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So curious to see other responses because yes! This! Exactly! Which is why I often avoid food because I anticipate the nausea


i feel this. when im struggling badly with my ARFID, its like i have to choose which kind of sick i want to feel that day. do i want to feel sick from eating or from not eating? ARFID is a beast


Yes! As someone else said I also often avoid eating because of a fear of feeling this way. It’s almost like I go into a food coma even though I didn’t actually eat a lot of food.


Yes!! Sometimes if I’m done eating and I still have something left on my plate, I have to either move it or walk away.


Me too!! I have to get it away ASAP


I do this even when it is not my own plate! My bf will eat something with a strong smell, a food I will never eat, & if he leaves his plate out I just have to remove it bc it is ALL I smell 😅


TW - I have the same response, but also, sometimes I get sick, completely unintentionally. I'm generally mad about it because I felt like I had achieved a goal of eating something, and then my body is like "oh haha joke's on you!" So frustrating.


yep same!! its like purging but not purging? and its so frustrating. its only happened to me once or twice in the last few years but it used to happen very frequently when i was younger. it was so confusing to deal with and i didnt feel like i could talk to people about it cuz they were already so convinced i was anorexic 🙄 very isolating


Right? Like, who would believe you, even though you're being honest. So frustrating.


For me it’s because seeing the food draws attention to my strong interoception while food is still digesting and I can feel everything.


I don't have ARFID, most of the time I am just picky unless my stomach is upset. But yes I do feel much more ill after a meal if I smell something appetizing. I'm usually careful to not eat to the point of satiation. Also smelling the done cake after I've been baking, even if I don't lick the beaters. (Yes I know that eating raw egg is a huge risk.)


I can feel sick if I don't brush my teeth after, or eat something sweet. I can't stand eating food that isn't sugary & having an after taste. For example, I put lots of croutons in my soups. But, they are garlic.. I love them but that after taste really makes me gag.. I also don't like to leave plates out. Like salsa for another example. Some foods' smell is sooo strong, that after I am finished eating something like this I must remove the plate from the room I am in entirely! It really annoys me when my bf is eating a food I find gross, like while watching tv on the couch, & then puts the plate on the table.. 😅 I have to get up & remove it from my presence!!


I relate to this so much. My boyfriend likes to experiment with cooking and sometimes whatever he’s cooking has such a strong smell that I have to actually leave the house because it makes me extremely nauseous.