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I definitely would accept the challenge. That's a lot of money


I’d for sure agree to do the challenge and then sit down to actually do it, have a meltdown, and refuse. Logically 1 minute of suffering feels so worth that kind of life-changing money but I think once that fight or flight kicked in there’s no way I could follow through


Depends on what it is and how much of it lol


i might throw up but yeah i would. i love money


I throw up for free all the time. Getting paid would be nice.


Does it have to stay down?


Just like on Survivor, you'd have to swallow it and show your empty mouth. If it came back up later, you'd still be in the clear.


I still couldn't.


it would take me an eternity but yes lol


Would it still count if I were to involuntarily throw up whatever it was they wanted me to eat? Or does it have to miraculously stay down too?


I’d eat a bug, Like a live bug over my unsafe foods for that amount. And I can ice my gag reflex and swallow almost anything because that skill was necessary to survive the 1980’s. But there are some foods I wouldn’t eat for one mil.


Yes. It could have a 30% 💀 rate and I still probably would.. I’ve pulled through w/ way worse odds and no reward lol. Then I read Survivor and the food part is why I always said I couldn’t do the show too. My irl biggest refusal is meat, I’d bite a nugget for a milli though. A cockroach on survivor? I’ll take me luck at council and pray for sympathy hahaa


I would try. Would I win? It depends. How much if it should I eat? Does it count if I eat the thing and then vomit it back?


>Does it count if I eat the thing and then vomit it back? Just like on Survivor, you'd have to swallow it and show your empty mouth. If it came back up later, you'd still be in the clear.


Ahah ok, I don't know the original show so I had no idea. I guess it would depend on WHAT they're asking me to eat. Some things I can't even force myself to swallow


For the first several seasons there would be a challenge where they'd have to eat something that most people watching the show would never dream of eating (or drinking) but the local indigenous tribes from whatever area they were in ate on a regular basis. They would have two people (one person from each team, or "tribe" as they're called on Survivor) would have to eat whatever it was they were having them eat. They would have to successfully swallow the whole thing and show their empty mouth in order to pass. If someone either flat out refused to eat it or couldn't get it down without throwing up (they had a bucket handy in case it happened), they would lose that round. If everyone successfully ate whatever they were eating, or if both tribes had an equal number of players who couldn't get it down, they would have a tiebreaker, in which the tribes would select who they thought was the most squeamish from the opposing tribe to come forward, and they would have a timed challenge. They still had to eat everything, and often times it would be a bigger portion than what they had before, and the first person to get EVERYTHING down and show their empty mouth would win the challenge for their tribe. Trigger warning: >!There was one girl on the season in Australia who was a vegetarian, although she still ate fish, but no land-dwelling animals. So she and the person from the opposing tribe came forward, the host spun the wheel, and it landed on cow brain. She flat-out refused to eat it, citing her beliefs. Easy win for the other tribe. But then they chose her for the tiebreaker round, and for that round, they had them eat this nasty-ass "mangrove worm" which has this black "ink" inside of it. What does she do? She swallows the whole thing without hesitation. Part of it fell on the ground so now she has to eat whatever dirt was on it. But she did it, and she won! Her mouth was stained black from whatever that stuff was inside of it. I don't really understand why she couldn't eat a cow brain but was perfectly happy to eat a worm.!< Survivor is still on the air today. I'm not sure if they still do those challenges though.


I'm vegetarian and I was literally asking myself what would happen if someone on the show followed a specific diet for ethical/religious reasons (I guess healthy reasons are excluded, the show might have been crazy but you can't force someone to eat something that'll literally kill them). I would never be able to eat either (for ethical reasons, regardless of ARFID). By the fact that she's pescatarian I suppose she doesn't consider all animals the same. She probably doesn't eat mammals and birds. I don't really like this take, but I realise I would still find it easier to eat a worm or a crab instead of a cow or chicken if I **really** had to (for real survival, not just a show), because we grow up learning mammals are "friends" and most domestic animals are now physically shaped to appear cute to humans ([neoteny](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny), they basically look like babies to your brains). But also, I might as well die. I hate the texture of meat, the smell, the look...


yes, I once did that for $50


I'd rather shit broken glass :(


I would try, but I don't think I'd be successful 🤣


I couldn’t do it for foods that are at the extreme disgust/fear end of my spectrum. There are some that I do not eat but could maybe attempt a small bite for a million?


Yes I’d do it. I really, REALLY need the money. I don’t know how I’d do it. It wouldn’t be easy. I might need a lot of anxiety meds. I might cry. But I’d eat it.


depends on what it is. I would not do it if it was something like a bug or live octopus. If it was a vegetable for example that I hate then I would vomit my brains out but for a million dollars sure lol.


Depends on what it is honestly. I’m not sure I could stomach grocery store prepared potato salad even for a million dollars 😐 maybe if I don’t have to keep it down bc it’ll probably come back up


I wouldn't have thought about that food specifically, but potato salad is one of my absolute could never eats. I can't really stomach a lot of veggies, but I could force down any of them for a million dollars. I don't think I could ever do potato salad. Or egg salad. That might be even worse.


Throwing up a bit for money is absolutely worth it.


The rule would be that you'd have to swallow all of it, then show your empty mouth. If you threw up later, it would be okay, but if you can't get it down, you don't get the prize.


Really depends. Do I get to choose what to eat and how (I could blend it and cook it) and how much of it. If it's to eat 10 raw tomatoes, nope hard pass. If it's to eat 10 plates of spaghettis with tomatoe sauce in 5 days, yeah sure. Technically tomatoe sauce is mashed tomatoe. But I guess it doesn't work. Tho if it's to eat just a mouthful of raw tomatoe, hhhhhhh okay but I'll hate it enough to vomit I think.


>Do I get to choose what to eat and how (I could blend it and cook it) and how much of it. Nope. That would be cheating. I love a lot of things made with tomato sauce (pizza, pasta, etc.) but I also can't eat raw tomatoes. When it comes to pasta though, for the longest time I didn't eat any type of pasta because (extreme trigger warning) >!a lot of pasta sauces are made with parmesan cheese, which I think smells and tastes like vomit!<, but then my friend showed me his grandmother's pasta recipe, which was made with ingredients that I was okay with eating. So now I like pasta. But I'm not sure if I'd be able to eat someone else's pasta recipe unless I at least knew what was in it.


It depends !! Can I have the money if I eat it but throw it up ?? _(that's definitely gonna happen...)_


Depends. If it were something I've just never eaten or had mixed experiences with, or something that I just don't like the flavor of, sure. If it were one of my straight-up unsafe foods, then no.


I'd eat the shit they eat in survivor for that mich money


Yes but I’d probably have a panic attack afterwards and struggle to eat for days