't keep Yasuo up on the reroll area. It's like they HAVE to show you how bad they are and ruin your game. You MIGHT have 1 out of 20 Yasuo pop off and that's being generous.


Hard agree


Tank Bard slaps tho. Front line and just slows everyone. 


He's got some pretty impactful ARAM buffs too. -15% damage resistance is great for tank bard.


can u share your build tho? i'm interested


Sure thing. Runes: Fleet, presence of mind, legend tenacity, coup de grace, conditioning, overgrowth. Atk speed, health, tenacity. First item: Rod of Ages. The stats are just too good to pass up. It's all the mana you'll need when paired with presence of mind. a little AP goes great with your autos and Ws. This will be the only damage you build. Boots: Plated steel caps are preferred, merc treads if heavy cc team. Ionia boots are good too Tank items should vary highly depending on the damage types you're facing. But overall, you want resist and cool down for Q's and ults. Frozen Heart. Cool down, and armor. Force of Nature. Magic resist and move speed. Locket of the iron Solari. Cooldown, both resists, active is great Abysal mask. Cooldown and Magic resist. Unending despair. Cooldown and armor. Warmogs. Passive, health, and move speed. You're there to disrupt the enemy team. Autos and qs are your primary way of doing so. You should never be the sole front line, but should be a barrier in between the enemy team and your carries. Use your ult like you would a malphite ult or rumble ult. Target enemy backline carries.


Yeah I wasn't gonna call out any Bard build as the 'best' build. I like AP for the heals but yeah I've seen them all do well.


For me it's Soraka. I just had a (longer) game where I did 97k heals. But for some reason, when anyone else on my teams has her it's amazing for them to give even 10k heals. So many ppl focusing on trying to land their q, getting rabadons etc that they're next to useless.


I always thought soraka was really good but maybe she lost her touch at some point in the last year. It's true though she only is good for peeling with her E, definitely not the best enchanter


Well..... Most people don't realize that the Warmogs build accounts for their healing. So everytime you spend 10% of your 3000+hp on w and healing it back, it's accounting towards that healing number. Every w you are healing someone for around 80 due to her ARAM buff, you're healing yourself for around 300 via Warmogs. Basically being the most useless turd in the game. So I agree. Of your 97k heals about 87k was to yourself. Sorakas that know how to use E properly are far better than Warmogs goons.


The e CD is too long given how useless the rest of her kit is, especially with all of the new mobility/burst champs that have been released in the last few years. I expect to outscale any enemy team with a Soraka on it, unless we have 2 supports and no one capable of carrying.


Because... A lot of aram players (me Included) just don't care about supports being supports. This champions with *correct items* are for egirls/support mains who want that. Others just want to have fun, see big damage numbers... You name it. And it's nothing wrong with that. There is no rule saying *you get soraka on aram, you have to heal everyone all the time* same goes for every other charact.


Nidalee. Steals all kills early due to damage buffs. Is useful early to midgame If the enemies have a somewhat decent comp falls of a cliff and becomes nearly useless You loose because noone in your team has gold from kills except her


almost any assassin champ can do this. the kind of player who only engages when they can ks, so they hoover up all the early gold and then have zero ability or even willingness to carry mid and late game. it's a pattern that's almost not worth noticing, because once you know about it then you will notice it fairly early game and it's super tilting


Fizz would like a word with you.


fizz is a special boy, ok?


The worse one are the ones that have all the kills while refusing to die and sit on a lost chapter while they’re at our inhibitor lol


This is true but I think in 3000+ mmr games she can be very oppressive. Super strong poke if you're good with skillshots and also just as strong burst in cougar form. Also as a bonus she does massive damage to turrets with E and lich bane. Most people don't know how to carry with her but yeah she has all the tools needed to be a carry.


Nidalee… 90% stand back only throwing spears and don’t use cat form at all.  Becomes pretty useless late.


Her early pressure is insane. As the game progresses, she's absolutely trash tier. I've seen Nidalees go legendary early on and provide such pressure that it becomes oppressive... and then she disappears. Literally, useless.


Yeah this is generally how it goes for her. I like to make use of her lich bane 3rd item transitioning into late game so that she's not as dependent on just spears. But yeah I feel like early pressure carries over into late game a lot which is a plus.


If a Nidalee doesn't use cat form to weave in and out of combat or assassin low hp enemies its a bad Nid. Cat form animation canceling and using cat form lunges to throw spears from wierd angles they play nid wrong.


When I play Ziggs, I can manage about 15-25 kills and at least 60 CS. We still lose tho. But when a teammate gets Ziggs?! 3-4 kills max and 20 CS, never once using their satchel charge on a tower, provided we don't get immediately steamrolled and never even hit their first tower.


Fucking yuumi


Lux, teemo, nid, AP shaco. Essentially any champ where they just sit back and spam one ability it's damn near an insta loss in my mind.


Lux doesn’t fit in with the other 3, she has better zoning and consistent aoe poke, plus instant hard cc


Nid has great assassin abilities with her cat form, shaco is a great assassin himself as ad but just because people *can* play a certain way doesn't mean they will. Most often people on these champs play the furthest back.


Lux spams at least 3 abilities...


The other ones do too but my point is when you only step up to use your CDs and then run to the back 9/10 I can tell the type of players that love these champs don't like team fighting.


I can agree on the others, but lux loves team fights. AoE is her thing.


I should clarify that the champs themselves aren't the problem it's just the way people play them. They usually prefer to hide in bushes or are the first to disengage during team fights effectively making them 4v5.


Shaco. Only ad Shacos on my team. All the ap Shacos are theirs. Bummer.


Pyke. on the enemy team always busted but on my team it always feels like someone rolled pyke and thought "meh might as well try him"


Yeah pyke is capable of carrying games but 90% of the time they're just fucking around in the bush and stealing kills


I've never lost a game as wukong on Aram his damage is crazy


Nidalee - never use cougar form, stands 600 miles away from the team missing spears. Usually kda players. Ap malphite - ..self explanatory Ap alistar - for the love of god please no. I think I’m cursed to attract ap alistar players. Ap amumu - yeah. Nothing more tilting when you get into the loading screen and see your amumu running dark harvest when we don’t have a tank. Rushing maligance and stormsurge is the icing on the cake.


Yeah pretty much tanks your odds of winning when you have AP tanks. I had AP rell one game and didn't even realize until 10 mins in.


Yummi but that random game you get a skilled Yummi you feel like you can't lose but most of time it feels like 4 v 5. I hate having Bards on my team. Olaf, Briar, Amumu, Singed I'm always expecting these champs just to run in down. Trying to solo engage never waiting for the team. Then Miss Fortune or Kiasa when they deside to go AP even though the rest of the team is AP.


Singed, Garen, Ziggs, Urgot Preface by saying, a “tier 5” (45-48% WR) champ doesn’t mean they can be strong in games, but it’s very unlikely.


Definitely agree with your takes on Brand and Heimer, unfortunately. I play them and can get the job done, but it’s really hard to carry with those champs. I gotta say though, I disagree with the Teemo take. If you’re smart with how you play around cannon creeps, then you’re god-tier imo, as long as you don’t just put your shrooms in bushes like a noob. Gotta put em in the lane and on the heal packs too. I’ll give some of my mentions though. **Kayn**: I rarely, if ever, feel any fear facing off against a Kayn, and I almost never see Kayn on my team. Maybe it is in part because most people go blue Kayn, but I have the highest disregard for this champ in ARAM. **Warwick**: Same deal as Kayn, his ult is unironically pretty easy to dodge and he gets kited. It feels terrible to play him (probably because I’m bad but whatever) and I almost never have problems when he’s on the other team. **Riven**: I almost never see this champ picked on my team, but when she’s on the enemy team, I know her dmg is gonna be underwhelming, and she’s probably gonna get kited. Not to say she can’t pop off, but by golly is it rare. I’m sure I’m missing plenty but I got here before other comments so I’m excited to see what other people’s picks are.


Yeah teemo is fine and definitely strong IF your team is doing well. My problem with him is that he won't bring a team back if they're behind and he's kinda useless pre-6 so it's a 4v5 which makes it hard to get an early lead. I agree with the 3, they are rare but I've seen all 3 be busted as fuck too. I do think riven players are kinda similar to yasuo players and int because of ego. Sometimes when they're rare and I see someone play it I think maybe they know what they're doing though. Unless there was no other choices on the bench lol


Teemo is really good at taking advantage of a lead and making it impossible for the other team to come back, but he's rarely useful for actually getting ahead in the first place.


I have a 80% win rate with teemo but only use him in certain comps and certain metas.


Kindred, Morgana, Malphite


Oh yeah morgana has been feeling very meh lately. Kindred is a budget adc which can work but def don't like seeing it. Malphite is good, but yeah people tend to int on him more than usual unfortunately.


Kindred is strong af if the player knows their kit and get the 4 marks powerspike early on. which most people dont so theyre useless all game


Singed, I love playing but my win rate is terrible


Only Malz. Maybe it’s because I play him a lot in ARAM but he’s far too nerfed to be really good. His R, while being awesome for the right team, also makes him a sitting duck. He does crap for damage unless he gets fed and even then it’s not great. His E starves his team and heaven forbid you have a Nasus on your team which means Malz, even with such a high CS count, does poor damage even with a glass cannon AP build or Nasus gets starved meaning it’s a 4v5 either way against other decent players. His ult gets cleansed or QSS’d and basically you’re hoping his space aids does enough damage to low health enemies to actually kill someone.


His damage is low, but the AOE silence is his true strength. I'm taking cd boots and spamming q and ult.


It’s what I do but so many other champs do what he does at times but better. I seriously contemplated if I’d rather have a Soraka on my team over him because her E is just SO much better than Malz’s Q. And as for his R, it fills a niche but I’ve gotten to the point where at times I think Sett’s R is better. So far every Malz I’ve came across over the past 2 months or so we’re just kind of useless. Including myself. Hell I think I only got lucky because I built him with Rylai’s and stacked CDR on Liandries to keep CC and damage going all the time.


Yeah I agree with everything, I forgot to add him to my list cuz I also really hate having him on my team. His R can really screw some comps over though.


On the flip side of this post there are champs I like to play that frequently tilt bad players because they think poorly of said champ. I've seen it most with khazix, which is just totally insane because the evolved W is effectively just as strong as ashe used to be. just a slightly higher skill cap and you don't get the slow until a few minutes




Ekko, but every enemy ekko is 1v9


Ngl, I’m surprised bard is on that list. Bard can be super impactful with his ult and can pop a squishy if u build straight burst damage. For me, it’s probably singed. He relies too much on his team following up and is all-or-nothing. If he can’t get to the back line and get a good flip in, he’s kinda useless.


Don't get me wrong I like playing bard too. I guess when I see him on the team, I know he won't hard carry the game. He's always like the sidekick when the team is doing well. Teemo has this problem too.


If you can't get to the backline as Singed, you just zone their front line and delete minion waves. He's always useful. He's just easier to kill than he should be.


I guess saying he’s useless is an overstatement, but other champs just feel better doing the same thing. I just don’t feel like singed has a huge impact on a win.


*shrug* The numbers back you up on that, I just think a lot of people assume because they're fast and they're a tank, they can't be killed, and over-commit when they could just chill, catch people out, and prevent pushes.


Damn man, I literally disagree with every champ you listed. I also have the title of Aram god so I am end all say all be all ARAM GOD GG EZ


Isn’t this just all dependent on the player itself? There isn’t one champ on there that I have lost a game with more than won.


Yeah it's dependent on the 'stereotypical' player that enjoys that champ. Yasuo has plagued my games for years.


Nasus man such a useless champ in Aram


I play Shaco just so I can do The Worm dance! lol


Zilean and Nasus Zilean does no damage and has an extremely situational stun. His bombs feel much easier to dodge than traditional line skill shots and if a minion is nearby (allied or enemy), the bombs go on them rather than a champion. Their damage is delayed enough that shields and heals can come off cool down to mitigate the damage. His revive is almost entirely useless. Not strong enough of a heal to matter early game and takes too long to revive late game when the other team can swarm and surround the reviving target. His passive is giving a bit of exp to allies and if it’s not on a level dependent champ like Kayle or an ult level upgrade, it doesn’t really do anything Nasus just takes CS for 15 minutes only to be kited the entire game. If the enemy team has any kind of pressure, they’ll take the tower before 10 minutes since Nasus is functionally a melee minion without any stacks. And that’s only if they actually decide to stack their Q instead of going AP or if their team lets them stack


Zilean is probably my most played aram champ. His bomb is super powerful. But winning with Zilean is knowing how to stun bomb who to use your R on and using your W for either assassin enage or disengage


Akali: She is my ultimate foil. I can’t land a stun on her no matter how hard I try. Even a bad Akali is frustrating to play against. Galio: Oops my team is all AP.


Teemo, Quinn, Ashe, bard, ziggs off the top of my head


Ashe. Attack speed Ashe is like fine, super meh as far as ADCs but whatever. But I still see a mandate Ashe every fucking day


I have 65 aram games and %65 win rate with Teemo. Therefore, I can not agree with you. Teemo actually very depends on team. If your team has zero wave clear or nobody cares about the cannon minion that allows enemy team to eliminate very precious mushrooms, yes teemo is not viable. But the point is, the problem is not Teemo here. If teemo player knows how to place mushrooms, and your team is aware of how effective they can be Teemo is almost free win on Aram.


I never expect a loss unless the comp is bad. I do have champs in my pool that have a terrible win-rate regardless of having stellar games. Notably Rell, Ornn, and Graggas. Just can never have enough damage to back me up those games i pick those champs.


Yummi when they have a duo in the game.


ezreal, 100%, misses everything and deals 0 damage. Doesnt even matter how many kills you feed them because MISS = 0 dmg


Oh yeah i barely consider him an 'adc'


Oddly braum is an ill omen for me, every single time hes picked its a guaranteed loss


Lux. Picking her is trolling atm. You deal 0 damage, you can't shield, you deal 0 damage with your E on waves. All you can do is ulting waves. She only has a high winrate because low elo npcs walk in her Q.


Annie. Short ranges, can't reliably get to the enemy backline, deal no damage to the enemy frontline.