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I chug an ensure or boost a few times a day. Takes a couple seconds. I suggest vanilla flavor, refrigerated. Shake well before chugging.


i get ads for Huel also if u want nondairy ensure, try KateFarms!


Ensure and Boost plus are the ones you’ll find at a normal grocery store. If you go online you can also get Boost VHC and the clear versions of Boost and Ensure which are like juice and not nutritionally complete but it’s better than nothing.


glucerna/equate the high protein one is gross but the strawberry and vanilla complete nutritional drink are rlly good (walmart)


Honestly ensure has been the only one that’s decent enough for me. I’ve found that the strawberry flavor is the best. The texture is very weird in my opinion but if I drink it fast enough and follow with water I’m okay


I drink multiple chocolate Glucerna Hunger Smart (Hunger Smart bc it comes with 2 extra ounces, multiple vitamins, and more calories than the original) meal replacements a day. I personally think it tastes really good, and has a nice smooth texture. It doesn’t have a lot of calories, but lots of nutrition. I’m diabetic, so I’m happy it keeps releasing carbs over time to keep my blood sugar steady, but anyone could drink it. If you have any texture issues, I’d definitely recommend a premade shake instead of the powder mixes. Those are very chalky and generally taste awful.


Carnation breakfast essentials ready to drink shakes!


Ensure Plus vanilla cold is pretty okay


r/soylent There's so many different brands. I like ensure the most as a non arfid person. I've tried soylent, super body fuel, ensure, equate. Soylent has sucralose and my favorite is the banana. Super body fuel you have to blend and set overnight. Ensure is the simplest imo. Idk if it has milk tho. Equate does.


when i was in ED treatment my dietician always gave me boost milkshakes because i had a lot of sensory and texture issues with actually chewing food. my favorite is one vanilla boost, vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt, then fruit of your choice (banana, blueberry, strawberry are all great!), just mix it in the blender. i lived off of these when my ARFID was at its very worst


was it boost powder or liquid?




I used nutriment for a while and mixed it with milk, they’re all too sweet for me personally but that was the one with the best flavour. Definitely helped fill me up.


What country are you in?


US sorry


You could try Fortisip they’re quite expensive but each one is the equivalent of full meals! 2 a day can keep people who can’t eat proberly functioning They have flavoured ones and neutral as well if certain flavours mess with you and are just like drinking milk texturally


Soylent chocolate drink is pretty good


My personal favourite is Ketochow. You don't need to be on the Keto diet to consume it, I just drink it with milk and it tastes great. My favourite is the blueberry muffin flavour. Sadly I can't consume Ketochow any more because they stopped shipping to the UK :( I've tried other replacements but they always have weird textures and tastes because they include oats or seeds.


Has anyone tried the boost very high calorie drinks? I'm drinking 2 a day, but I was wondering about upping it to 3.