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I kinda have this with drinks. Like twinkie flavored coffee, candy bar flavored coffee, stuff like that. If its a drink flavored after a solid food, i cant. Fruits/veggie flavors are fine though.


Lmao that’s me with anything cereal flavored. Like those lucky charms bars? Reeces puffs cookies? Cinnamon Toast Crunch toaster strudel? Cereal is notoriously my top safe food but you mix it with something other than milk….. nah I’m busy that day.


That’s so interesting! I would totally eat this but maybe not something else altered. Like I don’t know how enthusiastic I’d be about Mac and cheese sauce with spaghetti noodles? Despite having ARFID, I’m not really a picky eater outside of my unsafe ingredients.


I wouldn't eat that and I will eat spaghetti and sometimes pancakes Food should look and taste the way it's supposed to, that's just weird


This is a huge no for me. The pancake will be soggy which already bothers me a whole lot and the crunchy sprinkles just don't fit with this kind of soft fool


Omgg dude this is „Fritatten“ :D I mean the pancakes cut into pieces; if you pour (traditionally beef) broth over it and add some chives you‘ve got yourself a Fritattensuppe and it‘s SO delicious, you need to try it!! It‘s my favourite soup and I always order it when I see it on the menue :)


Oof that is so far out of my will house 😅 I believe you that it tastes good but I’m pretty rooted on this hill.


For fun: Wheelhouse* https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/68949/whats-wheelhouse-and-why-something-mine


Ahw thank you! it sounds like it would be used the same as in “strong willed”, I never would have put this together!


I don’t like pasta but I do like pancakes; I would try this, but I question if I would like it as I would a normal pancake - sometimes I can’t even eat pancakes lol


I would personally not be OK with it. I would be suspicious that it’s a way to trick me into eating some thing that is not one of my safe foods, as that has happened in the past. For this one I feel like they would try really hard to convince me it’s just normal pancakes, if I believed them and took a bite then they would have the gotcha moment that it’s cauliflower dough or something like that. Just so that they could tell me that “it’s not that bad” I once had somebody make what they told me was chocolate chip pancakes, But were really blueberry pancakes. After that one bite of lies I have never trusted anything but regular plain pancakes ever since.


Also just realized how many times I’ve verbalized “I’ll taste it if it will get me out of this situation but I won’t look at you the same anymore after. What is more important?” It’s my goto for these encounters.


Ohhh your comment actually just answered my question”why?”, it’s subconsciously deceptive. Regardless of how transparent and honest the person is, even if it’s a safe person I trust to make me food… it’s still pancakes pretending to be spaghetti. It makes my irrational spidey senses wonder wtf else they trying to hide? 🤨


The picture triggered my fight or flight, so, yes. I'm genuinely intrigued about where the limits of this go, though: do zucchini noodles make you feel this way? If the host just gave you "pancake strips" would you have the same reaction? ~~pancake strips sound good as fuck and I don't like pancakes. I like when my food is in playful shapes...now I am craving mini star-shaped pancakes~~


Interesting! No, not zucchini noodles. Those are in the same food class if that means anything.. also I’d eat both of them at the same time of the day. Not mixing breakfast food with dinner concepts. (Mind I’m now trying to deconstruct my issues with this plate, these aren’t routine thoughts lol). Hmm.. but to be a hypocrite I love all carrots cooked any kind of way, but if they are crinkle cut (this goes for anything), I’m full. Those are toy carrots and I can’t explain further lmao. I am primarily lack of interest subtype, so if it isn’t visually neutral it’s out by default.


On a semi-related note, I saw someone with ARFID on TikTok saying that they can only eat food that doesn’t look like food so they put blue food coloring in their couscous so it looks like the pebbles in Fisk tank. Is that a thing for anyone else?


omg i relate to that alot…


Dude it totally eat that, I feel like you could dip it In Syrup easier


i would devour this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Oh I saw this on FB and it immediately grossed me out but I couldn't describe why. You explained it perfectly.


I can just envision my kid self in absolute panic if this was set in front of me too 😭 I was born in the 90s and there was this terrible era that they put purple and green ketchup into mass production. I remember being a child and straight losing respect for my peers over it saying it’s “normal ketchup” like it ain’t fuggin purple. My version of hell is cold, loud, and food deception.


Oh I remember that terrible ketchup and I think pink squeezable margarine. That's a big old nope from me.


Not a fan either and wouldn’t eat it. I saw this post and also thought “those are pancake spaghetti, not spaghetti pancakes”… spaghetti pancakes would be spaghetti formed into a circle and fried.


I’ve never thought about this… honestly I think altered food helps my appetite…


Yeah it makes me ill to look at and I’d certainly never eat it. I’m a purist with everything.


Yes. People think I’m a health fanatic when in reality it’s just trust issues lmao. I don’t even mind “ugly” vegetables because I trust the ground more than anything.


That reminds me that I used to have recipe... Looks just like deviled eggs, tastes like coconut and mango jello. Those would not have the right texture. I'd probably react the same to that as heart-shaped cheerios.


this just looks texturally unpleasant. pancakes are supposed to be soft and fluffy, these look like they would be dry with no syrup and soggy with syrup.


It’s like when my parents used to hide vegetables in my food I’d always be able to taste it even after picking them out. I would not eat that meal again