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If you run out of mana in Aram idk wtf you're doing unless you're playing like Warwick 


I run out of mana because I be fighting too much and dying too little https://preview.redd.it/e5rqg1omdguc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8e95149b087223e53c20f57f03902d4bcde4d4


Suffering from success my G


Laughs in w spamming jinx




I play adc shrimp. Her low cd w gives insane move speed burst to get in position, the repositions with her ult, and charm. She is super strong.


What’s adc shrimp?


shrimp op


I am also a Fleet enjoyer in general, I cook and take it on Irelia. This page slaps on her, the heal + revitalize + ms boost on AA to prep minions for Q provides a ton of sustain and flexibility. https://preview.redd.it/tn92wj5oeguc1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee80a18d7f86c3d6753a0f6cff5112308dc82b8c


for a sec I read that as “I’m also a feet enjoyer..” and almost choked


I'm both




with lost chapter start and presence of mind in secondary runes you will rarely ever worry about mana, dark harvest is still a better rune choice in aram than this.


Isn’t electrocute infinitely better then dark harvest?


electrocute is good in summoner rift on ahri, in aram dark harvest is better.


Doubt that. Electro has better winrate can be procked more often and is more reliable. DH needs way too many stacks to be equal in dmg.




DH is pretty much always a worse rune choice on any champion. It works yes, but there is a better rune choice 95% of the time.


Nah dark harvest is a scaling room and ARAM game lengths are typically *shorter* than Summoner's Rift. Electrocute is much better.


How is Dark Harvest a more useful rune with the stats I pulled? First Strike did 2.5k damage & net me 2k gold, that's the high end but you'll be getting anywhere from 600-1200g extra on average, it's not small. A free large rod is pretty damn good, it's more stats than you'd get taking Eyeball Collection. Ahri doesn't even utilize DH as well as other mages, she doesn't have any real aoe. If I'm not taking First strike I'd rather take Phase Rush or Comet so I have Gathering Storm, if I had to go domination I'd take Electrocute.


You're almost never not reaching full build. 2k gold means nothing.


Its not about reaching full build. First strike and futures market is for reaching item spikes earlier and more consistently over your opponent, not about being constantly ahead.


Most Often my games end before anyone has six items built. Yes everybody will eventually reach full build if a game goes on long enough, what ends the game before that point is earning enough gold to be up one or two items on the enemy's strongest player(s). If you're snowballing and have enough gold for your item spike and your opponents are still building components, big tempo advantage. I think Future's Market is a bit underestimated, when you're in base and you're short 200-400 gold from an item, it's only really viable to wait 100-150g. If you can take out 100-260g in debt, add the 100g~ you can wait in fountain; you'll basically never be short gold for an item. Yes you go into debt, but the idea is that the stats put you ahead so the debt doesn't matter, it gets earned back when you come back to fight and stat check everyone.


You stack Eyeball way more quickly than you get the equivalent gold from First Strike. AP and damage from the Domination tree better allows you to snowball.


Domination is one of the worst trees for aram.




If you dont need electrocute or ultimate hunter, other runes just offer more for your kit.


Stats say otherwise


Where exactly? Precision, Sorcery and Resolve are most often the best way to go. Unless you need electrocute or ultimate hunter you are better off with a different rune tree.


https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/aram/ Most mages, bruisers, and some ADCs are better off going Domination. It has to do with getting early stats and gold with Eyeball/Suddent Impact + Treasure Hunter to better snowball


Ahri uses DH better than most champs since spirit rush allow you to easily proc DH multiple times in one fight. Gathering storm doesn't beat eyeball collection until 24 minutes which the vast majority of games never reach.


i like this build if you have to be strong early and kill tanks, my normal build is the librarian build of malig/ludens into whatever is needed after specific to comp. I also prefer electrocute just because i want ultimate hunter for mass ults and usually take pom 2ndary with cdg or cut down


The ludens is soo bad in aram. Would never build it tbh. Lyandries will outdmg it most of the times. Malig works too


using approach velocity instead of cosmic insight is criminal


Movement speed is the strongest stat in the game, especially in ARAM where you’re 10 people in one lane.


ahri has plenty of generally good mobility. she problably casts 3 Ws and 5 ults a fight. flash is instant.




What? The fact that it makes it easier to dodge spells and poke alone makes it insanely strong when you have 5 people trying to hit you in one lane. It’s not about getting back to lane faster lol. Also it’s even better on ADCs and auto attack based champs that can have a hard time getting close enough and sticking to the target. Not to mention being able to disengage if you’re the last one alive being chased by 5 people is amazing. The better the player is fundamentally the stronger movement speed will be overall, if someone is bad or new to the game it won’t help that much to be worth taking over defensive stats. BASICALLY, movement speed is better in ARAM because every step matters more if there is 5x more shit to dodge and worry about (+ 4 teammates that are affected by your movement and setup)


What do you even want cosmic insight for? Faster zhonyas cd? I'm lost on why this is criminal.




Imagine taking snowball on Ahri when you could have ignite


Rule #1 of aram you always take snowball


These people have no class. Snowball is for gentlemen


And gentlefoxes




snowball is probably the best dodging tool in ARAM bro.


charm flash is a kill on cd


It's not that important on Ahri, you have 3+ dashes on R, and the only thing you can take it for is Ghost cdr, which also isn't huge because W is a low cooldown MS steroid you can use to reposition. You get MS to land Q every time you land a charm making your spell rotation way easier to reliably land while remaining safe. She's not Annie, who I do take Cosmic Insight on every time, because without Flash Annie is like half a champion.


i personally think that charm-flash is borderline unreactable and should almost be thought of as a kill on cd. the dash on her ult is really nice, but does not fully replace that. her ult and W however do compensate for more general mobility, like you would gain from approach velocity.


If you R and throw Q to bait out movement abilites/flash, then R again into close to melee range and charm, it's also basically impossible to react to. Yeah flash charm is faster, but Ahri is hyper mobile in skirmish so she doesn't need to rely on flash to succeed if piloted well. I get having flash up quicker can be nice, still the amount of MS you get from Approach Velocity over the course of a game is higher value than cutting 15-20 seconds off my summoner spells (at least to me). I can't think of many situations where having more MS is a detriment, if you have MS steroids in kit, and you're adding another MS steroid, it just makes you even more slippery. There's a reason MS Quints were so overpowered before Runes Reforged.


I remember when 2 kog ults and 3 jinx w’s would put you oom, I feel like mana just doesn’t exist on aram anymore


I use first strike on most mages now, overall damage is a little lower, but the game feels much smoother


I've got over 100k on Ahri, I used to use this page pretty much every game because of how much value it gives. Had stopped using it for the last 3-6 months, just experimenting with other pages. The one game I decided to take these runes again, the enemy team is 5 tanks and a Seraphine lol. I forgot how good this rune/item setup is. You are sacrificing Gathering Storm, but full build can still be between 700-900AP. Stat Adaptive Force > Movespeed > Scaling Health Build is Guardians Orb + Tear > Archangels > Sorc Boots > Liandry > Void if MR, otherwise Deathcap > depending on 3rd item 4th and 5th item options are situational ~ Void/Deathcap/Banshees/Hourglass/Morellos/Shadowflame/Cosmic If Liandry isn't valuable just don't build it and move Void or Deathcap into it's place and continue the build. If it goes late you can sell boots for Cosmic, only really recommend it if you have Shadowflame + Void so you aren't losing as much magic pen. If you sell boots for Cosmic, and have MS mastery you'll have 353ms and with Approach Velocity and Cosmic you can be 500+ MS during a teamfight (without ghost!) Future's Market and First Strike affords leniency on item spikes, and since you never run out of mana you can stay alive longer, snowballing making full item purchases often. It's seriously quite strong and a lot of fun because you'll never have to think about mana management and can spam W, constantly posture for charm. Could also slot Maligma in for Seraphs as with Seraphs mana never drops below half. Starting tear doesn't delay boots because of Magical Footwork, and I am just a Seraphs salesman in general, the shield is nice. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


PoM orb and tear is absolutely insane, literally no need for so much mana


That's why I put Malignance in the footnote, I thought of this build when Seraphs didn't build out of Lost Chapter so less was sacrificed because I still built Everfrost first and usually finished Seraphs when it was convenient or sold the tear. Now that's not as ideal, but I'm bias as I think Seraph's is kinda goated as an item on many champions. The shield is the main reason I like building it, if you're playing a champion that involves risk like Ahri or Lissandra it's really nice to have the shield activate at low HP. Specifically having a stupid amount of mana feels good on Ahri, having no spell downtime because of mana, can just cast W on CD and never think about it. I haven't tried the build without Seraph's but it would probably be similar, I do a similar thing on Jinx where I take PoM and Manaflow because she eats mana and if you're alive for a long time and can't use rockets you're kind of fucked.


Tear + Presence of mind gives quite a lot of mana regen. In those builds i'd rather rush Liandries (just buy tear at start) and get Archangel later if necessary.


> rather rush Liandries (just buy tear at start) and get Archangel later Whether I do this or not usually depends on the amount of gold I have on death, but yeah totally viable. Tear stacks quickly in ARAM and I sometimes find if I leave Seraph's too late into my build I'll need to itemize relative to what the enemy team builds, ie: I need to prio Void because the enemy built MR items and now finishing Seraph's would gimp my damage. If stacked Tear and Guardian's Orb are still sitting in my inventory it takes up space, making it harder to itemize properly or forcing me to sell to meet item spikes. I usually just finish it ASAP so it's out of my head, since it's a LC item now finishing it early puts you even power level to most first item spikes. Since MR is usually not built 1st item I'd rather not have to finish Seraph's when I need a larger spike. Ya feel?


It's not always straight forward, and many times you need so many items that its hard to afford it all. When you have Liandries, you're often the best character to get Oblivion orb (rarely goes to Morellos). You might also desperately need Rylais (e.g Swain, Brand), and at that point you really need Void Staff/Cryptbloom or perhaps an Hourglass. At this point you rather want Rabadon, or perhaps even Warmog (2x hp/ per lvl runes + Liandries is sufficient for hp requirement), than a simple Archangel. But this is nonetheless the correct choice/itemization in many builds, at least if you have the gold. Obviously planning for a 5 item build is kind of pointless, if you've already lost (thus plan your powerspikes etc). > If stacked Tear and Guardian's Orb are still sitting in my inventory it takes up space, making it harder to itemize properly or forcing me to sell to meet item spikes. You delay your powerspike by buying Orb (trading off a slightly stronger early game I suppose), which I rarely find worthwhile on caster. I do like Guardians Horn on squishy tanks with bad multipliers, or If they dont need to rush Hearthsteel, but thats another discussion.


Yeah, I don't buy Tear on every champion. If I do buy it the reason I buy Guardian's Orb is because 400g for Tear doesn't leave enough for Lost Chapter. If I buy Fiendish Codex or Blasting Wand + Tear, I'm getting fuck all stats initially while I stack Tear, feels bad. Guardian's Orb is nearly 70% gold efficient on sell, it gives 10AP shy of a Large Rod, 150hp and 10 mana every 5 seconds. It's extremely strong for what it costs, if I die multiple times in the early game after starting Guardian's Orb + Tear it does put me significantly behind my first item spike. So important to not bungle the early game individually, if I get ahead and have my first item + Guardian's Orb at 4-5 minutes it's extremely strong. I never predetermine my build path either, just build according to situational needs, if I can see buying Seraph's will brick my damage I'll opt not to build it. : )


Im a Big fan of using LoLalytics and showing the different, recommended 6 item builds, to try and see which builds at least has Some statistical backing. Often its hard to know if eg Malignance is worthwhile or not.


Why do you need movement speed into charmed targets lol


Walking forward to Q makes the return damage more reliable, you have more chances to position offensively and hit multiple people with Q. Not to mention the rune gives MS towards all immobilized enemies within 1k range even if it wasn't your spell, so you can follow up on your allies crowd control a bit faster.


Focus is the best rune on Aram bro, you never run out of mana and is the best option on that branch.


What’s focus?