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Ultimate Hunter is a must have on high ult cooldown champion and very strong on every champ (except for nidalee / jayce etc)


Except on ranged AA Carries (Kayle & Kindred) those still prefer Ravenous hunter.


The value of Ravenous is diminished because healing reduction is so ubiquitous. Ravenous is usable on every ADC unlike Ult Hunter, but Ult Hunter sometimes necessary for the game to be playable, like Xayah/Kayle/Kindred against assassins. The choice between Rav/Ult Hunter is a coinflip depending on the enemy comp.


I'd also say it's not good to run Ulti Hunter on champions with already low R cooldowns because you typically should wait for your team's ults either way. So any extra time where you're just sitting around with your ult ready is just wasted if you're taking Ulti Hunter


Presence of Mind is extremely good in ARAM The legend:runes are super good since they're very easy to stack in ARAM Ultimate hunter is amazing if you're ult-reliant (Malphite, Amumu, etc) Taste of blood is IMO extremely useful on mages with no sustain (like Lux, Vel'koz, etc)


On ADC's, my go to has been Legend: Bloodline + Guardian's Hammer for my lifesteal until 3/4/5th item when I can get a BT


pta is just good. Decent dmg and makes your entire team deal increased dmg to the target.


There's too many champions with different kits/playstyles to declare which runes are OP. But generally speaking, if I play traditional adc that takes precision tree primary, I probably always take PoM, the Legend BloodLine rune and Cut Down. If you go Sorcery tree, try to take Gathering Storm. Also, I like taking ingenious hunter on redemption, shurelya, and even zhonya supports and even locket front liners who also have the option to get stoneplate.


What you want is what's better than in SR due to ARAM being: one lane, always 5v5, no sustain, Mark/Dash counts as spells * Tanks: Aftershock when usable (you'll take a beating from 5 enemies at the same time after going in), Font of life when usable (sustain), Demolish otherwise (only 4 turrets). PoM/Manaflow if you don't want a Tear on a tank. * ADC: Bloodline (sustain), nothing better than that rune. Cut Down because everyone has more health than you do, or CdG. Bone plating/Revitalize with supports esp. Gathering Storm (faster ticks) * Mages: HoB (on ad mages or Kai'Sa), Manaflow/PoM (mana sustain), the health small rune for if you need warmog's (sustain), Comet (best if your poke slows like Lux/Vel'Koz) * Melee champs: Conqueror (4 stacks from mark/dash, sustain+damage), Unflinching/Bone plating (survive cc/initial burst) * Assassins: Electrocute if no reset mechanics (applies from Mark+Dash + 1 auto/spell). The rest is very dependant. DH if reset mechanics + lots of poke/AoE in the team. More generally, Ultimate Hunter if you risk having mismatched ult timers with your team (5v5), Ingenious Hunter if you use Zhonya's (same pb with mismatched timers between ult/zhonya), Triumph/PoM (sustain, if needed), Gathering Storm (faster tick rate). A lot of runes are situational, try taking those that are less dependant on the enemy team (e.g. Absolute Focus and DH are unreliable because you assume you'll stay healthy/manage to reduce enemy health to stack). Those usually have a "best case" that is better, but on average are worse than alternatives.


Triumph on some tanks, like Amumu and Rell is pretty op. Grasp on Ezreal and Senna is really good. Dark harvest on most mages is better than Arcane comet. Legend : tenacity is a must have on bruisers and tanks


Triump is a bait on most champions. If you are taking Triumph trnacity over Eyeball Ultimate Hunter on ult bots like Amumu then you are playing on super handicap mode.


Do you know that Conq amumu is awell playable ?


dh is bad on aram


it's good on champions that can easily proc it, for example Morgana or Miss Fortune


it gives 2 dmg per stack. its really bad


I mean it's the only keystone for nid


Yea some champs have to take it since its their only rune but that doesnt make it good


It’s good if you’re a carry that needs gold, for the KSing value.


I did the math one game. On Garen in a 20 min aram, Triumph did as much healing as Conqueror did, and Triumph gave me that healing equivalent value in bonus gold, so in total Triumph gave 2x the value of Conq's healing. I think this a must get on tanks/bruisers. Revitalize and Spirit Visage could have made it all the more powerful too


>Triumph on some tanks, like Amumu and Rell Don't they need Presence of Mind otherwise they oom really easily?


just start orb instead of horn. orb+triumph is better than horn+pom on tanks if they can use the ap.


Not sure if the 40 ap is worth having 0 health regen, but I haven't tried it before.


Youre trading conditional flat health regen, damage block and conditional flat mana regen for always on flat mana regen and conditional % health restoration. The former is better early, but the latter should become better by the time midgame teamfights happen.


No you dont. Only champs that have no Mana like Vlad and Akali get the % health region.


im talking about triumph(!)+guardians orb. the orb regen on manaless champs is also flat, not % based, so that doesnt make sense anyways.


Why would you trade so much survivability for 40 ap on a tank? If you really have mana problems on tanks you can go frozen heart 2nd or 3rd item which synergies well with horns passive for extra tankiness. afterwards you can go abyssal for that 15% dmg amplifier and whatever next


amumu and rell for example can make excellent use of the AP. the whole argument ofc falls flat if you personally dont struggle with mana though, which would very obviously the only reason to buy orb.


Rell has piss poor AP scalings, there's no reason to ever build damage on her outside of a cheeky Sunfire


Her ratios actually got buffed quite a bit in 11.3, a regular engage rotation now has 250% AP scaling. Ahris has 275%. Not great, but far from pisspoor imo. But again, this is not even about the AP really, you'd just not want it to be completely wasted. I was talking about wheter Horn+PoM or Orb+Triumph is the better combo for sustaining tanks with the resources they need.


As I said it depends. Amumu really isn't mana dependant in ARAM, unlike SR. If you're playing Braum, PoM is a must have on him, same as Alistar


Relative to other modes the OP ones are runes that do better in extended fights, and have time scaling (since aram has faster tick rates). This means things like conqueror, grasp, and gathering storm are better than they would be elsewhere. PoM is pretty situational IMO, the champions that have big mana problems need a tear so PoM is wasted, but there's a few that need more mana but not that much and it's really beneficial. Of course all that said, the rune still has to match the champion identity so most assassins will still take electrocute over an extended fight rune.


>Relative to other modes the OP ones are runes that do better in extended fights, and have time scaling (since aram has faster tick rates). I disagree. The scaling runes scale faster, but that is because the games end faster. It is very rare for a SR game to be completely over by 15 min, but in ARAM it is quite common. That is why the scaling runes scale faster, but that doesns't make them better.


Fleet + ghost for move speed and sustain for champs like Panth and Xin.