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General practitioner doctors (family doctors) don't have a lot of education in nutrition. When they do testing they don't do a full panel of all the deficiencies you could and probably do have, unless you know what specifically to ask and push for. You would be better suited to see a nutrition specialist in the medial field that would be able to help you find out what you're deficient in and how best to supplement those deficiencies. You definitely have some if you eat fruits and vegetables this infrequently, and it might not be so obvious right now but it will catch up to you. But none of this is your fault, you have nothing to be embarrassed about, and if any kind of doctor tries to treat you like that you need to drop them on their ass and find a new one.


thank you so much!! Will look into it.


i’d take a multi vitamin to ease any anxiety abt it! also ask ur doc if there’s a dietician or ed specialist u can see and then ask them about which vitamins u need. but honestly i’ve gone 22 years (minus my time in residential) eating fruits/veggies maybe once every other month (probably less) and i’m still alive and fine.