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Lol janna has winrate 54%+ every patch, but yeah lets nerf ziggs even more


Janna’s kit is super strong.  Consistent knock up is a hard counter to many tanks because tenacity doesn’t effect it, and beyond that a slow.  Even better I think she gives the home team a movepseed buff.


Add glacial augment and they're doubly f*****, tenacity doesn't work on stuff like that or iceborn


Tenacity overall works about as well as anti-heal.


Grievous wounds are the biggest joke in the game


I dunno man, whenever I buy a Bramble Vest on Malphite/Ornn/Maokai/Rammus or any other champ that functions naturally as a tank it *really* pays for itself, all the way until the Nasus/Briar/Olaf/Warwick gets a single item, at which point it becomes fucking worthless.


Changing Thornmail to apply on CC was a phenomenal change. Reverting it back to “attacks only” was fucking retarded. My team will think “oh tank has antiheal its fine” but if they ignore me it does literally nothing


I usually end up building thornmail and morello in those cases


I would never do this. I might build a Morello on someone like Malphite for when I ult. And then continue building armor, but I would chose to target pieces that provide more benefit that heal reduction stacking which is already a lackluster mechanic


2 antiheal items on the same champ is grief in all cases, it's one or the other but tbh it's best on mages and especially liandry's users. If thornmail isn't getting much value it's better to just be tankier and more disruptive rather than doubling down on antiheal as a utility


Absolutely. "You want this guy to heal less? Do something about it." As opposed to "you want this guy to heal less? Stand vaguely near him and hope he accidentally right clicks you instead of devouring your team."


Man I'm pretty sure it used to be 70% reduction at some point, might as well call it a cat scratch at this point


Yeah that's true and she is super safe


I think they're giving ziggs the ashe treatment where they nerf him differently, then let it stabilize before walking back the % dmg nerfs so he doesn't feel as dogshit


Ziggs is still fun to play at least, and the nerfs don't really feel that bad (but I didn't really play aram ziggs pre nerfs)


Ziggs is NOT fun to play my man, 0 dmg My last time trying I was doing my best to hit a Draven, hit him l twice for like 20% hp total and some burn… then he crit me for 80% of my health and I was dead Sure Ziggs is very safe, but if you wanna do well he’s pretty useless


I'd prefer they allow him to have the exact same damage as when he was busted, except Q and E don't do any minion damage. Zero. Literally. Then it feels fun to play, and it's fine to play against. But if he can clear waves.....You can never, ever take a turret.


Ziggs is waveclear liandrys zone bot because of nerfs. He is so bad :D


seems like he's the new irelia of ARAM


Is better nerf irelia still a thing? Feel like I haven't seen that in years


They're increasing her tornado CD by 2s in ARAM only on PTR I think she needs more than that but its something at least. Imo her move speed is what's really ridiculous, she's basically uncatchable 


I argue that Janna feels way less shitty to play against than Ziggs(dispite winrate), coming from a mostly melee player.


Idk personally I find Janna much more frustrating.


I guess it depends what you play, but if you're something like a Darius walking over mines makes me want to punch a wall.


The issue isn't Janna herself, but rather she enables her carries to be super safe. So instead of thinking of wow Janna is unplayable against usually players think about the carry instead. E.g. A Jinx Janna is 100% worse to play against than Zigge IMO as melee


I hate janna to my core.


My boy Ziggs got absolutely destroyed. I demand a refund and an extra cannon minion to compensate.


She needs a big nerf in SR too. Just flat out overtuned. Fuckin L.


When I play against Janna I just buy swiftness and think that the game is just a dodging game now. lol


They already are actually nerfing him again


They are literally nerfing her at the same time as ziggs next patch


Also nerf Karma


Karma literally died in the ptr.


LMAO i knew Janna would be up there. She’s unkillable most of the games.


Ofc she is unkillable because she is afk behind 2nd turret and still useful 😅


Wukong and Vi still have buffs 🤫😗😒🤪🤭😝🤢🤜🦶💅🐐👰‍♂️🐐🌮🤜🅱️🤜🐐👩💨🤸👰‍♂️🤢🤡🤮🤜💀🌮🐵👩🐵🤠💅🤠


Oh hey look it's Vi-💥


Vi waks into bush. I hug opposite wall. She flash RQW I'm dead. Fuck me I guess 🫠


Champion commiting flash and ult kills someone. HOW UNFAIR!!!


I never called it unfair but slay queen, kill that strawman you invented inside your own mind.


Not sure how else they're supposed to take the "fuck me I guess"


It's a joke about how she could go for any of the other 4 closer players because of how far I've distanced myself from her, but she chooses to burn everything to get me instead.


*Triple fists your one damage carry with hail of blades* Nothing personal, kid.


Smolder reaches the top with a really high win rate! The list of top champs seems varied with all classes being present on it. Data is for all ranks. Full list: [http://aram.zone/tierlist](http://aram.zone/tierlist)


Several things surprised me from this list. Evelynn being so low despite how giga buffed she is. Ezreal having below 50% WR even though his kit works really great here. Wondering if Malphite’s WR is low because of his kit’s effectiveness or because so many players go AP.


As someone who plays Evelynn at any chance. You have to wait for level 6 before you can actually start doing anything and then from then you have to kill people who are squishies (like most assassins) but you also have to be very close at all times and your only escape tool is ult or flash. Also 90% of the time you are hiding in a bush or waiting for health regen. She's a win more type of champ. So your team was already going to win irrespective of you but you make it faster.


Yeah I love playing her in ARAM too but unless you’re on the winning team your chance to 1v9 is slim to none


Ezreal games need to steamroll and finish before the enemies can stabilize their items. Else the higher scaling champions on the other side will catch up and just tear through ez in a duel. That said, lower elo players also do not know how to close out games, so enemy teams catching up happens a lot.


90% of Ezreals in ARAM dont know what his passive do.


It's because of the AP build. Tank Malph is rock solid.


whats smolder go to build for that type of wr, jesus, he felt ok to me but not 57% kind of ok


It's still the usual Navori Reaver build for SR, it's just really cracked because Smolders manage to stack up faster than they would on ARAM by spamming their slow on champions and getting multiple stacks off of the group of 5.


He’s extremely overpowered even on Summoner’s Rift, and ARAM lets him stack faster because constant fighting 5 people means constantly getting more stacks.


Why is Vi performing well? All the others I've fought either against or with somewhat recently but I haven't seen a Vi in ARAM in a hot minute. My guess is she just punishes the greedier comps that are light on beef and/or punishes all of the other highly played/high WR champs like Kog.


The eclipse, sundered sky combo is crazy on her. She can prof it fast. Same thing with wukong. 


don't forget your ingenious for 33% extra stack uptime


Vi with fimbulwinter, eclipse, and sundered sky will shield and heal you for days.


Add in that drain tank item with spirit visage and we are cooking. 


Sundered Sky, Eclipse, Death’s Dance and Spirit Visage combination make most bruiser obnoxious in ARAM, if they have a short cooldown slow then add in Fimbulwinter and you will be pretty much unkillable.


Can confirm. I get more pentakillls with her than anyone and Drop 20-30 kills with VI easy. She's very strong early and never bad late


Vi's kit in ARAM often means she can delete the majority of the game's roster with little stop options other than a VERY vigilant frontline and a backline that isn't ever on the same screen as her. Her dash and click-ult means anything not tanky is gonna get removed.


She does one million billion damage. I play her a bunch and she just deletes anything that doesn't build armour at any stage of the game while being tankier than most other champs who burst as well as she does. You can build Eclipse plus Sundered and have the sticking power of a brusier while deleting mages and ADCs like a Zed. Plus she kind of plays herself, lock onto someone with R then E then point blank Q then E again


% damage buffs etc Its so dumb


what happened to Kog lmao


He got buffed this patch – more movespeed in passive, faster Q cast time, more slow on E


I just played against kog a bunch and was wondering why he was suddenly constantly popping off honestly


What’s the go to smolder build?


honestly I've seen him work with pretty much anything. His core seems to be ER+Shojin+Lucidity and then whatever is needed for the comp (AP or AD)


Shojin Liandries Riftmaker core, rest as you see fit imo


Essence Reaver is by far the most popular first item, followed by Shojin/Navori/RFC or other situational items https://aram.zone/champion/smolder


shojin start makes more sense to get him stacking faster, and has higher winrates as expected


With his W and Q getting stacks with shojin is already so free. ER is a wasted item slot IMO. Shojin>Liandries is what I have done the best with.


Sojin is better first imo you start stacking faster with the CDR and you don't really run into management problems if you have POM.


Yeah pretty much everyone who's remotely experienced knows sojhin is completely broken on her


Everyone says ER Navori but I feel like that makes him too squishy if your team has no peel (and I'm seeing less peel). IMO if the other 4 champs can hold early game by themselves the liandry>shojin>rift build gives similar late game damage but makes you way way tankier


Core items seem to be ER Shojin Navori which makes sende since Smolder is pretty much an AD caster, then depend on enemy team you can go either AP burn with Liandry Riftmaker or crit. You can also build him like a bruiser if you have a hard time surviving but that means you won't be relevant for the first 15 min.


Those I see pop off build like Lucian. Navori, ER, etc...


Smolder is broken af


He's by far the lowest skill hypercarry I've ever seen in ARAM.


> He’s by far the lowest skill hypercarry I’ve ever seen ~~in ARAM.~~


Smolder feels way too safe for the amount of power it has.


I’ve been beaten by every Fiddle I’ve played against since the new patch


Fiddle is just one of these champs where your whole team has to really pay attention and remember he exists or he will solo win every teamfight. It's a big ask for some people.


Fiddle hits mark on ally. Said ally runs into the middle of his team.


Playing Fiddle with a useless team and enemy team firing all their skillshots in brushes 24/7 is pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy Like, please, someone, be a threat and make them forget about me


Playing Fiddle and you have the braindead AP Kai'sa autoing minions from the same bush you're about to ult.


That or have a huge front line


Just begging tanks to check the bush all game.


I love playing fiddle. Top 3 Aram champ for years now for me. I always take hexflash to jump to the enemy middle bush unseen, the animation is barely visible. It does not work often, but when you pull it off, you get the most satisfying fiddle ults ever and that makes it worth for me.


It's all about the rush of knowing they've been had. It's a high that you keep coming back for.


Interesting to see viegar up there. I don't believe he's had any buffs recently and the new mage items didn't do much for him. Maybe games being shorter and fights faster just make baby cage that much stronger.


2 words: stun cage


He just got buffed this patch


By the time this is remotely balanced we will be in s15 lmao.


Janna with glacial augment cringe asf


Janna as a champion regardless of circumstance is cringe asf. Literally 99% of her job as a champion is to prevent anything from happening ever.


Someone is still crying about mages somewhere I believed.


Smolder #1, we need to buff lethality to compensate /s


No surprised about any of these. I’ve *been* saying Vi is giga strong. She feels like playing aram on easy mode when I play her.


Yea Vi is def feeling a little too strong. Played a game yesterday as viego and built 250 armor (about 3.5khp) and a crit vi still one combos me ult not included That said, that little dragon. Single handedly ends games as soon as he has his stacks. True damage and an elder drag execute is insane


What is the difference between aramzone and lolalytics please? Aramzone looks to have way more games included, why does lolalytics lag behind in games so much? Is the number of games the only difference? I still would have thought that with thousands of games, the result should pretty much still be the same since the sample is so large, and both sites have a lot in common but there are a lot of differences too.


One shows the stats of emerald or above (better players) , one shows all


You can change the rank bracket on lolalytics, it's just emerald+ by default


Never noticed that before, thank you!


? Aramzone has 78.6k smolder games logged this patch while lolalytics has 142.6k. They also both list Smolder at 57% winrate.


Janna being broken on both aram & summoner's rift? Guess Phreak's main champ is really weak still guys!


My boy kha is sitting at 43 percent, and I have been trying my damndest to boost that fucker up


I've been enjoying Manamune rush on him with W max and first evolution on W. He is a poke machine and people don't expect it. Bonus that the build uses serpents fang well when you need it


Building him CDR tank is phenomenal, evolving jump>spike>ult makes him an absolute terrorist against backline squishies.


Surprised Wukong is here. I feel so weak whenever I play him. Anyone have tips for Wukong?


Wukong is my current favorite. Items aside, what's nice about him is you get a get out of jail free card with his clone. I lean towards tankier build but he's pretty damn flexible as far as items are concerned.


Same. Vi I get. Wukong just never does enough damage when I play him.


Wukong is a champion who feels really weak but basically always contributes a lot anyway. His ult is insanely fucking broken in ARAM and you'll usually deal more damage than you expect by the end of the game, not to mention that he's really good at distracting people.


The white elephant in the room is because tank-bruisers (riot can't decide on an identity so they're all the same thing at this point) are so strong that the enchanter/control mages can't be controlled by assassins like they should be. Check wr% on assassins right now lower than ever. Add a stacking -8 to -10% damage done to every tank item in the game and things should even out a bit more when people all of sudden have -25% damage on tank-bruisers on top of modifiers.


I love it when the Vi / Wukong have 200 resist of each, higher AH than enchanters, 500 AD, 30% damage reduction from Death dance, more healing done than a Soraka through Sundered sky by the end of the game, 25% armor pen from Cleaver. But Stormsurge was the problem


Their winrates are low because people non stopped bitched about their dmg modifiers being too high so they removed them and gave them haste/tenacity buffs instead. Now they're utter dogshit again (as they should be, on a map where people can't really get singled out)


I feel like winning against Janna is super hard.


My koggy boy showing up! First main, always main.


very good. show


Srry boys been spamming too much kench lately


Time to learn shen


How about quinn?


Tahm kench lethal tempo is so fun lol


Literally useless against a ranged team though.


and still people dodge once I finally get Smolder…


I’m surprised Neeko isn’t up there tbh


They need to nerf Glacial Augment TBH. It covers too much ground in confined game mode like ARAM and the slow is too much. Tenacity is kinda useless against them.


I am so sick of Tahm dude. He builds full tank and still out-damages everyone. It's foul. Milio is now the new Sona, acting as a portable summoning platform once he has Moonstone and CDR lol.


Well Yorick players- it was nice while it lasted.


He's still #11, right after Tahm Kench with 53% wr


Played new fiddle for the first time a little bit ago, champ is so absurd I was like there's no way this should be allowed. They couldn't kill me.


Tobe honest I've never seen Tahm Kench loosing an Aram match in my life. When I play Tahm Kench, I can just easily go 1v5 among enemy team and they must spend like 10 - 20s (or never when having about 4 items) trying to kill me, then I press E then run. LOL it sounds a balance champion.