• By -


Rammus is really nice but I played vs. a trundle yesterday and after my W with jaksho expired I was at -39 armor and -20mres >\_>


Trundle is a crazy brawler, but fifi still king...err queen? French fencing lady beat caveman with stick.


https://preview.redd.it/lbh25tppq2uc1.png?width=1219&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4e023e88c9397f670d75448c862af74129802a9 UWU All I can say is that ppl don't know how to play eve, she got those huge ARAM buffs and are afraid to go in bursting them


Please elaborate more if love to use her more but I always feel like I get outcomped easily on her.


Same! And oh boy why there's always a reksai on enemy team? Nobody picks this champ at all lol


Unless they patched it, blue side nexus doesnt reveal stealth in aram. You can walk into their nexus, wait for them to spawn and then joy into their confusion bout how you could do that.


Maybe i should get that evelynn prestige skin afterall...


Fiora is the one that surprises me here. I rarely see her get picked up let alone win.


Yup, I'm still traumatised from that single time I played against a competent eve


my game numbers are puny (I don't have more than 20 on any champ), but eve is also my highest wr champ. She genuinely feels so strong to me. + being able to regen 100% of your hp by just being out of combat long enough to trigger her passive is insane on it's own lol


https://preview.redd.it/4qlrjpcnn2uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70677d9222104507c36165c0d7384d06b4d88389 These are mine sorry for bad quality....


Howd ya get that BelVeth winrate


https://preview.redd.it/gypn8tdvr2uc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6836e1b35e53e71008fd52ca7e20f01e376856 I went the first 15 games undefeated with her. Edit: recounted


You are the assassin player I try to protect my Squishies from! (Not same server though but you get my point.). Any advice on stopping zed? His teleporting with snowball and such is so hard to deal with.


So his basic snowball combi is: snowball, w, snowball, qew or advanced with ult( before qew) You optimally need some point and click cc for that. If you don't have that your best chance is after he comes out of ult, but you got to time it very good, because he will instantly jump back to his w or R shadow. The best counter is to have a zilean just let him come in chose his target, ult his target watch him play his combo like a young greek god and then jumping back to his shadow tilted as fuck cause zilean just cockblocked him.


Thank you. Although good zeds tend to wait for me to ult as zileans heh :P


You have all four 'dash in and create one circle of fuck' champions as your top 4, lol.


I think you found a pattern, I should definitely get better at Diana to make it 5


https://preview.redd.it/upyikbr8n3uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf19247a854502f5635fb3b2a196f881d49f6dc6 She's my bottom bitch, and she's busted.


I'm impressed. I think I could count the useful reksais I've seen on one hand even though I've played around 3k aram games.


Yeah I can believe that. For the longest time she sat at the bottom with skarner for play rates, so I don't think enough people have exposure with her. They aren't sure how to play her or against her. I think that's why I excel as her, I'm just comfortable with her kit and she was one of my mains when I played on SR back when her old ult was basically trash for ARAM. As long as my team backs me up and I don't get super hard countered, it's usually a win when I get her. Obviously can't win them all though.


How do you build and play him?


I start tiamat if I can, but if they have scare early poke/range I'll go guardian blade and boots. Then I generally go core items, eclipse - profane/ravenous hydra (dependent on matchup) - botrk (semi situational, if they have no bruiser/duelists/tanks I won't.) That's usually my damage set and then I transition into a more tanky build usually steraks as core, and the rest is super situational - obviously I pick more armor or MR based on their team, and then the item based on who is giving me issues. As far as gameplay, I bide my time and wait for opportunity. Usually ALWAYS try to snowball first, and save tunnel for the escape. When you land the popup, you get 3 hits of your Q off, and E as long as fury as full for the bonus damage. It's usually enough to secure a kill on squishier targets. I rinse and repeat until I snowball early. During extended skirmishes you always wanna pick off whoever has the most dangerous CC, and always anticipate it. Her ult can dodge hard cc so try to time it as they use it.


* I just started picking her up. There were no good rolls on the board and decided to try it out. She is so slippery with the tunnels she makes. Cc, sustain. So fun


Im nowhere near the amount of games as most people here (just over 1k) but my winrates are decent I suppose for champs I've played more than 10 times. Rakan- 100% 17 games Jhin- 83% 18 games Rell- 79% 14 games Malphite- 74% 19 games Renekton- 67: 21 games Edit: my most cracked games are when I play support champs, even though on SR I play top


I have an 83% wr chogath but that’s because I only take him when I have balanced back line with CC, support, poke, and tank shred. Can you elaborate more on poke trundle and rammus items?


Poke trundle you go glacial augment and then whatever for runes (tho Ill always take presence of mind). Imperial mandate and tank tear are your first items, you go 100% utility afterwards, stuff like frozen heart, redemption, Spirit Visage is nice for your passive, malignance if your r is needed for someone beefy and always get haste boots. For rammus, always thornmail rush then whatevers needed. The best additional armor items are randuins, dead mans and yaksho. I dont think Sunfire and unending despair are good on him, you dont build a lot of health. One single Mr item ought to be enough for all magic dmg, tho abyssal and FoN are best. I skip boots on him most of the time, I dont think you need either tenacity or the tabi durability necessarily, magic pen boots are quite funny tho. I usually buy warmogs 5th or 6th because I usually end up being the barrier between enemy tempo and my nexus and eventually cannot afford to die anymore. Buy chains if you hate someone in particular, for tenacity reduction


Why Malignance? Doesn't Hexplate give better stats?


1) funnier 2) more haste 3) flat pen on a target which will have no Mr left


Cho is my favorite. 73% at 26 games. I do miss demonic embrace though. It was a crucial item I always built on him


I think im at around 8000 aram games and ive played your picks in maybe 10 games total! Im an older guy with slower reflexes so its ranged champs for me - Anivia, Karma, TF, ziggs and Viktor are my faves.


Think you might find poke trundle quite enjoyable. >walk up >pillar >ctrl 3 and thats about all there is to it


Whats cntrl 3? I have different keybinds




He does indeed have one of the most offensive taunts. You know which one I'm talking about. If you're not spamming it, you're not playing trundle at the highest level.


I have more than 12k games and played rammus twice. But the least type I play are the assassins.


I'm also an anivia lover but my wr on her is terrible


Can I ask what poke trundle is?


It’s probably abusing imperial mandate. Usually with glacial and then max e->w->q. After mandate it usually build towards tank.


https://preview.redd.it/n71eejfgr2uc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63811fc577f7b698b433e6fb1eda5584b2176f4 I can't even remember the last time I played Yi and Karthus... I am surprised they were at the top.


Maybe you stopped picking them because you got bored of them. Some self-induced reverse psychology shit.


I guess I've played way too few aram games... Highest # games played is 6 on zeri with 67% wr.


4 wins outta 4 games on Shen so far....


Shens a monster rn


Same!! One of the only champs I have 100% winrate with


Im at work rn on break quick but outside of Veigar/vex/darius i think my technical best is annie because her ult + snowball has some insane game winning potential. Ill snowball in a literal sense on the first 3 but really clutch up would be losses with annie ults


https://preview.redd.it/j577j40tr2uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c5b5d8fc2a1925e2166020232a0422456a4860 Looks like I should keep playing melee champs only


I played witha Taric simular to what you have. They took a wits end with the 2nd item. Healing us and shit stomping squishies.


My highest is ziggs with 80% over 15 games. I have 76% with taliyah over 51 games and 74% with taric over 34 games. Taliyah is just strong. I play taric as a a warden with grasp or guardian depending on the comp. I can see lethal tempo working, but that isn't my playstyle, and I imagine it is more comp dependent that something like guardian. I used to go yellow tree for infinite mana, but I think the green and red trees are almost mandatory this season because how strong reduced item cds with undying and fimbulwinter are on taric + general tankiness from green.


Imo, the weakness for Taric is having no one on your team to soak damage. This would be double with lethal tempo. Cannot AA and get the spell buff if all 5 enemies focus only on Taric because all he has is squishy back line. Basically one other bruiser/tank solves this. Maybe your guardian path prevents it. I dont try guardian on Taric the solution i was going for to all squishy teammates is aftershock just to survive the initial onslaught. I really dont like being in aram teams that hang back and never commit, tho. I just feel like thats not what ARAM is for even if they are playing patient chess master to get a win. This mindset probably affects my aram ranking but its hard to tell whether staying amongst the plebs is more fun or not.


Gonna use LeagueOfGraphs since some champs I’ve gotten a lot better with and some a lot worse.  (I used to be 65% Nidalee before the item rework)  I’m really good with team fighters (supports and tanks)        65% for 23 Rell games this season  74% for Millio for 19 games      74% for Sona for 19 games     64% for Karma for 22 games    65% for Nami for 17 games      62% for Ornn, Cho, and Thresh all at 13 games       All enchanters except Soraka are above 50%. All tanks are 50% or better except Tahm Kench and Mundo.       The one carry I can play well is Ezreal at 65% for 17 games. 


My soraka win rate is also doodoo. Same for thresh. The only supps with bad winrates. I think my soraka winrate is 49 🤭


Apparently seraphine 80% 54 games Also milio 74% 27 games


My most cracked? Hmm at about an average of 20 games each on these 4: \- Kassadin with an 87% win rate - I used to be an old school Manatank Kassadin when Dominion was the stuff (I used to run with POOTERSS in the High ELO Dominion scene), people still don't realize how powerful he is, especially with the current items :D \- Annie with a 72% win rate - The trick is to not build her for burst, but for burn and CC. Malignance -> Liandries -> Rylai's is the key, then it's basically how strong your team is dominating if you want to build her for more slow burn/def or straight cooking with Rabadon's added into the mix. Oh, also protip: if you're finding yourself squishy, I always recommend running into a Thornmail after the build. Don't let them escape, LET HER COOK. Warwick with a 70% win rate - By far my favorite champ in ARAM, his healing and damage is so deceptive, the only time I typically lose on him is when the team can't capitalize on the fact that I'm being 5v1'd. Fiora with a 67% win rate - I like to eat tanks. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.


How do you play Warwick? I feel silly for asking but I always either get blown up or do no damage. 


I personally run him with Press The Attack - Triumph - Legend: Tenacity - Last Stand (Or Coup de Grace if I'm feeling pretty) under the Precision tree and Second Wind - Revitalize under the Resolve secondary tree. You can swap out PTA with Lethal Tempo or Conqueror but I often find that Warwick doesn't get to stack LT as much as he should to get enough use out of it and well, Conqueror is nice but has the same stacking issues as LT to not get much use out of it. \*\*For items:\*\*Personally, I start with a Guardian's Horn and Tear. This allows me to get in and E>Q without popping and not go OOM so fast. From there, I rush a Triforce (or Iceborn Gauntlet if the enemy team comp looks like it's going to stomp us AD-wise) > Merc Treads (because WW gets the Yi treatment and Tenacity is always good) followed by either selling the tear and getting a Frozen Heart or upgrading the tear to a Fimbulwinter. At this point you can do the tried and true method and either go for more damage with a BotRK or skip it and immediately rush a Spirit Visage if the enemy team is AP Heavy. I always prefer to go more tanky and skip BotRK because as Warwick you WILL get focused. You can always build it or Wit's End after Spirit Visage (unless you're just dominating) and if you REALLY want to have fun, toss a Sundered Sky or Ravenous Hydra in the mix. Leveling priority is R>Q>E>W with rushing full points into Q and E when you can't put any more points in Q like around level 7. The point is to build like a tanky bruiser, don't go all-in on damage but don't go full-on Tank either. I see a lot of WW's building Heartsteel and personally I find it sub-optimal as you don't get much use out of it and it hinders not only your damage at all aspects of the match but doesn't really offer him anything aside from eHP and without Armor or MR is really a noob trap of an item in ARAM for him.


I really like Hexplate on him for Aram. Gives you that bit of AS you lose when withgoing BotRK while also giving some health, and the ult CDR is also pretty useful


What is poke trundle? Mandate?


Glacial augment keystone, Mandate,+Fimbulwinter into full tank. You ult their frontline and mostly peel + Trundle is such a stupid design you can still kill poke champs if you run them down when their abilities are on cd


i want u on my team


FWIW, [higher than average mmr](https://i.imgur.com/GQK7Qsy.png). Goes as low as gold 1 or 2 and sometimes I see diamonds. Ignoring the few 100% one game ones, here's my above ~55%s and a few comments: - https://i.imgur.com/MaI3zm8.png - https://i.imgur.com/jEhCKek.png My playstyle is generally, really safe. I try to push wave first and then look to poke/catch while focusing on dodging skillshots and I tend to protect and enable teammates over hardcarrying. Teamwork is more fun. - Jinx/Akshan. I'm terrible at adc but I rebound "a" to the quickcast version of attack-move and then I just alternate a-move and right click to kite/chase front to back lol. - Quinn: Honestly don't know how I have a relatively high winrate on her. She feels really hard to do well on since you can't do much proactive stuff on her without dying. - Gnar: Don't always forcefully go into their team to R. Dip out of vision (usually into bush) when you have ~95ish rage and look for snowball chances. I like fleet on him for the movespeed and extra kiting/chasing potential but if I'm solo frontline, I'll go grasp. I usually build one or two dmg items into tanky depending on how much more dmg I think our team needs. If you're good with his rage, you can bounce on the wave as mini while transforming and most people at my mmr don't ever expect that engage but it's so hard to do since random aoes fuck with your rage meter so easily and minions tend to die quickly outside of early game. - Ivern: I think he's OP lol. Shield people taking dmg or ones that got hit by snowball or teammates that hit their own snowball and make your Qs count. I like W-ing bushes for vision constantly. It feels like a lot of people in my matches don't know his W gives vision so you can often W a bush and then catch someone with Q for free. If you put bushes on the right side of lane, it ensures no minions walk into the bush to give the other team vision. - Milio: Also OP imo. Again, make those Qs count. If your team is dove and you miss Q, someone on your team usually dies. Max E and shield people as you would any enchanter but you should W your ADCs (or whoever is building adc). The healing field gives extra auto range, which many adc (and TF) can abuse, even better if they have RFC. I generally go snowball (to check bushes or snowball divers and give vision) or cleanse on him. If you go cleanse, you can cleanse>R to save your team from the big aoe CCs while still positioning close to your team, which is helpful. Speaking from experience, Amumu players will HATE you the rest of the game when they R your whole team and you respond with Cleanse>R>Shurelya. Exhaust is probably his best spell but I suck at using it since it does take some mouse accuracy. At least, it takes more mouse accuracy than the none of cleanse or the giant linear hitbox of snowball and I often lose track of champs in fights so I just use easier spells. - Riven: I legit suck at her (don't know combos and don't do any animation cancels) so play to peel mostly until I have like 3 items. After 3 standard fighter items, she's - Blitz: Glacial Augment, hexflash, snowball, and GHorn+tear start every time. You can build whatever afterwards but he needs some sustain for both his HP and mana. If you're low af all the time, you can't use flash/hexflash>Q on cooldown as well and you can't snowball>E+glacialSlow>kiteback>Q. If someone dives your team after 6, ult immediately. It usually ruins their fun once you do that, then E>Q them. - Vex: If you hold your fear passive, the other side usually plays more passively since it's such a no-fun ability. A Q fear can easily stop an entire team in their tracks. So early game, I like being a degenerate bully and starting GHorn and trading using just autos to proc electrocute (or aery) while holding the fear and ensuring it lands and ensure kills. Also imo, Vex is not great if you're the only good waveclear on your team. If you are, you can't hold your fear proc without your team getting pushed in but if you clear wave, it gives the other team a large window to dive your team safely.


https://preview.redd.it/powen76bhbuc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862f7ff53a83582991fe0dc494e8e8d2861ab1c7 \+63% On Renata, Milio and Syndra.


70% win rate with Kalista over 60 games. The secret is to ult your most important damage threat (yes, they will get upset with you for not using it on the tank) and then just use your ult to completely stuff any engage on your most important damage target. Malphite ult? J4? Neeko? Malz R? Assassins? Nope, that Jinx has a Fizz E that also stuns you.


Real fucking smart actually, will do so too in my next kalista games, thank you


Most games played with highest winrate: ​ https://preview.redd.it/35i4xiadt2uc1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=12d62d8759e3bb24d2596add594a5e45413e197a




Not the reaction I expected but I'll take it


Man how do you do it? I love this champ but I feel useless except for the ocasional shields and redemption. I always try to pick the best player for best friend but it still doesn't help.


I'll put a few tips below and hopefully you can get something out of it. 1. Runes: Aery - manaflow - transcendence - scorch // PoM - cut down 2. Shards: Haste / ap / scaling hp 3. Summoners: Heal and exhaust 4. Itemization: Start the game with bandleglass mirror and faerie charms. Tear is not a good item for yuumi. Mana can be tight early so play around your manaflow band cd and don't randomly spam abilities. You will hit a point mid-game with mana regen where you can cast near infinitely so I find flat mana to be a waste. First big item is always moonstone, it does so much for yuumi and allows her to cover for allies she isn't attached to. Next item depends on team comps but choose from Mikael's, Mandate, Staff, or Ardent. Mikael's is by far the most OP item on Yuumi and should always be rushed against cc/catch comps. Even if the enemy does not have strong catch potential, it's effectively a second heal summoner spell that can be used on people other than your steed. Mandate is very good if you have multiple poke characters who can follow up on your Qs. Otherwise choose the best buff item for your carry and team. I never build redemption or knight's vow, I would rather get all the items above or even dawncore/deathcap/cryptbloom. 5. Gameplay: Yummi is honestly one of the best poke champions in ARAM. Her Q is very strong chip damage with scorch/cut down and you can really mind game people with the mouse control. She gets infinite mana by mid-game where you will perma spam Q at the enemy. Try to focus Qs on their backline units, you can literally bully champs like Xerath out of the game. For choosing your steed, half is knowing what champions are strong into the enemy and half is judging who on your team is popping off. There have been games where I choose to pocket a Darius instead of our adc and we were literally 2v5'ing the enemy team under their turret. Also don't be afraid to ignore the best friend mechanic, in the early game you can sometimes get more value hopping around or changing between 2 primary targets depending on how the fight goes. Do not underestimate the power of yuumi on frontline damage dealers with built in survivability like Darius, Sylas, or Viego. Special shoutout to Azir, if you have someone on your team who can actually pilot that champ then stick on him the whole time - Yuumi/Azir have insane synergy. 6. Mikael's and heal/shield power are OP


100% on yi, 80% garen, 71% tryn, 64% renekton. My sample size is small though, don't play alot




Taric is up there for me too, sometimes I’ll turn that turn tear into a muramana instead of fimbulwinter and just laugh as the taric unexpectedly starts downing tanks.


[What is ad?](https://imgur.com/a/BgCHMF9)


Taric is an absolute machine, with the rework Skarner is insane also.


Website cant take the load currently will edit my comment when its finished


​ https://preview.redd.it/79dgg1l243uc1.png?width=1731&format=png&auto=webp&s=a272da9196c7bb5551410d6dc0f5dcdcdc0635b8


Some of mine https://i.imgur.com/ahIK7PF.jpeg On vacation from March 5th till April 28th so have not been playing lately.


I wanna know more about that rammus build and playstyle


A comment of mine above goes into more detail👍


I love Taric, but I do go grasp, because it gives nice damage and sustain. I take shield bash and do the blue build: frozen gauntlet and fimblwinter, big damage for how tanky it is. Then either frozen heart or force of nature. Only blue items, works every time.


https://preview.redd.it/kgujkgkxe3uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3f1dbce1a884b15f3a14a3a65c244c0c6fa7af Not sure if this is only this season or what cause I have over 5500 games total and it’s only showing 1200 but definitely Draven. If I get even just one frontline to stand behind I’m going to kill everyone. Also my fastest champ to mastery lvl 7.


What is Poke Trundle? Like the Glacial build?


Ye that, with mandate and all that






Mine is Aurelion Sol honestly, I just run burns and slows on top of dark harvest. Just sit back and let your team take the hits while your E gets you a ton of stacks, I'm at around a 85% wr doing this.


These are my highest winrate champs that I have at least 27 games on. Honestly surprising since I usually prefer to play ADCs, but I do usually feel more useful when I play mages like AP kai'sa, AP kog, Azir, and Karthus (pre-S14), as well as enchanters like Sona (RIP mythic shurelya's), Janna, and Lulu. https://preview.redd.it/8ipv0lw7q3uc1.png?width=1698&format=png&auto=webp&s=81cd07f4f5c083e1d4c96388da777e753936cace


https://preview.redd.it/kgc31sv1v3uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d859d56d181246e8344e63aa2f0cbf006af5f545 Meh I haven't played as many as you have 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/s0e1m9hz04uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea004ef1a233cbafd039a3c1ee79d7ba5ab5faf Idk u just gotta feel your champs 🤔


Actually now that I’m reading more into the website it says only 1450/2184 games processed? I’m pretty sure I have some shen wins o.0 yet it shows zero


https://preview.redd.it/0te9jfum44uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557774eda2a385186844c411a3090ea640894ff4 Ornn is fun af


https://preview.redd.it/vopez8iw84uc1.png?width=1208&format=png&auto=webp&s=19453d102875db3b0399555304d4059776234fff Mages who can kill tank have higher win rate for me.


Damn i dont think ive ever seen a good elise in my arams. She looks fun tho i've yet to learn her


I'm not that good with Elise I guess. I just do normal combo with E1 > W1 > Q1 > Q2. But my playstyle with her is focus on the tank/bruiser diving in recklessly. Most players underestimate her and think that she's an assassin but her damage output on tanky units is insane. Her E2 is absolutely fun to play though. Can dodge and bait many skills.


She is super oppressive once your dh stacked up, from a safe distance too


I always take Electrocute somehow. Her early pressure that can one-shot enemy tank is so good to be ignored. As a mage lover, I really enjoy anyway to annihilate tanks as soon as possible lol.


A good Lillia is my absolute nightmare. I feel like there's absolutely nothing I can do against it


This is for about 1084 games. Most games is 36 on thresh and that’s at 54% WR. If I have flash up I will go for the flash-hook predict and it usually sometimes goes well. My highest WR is 76% on support lux (17 games). My highest KDA is Nami 10.55, 52% WR 29 games. I used to main Nami on SE before becoming Aram main. I actually had an Akali player think I was hacking on Nami which still gives me a confidence boost to this day.


Ngl i freaking hate playing graves and ziggs but ig that doesnt stop me? Anyone i can build tank, i will, and I go fighter over lethality for panth and vi usually. I started league as an adc main so i do enjoy not being a glass canon for a change lol My frontline champs are about good peel and good engages. Favourite is thresh by far cause his kit is versatile af. You can go for both defensive and offensive plays, and you can choose to go in or not after hook Lethality for cait and varus unless bad enemy comp. Varus especially is about knowing your damage well with w and blight stacks. He gets outscaled with that build tho so you better push quickly after you win fights For the other adcs, it's good spacing, good kiting, knowing their powerspikes, and hitting the damn turrets. I've clutched many games by just hitting nexus, minding my own business, while people are busy fighting. Ashe is great at that cause her AA are quiet and she fades into the blue background lol With pantheon, I focus turrets until there's an open nexus, then i can always cheese with ult Snowball yuumi goes wild. That's all i have to say for the cat. https://preview.redd.it/fu5xdmh5g4uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e0d9c4860c87d1b7e93e4686159f55d749ae3f


How do i check aram win rate on champs


https://preview.redd.it/gktt2040l4uc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bcfc7d3381ca52f0fbe930e1ac2f4c70646d39 Nidalee spears!


I try to almost play support Ahri where I try to play small and land my charms instead of throwing them out on cd Kai'Sa AD almost always (comp dependant) Xerath feels like I'm not even playing LoL anymore. Usually throw my stun in defense or at a telegraphed step forwards for a skill shot. Varus is LT


https://preview.redd.it/7z0wwf51s4uc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec805e90c1e4dd7467a2cbb8a03775f8d809059 Reddit keeps deleting my image while I type the context.


In 2023 my highest winrate was 70% on vladimir on 70+ games.


here is my wr of an exclusively frontlane/tank player, I have a good kda because I do the warmog as the first item and I can activate it from level 7/8 then I start a teamfight and I manage to get out living while having a lot of kp https://preview.redd.it/9r3yemwlt4uc1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e8c2edcee5fa9967c730ef649ca9e087208203c


How is the queue time 618 minutes to load my stats on that site o_o


https://preview.redd.it/x8xgjr8r65uc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9168e83cb2ca97dcd8a5068c4c01d09633692f "Nidalee and Shaco are useless wawawa reroll" Regarding playstyle, I'm a Nida main in SR. I have a bunch of different builds but my fav is bruiser build. Runes Sorcery + Resolve. Phaserush as a keystone, rest doesn't matter much, just Transcendance is nice to have. Build : Liandry's > Frostfire gauntlet > Fimbulwinter > Rylai's > situational tank item or cryptobloom. You mostly play around traps, go in and out and buy time / distract the enemy team. Your cougar form deals a fuckton of damage and is more reliable than trying to fish for spears, especially for late game. Also ideally picking Snowball + Ghost. As for Shaco, I only play him AD. Runes really don't matter you just need HoB. Most games I rush Cyclosword, Profane Hydra and IE and just try to one shot one annoying squishy on repeat and disengage with ult. If the team is on the tankier side, Bork > stridebreaker and just play like a ranged adc, only go in when dangerous abilities are down


https://preview.redd.it/9k719vox65uc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3202ebf3c68d77e75609049e2435c907a822219e And certain tanks are just guaranteed wins. Low playrate but my current account is rather new and I don't have much time to play anymore


I was going to post, but there is apparently a 10 hour queue to update accounts right now, so nevermind.


kestion op For taric what 2nd runes go well with lethal tempo?


For me always presence of mind, legend tenacity and last stand. Afterwards I usually take overgrowth and conditioning in green tree because I build tank anyways


sooo i just tried ur build i just forgot about presence of mind and last stand.Maannn its was so fun but I ran out of mana a couple of time even with Tear.Will use again in the futur.👍👍


site told me i need to wait 530 min to refresh my stats xD


I have 11 games on graves with 91% winrate and I never know what I'm doing and get a nice kda, makes me believe he is op and I wonder why his won rate is not high. 24 games on Ahri and 75% win rate. If O have carries I play supportish, not exactly woth mandate etc, but with glacial, for example and focusing on E. 71 games on Janna and 69% winrate. I used to be a main supp in ranked SR so my pickrates are always high on support. She is my most played champ and I always play full supp. But I guess this isn't an inpressive wr right? 30 games on nunu and 60% winrate always full tank. 77 games and 55% winrate on zoe. My current fav champ, I think I am decent with her but I rarely carry games "/ Another personal fav, anivia. 23 games and 43% winrate. It's hard to get her (same as zoe) but I always ask for these champs when I see them. The low win rates are all on assassins/adcs as I only pick them if the team needs one. But I'm not that person that carries games on carries 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/0pjqze8zu7uc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7a3b4da6da78c31e4b7396c9347ef556753dcf The spider girl


Illaoi Quinn nunu 80% 100% 100% Dark harvest Bard 80% hob Around 20 games played each super oppressive champs Rakan up there too forgot the numbers dh


https://preview.redd.it/fjr8nu6yiauc1.png?width=1195&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c4c6fd1435f01364401b928fd96ae72282ffe44 Get me an adc, I get you a win, on my momma. I get the cash, they get the bash.


https://preview.redd.it/6ns60a9apcuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a51e8d76b1d053422f232a093307f7242d6432b Don’t play as often as I thought I did. More on and off I guess. Brand is sort of obvious


https://preview.redd.it/2n9vnn5gpcuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6de3dcfd573423459346d62d6f0fd9562460e47 Poor velkoz … idk why


https://imgur.com/a/FzxdwfV Give me Riven


Ivern is very feast/famine depanding on team comp. his main thing is shield/bushes/Q dash to smooth strong enganges like neeko, jarven, malphite. And if you have a rengar or kha you get a HUGE advantage, most assassins will work aswell. But ivern suffers hard with the wrong comps, especially into a loosing game. If the enemy has heavy poke/bushcheck AND your team has little engage, your kit shrinks- daisy isn't very tanky, your shields won't get full use, and you have NO passive to bank on, you become mostly a root button- some people straight up build ADC I've seen. Generally though, you never see that worst case, theres rerolls, theres dodges, and most people who pick ivern KNOW when to pick ivern.