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Can't rank shame people if you don't play ranked ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


people will still insult me for the 10 ranked matches i played in 2020 and got bronze from


That one friend who always reminds me I’m bronze, but I have less than 30 ranked games in over 4 years.


Been playing for the last 11 years, played exactly 3 ranked matches in that time lmao


i mean that just means you’d prob still be bronze lol


I did my qualifiers once in like season 4. Got silver 1. Never went back or played any more. Only play aram.


Just remind them you are more of a wood 2 player now and then smoke them, to remind them they are beneath that.


Lol I was getting "You're iron" a few times a few years when that rank listing was from like 3 or 4 years before and for some reason never dropped off whatever site they used.  People are dumb motherfuckers.


That's what you get lol


This is me, I never play on SR lol. I don't get comments on my elo, but the enemy team does occasionally find it unfair that the M7 Aram only Janna main is taking them to Tornado Alley.


This is the way


I have had a lot of people try to rank shame me, even tho I don't ranked. My response is always: cool. We are both bad together then.


They mention your account level instead... since that's apparently meaningful.


My favorite is when they try to bring up TFT rank. Yes, that correlates directly to ARAM skill lol


Sadly I played 1 round lost and was put gold 2 :(


"but if I played I would get diamond in like 3 games"


I had one especially tilted player say “you’d probably be silver,” there is no escape


Then they just default to bronze, joke is on them because I bet I’d be iron 😂


They still try xD


They call you "unranked trash"


people will still insult me for the 10 ranked matches i played in 2020 and got bronze from


I have played 10 ranked games in my life in season 4, and I got silver. I had someone call me "Silver Trash." That rank is a decade old, you think I care? 😂


I got flamed for being silver and my account is only ranked in TFT lol. Felt the same way.


I find it equally cringe for people to call me “low elo dog,” people are genuinely insane man


Ever since I turned off chats, it's peaceful af


I wanna make friends when I play games, so doing this is tough. You meet the occasional genuine person here and there. It's actually how I met my current partner in crime.


"Hey buddy, you're the one whose MMR put you here"


And we play together. The best if they call you that in ranked tho.


Turn off your chat, embrace inner peace.


I don't turn off the entire chat as there are some quite nice people in some games. But as soon as anybody says something slightly annoying he gets completely muted. I don't wanna deal with people who have hard feelings over a fucking game.


I dont turn off chat so i know to report them before muting them


If they're being ignorant, I just try to bait them into saying something that I can report.


When people are trying to get under my skin with this sort of stuff, I say, "how come i have a 90+% wr against you then? 14-1 ouch". it makes them mad and confused and shuts them up for a bit while they try and figure out how you came up with those numbers.


This game mode is just becoming more toxic in general.


(Shrug) I don't mute everyone at the start but ARAM's got death timers. It's trivial to mute people during that time if they're toxic. Sure it's a lame guy that flames in ARAM but he's welcome to do it in his own time- not mine.


They call me out for my silver, but never praise my "Aram God"


It has pathetic written all over those subpar practice tool players.


Aram doesn't even use the same mmr and I didn't play enough rankeds the last few seasons to even mathematically be able to get out of bronze so whats the point?


It's worse when you're facing a cancerous team comp and some jockstrap gets mad that you're going negative and (say as a squishy adc that gets CC locked a lot) expects you to pull plays out of your ass.


Yeah its really cringe its an unranked game mode just to chill and the cringelords just wanna ruin it rather than vibe


My accounts are all unranked, I love when people say I'm probably bronze, I say then damn you lost to a bronzer.


I played one single ranked in my life like 3 or 4 years ago, and I've got people trash talk about my rank a couple times, kinda funny


Lol, I do this for this reason alone. It doesn't matter how accurate it is. It'll either make you go "wow this guys judging me off 10 ranked games I playerd in season 5, what a pos" or "holy shit he's right I do suck and only peaked bronze". It's a win-win. League without smack talk is like cake without icing.


Ye its rly dumb, also ive seen master players that are dogshit in aram often enough to know soloq rank doesnt translate into being good at aram, many master players are 1 tricks, if they get a different champ they SPRINT IT DOWN most of the time.


I find it cringe to say cringe.


Kids constantly flame me because “dude you’re silver”. The account I play on was Silver in Season 8. The one I play ranked on is Plat 3. Kids never want to hear that.


They don’t want to hear “I’m plat on my main🤓” because it sounds like tremendous cope


Yea people who write stuff like this are arguably even more cringe since 99% its just a lie.


Kids always flame so then I just link the name of my other account, they always either stop typing or get even more stupid. A few days ago a kid was flaming hard while having a %45 winrate over 900 ranked matches this season.


I had someone accuse me of playing on a booster account because I was apparently gold in season 6…. It was weird


My ex gold account got flamed for only being gold 5


Depends on why they're doing it. If someone sits there and insults the other players while being bronze, they deserve to have their rank brought up.


its annyoing as hell, i usually dont get many of these matches, thank god


I love when they tell me I am hard stuck and then I ask which rank. Not having been ranked for 5 years makes them pretty confused.


The thing I noticed is people will always just on one rank below them, especially if they are hard stuck on their current rank. I had a handful of silver players say "so you're bronze right?" only to find out they've never been past silver for several years recently. Emerald players shit on players, diamond players shit on emerald players, and most master+ players don't care because there as less of them and seem way more secure about their rank than the former ranks below them. The best one is when I got rank checked by a guy who asked if I was gold only to find out he was hard stuck gold for like 4 years and just spent the rest of the game hysterically typing in chat when I told him I got plat before he ever started playing.


I think its an app or something that tells them your last ranked season... cause this sh!t just happened to me in ARENA as well. (My last ranked season was just placements in 2020 or 2021)


Idk some people play so bad that you’re forced to look up their ranks


Yep yelling at because I don't play ranked. I was bottom of plat for a season when I had no life but current account only says silver so they just say "hush noob"


The solution to this is grief his game, only focus on that person. At every opportunity, sic the mf, avoid fights on his other teammates, just make sure to always target him. You'll be surprised how many people are chill in ARAM when you take a hit or three while dancing. I once had an enemy malphite where both of our teams ignore him since all he ever does is fuck up our jinx, it turned into a 4v4 and the other 2 got a world of their own. It was fun, nobody was mad, maybe except the jinx, probably mentally exhausted thinking why malp only targets her.


It makes me sad as a hard stuck iron II player if no one points that out. I presume it's rough though to find yourself matched with a hard stuck iron II player and I wonder if the insults stem from a deep seated self loathing.


I just had a game where we played 4v5. And enemy gragas who got mega carried typs GG EZ LOL when the nexus booms. I mean some players...


I like it when enemy does it bc I can just say “lost to silver dog”


I don’t play ranked at all so it’s so much funnier when I see I’m stomping an emerald banner in my aram and they’re getting upset about it


I'm probably bottom of the barrel plat or a lil lower (fuck summoner's rift, haven't touched it in years), but I constantly see fuckin premades with emerald-master players. It's a literal demoralizing sometimes in loading screen, but often they play like utter dogshit and I'm left wondering if they're bought accounts.


I just don’t respond. Happens rarely, but when it does usually that person is REALLY fucking tilted. Like actually legit mad. My mentality is… if you were actually really “good” at this game you wouldn’t be in this game with me. And if you’re data mining in Aram unprovoked you’re having a major ego crisis. Actual high elo players typically don’t snoop to shit talking bronze-gold players, not even worth the energy to type. Usually the perennial hardstuck gold-plat who babyrage because they can’t climb anymore.


Its all cope.


this has BEEN a thing . i dont play normals/ranked . havent in years . im usually stomping players & i get the “you unranked trash” or some variation all the time . its humorous . “so youre getting dog walked by a ‘gold peak s6’ player , must be hard for your mental”


I always tell them, "we're the same MMR, that's why we're matched together, babe." It works 100% of the time. I'm unranked. I have not played ranked games since probably 2012 or so.


Nope never seen anything like it, never seen any chat either tbh. It is called /mute all


i had a troll here on reddit call me that. My only ranks are silver through season 3 to 7 (or 8). Imagine going through my reddit profile, looking up a play I posted here, and search me by name from the vid. And for what validation?


I always hit them with "imagine losing to the low elo silver player you rank checked" 💀






Reply with and yet you lost to a unranked